Doesn't Detect Any CD Drive

Feb 6, 2010

have looked through other helpful posts on here regarding the Autorun problems, having looked into that i checked all registry entries etc that were fine, however, i dont have the NoDriveTypeAutoRun where it should be all i have is


This doesnt seem to tie in with the write ups i have looked at and cant find the NoDriveTypeAutoRun. Also, there is no action when i insert the cdrom or dvd etc into the pc, have looked to find the manual start procedure but cant see anything in there, what drive should i be looking in?

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Will Not Reboot; Says Cannot Detect Hard Drive

Jan 29, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron E1705 with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My computer has been shutting down without my doing anything. When I try to reboot, it says that it cannot detect my hard drive and my computer will not start up again.

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F Drive. Doesnt Detect Vista X86 Ultimate

Apr 4, 2009

Im using Vista in my C Drive ( HDD1 Partition 1 & active partition) and I installed this XP x64 on (HDD2 Partition 2) F Drive. it doesnt detect my Vista x86 Ultimate, so no dual boot.

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How To: Detect What Process Is Thrashing Your Hard Drive

Sep 17, 2007

Every once in a while you notice that your hard drive is working extra hard for what seems like no reason.  A background process has taken your hard drive hostage, forcing it to thrash loudly as it struggles to keep up with the high rate of reads and writes.  Your computer responds slowly as the process overloads the physical limitations of your drive. What are you to do?
The solution is simple, although a little tricky at times: identify and stop the process that is killing your drive.  There are two methods and tools that you can use to identify the process.

Method 1 ...

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Computer Doesn't Recognize The New Dvd Drive Or An Existing Cd Drive

Jun 2, 2009

I have just put a new ide dvd-rewriter into my computer and my computer doesn't recognize the new dvd drive or an existing cd drive. I cant see them in 'My Computer' or the 'device manager'. I don't no if this has anything to do with it but at the same time I also installed a new TV tuner into the computer and now I cant run the CD to fully install it.

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CD/DVD Drive Doesn't Working

Dec 2, 2008

I posted this a couple of months back: I have a Toshiba Satellite L300 and my DVD drive doesn't seem to be working. I tried it with various CDs and DVDs and it never detects anything. So I went to the Device Manager and this is what it says: TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L632H ATA cannot start (Code 10)." But while the solution kind of worked, it's still not playing the DVDs everytime. First, it doesn't always eject the disc. The only way I can ALWAYS get it out is during restart, or using a paperclip. Second, even if I take the disc out, the computer still tells me it's there (it displays the disc name too...). And worst of all, if the disc is in, it displays the disc name and I click on it, it doesn't load anything most of the time. Unless I restart it, take the disc out at that time and then put it in (and that's not guaranteed to work either).

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Nas Drive Doesn't Work Right

Feb 28, 2010

First disclaimer... I'me really a network novice. I've used XXCOPY and Robocopy to successfully back up entire volumes to an eSATA connected drive, but when I try to do the same to a newly acquired NAS drive, it doesn't work right. Instead of copying "only" the files that are new (or changed since the last backup), Robocopy copies every file over again. And XXCOPY (free version) won't copy at all to the NAS drive. I downloaded the 60day trial of XXCOPY home, and it does work right, (except it recopies lots of zipped files) but XXCOPY home costs $40. Here's a typical command (from a batch file) for each: Robocopy E: \DLINKVolume_1E-BACKUP /MIR /R:1 /W:1 and xxcopy e: \dlinkvolume_1e-backup /clone/ff I also found RichCopy, which I tried, and find it also copies files that are already in place on the NAS drive. Could it be that I have a problem with the way I've set up the NAS? I'm probably overlooking something basic,

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DVD-drive Doesn't Read Disc's

Apr 18, 2009

my DVD-drive doesn't read disc's. The drive I'm using is TSSTcorp SH-S223Q ATA, so a Samsung DVD-drive. When I bought it, it read fine, but not anymore. It doesn't read even bootable disc's (I tried Vista Ultimate x64). I've tried upgrading firmware from B00 to B03, but it didn't help. I had a similar problem when I bought this computer in August 2008. My DVD-drive read the disc's fine for couple weeks or so and then it stopped working. Then I replaced it with this drive (It's not the same model). This one worked fine for a month or two and stopped working, so it's been couple of months not functioning. I just did a fresh install of Vista yesterday and the problem is still here.

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Optical Drive Doesn't Work

Dec 28, 2008

This seems to be common—the optical drive doesn't work. I'd like to detail more symptoms, though, that might help form a real fix for those whom the solution at The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you upgraded to Windows Vista wouldn't work, as it didn't for me (Upperfilter and Lowerfilter values don't exist in my registry).

Upon a clean installation of Vista, the optical drive works fine. After installing the whole slew of current updates, it stops working. I didn't figure this was a thread for the Windows Updates forum, though. When putting in a disc, the drive goes to work (illuminated busy light and the sound of the drive spinning) for a bit, then turns off and on continuously, freezing the computer until the disc is ejected. A disc left in the drive upon start-up will work correctly. Once I open the drive, however, that's when it no longer works, whether I load the same or different disc. So my question is, is there a way to fix this? Other solutions, like uninstalling the drive in the device manager and rebooting, haven't worked for me.

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SATA Drive Doesn't Working

Jan 26, 2010

I currently have a SATA drive in my desktop. I desire to add a second SATA drive to increase storage space. In reading about the drives many places speak of the need for special SATA cables. I have not pulled the case yet on my computer but, with older computers, there have always been extra connectors on the ribbon and power cable to connect to additional drives. My basic question is if I purchase a "bare" drive, do I need some sort of cables to connect it as a second drive in my computer??

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Hard Drive Doesn't Working

Nov 6, 2009

I have an HP Pavillion a1473w that I installed a new WD 320 drive in a few weeks ago. This a second internal drive just for data. Been working fine until tonight when it just vanished. It shows up in bios but not in explorer (My Computer) or in Device Manager.When installed I initialized it as 1 partition and formatted it. Worked fine.I don't care about the data, just want my drive back.

What shows in bios:
Samsung SP2004C

Doesn't show in drive management either. Tried new data cable (SATA) and reseated power cables. Even removed one of the DVD drives thinking it might be a power problem.Also the computer takes about twice as long to boot.Don't have another computer to try it in (my Mac is IDE).Using Vista Home Premium. All updates.

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External Hard Drive Doesn't Work

Sep 26, 2009

I have a Simpletech 250GB external hard drive that wont show up on my laptop. It works on my Dell. I am getting this error message when looking at Device Manager. Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for "safe removal", but it has not been removed from the computer. (Code 47) Anyone else have this problem?

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Corrupt File Doesn't Recovery Drive

Dec 13, 2009

I ran a sfcscan and... It seems I have some corrupt files. This laptop doesn't have a recovery/reformat drive or i'd just reformat the laptop. Moreover, I don't have a recovery disc for vista, just Win-7. Perhaps anyone can pinpoint me in the right direction? I have the CBS file... However it's close to 24MBs...

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Realtek Audio Drive Doesn't Work

May 15, 2010

I was cleaning my computer and accidently uninstalled my realtek audio drive. I immediately re downloaded and installed it but now my sound doesnt work. My sound icon isnt X'd out or anything, I'm just not getting sound. I'm sorry if I'm not providing enough information, ummm... lets see if I can give more info... I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm using an HD TV screen and my sound comes through that... but I dontknow how to fix it.

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R-click On My C: Drive In Computer, I See An Option Labeled "Special Permissions", But It Doesn't Seem To Be Available

Apr 10, 2008

When I R-click on my C:drive in Computer, I see an option labeled "Special Permissions", but it doesn't seem to be available. What are Special Permissions, and if they're important for anything, how do I enable them? Logging on as Administrator produces the same effect. Speaking as a user of Windows since its first release, I find Vista with its UAC, Permissions, and the need to repeatedly confirm every action I tak to be frustrating as hell.

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"No Drive Found" - It Doesn't Display Any Harddrive

Feb 6, 2009

I bought a Fujitsu-Siemens laptop with preloaded Vista Home. I've found it to be terribly unstable (receive Microsoft Visual C++ errors and continously restarts the internet while surfing etc.) I want to reformat my hardrive and reload Windows XP PRo (genuine software with license) from my previous laptop (which is no longer in use).

I insert the cd and boot from it - it does it's Setup checks and loads the necessary files - I chose to load a fresh version of Windows, press "F8" to agree and then when it comes to chosing the partition, it tells me "No Drive found" - it doesn't display any harddrive at all. When pressing "ESC" to cancel, the dreaded "blue screen" comes up and says there has been a "fatal error". Any ideas why this is happening and why I cannot reformat the harddrive with Windows XP Pro?

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How To Detect For SP1

Mar 26, 2008

Sorry, I did a search and got so much info. How do I tell if SP1 was installed on a Vista machine?

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How To Detect For SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I did a search and got so much info. How do I tell if SP1 was installed on a Vista machine?

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X64 Does Not Detect XFX GeForce 9500 GPU

Sep 15, 2009

GPU: XFX GeForce 9500

Gateway LX-6200

Computer Specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium x64

AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core

8GB Ram

Serial ATA 500GB HD

ATI Radeon HD 3200

500W PSU

(any other info needed, just request)

P.S. Not sure of the MoBo build. It was the original MoBo that came with the computer.

I originally did what I normally do when installing any graphics card; I uninstalled the on-board graphics card drivers and disabled it, then attempted to install the drivers for the new card. While running the installation, an error appeared telling me that it didn't detect any Nvidia compatible hardware in my setup. So I checked my device manager and sure enough, there was only the onboard card showing up in the list. So I tried restarting the computer to see if a reboot would cause it to appear. Nothing happened, so I ran CCleaner and Driver Sweeper to clear any registry and drivers issues that could be occuring. I rebooted, and still nothing appeared. So I went into the BIOS and tried to change some settings in there. I disabled the on-board through the options there, but that only caused the BIOS to give me issues and I couldn't even reach the splash screen, so I reset it and then tried changing the load settings from IGFX-GFXO-GPP-PCI to GFXO-GPP-IGFX-PCI, saved and then rebooted. I got past the splash screen on the new video card but the computer locked up before it would load the OS. So I know that both the card and the PCI-E slot on the MoBo are working fine. But I have run out of ideas as to what to try next to get this to work.

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Not Detect The Graphics Card

Jun 6, 2009

Now i've installed Vista Home Premium 32-bit onto the system, but it will not detect the graphics card at all. Although i have got a display (Motherboard does not have on-board). I've tried using the driver disk supplied with the card, but it always tells me to go to the XFXForce website, so i do and download their drivers and install but CCC does not appear to get installed. I've tried the card in another Vista 32-bit System and it gets found and drivers install nicely and the card works fine. Is there anything wrong that i'm doing??

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Unable To Detect DVD Device

Jul 29, 2009

I recently purchased a Dell with Vista 64 bit. I have been watching DVD's the past few days on it without any problems. I was able to watch one this morning but when a put another one in I received the following message: *Unable to detect DVD or DVD device on this computer*. This computer has yet to be hooked up online, so nothing new has been added or updated on it. I rebooted, as well as un/reinstalled the driver in Device Manager

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Computer Cannot Detect SATA HDD ...

Mar 23, 2008

Using Vista, when i try to install it, it cant detect the hard drive. I proceed to scan for it and inserted my motherboard drive and it still cant find it. I go into bios and i find that SATA 1-4 shows no hard drive but it is clearly connected :/ The IDE Optical Drive works fine though.

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Detect The Networking Connection

Jan 19, 2010

We have recently installed another computer in the house. I can detect it in 'Network'. If I click on the this new computer icon and login, what features and facilities will be available to me when working on the original computer.

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No Display, Won't Detect The 8600GT

Sep 23, 2008

My computer was running fine this morning but when I turned it off for an hour and back on there was no display. I have a PCI-e Geforce 8600GT but when I plug the monitor into the onboard graphics it works fine. I have checked the bios and the primary device is set to PCI-e but my computer won't detect the 8600GT at all now.

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Does Not Detect Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2009

I recently purchased a computer on e-bay. I did not know it was a server. I has a aid configuration. I bought Vista Basic. When I try to load it it says it does not detect any hard drives. Is there a way around this? Can Vista basic be loaded on this system?

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Installing Over XP Could Not Detect The Drivers

Oct 17, 2009

I was wondering if this was possible with the XP drivers as when i tried to install windows 7 it couldnt detect the drivers at all. I reinstalled XP since and used online software to find the drivers (realteck and VIA/S3) as the company that made the pc (Iqon) have gone into liquidation and the drivers are no longer available from their site.

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Vista Does Not Detect Close 500 Gb

Jun 24, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium. I had been running 2 Western Digital 500GB drives in RAID 0 mode. The external enclosure was a Fantom enclosure. The controller was going bad, so I bought a Xtrastor 3.5 x2 HDD enclosure which supports RAID 1. Anyhow, when I hook it up via USB, it only detects an 8GB drive. Once I got it to detect it as a 75GB drive. If I hook it up as an eSATA, Vista does not see it at all......It should detect close to 500GB since the other 500GB is for the RAID I have a PB5 motherboard. I have tried a lot of things via the cables and re-booting and such, no luck.

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XP Does Not Detect Hosted LAN Games

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried everything I can think of; disabling IPv6, LLTD, installing the LLTD patch on xp, turning off all firewalls, file sharing, etc.. Nothing seems to work. I'll start a listen game server on the vista computer because it's mine and it's much more powerful than the XP computer. When I try to find a server on the LAN browser, nothing come up. If I host from the XP machine, the Vista one can see and connect to the XP's server. However, this method costs frames and gameplay, so hosting a game on the Vista computer is the more viable idea. This happens in every game.

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Don't Detect As Internet Connection

Jan 7, 2010

i had just installed crysis and played a while. ( i know it's offtopic but just for the record cos it could help to solve it) and when i tried to open IE 7 x32 it didn't detect an internet connection, after thaty tried FF, opera, anything.

No internet connection
I checked 100 times and diagnosed my network connection and i found nothing, it was fine.
Then i tried to open gtalk..... nothing
Tried google earth............... nothing
Tried windows live messenger.......guess what......NOTHING!!
(all x32 applications)
So i opened IE x64 and YAY!! it worked and here i am XD.
BTW, All of em close with error message. Didn't happen before.

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Open An Online Radio Station Windows Media Player Within Internet Explorer Just Says Ready - It Doesn't Even Begin To Buffer And Doesn't Play At All

Apr 1, 2010

Whenever I click the link to open an online radio station windows media player within internet explorer just says Ready - it doesn't even begin to buffer and doesn't play at all. Has anyone else experienced this recently?

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Computer Can Not Detect SD Or Pro Cards When Inserted.

Oct 1, 2009

i have an HP Pavilion Slimline Vista 64, a few days ago i tried putting in my SD card in the built-in slot but my computer wouldnt detect, i tried viewing the files on my phone and the files wouldnt come up there either, it said that i had a card in but the card had 0% space used up, but also had 0% free. so i figured the card was no good anymore...then i tried viewing files from a PRO Duo stick, which the computer also has a built-in slot for, and itwouldnt detect it either(even though the little green light that indicates a card being put in flashes) but when i insert the PRO Duo in my PSP i can view the files just fine.

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