Create 4 Primary Partitions?

Mar 26, 2010

I can't create 4 primary partitions on my hd, why? I can only create 3 primary partitons and an extended one.

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2nd Non-OS Disk Contained Two Primary Partitions Fully

Nov 19, 2009

Originally the 2nd non-OS disk contained two primary partitions fully allocated to drives D and drive G. I shrunk both and the unallocated space is separated by the second former partition (drive G). How can i get the two unallocated spaces into one area to format and create a new partition

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Cannot Create New Primary Partition

May 23, 2009

I just tried to create a new primary partition using Disk Management. I get the error "You cannot create a new volume in this unallocated space because the disk already contains the maximum number of partitions." Ultimate goal is to create two more bootable partitions on my hard disk, one for Windows 7 and the other for Ubuntu. My C drive contains Windows Vista, my D drive has program files, and my E drive contains data. According to what I found online, you can have up to four primary partitions on a disk.

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Cannot Connect To Primary DNS Server.

Apr 12, 2010

My Linksys WRT54G has been giving me problems for the past 6 months and after some research, I see it happens alot on the Vista OS. I contacted ATT but they told me since it wasn't their router they would have to charge me $30 for 20 minutes. I can connect to the network, but it is "Local only" not "Local and Internet." The connection is excellent and it says I'm connected, but the internet still does not work. The wired connection works fine which is how I'm able to connect right now. This is my ipconfig when I'm trying to connect with wireless.

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Second Monitor Set As Primary Not Mirrored

Nov 28, 2008

No matter how flashy and improved windows gets, it always contains the same amount of Microsoft stupidity that I know will never disappear from the windows platform. I have an HP laptop with the standard built in Intel graphics card. I always connect my laptop to one of my LCD monitors or lately my plasma TV. Its great. but these two problems really kill my mood:

1- when I connect them it often times forgets what my previous settings were (Second monitor set as primary, not mirrored) so i have to always go into settings and change that. For weeks it might remember those settings then out of the blue it reverses them so that the laptop monitor is actually hte primary while the TV is the secondary, or isnt checked as "Attached". What is this? In 2008 Microsoft still can't get something like this right. On one of the monitors it forgets the resolution i set it to so I have to keep resetting it.

2- When I unplug the external monitor from the laptop sometimes, like right now, the task bar becomes invisible (except for the start menu button) so the only way for me to figure out where the icons in the tray are is by mouseovering them. totally retarded. I have to restart to fix this. What pisses me off the most is concern #1. it should remember what the settings are without contantly reversing them or worse, me having to go into settings and actually tell it that there i another monitor connected. Anybody have this problem? Are there any fixes? I have already downloaded the latest driver for this built in graphics card.

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Formatting Partition In Primary Or Local

Jul 29, 2009

i wan't to install another OS in my newly created partition in my Vista. but im not sure which to select in formatting: primary or local? i prevously selected local. can i still change that if i reformat it again? im all set and that's the only thing i wanna know to have a flawless installation.

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SATA Connector Primary Drive

Jun 6, 2008

My new PC (with Vista Home Premium 32-bit) has SATA connectors on the motherboard. Two were already in use (hard drive and DVD drive) and two were open. I added a second hard drive, and plugged the cable into the SATA connector beside the primary drive. When I put a second hard drive in a PC with IDE/ATA connectors, I always keep them on separate cables/connectors for maximum transfer speed between the two hard drives. My question is does it make any difference with SATA which connector you use?

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Re-detect Primary HDD Doen't Appear In Windows Explorer

May 5, 2009

My system was working perfectly, but I disconnected and removed my HDDs to clean them and then re-installed them. I have an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe motherboard. The last time I installed Windows Vista on my system it went to my new SATA HDD installed through the SATA1_RAID socket on the motherboard and not to my primary IDE harddrive. After I re-installed all my HDDs, the system boots correctly, but my primary harddrive doen't appear in Windows Explorer, nor in the Computer Manager's Disk Management window. The primary harddrive does, however; show up in the BIOS, just not in Windows. I would like to access this HDD and my data stored on it. Why did I loose the connection to it and what's the solution? I reconnected the same harddrives as I had connected before.

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Active Crash Dump Primary Partition

Jun 7, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium, tried Kubuntu. I removed Kubuntu but can't seem to reclaim the partion it was on. I go to Vista Disk Management and find 4 partitions on Disk 0: Recovery (D 4.12 GB Fat 32 Healthy Primary Partition This is the Recovery partition from Gateway.(C 183.14 GB NTFS Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active Crash Dump, Primary Parition) 185.34 GB Free Space no further info on this space I want to reclaim the 185.34 g back into the C partition. the only option I get on the Free Space drive is to delete drive or "new simple Volume". C: drive i get only the shrink option.

Deleting the drive won't help and I'm not sure what Simple volume does. The C: Drive has the option to Shrink but thats not going to work either! I tried repairing the problem using the Vista Setup disk but that didn't help either. I still have the Kubuntu disk not sure if there is anything there that would be helpful? I'm thinking i'll need something like Partition Magic, is there a free version of this type of software? I don't plan on doing anything with partitions after this so there is no sense in buy a product.

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Create An Account For Another User I Cannot Create One, Either Admin Or Standard

Sep 13, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 32 (system specs: laptop 2.1 Ghz core 2 duo, 4 gb RAM, 500gb hd (about half full) nvidia 8400M GS, Avira Premium Security Suite). I have had the computer for about a year running fine with 1 main admin account. Now when I need to create an account for another user I cannot create one, either admin or standard. When I create it, using either the control panel or command prompt, it creates the user picture, making the account visible on the control panel user accounts screen, and on logon screen. However, when trying to log into the new account I am greeted with the error "User profile service failed on logon. User profile cannot be loaded." The standard fix for this from various forums is to edit the registry key of the account. However, on going to regedit I see that no key even exists for the account. On further investigation I discover that no user files have been created either. I attempted a system restore, but discovered that all my past restore points were gone, and intruigingly, the computer had stopped createing 24 hour checkpoints. I cannot say for definite whether it was this issue or another one that caused system restore to mess up, as I don't check my system restore all that often. Either way, system restore is not an option. There have been mentions of a full Vista reinstall, though if at all possible I would like to avoid this.

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Cannot Create Shortcuts On Desktop Windows Could Not Create The Shortcut

Apr 30, 2010

I am having problems with creating shortcuts on my desktop. when i select send to desktop (create shortcut) it comes up with the error. Windows could create the shortcut. Check to see if the disc is full.I have over 180 GB free space left. To get things to the desktop i can drag it into the tab section next to the start icon, and then drag onto desktop.But when i do this i am always required to give permission and it creates two desktop icons.i have been having problems with my catalyst control centre but i dont think they are related.

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Create Local Account Won't Create One Called Admin

Mar 5, 2009

When I install Vista, it wants to force me to create a local account, and it won't let me create one called Administrator, becuase the name is already used (thus the Administrator account exists). I don't want to create some dummy account just just to log in to join the domain. How do I get past the "Choose a user name and picture" screen and log in as Administrator so I can just install the network drivers and join my domain?

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Why Do I Have Three Partitions?

Sep 10, 2009

My laptop's HDD is separated into three partitions. i know which one is my "main" partition and im guessing one is a recovery partition (it says EISA Configuration, whatever that means). But, the other from appearance is just a an ordinary random partition. both of the smaller ones have no name, what are they for? oh and the "EISA" one is 1.46GB and the other is 7.95GB.


Toshiba Satellite P-350D S8900


Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit

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How Do Delete The Partitions

Jun 13, 2009

I split a 300gb HD into 4 partitions and now I dont need 4 partitions I gust wanted two partitions. How do I delete the partitions I dont want and add the space to the other partitions?

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Hdd Partitions Unaccessable

Dec 27, 2009

i have a 120gb drive but in hard disc drives it shows 3 drives vista c:, data e: and local disc Q: which is unaccessable can i remove these partitions

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Merge All Three Partitions Of HD?

Oct 23, 2009

Having two internal hard drives, and an Esata backup drive, gives me 9 partitions [including Recovery] and none of the drive letters are in sequence of make sense. It is very confusing. I asked this forum once if I should set the drive names but was advised to avoid the possible confusion with programs. I originally wanted to keep vista pure on one drive, and everything else in the easily copied data drive. But most programs give you no installation option, and they get "jammed" into C drive. Using the lastest PartitionMagic, do I dare "copymerge" the data partition into the Vista partition [ignoring dups for the moment] and then delete the data partition and that totally useless recovery partition? And have one large drive? [or three, actually]

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Trying To Start Setup Partitions

May 2, 2009

I am trying to boot from one of my Setup Partitions. i am trying to boot from a partition containing Windows Xp 64-bit Install Files and later a partition with Windows 7 Install Files. i have deleted all the Setup Partitions except the Windows Xp one which is being a Bi*ch and won't allow me to delete it.

1. Created ISO Image Windows Xp and downloaded Windows 7 build 7100

2. In Disk Management Shrink 2 Volumes on main HDD with OS (Vista) 1 being Setup Files Shrink to 700MB and OS shrink too 7GB

3. Opened cmd and input diskpart, list volume, select volume y (Setup Xp), active, exit, then xcopy Etc.

when i rebooted i would get a bootmgr missing error and thus using my Windows Vista disc to repair. i have be doing something wrong here as i am still new to this dual booting stuff.

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Manage Vista Partitions - REALLY ?

Nov 12, 2007

OK, I've been on this quest for two days now, searching all over the internet. I wonder if ANY body has the answer.

The other day my new computer (Dell Inspiron) came with a 320 gig HDD. Yes, it has the annoying EISA configured partition of 55 MB (EDIT 11/15 just caught mistake, edited from GB to MB) but that's not the big issue.

Another partition is Drive C and allocated with 288 GB and has the OS on it. Only 22.9 GB being used.

The last partition with 10 GB is drive D (recovery).

I want to take a BIG piece out of the C partition and create new partitions.

Using EITHER the Disk Managment tool OR diskpart.exe I am ONLY allowed to shrink C by 128 GB. So after using either, C is 159 GB and the new partition is 128 GB. And many reports around the internet say gparted don't work neither.

I want C to be around 30 GB - 50 GB

Sure I could BUY Partition Magic 8.0 for $70, but this is ONE TIME reallocation. That's a little pricey for a one time shot and I do not support Symantec.

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Hard Drive Partitions

May 31, 2009

After many years of faithful service the CD bootable version of Partition Magic 8.0 has become obsolete when it comes to drives that have been touched Vista 64-bit and Windows 7?! I get the Partition Magic "Error 105" and it quits. In fact, Windows 7 will not install correctly on a Primary partition setup by Partition Magic. Anyway, the partitioning and formatting capability in Vista and Windows 7 gets the job done. I have just one question - how do I set up an extended partition or is that a thing of the
past too?

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Merge Two Partitions Back Together?

Sep 6, 2008

so I have a vista partition about 122 gigs more or less and a linux partition which is 30 gigs more or less...I want to merge the linux partition with vista without losing anything on my vista partition. How would I go about doing so? I know I have to format the linux partition thats fine but I do not want to format the vista partition... Or if possible can I give my linux partition 30 more Gigabytes then format it and install another os on it? Again I do not want to format my vista partition.

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Increasing Partitions The EASY Way...

May 30, 2009

It seems today is my day for asking goofy questions

My windows 7 dual boot OS is the one I use to play all my games now, which by the way, I did not know this would be the case, hence, why I only made it about 40 GBs, leaving the Vista partition the bigger of the two.

Well, it has come time to install, yet, another game but I only have about 5 GBs left and the game needs 10GBs to install. Sure, I could uninstall the other 2 games I have already installed but, I am only half way done with them.

Anyways, I have plenty of space on my Vista partition and I would like to know if Acronis Disk Director is as easy to use as I have read. Aside from this, do I need to be worry about loosing any info (images, documents, etc, etc) on my Vista OS once I start the process or should I stop worrying so much.

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Reinstalling : 2 Unknown Partitions

Jun 27, 2008

Posted to: + Follow-up to:

Hello from France. Here is my problem of the day... I just put a new, 160 Go hard disk in my Dell Inspiron laptop. Then, following Dell's instructions as found on a flyer that came with the machine, this is what I did :

1. install Dell's "For Reinstalling Dell Media Direct 3" DVD
2. install Vista
3. finish with "For Reinstalling Dell Media Direct 3"

At stage 2 I choose to have C: at 50 Go, leaving the rest to D: Once Vista was installed, I found that D: had yet to be formatted, which I did. Now, as I take a look at the system, I find that there are in fact 4 volumes: - one is 47 Mo -"Type :" basic -"Statut :" Sound (Configuration EISA) ; this one can't be touched

- second is 2,01 Go - "Type :" basic - "Statut :" Sound (Principal partition) ;
this one can be deleted.......

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Recovery Partitions Keep Or Delete?

Mar 25, 2009

Most new computers are shipping without installation CDs. You can make "recovery CDs" with the manufacturers included wizard. Can you do clean installs with these? What are you doing with your recovery partitions? As you start dual-booting Vista and Windows 7 what is the best thing to do with the recovery partition? Is it worth keeping? My recovery partition is to the left of the Vista can I even use this space without doing a clean install and deleting with the install disk?

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Install Hardrive With No Partitions

Feb 26, 2009

I had recent problems with my computer, so I was forced to do a full re-install of vista. I rebooted my computer, booted up the vista home premium x64 cd, and when I got to the screen where I had to choose a hard drive to install vista on, I ran into a problem. First, I tried to format the drive, wanting a clean restart, and got an error saying vista could not format the partition on disk 0( I have 1 hardrive with no partitions) The drive was cleared though, it updated the screen saying that it had 1000gb/1000gb free. I figured all was well. So I continued and tried to install vista and got an error saying that "Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. The error occured while preparing the partition slected for installation". Setup then immediatly stopped.

I tired forming new partitions, deleting the partitions, but nothing helped. I tried the load drivers option at the hardrive select screen and tried every disc that came with my computer, but it kept saying it cant find the driver. I read on the microsoft website that I might need to provide the correct drivers for the hard disk controller. But I cant find it. I have a hitachi Ultrastar A7K1000 *SATA* hardrive model no HUA721010KLA330. I checked their website and it says they are not offering drivers anymore. I now have a completely empty hardrive and I cant install vista.

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Backup: Large For CD/DVD Or Partitions On HD

Feb 12, 2010

I tried the backup & end up with 52 or 31 GB file to store, which is too large for CD/DVD or partitions on my HD. As an OAP external drive is expensive. Is this backup only for Companies?

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Managing Partitions With Windows

Apr 6, 2008

I recently purchased a computer with Windows Vista and may have incorrectly chose to have my 250 GB hard drive with two partitions (C&D) each 50%. I was offered partition of 50/50%, 60/40% or 40/60%. They actually came through at 111 and 108 GB. At present partition C: has the operating system, all program files and all personal data files. Partition D: is empty. There is also a third recovery partition (E) which is about 10GB. I have searched the post and can't find an answer which pertains directly to this. I was planning to place all my data files in a seperate partition (D to make it easier for backing up data.

1. Is the 50/50% good for what I want to do or should I have chose 60% for the operating system and programs and 40% for data?
2. Since partition D: is empty cnd I change the size of C&D partitions now to 60%/40% leaving partition E: untouched?
3. If yes how do I do it?
4. How do I make my programs save all data, photos, music, video etc go to partition D automatically?

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Partitioning XP Created Partitions.

Aug 3, 2009

I just started running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I had a copy of Windows XP Pro, and I created all my partitions in that, when I upgraded I just formatted my drive C and installed Vista. I was told that I should not partition any drives that have partitions created in XP or earlier systems because it will cause the data to corrupt, due to the way Vista deals with the sectors of the hard drive. Is there any truth to this?

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No User Partitions After System Restore

Mar 4, 2009

I did a system restore last Friday and all went well (I thought) However, when one of my 2 daughters attempted to gain access to her part, she was greeted with a black screen and no program icons. My other daughter attempted to do the same on her account, with the same result. Previous to the system restore, they could both access their partitions easily with everything on display. The laptop has a 250 gig h/d, and they were designated as standard accounts, mine being the admin account. They are particularly keen to retrieve their I-tunes stuff, so any help or advice would be gratefully received. I am trying hard to avoid a reformat.

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Use BitLocker On This Laptop Will It Protect All 4 Partitions

Aug 8, 2008

Can I use Bitlocker on this laptop? Disk layout = Premium- XP Pro- Storage- Ultimate The storage partition is an extended partition. If I can use BitLocker on this laptop will it protect all 4 partitions?

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User Accounts On Disk Partitions

Feb 2, 2010

OS is Vista 64 Home Premium

My problem is this, i have 4 partitions on my hard-drive; on Drive C are all the user accounts which have their own security settings, but when I try to move my Documents folder to drive E (or any of the Drives) using the 'Move' tab on folder properties, although it still shows as a sub-directory of my user name anyone can access it on the other drive (but they can't on Drive C)

If that all makes sense, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Extra Partitions On Disk Management

Jun 17, 2009

i want to put linux on my computer as a stepping stone leading towards my career and want to dual boot vista with linux unfortuneately i got 3 partitions in total. 1 that has EISA Configuration and an unknown 4.73GB (Healthy) partition, that i am unsure of what purpose it has because it has no info on it. I want to get rid of it so i have more space forlinux

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