2nd Non-OS Disk Contained Two Primary Partitions Fully

Nov 19, 2009

Originally the 2nd non-OS disk contained two primary partitions fully allocated to drives D and drive G. I shrunk both and the unallocated space is separated by the second former partition (drive G). How can i get the two unallocated spaces into one area to format and create a new partition

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Create 4 Primary Partitions?

Mar 26, 2010

I can't create 4 primary partitions on my hd, why? I can only create 3 primary partitons and an extended one.

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Re-partition Disk: Disk Is Split Into 2 Partitions, Vista (C:)

Mar 29, 2008

My Disk is split into 2 partitions, Vista (C: ) and Data (E, each is about 70 Gb. I do not use the Data partition. I want to delete it and allow Vista(C to use all 140 Gb. The Help pages suggest that if I delete (or reduce the size of) "Data", the free space becomes unallocated? Can I repartition the disk to allow Vista C: to acces all 140 Gb?

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User Accounts On Disk Partitions

Feb 2, 2010

OS is Vista 64 Home Premium

My problem is this, i have 4 partitions on my hard-drive; on Drive C are all the user accounts which have their own security settings, but when I try to move my Documents folder to drive E (or any of the Drives) using the 'Move' tab on folder properties, although it still shows as a sub-directory of my user name anyone can access it on the other drive (but they can't on Drive C)

If that all makes sense, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Extra Partitions On Disk Management

Jun 17, 2009

i want to put linux on my computer as a stepping stone leading towards my career and want to dual boot vista with linux unfortuneately i got 3 partitions in total. 1 that has EISA Configuration and an unknown 4.73GB (Healthy) partition, that i am unsure of what purpose it has because it has no info on it. I want to get rid of it so i have more space forlinux

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Disk On Diferent Partitions Deleted

Dec 28, 2006

I used vista and xp on the same disk on diferent partitions. then, i deleted the Vista-partition, but i still get vista in the boot selection. how do i remove it?

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Resize Partitions With Vista Disk Management

Jun 28, 2006

In Windows Vista it is now possible to resize partitions without any data loss in the new Disk Management console.

Resizing Partitions with Windows Vista:

Click on the Start Button and right click on Computer and select Manage.

Expand the Storage section and select Disk Management.

Then just right click on any partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition....

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Installed Vista Twice In Separate Disk Partitions On The Same PC?

Mar 26, 2008

Has anybody installed Vista twice in separate disk partitions on the same PC? I've been successfully running multi-boot with 2 XPs and a Vista on 1 PC. There's plenty info about on how to do that. Now I'm going to separate all XP installs onto 1 PC, and all Vista installs onto another PC. Will this make life easier? So I'll be running Vista Home Premium twice on 1 PC. One install will be for production use, and the other for testing.

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File Autounattend.xml Of Vista 64bit Not Partitions The Disk

Feb 6, 2009

Using WAIK, I created the autounattend.xml file by putting it on a DVD of Vista Ultimate SP1 64 bit.




When, however, I do the boot from the DVD, Vista does not erase the disk and does not create the two partitions indicated by my file.

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Icons Not Contained With In A Paper Icon

May 14, 2009

This is something that has kind of annoyed me for a while now and can't figure out how to fix. When I manually change the default program for a file type, like I have set my PDFs to open with eCopy Desktop, the icon for each PDF shows up as a paper icon with the eCopy icon contained within. It should just show the eCopy icon. I have noticed this whenever I change the default program for a file type. Is there anyway to get these to show the application icon only, not contained within a paper icon?

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Cannot Connect To Primary DNS Server.

Apr 12, 2010

My Linksys WRT54G has been giving me problems for the past 6 months and after some research, I see it happens alot on the Vista OS. I contacted ATT but they told me since it wasn't their router they would have to charge me $30 for 20 minutes. I can connect to the network, but it is "Local only" not "Local and Internet." The connection is excellent and it says I'm connected, but the internet still does not work. The wired connection works fine which is how I'm able to connect right now. This is my ipconfig when I'm trying to connect with wireless.

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Cannot Create New Primary Partition

May 23, 2009

I just tried to create a new primary partition using Disk Management. I get the error "You cannot create a new volume in this unallocated space because the disk already contains the maximum number of partitions." Ultimate goal is to create two more bootable partitions on my hard disk, one for Windows 7 and the other for Ubuntu. My C drive contains Windows Vista, my D drive has program files, and my E drive contains data. According to what I found online, you can have up to four primary partitions on a disk.

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Second Monitor Set As Primary Not Mirrored

Nov 28, 2008

No matter how flashy and improved windows gets, it always contains the same amount of Microsoft stupidity that I know will never disappear from the windows platform. I have an HP laptop with the standard built in Intel graphics card. I always connect my laptop to one of my LCD monitors or lately my plasma TV. Its great. but these two problems really kill my mood:

1- when I connect them it often times forgets what my previous settings were (Second monitor set as primary, not mirrored) so i have to always go into settings and change that. For weeks it might remember those settings then out of the blue it reverses them so that the laptop monitor is actually hte primary while the TV is the secondary, or isnt checked as "Attached". What is this? In 2008 Microsoft still can't get something like this right. On one of the monitors it forgets the resolution i set it to so I have to keep resetting it.

2- When I unplug the external monitor from the laptop sometimes, like right now, the task bar becomes invisible (except for the start menu button) so the only way for me to figure out where the icons in the tray are is by mouseovering them. totally retarded. I have to restart to fix this. What pisses me off the most is concern #1. it should remember what the settings are without contantly reversing them or worse, me having to go into settings and actually tell it that there i another monitor connected. Anybody have this problem? Are there any fixes? I have already downloaded the latest driver for this built in graphics card.

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Formatting Partition In Primary Or Local

Jul 29, 2009

i wan't to install another OS in my newly created partition in my Vista. but im not sure which to select in formatting: primary or local? i prevously selected local. can i still change that if i reformat it again? im all set and that's the only thing i wanna know to have a flawless installation.

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SATA Connector Primary Drive

Jun 6, 2008

My new PC (with Vista Home Premium 32-bit) has SATA connectors on the motherboard. Two were already in use (hard drive and DVD drive) and two were open. I added a second hard drive, and plugged the cable into the SATA connector beside the primary drive. When I put a second hard drive in a PC with IDE/ATA connectors, I always keep them on separate cables/connectors for maximum transfer speed between the two hard drives. My question is does it make any difference with SATA which connector you use?

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Re-detect Primary HDD Doen't Appear In Windows Explorer

May 5, 2009

My system was working perfectly, but I disconnected and removed my HDDs to clean them and then re-installed them. I have an ASUS P5W DH Deluxe motherboard. The last time I installed Windows Vista on my system it went to my new SATA HDD installed through the SATA1_RAID socket on the motherboard and not to my primary IDE harddrive. After I re-installed all my HDDs, the system boots correctly, but my primary harddrive doen't appear in Windows Explorer, nor in the Computer Manager's Disk Management window. The primary harddrive does, however; show up in the BIOS, just not in Windows. I would like to access this HDD and my data stored on it. Why did I loose the connection to it and what's the solution? I reconnected the same harddrives as I had connected before.

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Active Crash Dump Primary Partition

Jun 7, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium, tried Kubuntu. I removed Kubuntu but can't seem to reclaim the partion it was on. I go to Vista Disk Management and find 4 partitions on Disk 0: Recovery (D 4.12 GB Fat 32 Healthy Primary Partition This is the Recovery partition from Gateway.(C 183.14 GB NTFS Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active Crash Dump, Primary Parition) 185.34 GB Free Space no further info on this space I want to reclaim the 185.34 g back into the C partition. the only option I get on the Free Space drive is to delete drive or "new simple Volume". C: drive i get only the shrink option.

Deleting the drive won't help and I'm not sure what Simple volume does. The C: Drive has the option to Shrink but thats not going to work either! I tried repairing the problem using the Vista Setup disk but that didn't help either. I still have the Kubuntu disk not sure if there is anything there that would be helpful? I'm thinking i'll need something like Partition Magic, is there a free version of this type of software? I don't plan on doing anything with partitions after this so there is no sense in buy a product.

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HDD Not Being Fully Used

Jan 25, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Basic SP1 currently and installing all my new updates right now and I have 4GB RAM and a 2.66 GHZ Quad core, intel and I have a 500GB Sata HDD but only 127GB of it are being recognized, how do I get all 500GB?

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Chkdsk Doesnt Run Fully

Aug 14, 2008

Check Disk Gets to Stage 2 17% And just stops.
Brings up the next line awaiting another command as if it finished.
I've tried Doing a System Restore But it cant since the files are apparently corrupted and check disk cant fix them because it doesnt get far enough to find them in the first place. Just wondering if anyone here could give me a tip on what to do. I would reinstall it but my computer didn't come with a vista disk.

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Can't Log Into User Account Fully

Jun 15, 2009

My pc recently died whilst running a backup, so now i have no backup. Anyway, upon restarting after this issue, I can't log into my user account fully. I can get to a plain black desktop and I get this message in a bubble "Your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with the default profile for the system. Please see the event log for details or contact your system administrator" I can't access my files of programs

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Cannot Fully Enter Sleep

Sep 11, 2009

one day last week, my vista x64 machine stopped going into sleep mode. Whenever I select sleep, the screen goes black, but the system never powers off - it just sits there, still running. If i move the mouse, the screen comes back on, almost like it never went into sleep mode at all.

I've got all updated drivers & BIOS for the motherboard (Asus Crosshair II formula) It's really wierd - I can't think of anything I did to cause this. I'm actually kind of getting fed up with vista (this isn't the only "random" problem I've had with vista, and I'll tell you XP, for all its faults, ran perfectly fine)

I'd really like to get this working, as I have a ****tily-paying job and would like to reduce my power bill as much as I can. I know I could just power the entire computer down, but I'm lazy and, well, I guess I expect features that exist to, you know, work.

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Who Has A Fully Patched Ultimate X64 (NO SP1)

Dec 19, 2007

I would need a list of the hotfixes installed if possible. To get it go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates Then just sort as list and post a screenshot

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Microsoft Not Fully Supporting 64 Bit?

May 6, 2008

I built a Vista PC a month ago and transferred my settings from my now defunct XP PC. However, when I tried to transfer my apps so I could avoid installing most of them again, the Easy Transfer Companion program said it would not run on a 64 bit OS. So an MS product (WETC) does not support another MS product, Windows Vista 64-bit?!? How hard is it for them to create a 64-bit version of WETC?

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SP2 Install If Fully Updated?

Jun 7, 2009

Is the any point in downloading and installing SP2 if my vista SP1 is fully updated via windows update?

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IE8: Fully Released Or Still In Trial Stages?

Mar 26, 2009

i recently downgraded my IE8 on vista, down to IE7 and have been waiting for IE8 to be fully released.. now from what i am reading in MS emails, it looks like its up and running as they are offering tools to upgrade ur websites, so they can be compatible with IE8 and so on... anyways b4 i go thru upgrade again, i was hoping someone could shed some light on weather its ready or not... i currently use IE8 on my win7 OS, but that one doesn't seem to be ready yet... so don't know?

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Fully Fledge Admin Account

May 22, 2009

I have a admin account, this was the only account created during setup, of this computer, which is a new computer. I was wondering is this the "fully fledged administrators account" that i am using or do i have to activate it. Windows vista home premium sp1 32bit

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Unable To Fully Format Or Erase Any Programs In The Net I Can Use

Mar 17, 2010

Unable to fully format or erase Any programs in the net I can use?

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X-Fi XtremeMusic Card Is Not Fully Working Under Vista64

Jul 30, 2008

I really getting tired of Creativelabs. I'm currently using a X-Fi XtremeMusic card which is not fully working under Vista64. I refuse to buy a X-Fi2 just to use features that should be enabled in the X-Fi card I already own. Vista has been out long enough for Creativelabs to get their act togther. In a nut shell I'm done with Creativelabs! I've always bought their products but that officially ends now.

I'm looking at HT Omega's cards. I'm a cusual gamer mainly playing EverQuest 2. How does HT Omega's card do for games like EQ2 and is the quality of drivers better than Creativelabs? I'm just trying to get some user infor before I spend $$$$$ on a new sound card.

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Wireless Network Card Wouldn't Install Fully

Jun 24, 2009

I installed vista on my mum and dads pc last night and all was going perfect until about an hour ago when I fitted the wireless network card to get on the internet and it wouldnt install fully and I get a message saying that I need a driver for the IEEE1394 controller ?? I cant get on the internet on that pc to check for drivers so im using my laptop but cant find any drivers,Ive also installed driver robot and that came up with a few drivers so i stuck them on a usb stick and installed but no luck.Ive gone into the device manager and under "other devices" the IEEE1394 controller is showing as a little question mark so ive gone into that and its saying no drivers are installed. I think its been like this from the second i installed vista but ive just noticed it when i tried to instal the wireless network card.Any ideas of how to fix this please ? and is it solveable ? I can not find any drivers for my mobo at all. the mobo is the asus p4p800 se

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Battle For Middle-Earth Debugs Fully Loads Up

Apr 21, 2008

I got Vista Ultimate 64 last week and once I tried running Battle for Middle-Earth on it, I get debugs before the game fully loads up. I have no idea on how to stop this and it's driving me insane! I've played the game for 3 years now and I'm staff for the game on another website, I really don't want to stop because of this.

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User Accounts Do Not Fully Start Up Blue Screen

Mar 26, 2008

All new accounts I create on Vista home premium do not login properly. When a user logs in the explorer.exe process does not start (the user just sees blank blue screen). It is possible to launch the task manager and start processes by hand. I found a suggestion on another post that said there was an incorrect "Shell" registry entry that could be the cause of the problem, but that was not the case here. The Shell key is correctly set to "explorer.exe". If the users log in under safe mode, the desktop loads correctly.

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