Re-detect Primary HDD Doen't Appear In Windows Explorer

May 5, 2009

My system was working perfectly, but I disconnected and removed my HDDs to clean them and then re-installed them. I have an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe motherboard. The last time I installed Windows Vista on my system it went to my new SATA HDD installed through the SATA1_RAID socket on the motherboard and not to my primary IDE harddrive. After I re-installed all my HDDs, the system boots correctly, but my primary harddrive doen't appear in Windows Explorer, nor in the Computer Manager's Disk Management window. The primary harddrive does, however; show up in the BIOS, just not in Windows. I would like to access this HDD and my data stored on it. Why did I loose the connection to it and what's the solution? I reconnected the same harddrives as I had connected before.

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Windows Mail Encoding Auto Detect

Jun 30, 2009

I have been develop a PHP program to send an email with UTP-8... I manage to display the subject in chinese word... but the content failed to display Chinese characters... until I change the encoding manually in the menu.

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UAC Doen't Allow Without Admin Password

Sep 21, 2009

I have two highschool daughters with laptops they use at school running Vista Home Premium. I have them running on user accounts and I don't want them to have the admin password because if they know what it is they will simply start typing it in all the time, which defeats the whole purpose of running as a user account. There are only two things they need to do that Vista Home Premium UAC doesn't seem to allow without the admin password - connect thumbdrives and connect printers. They need to do both of these things at school.

Is there any way to disable the admin account security only on these two tasks? Also I can easily upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate. If Vista Home Premium can't do it, would upgrading to W7 Ultimate enable me to potentially resolve this security problem? Thumbdrives are the new CD/DVD so it seems really shortsighted not to have a CD/DVD-style security model for them.

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CD/DVD Drive Doen't Work

Jul 12, 2009

The CD/DVD drive used to work, but now doesn't. I don't know of anything changed since them. No drive is recognized and I can't open the drive once Vista takes over. I can open it while it's booting. I searched the forums and found something about deleting the upper and lower filters in the registry and followed that. My registry had three "Control Sets", ControlSet001, ControlSet003, and CurrentControlSet. I was able to delete the upper filters in sets 1 and 3, but there was no upper filter in CurrentControlSet. None had lower filters.

That slightly changed the problem. Previously the CD activity LED stayed off, but now it's always on. However, the drive still doesn't open, and nothing is recognized. I went to the device manager and I didn't see any optical drive. And one other interesting thing - When the laptop wakes up from screensaver, the CD/DVD drive starts spinning and won't stop. Still can't open the drive, and it's still not recognized.

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Second Monitor Setting Doen't Work

Mar 30, 2009

Vista 32 & Nvidia Is there anyway to set "Horizontal Span" across two monitors? Burnout Paradise has the option to run 1,2 or 3 monitors but requires the Horizontal Span feature. The Extending the desktop to a second monitor setting does not work. Basically I need something that will allow me to set a 3300x1050 desktop resolution across both monitors. I've tried creating a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel but that didn't work. For those that will suggest Ultramon there isn't a Horizontal span feature that I could find anyways. Browsing Google for an hour or so just came up with others looking for an answer as well. Just thought I'd come to where the smart people are and ask.

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User Doen't Check Email Updates

Jul 29, 2009

Would be VERY useful if under the "show" drop down window, include "My threads" so user doesn't have to check email for updates. Yes, I could do a search for for my posts, but that requires additional steps for something that may result in no changes or if I just wanted to check quickly. If there are instructions someplace on how to do this, then another suggestion would be to put the Q&A in the FAQs. Its so hard to find info on many MS & related sites, that you have to prepare yourself that you won't find the answer on the first try and expect it to be a time sink, therefore unless its stopping you from completing an important task, some may not want to takes the time and keep getting frustrated until they are ready to take the time.

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Rumbling On Speakers Volume Doen't Change

Aug 22, 2009

I occasionally get a rumbling on my speakers the volume of which doesn't change if I slide the volume control up or down. It disappears as myseriously as it came. What could it me?

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Cannot Connect To Primary DNS Server.

Apr 12, 2010

My Linksys WRT54G has been giving me problems for the past 6 months and after some research, I see it happens alot on the Vista OS. I contacted ATT but they told me since it wasn't their router they would have to charge me $30 for 20 minutes. I can connect to the network, but it is "Local only" not "Local and Internet." The connection is excellent and it says I'm connected, but the internet still does not work. The wired connection works fine which is how I'm able to connect right now. This is my ipconfig when I'm trying to connect with wireless.

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Cannot Create New Primary Partition

May 23, 2009

I just tried to create a new primary partition using Disk Management. I get the error "You cannot create a new volume in this unallocated space because the disk already contains the maximum number of partitions." Ultimate goal is to create two more bootable partitions on my hard disk, one for Windows 7 and the other for Ubuntu. My C drive contains Windows Vista, my D drive has program files, and my E drive contains data. According to what I found online, you can have up to four primary partitions on a disk.

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Create 4 Primary Partitions?

Mar 26, 2010

I can't create 4 primary partitions on my hd, why? I can only create 3 primary partitons and an extended one.

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Second Monitor Set As Primary Not Mirrored

Nov 28, 2008

No matter how flashy and improved windows gets, it always contains the same amount of Microsoft stupidity that I know will never disappear from the windows platform. I have an HP laptop with the standard built in Intel graphics card. I always connect my laptop to one of my LCD monitors or lately my plasma TV. Its great. but these two problems really kill my mood:

1- when I connect them it often times forgets what my previous settings were (Second monitor set as primary, not mirrored) so i have to always go into settings and change that. For weeks it might remember those settings then out of the blue it reverses them so that the laptop monitor is actually hte primary while the TV is the secondary, or isnt checked as "Attached". What is this? In 2008 Microsoft still can't get something like this right. On one of the monitors it forgets the resolution i set it to so I have to keep resetting it.

2- When I unplug the external monitor from the laptop sometimes, like right now, the task bar becomes invisible (except for the start menu button) so the only way for me to figure out where the icons in the tray are is by mouseovering them. totally retarded. I have to restart to fix this. What pisses me off the most is concern #1. it should remember what the settings are without contantly reversing them or worse, me having to go into settings and actually tell it that there i another monitor connected. Anybody have this problem? Are there any fixes? I have already downloaded the latest driver for this built in graphics card.

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Rebooting System Registry Cleaners Doen't Work

Jul 9, 2009

I used a program (Flashget) to download a wmv tutorial onto my desktop. When files like these are downloading they have two icons, the actual file icon and a white 'in process' file which disappears when the actual file has finished. For some reason in this case the white icon remained (believe the file download failed to activate) I have tried many things and nothing deletes it. The file has no bytes and Windows tells me "This is no longer located in C:UsersMeDesktop. Verify the item’s location and try again."

I have tried refreshing the desktop, rebooting, using various system registry cleaners, used Move on Boot, MalwareBytes, R Wipe and Clean, Wise Disk Cleaner, Unlocker etc etc. I have also tried renaming the file (not found), renaming another file with the same name and popping it onto the desktop (this doesn't work because its called "filename.wmv." and the period/full stop at the end keeps getting corrected when I try to change another file to the same name). Actually I have now managed to rename an icon with the same name and Vista allows both of them to exist at the same time. I've therefafter retried deleting and renaming the troublesome file all these options have failed.

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Formatting Partition In Primary Or Local

Jul 29, 2009

i wan't to install another OS in my newly created partition in my Vista. but im not sure which to select in formatting: primary or local? i prevously selected local. can i still change that if i reformat it again? im all set and that's the only thing i wanna know to have a flawless installation.

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SATA Connector Primary Drive

Jun 6, 2008

My new PC (with Vista Home Premium 32-bit) has SATA connectors on the motherboard. Two were already in use (hard drive and DVD drive) and two were open. I added a second hard drive, and plugged the cable into the SATA connector beside the primary drive. When I put a second hard drive in a PC with IDE/ATA connectors, I always keep them on separate cables/connectors for maximum transfer speed between the two hard drives. My question is does it make any difference with SATA which connector you use?

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Active Crash Dump Primary Partition

Jun 7, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium, tried Kubuntu. I removed Kubuntu but can't seem to reclaim the partion it was on. I go to Vista Disk Management and find 4 partitions on Disk 0: Recovery (D 4.12 GB Fat 32 Healthy Primary Partition This is the Recovery partition from Gateway.(C 183.14 GB NTFS Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active Crash Dump, Primary Parition) 185.34 GB Free Space no further info on this space I want to reclaim the 185.34 g back into the C partition. the only option I get on the Free Space drive is to delete drive or "new simple Volume". C: drive i get only the shrink option.

Deleting the drive won't help and I'm not sure what Simple volume does. The C: Drive has the option to Shrink but thats not going to work either! I tried repairing the problem using the Vista Setup disk but that didn't help either. I still have the Kubuntu disk not sure if there is anything there that would be helpful? I'm thinking i'll need something like Partition Magic, is there a free version of this type of software? I don't plan on doing anything with partitions after this so there is no sense in buy a product.

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2nd Non-OS Disk Contained Two Primary Partitions Fully

Nov 19, 2009

Originally the 2nd non-OS disk contained two primary partitions fully allocated to drives D and drive G. I shrunk both and the unallocated space is separated by the second former partition (drive G). How can i get the two unallocated spaces into one area to format and create a new partition

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Windows Explorer Startup: Open Windows Explorer In Either XP Or Vista It Opens The "My Document"

Jun 8, 2009

When I open windows explorer in either XP or Vista it opens the "My Document" folder as the default. However I only want "My Computer" to be expanded and everything else left unexpanded.

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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How To Detect For SP1

Mar 26, 2008

Sorry, I did a search and got so much info. How do I tell if SP1 was installed on a Vista machine?

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How To Detect For SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I did a search and got so much info. How do I tell if SP1 was installed on a Vista machine?

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Doesn't Detect Any CD Drive

Feb 6, 2010

have looked through other helpful posts on here regarding the Autorun problems, having looked into that i checked all registry entries etc that were fine, however, i dont have the NoDriveTypeAutoRun where it should be all i have is


This doesnt seem to tie in with the write ups i have looked at and cant find the NoDriveTypeAutoRun. Also, there is no action when i insert the cdrom or dvd etc into the pc, have looked to find the manual start procedure but cant see anything in there, what drive should i be looking in?

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X64 Does Not Detect XFX GeForce 9500 GPU

Sep 15, 2009

GPU: XFX GeForce 9500

Gateway LX-6200

Computer Specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium x64

AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core

8GB Ram

Serial ATA 500GB HD

ATI Radeon HD 3200

500W PSU

(any other info needed, just request)

P.S. Not sure of the MoBo build. It was the original MoBo that came with the computer.

I originally did what I normally do when installing any graphics card; I uninstalled the on-board graphics card drivers and disabled it, then attempted to install the drivers for the new card. While running the installation, an error appeared telling me that it didn't detect any Nvidia compatible hardware in my setup. So I checked my device manager and sure enough, there was only the onboard card showing up in the list. So I tried restarting the computer to see if a reboot would cause it to appear. Nothing happened, so I ran CCleaner and Driver Sweeper to clear any registry and drivers issues that could be occuring. I rebooted, and still nothing appeared. So I went into the BIOS and tried to change some settings in there. I disabled the on-board through the options there, but that only caused the BIOS to give me issues and I couldn't even reach the splash screen, so I reset it and then tried changing the load settings from IGFX-GFXO-GPP-PCI to GFXO-GPP-IGFX-PCI, saved and then rebooted. I got past the splash screen on the new video card but the computer locked up before it would load the OS. So I know that both the card and the PCI-E slot on the MoBo are working fine. But I have run out of ideas as to what to try next to get this to work.

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Not Detect The Graphics Card

Jun 6, 2009

Now i've installed Vista Home Premium 32-bit onto the system, but it will not detect the graphics card at all. Although i have got a display (Motherboard does not have on-board). I've tried using the driver disk supplied with the card, but it always tells me to go to the XFXForce website, so i do and download their drivers and install but CCC does not appear to get installed. I've tried the card in another Vista 32-bit System and it gets found and drivers install nicely and the card works fine. Is there anything wrong that i'm doing??

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Unable To Detect DVD Device

Jul 29, 2009

I recently purchased a Dell with Vista 64 bit. I have been watching DVD's the past few days on it without any problems. I was able to watch one this morning but when a put another one in I received the following message: *Unable to detect DVD or DVD device on this computer*. This computer has yet to be hooked up online, so nothing new has been added or updated on it. I rebooted, as well as un/reinstalled the driver in Device Manager

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Computer Cannot Detect SATA HDD ...

Mar 23, 2008

Using Vista, when i try to install it, it cant detect the hard drive. I proceed to scan for it and inserted my motherboard drive and it still cant find it. I go into bios and i find that SATA 1-4 shows no hard drive but it is clearly connected :/ The IDE Optical Drive works fine though.

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Detect The Networking Connection

Jan 19, 2010

We have recently installed another computer in the house. I can detect it in 'Network'. If I click on the this new computer icon and login, what features and facilities will be available to me when working on the original computer.

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No Display, Won't Detect The 8600GT

Sep 23, 2008

My computer was running fine this morning but when I turned it off for an hour and back on there was no display. I have a PCI-e Geforce 8600GT but when I plug the monitor into the onboard graphics it works fine. I have checked the bios and the primary device is set to PCI-e but my computer won't detect the 8600GT at all now.

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Does Not Detect Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2009

I recently purchased a computer on e-bay. I did not know it was a server. I has a aid configuration. I bought Vista Basic. When I try to load it it says it does not detect any hard drives. Is there a way around this? Can Vista basic be loaded on this system?

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Installing Over XP Could Not Detect The Drivers

Oct 17, 2009

I was wondering if this was possible with the XP drivers as when i tried to install windows 7 it couldnt detect the drivers at all. I reinstalled XP since and used online software to find the drivers (realteck and VIA/S3) as the company that made the pc (Iqon) have gone into liquidation and the drivers are no longer available from their site.

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Vista Does Not Detect Close 500 Gb

Jun 24, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium. I had been running 2 Western Digital 500GB drives in RAID 0 mode. The external enclosure was a Fantom enclosure. The controller was going bad, so I bought a Xtrastor 3.5 x2 HDD enclosure which supports RAID 1. Anyhow, when I hook it up via USB, it only detects an 8GB drive. Once I got it to detect it as a 75GB drive. If I hook it up as an eSATA, Vista does not see it at all......It should detect close to 500GB since the other 500GB is for the RAID I have a PB5 motherboard. I have tried a lot of things via the cables and re-booting and such, no luck.

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