REboot To BIOS Before Windows Loads.

Jun 19, 2008

I've just gotten an Acer Aspire 6920, which came with Windows Vista SP1 preinstalled (Beforehand, let me just say I normally use Linux, the only reason I want to keep this operating system is because there MIGHT be some programs that don't have native replacements, or run in wine that I may need at university - Without that,, I wouldn't even bother with Windows, apologies to Microsoft.)

After the usual "Hey there, you bought an Acer, let us preinstall about 50 programs, and let you reboot 6 times in the process", I was up and running (Well, after another reboot for updates that is.) - All went well for a day or so, no problems, starting up went fine for a few times. Then, suddenly, without anything from my part, the system refused to boot. It went through the BIOS fine, and showed the little blinking underscore (So, nothing in Windows yet, all BIOS) - Then it restarted, went through the BIOS, showed it's pretty underscore, rebooted, etc. etc. No error given anywhere during the process. Pressing F12 (Windows bootloader screen) did nothing, it'd just reboot before something could do anything.

I installed Ubuntu on the thing (Which, for the record, works absolutely brilliant.) - And allowed it to overwrite the MBR with GRUB. GRUB can boot into Ubuntu no-problem, and has detected Vista in the correct partition (SDA2) - It allowed me to choose it from it's list, after which the system instantly rebooted to BIOS->GRUB, and back to the selection list.

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Disable Bios To Work: Do Update Bios

Mar 12, 2009

I have been building computers for a while now and have not had any problems so far that I could not solve. Now I don't know where to start. I have purchased the following items:......Now when I try to install the vista 64 bit I get the famous BSOD! Mostly with the error message I stated in the title. I dont know what to do. Does anyone have any information for me?? ....65N Rast to disable the TBL patch in the BIOS in order for this to work. I do not know where to diable this patch on my mainboard. Do I need to update my BIOS? With what version??

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BIOS Opinion, BIOS Is Out Of Date

Feb 25, 2009

Sometimes when I install drivers I get the message that my BIOS is out of date (including updates from AMD) if I go to the Phoenix site it says go to the motherboard manufacturer or run Biosagent if you use this you pay for the update but you do get this info so is it worth e-mail gateway support, using the boisagent or just leave well alone.

Info from biosagent
BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award
BIOS Date: August 18th 2006
BIOS ID: 08/18/2006-C51PVGM-GB-6A61HE1BC-00-None
BIOS OEM: C51PVGM-GB V1.0 081806 - 6.00 PG.............

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Windows Reboot Showing Os:

Aug 30, 2009

I bought a new top of the line laptop one week ago with Vista Business X64. Windows will be working fine and then will reboot stating that an error in the operating system has been detected and a re-start is required. I tried using the recover disk to correct the problem but it tells me that a recently added camera or external device is disrupting the system. I have not added a camera or external device. I'M FED UP WITH TECHNOLOGY - I bought this laptop as a result of a catastrophioc failure in a laptop that was 15 months old.

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Insert Windows Disk And Reboot

Jul 30, 2008

I'm running Vista home premium 64 bit with the latest SP. I just installed an old game (Sniper Elite) and after installation it asked for a reboot. I did this and got the message that windows couldn't start, this could be down to a change recently made etc etc. It then said to fix it

1- insert windows disk and reboot
2- select language and click next
3- Choose repair my computer

I did this but when I clicked repair my computer it didn't show any OS in the box to repair! It just says "If you did not see your OS in the list, click load drivers to load drivers for your hard disk"

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Reboot Windows Will Not Start Properly

Dec 24, 2009

I have tried to install Sniper Elite on my Toshiba Qosmio with Vista Home premium running 64bit. It seems to install OK (and is supposedly Vista compatible) and as for many other games asks for a reboot when finished. When I click yes for the reboot Windows will not start properly and in fact automatically uninstalls Sniper Elite. I will try and run compatibility mode when I get home tonight but thought if it is installing OK.........

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Windows Reboot Freeze Up Count Down

May 19, 2008

When I try to restart my computer after upgrading my count down meter stops responding at 26 seconds. I will then power off and wait for 50 seconds and restart my computer. Vista Home Premium is my operating system. This started to happen when I installed an external Hard Drive as a back up Disk onto my computer in order to have Windows do a auto back up every week. I do not get any error messages during reboot just freezes up count down. If I disconnect my external Hard Drive everything works just fine.

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Sims 2 Only Loads Up To 18% !

Jul 18, 2009

I have The Sims 2, I always use to play it, but my other laptop broke and I got this one and I tried installing the sims 2! But it stops on disc 1, 18%! Unless I eject and click retry it loads up 1% I kept doing that once and when it finally hit 100% it did nothing and went off for some reason!

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Duty 4: Loads But Not Run

Oct 15, 2008

I have a new HP Touchscreen with 4 megs of ram, dual core, and windows vista 64. I load call of duty and it loads but will not run and says their is a missing dll file. from direct x. Obviously Windows vista 64 has direct x 10, and COD4 runs from Direct x 9. When I go to install direct x 9 it says that I cannot install due to another application of direct x running.

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Bios Update With Windows Vista

Jul 6, 2008

I have bios update, and knowing very little on what this is can someone tell me if this is going to be hard or easy and can it harm my Laptop, HP Pavilion Entertainment PC windows Vista.

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BIOS Sees The IDE HDD, Windows Does Not Configures

Mar 30, 2009

Currently I have 2 HDD. One SATA, with Vista on it, one IDE, with an old XP copy on it. I am booting from the SATA HDD. Well the I have my DVD Drive as the IDE Master, the HDD as the Slave (All I do on the IDE HDD is recover files). Well BOIS sees all the drives, Configures correctly (I think), but then I get into windows. It sees C: and D: Paritions on the SATA) but not the IDE Hard Drive. It sees the DVD RW drive too. So, what's wrong? If I unplug the DVD Drive and set the Samsung as IDE Master, It works fine. I can't set the HD as master and the DVD as slave though; the ribbon doesn't bend that way.

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Windows Update Stage 3: Endless Reboot

Aug 17, 2009

We have a problem for which there seem to be countless posts from other frustrated Vista users - a Windows Update gets applied and the Vista machine goes into an endless loop of rebooting after saying 'Stage 3 of 3'. We took the computer to our local computer shop recently (in July 2009) and they reinstalled Vista for several hundred bucks (because we didn't have the skills to do a repair). But when we got it home - voila! it does it again!

Has Microsoft not fixed this problem? Is there not a permanent fix to it? It makes me want to buy a mac and throw Vista in the garbage. Everyone I know (everyone!) who went to Vista wishes they had stayed on XP until the 'fixed Vista' is released, which I understand is in Oct 09). Vista and Windows ME will go down in history as the worst operating systems that any company ever created. Now that I've finished whining, does anyone have any answers?

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BIOS: Press Delete And Then It Says "loading Bios" But It Freezes

Jun 1, 2008

My brother has just built a computer and can't get it working. The problem is that when he starts it he gets to the screen where he can choose to enter BIOS. 9/10 times he can't do anything from there but 1/10 times he can press delete and then it says "loading bios" but it freezes there (he waited 30 mins nothing happened). Does anyone know what the problem mihht be?

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Install Loads BOOTSECT.BAK To Second HDD

Jun 25, 2008

during install of Vista ultimate to new system with 2 x 750GB Sata HDD..I partitioned 100GB of the first disk (0) to take the Vista system. Windows asked where to put the installation and I highlighted the new partition but then it indicated it needed space to put what I thought it said was the System Volume? and that there was enough space on the disk I thought it meant partition 1 and highlighted that and clicked yes in the dialogue window...after the install I saw that it had placed a file of 8kb namely BOOTSECT.BAK onto the second HDD.

In disk management disks show as c: Simple Basic NTFS Healthy (Boot,Page File, Crash Dump, Primary partition) and the second disk as D: simple Basic NTFS Healthy (System, Active,Primary Partition)....Also Both disks show total storage as 698GB each ? Whats going on and can I do anything other than a new install ? If a new install is needed (I havent activated vista yet) what should i do second time around.

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Keep Current Window On Top As New One Loads?

Sep 1, 2008

Okay I'm sure other people have had this problem also if they are constantly opening new windows while trying to work in the current one. It finally pissed me off to the point of posting for an answer to this problem. First of all I hate tabbed browsing cuz I like the benefits that come with just opening a new window to browse in- alt+tabbing, being able to use them side by side or whatever else.

But anyways so I'll be browsing online in one window, maybe filling out some form and then for whatever reason I'll need to open a second window so I'll open it and quickly click back into the window I was filling stuff out in, but the new window that I opened will pop up on top of the current window I'm using (filling out a form in) after it's done loading, causing me to have to minimize it/click back into the window I was using. Sometimes I'll only have to click on the current window once to stay in it when the new window loads, but other times I'll have to click maybe 3 times because the stupid new window hasn't finished loading and keeps popping up on top of the current one I'm using.

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Program Not Loads On Vista

Jun 20, 2008

Has anybody else seen a case where a program (Germin Topo USA) loads fine from a DVD with XP but simply does nothing when you click setup on Vista. Just get the continuous mouse delay cursor. I tried networking from the XP drive, no luck. Tried the Vista "Program Compatibility Wizard" as XP or Win2000, also nothing. I would have chalked it up to the program/DVD if it was not for the fact that yesterday I had another program not install. Is it possible some setting on my Vista has changed. Running as Admin/ Vista Business. No other bugs.

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HD Shows True Size In BIOS, But Not In Windows

Mar 1, 2009

I put together a new system, and the hard drive shows its true size (250GB) in the bios, however during the windows vista 64bit installation the hard drive says its only 232 GB. I then exited the installtion and restarted. It still said it was 232GB. I continued on with the installation hoping to see if it would change once Windows was installed with all the drivers. I paritioned the drive so that windows would be 50GB and the rest of the drive would be for whatever i wanted and i would split it up later. I proceeded to format the remainder of the hard drive before i went on to install windows, and it stayed there for a while and then i realised it locked up and i got a BSOD.

I reset the computer, and went on to install windows and i didnt bother to format the remainder of the hard drive. Windows installed without any problems, but when i get to windows, the drive still shows as 232GB. I ran a memory test from a Kubuntu CD and its not the ram.

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Windows Updates Blue Screen And Reboot System

Jun 10, 2009

After today's windows update I've been experiencing many blue screen, especially after the reboot. I don;t get any in safe mode so I guess it's a driver problem. This is the minidump created on my system. I have 7 of them and they all seem to be the same.

Use '!findthebuild' command to search for the target build information.
If the build information is available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' to set symbol path and load symbols.
FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80001c1b000 nt......

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Temporary User Profile ALWAYS Loads!!

Apr 15, 2010

The problem started when I decided to do a reboot after installing some programs. Since then whenever I log on it takes ages displaying the "welcome" message, then comes up with the dreaded "preparing your desktop" message. It then loads a "temporary user profile" and says that any changes made while logged on to this profile will be lost afterwards, and to check the event log or contact the network administrator.

I've read heaps about this problem happening to people with vista and windows 7 (I have vista home ed). It's supposed to be due to a corrupted profile, and so if you delete the profile in the "regedit" thing it's supposed to fix itself. Others have also suggested creating a new account and transferring everything. I have tried countless restarts, restoring the system, deleting the user profile (all my stuff is now fully backed up) and creating new accounts. None of it works - a temporary profile still loads from a newly created account, the same happens even in safe mode and from the built in administrator account. I'm at a total loss as to what to do!! I use my computer every day for work so you can hopefully imagine how frustrating this is!

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Internet Video Loads Slow

Dec 29, 2009

I've checked through other threads and I'm not sure if any one else has this same issue. I suspect the problem comes from a Windows Update. I'm not sure how to reload an update and I'd rather not uninstall and delete and reinstall and change things when I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. Everything else works fine. Web surfing is smooth, there isn't any problems loading programs ever since I restored factory setting from Gateway, because of the same issue. I had to restore from the hard drive because the disc (Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1) refused to work. I think that's because somehow my computer isn't 32-bit, its 64-bit. Then after going through setup and all the updates, SAME ISSUE!

It could be Media Player, Internet Explorer, or Adobe Flash. I get the feeling its a corrupt update, or one of those programs isn't compatible with Vista 64-bit. Those programs load (Adobe not so well) and I didn't put them there or upgrade them, Windows Update keeps on top of that. Also, this problem may have been there awhile, or just started. I know I just started to notice it. Then I checked with an older version of Windows on a different computer and yeah, that movie trailer loaded and played like mine used to. So I'm almost positive its my system not the website.

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Screen Loads Sideways - Video Card?

Feb 6, 2009

My video card is nVidia GeForce 9600M GT. Everything was fine and I loved it but within one month, the screen on the laptop and monitor would load sideways or upside down whenever it felt like it. Only happened at startup, never while I was working. And it didn't happen all the time. Kept happening for another month so I called HP. Spent hours and hours with HP on the phone. Uninstalled and reinstalled latest nvidia drivers a few times, updated bios etc. Tried using the crtl-alt hot keys with arrows but it does nothing. Occasionally, I am able to rotate the screen by opening the GeForce manager but that doesn't always work. Even if it does work, the screen loads sidesway or upside down even after I do that fix. On one or two occasions, disconnecting the monitor from the laptop fixed it but sometimes it stays stuck.

HP now tells me they think Vista (all versions and particularly 64 bit) has problems with the driver for the monitor. No updates available and not HPs problem!!! I can't count their theory but am hoping they are wrong. Did some research on the Windows website site in the compatability center and can't find the 9600M GT listed on either the "yes compatible" or "not compatible" lists for Vista 64 or 32 bit......

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Connecting To Server: Loads Two Bars And Crashes

Dec 31, 2008

Got a new laptop for xmas and decided to install cs 1.6 after a very long time. But now when connecting to a server it loads two bars and crashes and becomes un responsive.

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Registry Cleanser Wiped Loads Off Computer

Aug 23, 2009

I used a 'registry cleaner' yesterday and it wiped loads of programmes off my computer. I got them all back except Windows Vista Spider Solitaire. I'm not bothered about the other games too much. Tried all the usual avenues of help (turn windows features on/off etc) but none helped. Could someone tell where to look for a download site or possibly email me a copy? I'm using Vista Home Basic 32bit.

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8800GT 512mb, Loads Driver Stop Working

Nov 18, 2009

I was running a 8800GT 512mb, and I had loads of problems with it. So I got a nice new ATI 4870 1GB, wacked it in and now have driver issues up the arse. I formatted my hard drive made it nice and clean, reinstalled the driver played a game for a bit then....... the display driver stopped working! Im sure I have fitted it correctly with the right power suplier

The driver version is 8.671.0.0 [reading that from the device manager properties]
Maybe im missing some sort of driver or something. So right now and about to throw this out the ****ing window and buy a nice easy consol for 1/3 of the ****ing price and no ****ing hastle.

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Battle For Middle-Earth Debugs Fully Loads Up

Apr 21, 2008

I got Vista Ultimate 64 last week and once I tried running Battle for Middle-Earth on it, I get debugs before the game fully loads up. I have no idea on how to stop this and it's driving me insane! I've played the game for 3 years now and I'm staff for the game on another website, I really don't want to stop because of this.

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Bios And Revert Would Not Bios

Sep 19, 2008

I've been messing around in my BIOS. Installing some faster RAM and trying a slight overclock (2.4 t0 2.7Ghz on a Q6600) and seem to have caused myself several problems. Firstly I tried to push it a bit further on the FSB- from 1200 to 1300-the system wouldn't boot and wouldn't let me into the BIOS. I eventually got round this by removing the mobo battery. I was able to get back into the BIOS and revert to my original oc. However when I booted I got a re register Windows this is not a genuine version notice. I had to 'phone microsoft and get a new activation ID. I'm now back in windows (Vista HP 64 bit) but seem to have a few left over issues. My clock was set back to 2006 and that meant I couldn't activate Gmail etc. I went back into the BIOS and reset the date but could not change the day. So it's 3.19PM on Monday the 22nd of September, 2008. I've tried everything I can think of but cannot find a way to make it Friday, which it is.

Also I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2009. This keeps reporting that my computer is at risk and I need to update. I've updated over a dozen times but it doesn't seem to change and is still telling me it needs to update. These are ther first problems I have noticed. I hope I don't find more. Does anyone have any advice as to how to get my day and date correct and how to convince Kaspersky it's up to date?

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When Click On The Icon To Load The Program It Loads But Then Immediately Terminates

Jun 26, 2008

I am running MS Word 2000 with Vista Home Basic. When I click on the icon to load the program it loads but then immediately terminates. I've also tried right clicking and loading as administrator but no deal.

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Right-click Certain Files Desktop Context Menu Loads Slow

Oct 8, 2008

Recently I've noticed that when I right click on certain files or the desktop, that it would load the context menu after about 1 second. I know this isn't much but it should not take that long for something that small. I went ahead and removed many items from the context menu and the desktop and all other files load the context menu almost instantly. My problem is that .exe files still take 1-2 seconds to load their context menu. I tried removing almost ALL the options in the context menu.

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Starting The Virtual Machines From The Console Leads To An Immediate Reboot Of My Host Machine (I Can't Even See Any Boot Screen Of The Virtual Machine - It Is Like Clicking Start In The VPC Console -- > Reboot Of Host)

Jul 5, 2008

I have the following issue and hope that somebody can give me a hint about what might be going on! My system has two raid 1 arrays - one is running on XP Professional SP3 the other one is running on Vista x64 Ultimate SP1. When I start my virtual machines (either from the Virtual PC console or when double-clicking the *.vmc files) than everything is working fine on XP and the virtual machines are booting and running as expected. However, on Vista the following is happening (and I hope somebody has an idea):

1. Starting the Virtual machines from the console leads to an immediate reboot of my host machine (I can't even see any boot screen of the virtual machine - it is like clicking start in the VPC console -- > reboot of host).

Now I tried the following:.........

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Update Bios X64: "Windows Failed To Start"

Apr 11, 2007

I am trying to update the bios on my computer but I am running into problems when booting from a usb flash drive. I get the error: "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible."

I have been going about this process following instructions found here: Solution for Updating the BIOS on Windows Vista x64 Machines (VistaJuice)

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Reboot Computer Through Windows The Computer Shuts Down Correctly

Jun 16, 2009

When I reboot my computer through Windows the computer shuts down correctly, but then the monitor remains black and the bios starts beeping out the error code for "VGA not detected". Why would this be? I am forced to press the power button and wait from 5 to 10 minutes to reboot normally. (I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate x64, have an ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard and a Gigabyte Geforce GTX 280. 800 watts ZION power supply) Is this a BIOS settings or GPU problem? I already reseated the GPU. Could it be a power supply failure?

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