8800GT 512mb, Loads Driver Stop Working

Nov 18, 2009

I was running a 8800GT 512mb, and I had loads of problems with it. So I got a nice new ATI 4870 1GB, wacked it in and now have driver issues up the arse. I formatted my hard drive made it nice and clean, reinstalled the driver played a game for a bit then....... the display driver stopped working! Im sure I have fitted it correctly with the right power suplier

The driver version is 8.671.0.0 [reading that from the device manager properties]
Maybe im missing some sort of driver or something. So right now and about to throw this out the ****ing window and buy a nice easy consol for 1/3 of the ****ing price and no ****ing hastle.

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8800GT Frame Rate, NVidia Driver?

Mar 4, 2008

When I play Dundeons & Dragons Online my framerate varies between 20-60 in populated places and 100+ only if I stare at the walls. This seems too low. I was getting better framerates running XP on a AMD 3800+ x2 with a 7600GS. I've tried the nVidia 169.25 drives and the 171.20 betas from guru. Not much difference.

Is this a Vista 64 problem that will be fixed with SP!?..... or Is this an nVidia driver problem that will be fixed with later drivers.......or Is my power supply too weak?.......... or Is DDO the problem?.......... or Are my expectations too high?

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Can't Working XFX 8800GT Graphics Card

Mar 16, 2009

I have purchased an XFX8800 GT graphics card... but when i insert the disk for the same it says "no XFX product was found" whats the reason for that..???? So i have installed the drivers by exploring the disk.... But anybody tell be why it is not detecting the card as an XFX product....

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Nvidia GeForce 8800GT And Dual Monitors Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I seem to have a similiar problem. I'm running Vista Home Premium with Nvidia GeForce 8800GT connected via DVI to two ViewSonic VP2030B Monitors.

For some reason I cannot get them into dual mode.

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StarCam_370 Driver Not Working Properly

Jan 10, 2008

New to 64 bit Vista. Looking to get my StarCam_370i working and having some trouble.

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Audio Driver Gt5628 Can't Working

Oct 30, 2009

Im looking for the audio driver for the sound for the gateway gt5628 and vista ultimate. I checked the gateway site and it seemed all drivers were 32 bit.

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Display Driver Stopped Working

Sep 3, 2009

1024MB XFX ATI HD4890 GDDR5, 4800 series that my graphic card. When i start up my pc, it runs fine and after about 30-60 mins, it suddenly goes black o some other colors. And restarting and shows this error-display-driver-has-stopped-working-has-recovered-successfully. But the weird thing is that, then it wont happen again, until i shut down my pc for alot of hours and when i start it up again it happen again, but its only once everytime i start it up. start it up, boom, restarting and after that it never happen again.

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The Security Processor Loading Driver Was Not Working

Sep 1, 2009

I just have a Vista 64 bit home premium that I got 3 weeks back. Lately it has been having problems. One thing was that the computer would randomly have BSODs with the error of 0x07e (I think, then again it might be part of the error number, not sure) In addition, I tried having the computer fix the errors by itself and it couldnt, later on I found that the security processor loading driver was not working. I tried to restart Vista with the installation disc, but what happened was that a BCD error came out with the numbers 0xc000014c.

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Display Driver/video Card Not Working

Jun 16, 2009

I'm running legit copies of Halo 2 and Assassin's Creed, and they tend to crash my display driver/video card at any random old time. Usually around 5 minutes in. Less for AC. I know it's the display driver or video card or whatever because the game freezes with red squiggly lines all over the place, then the monitor says no input detected. The computer, however, is still running. I have Vista Ultimate 32bit, and an EVGA 8800GT. I can post more info if necessary. All my drivers are up to date and I disabled my onboard graphics in my bios so that only PCIE is outputting.

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No Display With 4GB + 512MB Video

Jun 29, 2008

I have seen postings with computers with 4GB where vista cannot see all the ram. I have a computer and recently upgraded to 4GB from 2GB. I already have a nvidia 8600GT video card. I dont get any display and sometimes the display comes and it shows 4GB RAM but lasts for 5mts before the monitor shuts down to no display. Any ideas how to fix this problem so I can get at least the display ? I dont mind reduced RAM since I am hoping to move to 64 bit if I can find all the drivers I need.

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IE 7 Vs IE 8 Stop Working

Aug 12, 2009

Am having problem w/IE8 stop working...then have to restart. How do I go back to IE 7? Install 7 / uninstall 8?

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HD Stop Working

Oct 12, 2008

The picture explains all.

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8800GT 1GB

Sep 29, 2009

im running off the card now, its not detected inside my device manager tho...

if i try installing drivers the card isnt in the pc, or vista isnt 32bit... which it both is!!

this is EXTREMELY important to get done.. i have lots of coursework to do, in very little time. (2 days!!)

Right- here is my pc
Information and Instructions - IMEDIA X2416 - PB80146101 - iMedia - platform_amadeus_imedia - Desktop

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E-mail Stop Working

Jun 7, 2009

I have windows vista bought it 6 months ago, used windows mail from the start it has now stopped working, also have Mcafee antivirus, stopped receiving mail, looks like mail is sent but does not get there.

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Printers Stop Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell with Windows Vista Business installed. I set it up to connect to the network printers and everything was fully operational. I was printing fine on 2/15/08. I came into work this morning 2/19/08 and when I try to print I get a message saying unable to print. I get the same message with 2 different canon printers and 1 hp laserjet printer. I tried removing the printer and reinstalling it and there was no change. I installed it locally and there was no change. I stopped and restarted the print spooler and there was no change. I cannot even print a test page.

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ALL Web Browsers Stop Working!

Aug 21, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Business x64 SP2 with all the latest security updates. My problem is ALL of my web browsers simply stop working after a while. If i use IE 8 i get the message: "cannot display the web page". once i get this error i cannot even use any other browser, so Firefox / Safari / Chrome does not ever work. If i ping the website it works fine, so the connection isnt the problem. Technically the broswers dont crash they HANG. Firefox and IE close, but when you check task manager the process is still running, and you CANNOT close the process. the only way to fix this, is to restart and it is getting very annoying.

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Mouse Stop Working

Apr 21, 2010

After having failed to install some program, mouse, precicely 'Double Click' stopped working, then I'm forced to use 'Open Page' by clicking intended icon, i.e. 'Word' by clicking and then 'open.' Also, 'Favorites' at the top, I'm NOT able to access any web-site because mouse/'clicking' does not work. 'Start' at far left bottom, if 'classic view,' mouse is completely useless.

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RUNDLL32.exe Stop Working

Mar 23, 2008

I recently installed VistaGlazz on Homex86 SP1.. and I went ahead and patched my rundll file through vistaglazz.. the whole time forgetting vistaglazz does not support SP1. Now when I attempt to enter personalization such as apperance or display properties, I get an error '' RUNDLL.EXE Has stopped Working''

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USB Ports Stop Working

Dec 19, 2009

My system was fine for months, now all my USB ports turn off and on randomly, usually while I try to play a game. It doesn't matter what game. I have all current updates to Vista and all my mobo drivers are up to date. I have tried both rear and front ports in every combination I could think of. I have tried all USB BIOS settings. (There aren't many). I don't know what else to do.

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Explorer Stop Working

Feb 5, 2010

I recently ran memory diagonistic tool and also timing a boot time with .vbs file and after this my computer booting speed became fast, but now when I try to play online game explorer stopped working message is keep popping up and I had this problem when I first got my laptop. I researched and adds-on might cause this problem. But I'm not sure what casue this problem right now. Also I dowloaded microsoft word viewer casue I needed it wuickly. So after I downloaded the viewer I had 6 windows updates that are related to this program. Do u guys think this caused the problem? I checked some tips how to speed up my laptop's performance I saw "how to Enable or Disable the Receive Window Auto Tuning Level in Vista" and I saw that the auto tuning was highly restricted (see the attachment). Does this prevent the internet go slow? cause i'm having problems where I can't load some videos fast.

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Headset Stop Working

Jul 8, 2009

I have a Razer Carcharias gaming headset. It has always worked properly and very well. Now today for some reason the mic on it has decided to stop working. I've checked my sound levels and my boost option, and they are all turned all the way up.
So my question to you is, what should I do next to get this working again? I run my own ventrilo server, so its kind of dumb to do that if I can't even talk on it

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How To OverClocking Celeron D347, P4M900T-M2, 4gb Ram , Asus EN8500GT 512mb System

Jul 2, 2008

how to oc celeron d347, p4m900t-m2, 4gb ram , asus en8500gt 512mb,last time im follow the instruction in Internet bt it make my mobo become failure now im buy a new 1.

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Install A Firewall Stop Working

Mar 29, 2008

A friend's computer. She hasn't used it in the six months since I helped her buy it, so it hasn't been online. Before I go online to download updates like SP1, I want to install a firewall. I've downloaded Comodo's latest free firewall for Win32 as well as various freeware antivirus and antispyware software. The problem is trying to install ANY of these programmes.

When I double-click the installation file a window pops up telling me that the installation programme has stopped working. I've disabled Windows worthless firewall, but that doesn't solve the problem. how I can install security software on this computer. I use WXPpro, so I don't have these problems on my PC.

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Programs Stop Working In Windows

Mar 23, 2008

Several programs I have stop working after a few minutes I get the following message "Program_name has stopped working. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem". Two programs I have I get that message as soon as I start the program. I found an available update that addresses this problem, but when I try to install the update, I get a message that this update does not apply to my computer.

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4 Port USB: Root Hub Stop Working

Jan 5, 2009

I just bought a new 4-port USB hub after my old one had stopped working for some reason, and I can't plug in more than 1 device at a time. My old one also had 4 ports and I could use my 2GB USB drive and my wireless mouse at the same time without any problems. With my new hub, If I have my mouse plugged in and then plug in my USB drive, my mouse stops working (as if I have pulled the receiver out - the 'safely remove hardware icon disappears) and my USB doesn't even connect. Then If I remove either one, the other one which is still plugged in will connect again.

I've also had the same problem if I try any combination with my external hard drive. My external HD has its own power source and has the same problem. I can't say though, whether my old hub worked with either my mouse or USB stick, because I didn't have an external back then.

I've tried opening Device Manager (devmgmt.msc) and looking around in the USB section for the power being supplied to the ports, but it only shows 98 mA for my mouse. And what I don't understand is, even when I run this program without the hub plugged in, it'll show 5 listings for 'USB Root Hub'. Now my laptop has 4 usb ports and an integrated webcam, and the options for the 5th listing says my camera's name along with 500 mA, even though I'm not even using it. And when I plug the hub in, it doesn't show any new entries, and the properties for my mouse show up under the previous 'USB Root Hub' entries.

Does this have to do with my hub not being able to support more than 1 device at a time, or is this a power supply problem? (power supply as in the power that's being supplied to my USB ports, not PSU). And if I haven't mentioned already, both my old and new hubs do not have an external power source, the just have a USB connection.

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Internet Explorer 8 Stop Working

May 2, 2009

Every time I shut down the internet I get a message stating internet has stopped working this is very annoying. Does anyone have any idea how to correct this?

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Monitors On Two Cards Stop Working

Sep 12, 2008

I used to run three monitors on two cards, one pci and the other AGP. Somewhere along the line, (maybe when I went to XP64), this stopped working. I now have a PCI express card which cheerfully runs two monitors but if I put in an old, dual monitor PCI card it doesn't seem to be recognized. Is this a known issue and is there a way around it?

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Printer Sharing Stop Working

Mar 31, 2009

Printer sharing stopped working. "Server" machine with the printer is Vista. It uses printer fine. Router is Linksys WRT150n. 2 laptops, and second PC all with XP. second pc is connected to router by cable, not wireless."Server Machine" sees all machines on the Network page. Workgroup name matches on all 4 machines. The 3 XP machines cannot find the printer. When I run "add a printer" all I get is "Micrsosoft Windows Network" on the browse for printer page. I used to be able to see all the pc's and the printer attached to them. No new firewalls on any machines, I have disabled network discovery and printer sharing, and then reenabled. I have created a new workgroup name in hopes of fixing problem. I have run the network wizards.

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Internet Explorer Stop Working

May 19, 2008

Cannot run Internet explorer, win vista ultimate sp1, live messenger, and other programs. Most time I got windows pop up message, "windows stop working""

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Explorer Stop Working And Restart

Nov 16, 2008

My username downloads folder would immediately cause explorer to stop working and restart, so I was unable to do anything with my downloaded files. I don't believe I downloaded any harmful things but something was up with the files so I wanted to delete them anyway. My only option was to completely delete the downloads folder, and now I don't know how to get one back. I saw on a separate forum to type shell:downloads (enter) in the start search but this only brought up a window saying the search had no results. I hope to get a new username downloads folder that gets the files when I download from firefox, obviously simply creating a folder won't work

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Windows E-mail Stop Working

Dec 13, 2009

My windows e-mail hasn't been working.Still want to keep the same one I HAVE ON FACEBOOK.

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