Blank Bottens In Startup Menu

May 8, 2008

Factory preinstalled vista home basic 32 bit I have 2 programms in startup that dont need to be there makes computer start slow Real Player and Adobe Acrobat, like to remove them but the bottens are blanked out Uninstall program does not remove the exec or what ever that is not long ago I have restored my computer to Factory Settings ($)would some body like to tell me how to unblank does bottens ? so I can remove them from starup.

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Shutdown/startup: Then Monitor Goes Blank And System Reboots

Aug 14, 2008

When I boot up my PC it goes all the way to the loading screen (the progress bar) and then monitor goes blank and system reboots. I choose to start in safe mode (from the selection), it starts all good. Then I restart the PC and it boots well without any problems. However, next time I shut down, I have to go through the whole process again. Sometimes I see "dumping physical memory" with a blue screen, sometimes I don't. I THINK it has something to do with my video drivers, but I updated to the latest catalyst drivers and still same thing.

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Startup Menu It's Called MSSMSGS

Jun 24, 2008

I think I've got this virus on my laptop. In the startup menu it's called MSSMSGS. I've searched it up on the internet but I couldn't find anything to confirm my suspicions on whether it's a virus or not.

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Search Folder Disappeared From Right Pane Startup Menu

Apr 4, 2008

The Search item has disappeared from the right pane of my Startup Menu. I have no idea how I lost it, but it was there when I first got my computer (Vaio, running Vista Home Premium). I now have to go to Help & Support to get access to it. I use the Advanced Search facility, so I can't just open up any folder. Does anyone know how to pin it back onto the Start Menu? I've even tried going to Open Taskbar & Start Menu properties and selecting Use Default Settings on the Start tab - no luck!

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"Blank Pin" On Start Menu. Getting Rid Of It?

Dec 12, 2008

I just installed 2GB of DDR3 RAM on my laptop and it is of the same kind (DDR3 1066) as what my laptop uses. The problem is that after checking task manager, only 1GB is used. It seems only 1 stick is being used because I checked system information and it says that the total physical ram installed is 3GB while the total ram is 1GB. I checked and saw that my computer can recoginze RAMs of different densities. BIOS detects all 3GBs. I tried leaving only the 2GB stick in use but my laptop still says 1GB in task manager and 2GB in system information and BIOS Any idea on what the problem is?

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Formatting Blank CD Stays Blank

Mar 23, 2008

im unable to burn music from my laptop, i have vista basic and until now ive had no problems. I insert a blank cd and it auto loads, then it asks to format before continueing, i click yes, it formats then right at the end it says unable to finish formatting and opens the cd. I then try to burn onto it and the cd stays blank.

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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ITunes: Blank CD Is Not Blank

Mar 23, 2008

I've been trying to burn an audio CD on my computer (i've only had this computer for a few months and this is the first time I've tried burning any kind of disc), and when I put the CD in and hit burn it says that my cd is not blank, I tried a handful of blank cds and it spit them all back out at me saying it's not blank. Just to make sure, I opened my computer and looked at the disc there and it WAS blank, so I don't know what to do.

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Mar 27, 2010

This is my second monitor,that has done this,i have just had it replaced under warranty,its better but the problem is still there,when i use a HDMI to DVI cable the screen keeps going blank,and when i use VGA cable the screen stays on but is fuzzy.

I have a quad boot system with xp,vista32 and vista 64,all with different drivers for my 2 gtx260's,one of them has no display driver and it is still fuzzy.

I've tried two monitors,3 cables,many graphix drivers,and swapping my gtx260's around but no go.

The only thing i can think of is maybe interferance,but i've owned this system for two years and this is a fairly new problem.

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Blank DVD Not Detected

Sep 7, 2009

Blank DVD's are no longer detected by my system but blank CD's are ok.

DVD's that are already written are ok and will load ok.

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Wants To Format All My Non Blank Cds

Jan 2, 2009

I need help. When I insert any non blank homemade cd Vista can't read it and wants to format it. Happens with Autoplay or when I use Windows explorer. Does not matter what is on the cd: music, pictures, data files, etc. The cds work fine in any other pc. If I insert a store bought or commercial made cd, no problems. Only have a problem with homemade ones. The drive is a Mat****a DVD-RAM UJ-850s.

I've done the following:
1. Uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it.
2. Added "NoCDBurning" to the registry (possible fix found on other forums)

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How Do I Burn Blank DVD?

May 20, 2008

I would like to start doing video, on my computer, and I know nothing about it.Right now, what I am trying is to copy an old (8mm film - no sound) home movie that is on a DVD -- to my hard drive -- then burn it onto a blank DVD so that I can have a 2nd copy. I am asking for step by step help as to how to do this. What I've tried on my own hasn't worked. I have a vista laptop about 6 months old, 2GB ram, Duo core.

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First Impressions SP1, Blank Tab

Mar 23, 2008

Prior to SP1, the RAM usage was always at about 90-95% and the CPU usage seemed to be quite a lot. After SP1, RAM usage seems to be down to about 70% and the CPU usage is a lot less. Before SP1, IE used to take a while to load a new blank tab, and to exit with a number of tabs open. After SP1, new blank tabs load almost instantaneously, and exiting seems to be very much more snappy. Office applications also seem to load much more quickly. The C: drive prior to SP1 had 19.1 GB free out of 37 - after SP1 it now has 22.1 GB free.

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Getting Blank Emails

Mar 23, 2008

i have always got mail fine and just a couple days ago I started getting email with the body of the letter being blank. So i sent myself emails from another email account i setup and sure enough the title of the email shows up, but the body of the letter is always blank.

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Blank Screen

Jul 7, 2008

I can connect my laptop to my computer and get sound and video with absolutely no problem. Where I run into my issue: When it's connected, the TV turn into the monitor and my laptop goes blank. (I believe I selected this option not knowing what the outcome would be when my windows vista laptop was connected to the TV for the very first time). I absolutely dislike that I have to work all my functions through my TV and would like my laptop monitor to display a screen at the same time. Is that possible to undo what I caused?

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Screen Goes Blank

Mar 23, 2008

I read somewhere that if you go to the Power Options, advanced options, processor power management, and change the value of the minimum processor state to 100%."

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Blank Emails Sent

Apr 18, 2009

I have been getting blank mails sent to me with no sender info and email is empty no virus ect...Its just strange and i would like it to stop.

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Can't Find About Blank

Apr 9, 2008

When I attempt to sign in to Communities I get the following message: Cannot find 'about:blank'. Make sure the path or internet address is correct. Eventually I cancel this message and then find I am connected.

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Blank Screen After Upgrade To 4GB RAM

Sep 18, 2009

I had 2.5GB of RAM in HP laptop. OS - vista home premium service pack2.

The system works fine.

I upgraded to 4GB RAM(2*2GB). when upgraded to 4GB in bios able to see as ~3.33GB of RAM. I am able to see microsoft progress bar also, but after that the screen is blank and able to hear windows logon sound but no display. The screen is black.

When installed only the new 2GB of RAM the system work fine. So no problem with the new 2GB also. But with 4GB the screen is blank. I have nvidia GeForce 7400 graphics card. Is there any configuration need to be done in vista before installing 4GB of RAM?

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Why Does Always Want To Format A Blank CD Or DVD Disk?

Jul 4, 2008

Vista Home Premium. I have no third-party CD/DVD recording software on the machine. Every time I go to burn files to a CDR, CDRW, DVD R or DVDRW using the Windows burning function it wants to format the disk. If I cancel the format, then the burn is not proceeded with. XP does not do this. How do I stop this infuriating behaviour?

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Change Computer Name To Blank

Jan 30, 2010

i was wondering is it possible to change your computer to name to *Blank* because I tried it and it's just not possible. I like it to set it to blank because I like it blank,

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IE7 New Tabs Open Blank

Feb 12, 2009

Minor issue, but annoying Vista Home Premium, IE7. When I open a new tab I get the Blank Tab page. I have checked the Internet Tools item for Open Home Page instead of a Blank page, but no joy. How can I get a new tab to open to my home page.

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Email: Sent A Blank Page

Dec 8, 2009

When I click on the "email" option in Windows Photo Gallery I'm given the "size" option, I click on "attach" and then I'm sent to a blank page whose tab reads, http://compose...cldefstat=Def1. I am not directed to an email address box.

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Starting Up: Monitor Goes Blank

Mar 1, 2008

i got a new graphic card installed in my computer, but when i hooked everything back up and started it up, it didnt really "start", bcuz the monitor goes blank on me then i restart it again and i get the same results.

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Device Manager Blank

Mar 23, 2008

I installed a PCI card for a firewire cable and also installed the software disk containing the drivers. It would not recognize the new device and now, my Device Manager is blank, sound is not working, etc.

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Unable To Telnet, Goes Blank

Jun 25, 2008

I am trying to telnet on port 995, and the result of this statement is that the screen (command prompt window) goes blank and then again show the original command prompt (before executing telnet command). I am able to perform trace route successfully i.e. at hop 12 I get the desired result as follows :

12 612 ms 648 ms 716 ms []

Also the firewalls are shut down.

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PDF ICON Is Blank On Desktop

May 28, 2008

Since i got a toshiba laptop, vista, all my pdf files i scan and save to my desktop are actual small pictures of the scanned document. If i right click/properties/ adobe acrobat document showing to open with adobe acrobat 8.1. it is updated to 8.1.2. They do open in adobe reader just fine. All other desktop icons working fine. how do i get adobe icon to show instead of scanned document? With my previous HP Vista laptop, didn't have this problem?

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DVD RW Not Reading Blank DVD Disks

Oct 7, 2009

I have a Toshiba A100 laptop with vista home premium installed on it. I am trying to burn DVD disks on my laptop, and when i insert a disk it says i don't have a disk in the drive and i should input one. I tried several DVD disks, including a rewritable one. I looked at a similar Toshiba laptop, and it does write DVD disks.

I don't know how long i've had this prob since, i use this option very rarely. Is there a way to fix the DVD drive without replacing it? and keeping reinstalling windows as last option ? (I'm not sure reinstalling will help). The drive does read DVD disks that have something on them. The drive does burn CD type disks

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Blank Screen At Login

Jan 18, 2010

I accidently turned my Dell laptop off while it was performing windows updates. When I restarted the laptop it goes to the login screen and then goes blank (i cant enter the username/password).

I have tried the following:
1. Starting in safe mode (same issue)
2. Using the boot dvd and trying the different options in there (Repair, Restore to safe point, Memory check).
3. Using the boot dvd I have tried several different restore points, including the original store point.
4. I have looked through every forum and every post I can find and cannot find any suggested resolutions.

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