POP3 Server Access Slow

Jul 29, 2009

Up until this week my PO3 access on one of my WM accounts has been perfect, but now message download has slowed to less than a crawl. Current config:

TCP Global Parameters
Receive-Side Scaling State : enabled
Chimney Offload State : enabled
Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level : normal
Add-On Congestion Control Provider : ctcp
ECN Capability : disabled
RFC 1323 Timestamps : disabled

I have tried disabling auto-tuning and have also used 'highlyrestricted' but this seems to make no difference. Net access for everything else is fine.

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Incoming Mail Server (POP3): Server Error: 0x800CCC90

Mar 23, 2008

How do I pick up my yahoo mail, I have set up every thing that is required put I can neither send nor recieve any mail. The set up is :-Incoming Mail Server (POP3): pop.mail.yahoo.com.au Use SSL, port: 995 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication denziljm@yahoo.com.au Error message is :- Pop3, Server Response: '-ERR popgate unknown command' Prt 995, Secure (SSL): Yes Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18 ail.

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POP3: Specified SMTP Server Does Not Appear To Be A Valid Server

Dec 23, 2009

The message was: the specified SMTP server does not appear to be a valid server. Can provide me with more info to set up windows mail.

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How Can Set Up Pop3 Server?

Jul 29, 2009

How can I set up my pop3 server?

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POP3/SMTP Server Name?

Nov 29, 2009

Anyone lnow the server name for a POP3 account?

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No Connection With Server Pop3?

Sep 27, 2009

I have e-mail account mohamed_hamouda@live.ca I am trying to setup this account to outlook express to enable me to send and recieve e-mails vis outlook butnfortunately it is allways telling me that no connection with the server pop3?

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Could Not Be Found Pop3 Server

Feb 17, 2009

I keep getting this error and no one seems to know the answer...The host 'pop3.embarqmail.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'capestone22', Server: 'pop3.embarqmail.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Find Out What POP3/IMAP Server

Mar 23, 2008

How do I find out what my POP3/IMAP server is and what do I write in the box?

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Host Server Pop3 Not Working

Oct 6, 2009

I desperately need to know my host server and whether I am POP3.

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Setting Up Account, Pop3 Imap Or Server

May 1, 2009

i am having trouble setting up e-mail account. do know know pop3 imap or server name where can i find thid info at?

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POP3 Server Name And Outgoing Mail SMTP Name

Oct 5, 2009

I want to add an account to my windowasmail but I dont know where to find my POP servername and SMTP outgoing servername. Where can I find witch server names my computer has?

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How Do I Find My Email Server POP3 SMTP

Feb 22, 2009

I have wireless service through alltel my computer uses windows mail where or
how do i find the POP3 or SMTP.

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Window Mail Pop3 Server Cannot Connect

Jun 7, 2009

when i try to sign up 2 windows mail i get massage sayin my popo3 sever connot connect ( why )

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Send Message: Imap Or Pop3 Server And Receiver

Apr 2, 2009

I'm in college and tried to send a message my computer asks me to enter my email address and my name then my imap or pop3 server and receiver I don't know what this stuff is! I have the same problem on craigslist when I try to reply to stuff.

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POP3 Server: Cannot Send Email Using Windows Mail

Feb 25, 2009

I cannot send email using windows mail. It says errors with outlook express and the followining error message. Account: 'pop3', Server: '110', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19

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Cannot Send Email :: Server POP3 Cannot Find The Host

Apr 27, 2009

I am trying to send emails and for some reason it keeps telling me that the server POP3 cannot find the host. This started about a week ago and i cannot figure out why it all of the sudden started or how to fix it,

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Incoming & Outgoing Email - POP3 & SMTP Server

Apr 1, 2009

i recently purchased a new laptop, which has Windows Live mail installed. I tried to set up an account using hotmail, which i could not do so i set up a live email address. each time i log on to my account i get the following error message

the host SMTP could not be found. please verify that you have entered the server correctly. I get the same message for the POP3 error message. so the questions are as follows:

1. what are the live server addresses?
2. where do i go in and change them?

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Imcoming Mail Pop3 Or Imap Server Setting

Apr 29, 2009

What do I put in the "incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server" box and the one beneath that?

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Can Access Hotmail And Gmail Allows Pop3

Mar 19, 2009

I have tried to do this in outlook and windows live mail.I must be missing something. Does this mean I can access hotmail from outlook or will hotmail allow me to access gmail, verizon,etc ??? Rollout for Hotmail POP3 worldwide support complete

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Pop3 : Do Not Access Or Send My Mail

May 30, 2008

The host 'pop3' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop3', Server: 'pop3', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D. Windows mail will not let me access or send my mail.

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How To Allow Server Access But Restrict Internet Access

Feb 27, 2010

Our Vista laptops (& my Xbox) access our basic Windows Home Server system through a Netgear router. It's all fine, but I want to (easily & quickly!) restrict & control when some laptops can access the internet while allowing free access to the server. (For instance, so children's internet access can be monitored but they can always get to photos & backups, etc. on the server.)

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SLOW Access To NAS Drive

May 3, 2009

My basic setup is hanging off a Netgear DG834GT, which then connects to a Netgear FS608 (10/100 switch).

On this switch I have my old laptop running XP Media Centre, my spanking new desktop running Vista Ultimat x64 (fully SP1'd) and a Buffalo NAS DH500GL.

All sit within a foot or so of each other and connect via cat5e.

When writing to the NAS from XP, I'm getting write speeds of about 3.7Mb/s.

When writing to the NAS from Vista, I'm getting about 40kbs (yes, 'k' not 'M')
I get a similar 40kbs if writing from Vista to a shared doc area on the XP laptop.

Copying from the NAS to Vista (and XP) I get 3.7Mbs

Internet speed if similar on both for download (about 8Mbs) although I haven't tried upload speeds.

I've tried the auto-tune tweaks as suggested by Shane, and turned off DFS replication as suggested by DMEX.

Also tried plugging both the Vista box and the NAS into the DG834 incase the switch was causing the problem.

None of those helped

NAS firmware is fully up to date, as is Netgear DG834, and obviously the FS608 has no firmware to upgrade anyway.

At the moment I'm stuck with copying a file onto USB on the Vista box, plugging the USB into the laptop and uploading to the NAS from there - which reminds me too much of sneakernet technology .

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Slow Netwrok Access

Jul 9, 2008

I am using pair of Intel E5410 quad core processor with chipset Intel 5400 with on board network card (Broadcom Net Xtreme 57 Gigabyte controller). OS Vista Ultimate on x64. While I access network it is very slow.

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Access The Internet But Very Slow Networking

Aug 9, 2006

I'm running build 5384 on a Dell Precision 370 and a Precision 380. I've tried 64 and 32bit versions but I keep having the following problem: Basically I can access the internet but very, very slowly. Most pages just time out. The machines both have Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit NIC's connected to Dell Powerconnect Gigabit switches. I've tried Manual IP config and DHCP but I can't get a reasonable speed through via ethernet! There's nothing wrong with the network, I've got hundreds of XP 32bit and x64 clients connected to the same network and they can all access the Internet fine. I can ping other clients on the netowork from the Vista machines and I get

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Very Slow Internet Access Via Ethernet Port

May 27, 2010

Had an old PC running windows xp. Worked fine connected to my router using ethernet and powerline adaptors. Bought a PC from a mate running Vista Ultimate. Now I'm getting only about 5kb/s. Checked my router and reset it. OK. In fact, speed using wireless connection to router from another PC is absolutely fine so its not an internet/ISP problem. Checked my powerline adaptors and reset them. No difference. So, all I can think at the moment is:

1. Powerline adaptors have chosen this moment to play up. (although was working fine before).Getting hold of long CAT5 cable so I can plug directly into router to test this.
2. Ethernet interface on new PC is screwed. If so, I guess I can get hold of a PCI LAN card or something.
3. Somethings up with the Vista install. Maybe virus, malware etc. I did a malware sweep and it found some but no difference after cleaning this. Maybe I'll wipe it and install my old version of XP.

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Network Connectivity Name Server Access

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Dell with Vista running on it. we connected it to the university network and are not able to get any browser to find any web site. I open a command line and do a ping both with ip address numbers and via name and ping works fine so there is network connectivity and name server access. I can't find any answer to why the browser will not work. I have tried the microsoft browser and mozilla neither will work. Does any one have any ideas? I am a nubie to Vista. but pretty well versed in 2000 and XP.

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Mail Server Password Ask Access

Nov 20, 2009

Im not really much of a computer wizzkid so pardon me if im not making much sense. I went into tools>account>default mail account>servers tab> My problem started then. Stupidly i changed my password thinking that i would be able to set it to open up and ask me for one when i tried to access my mail. My reaon for this was so others wouldnt be able to see my mail as i constantly forget to lock my laptop when im away from it.

Anyway i clicked apply and close. then i pressed send/recieve to checkif i had any new mail come in. A popup appeared asking for my username and password so i inouted the password that i had just changed. This is not working for me. And i do not know the old password to change back.

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Slow File Access After Removing Junction Point

Mar 25, 2008

running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I created a junction point which mapped to my User folder on external hard drive. Then removed this junction point and pointed it back to the default C:Users... location but ever since the file system is terrible slow even on basic operations such as rename file. So it's NOT a slow copy/move file issue, just that all basic file functions are terrible slow. It doesn't matter if it's in my Users folder or elsewhere. As you can imagine this is making my Vista installation completely useless as software such as Visual Studio is hanging on basic operations. I've done everything I can think of - defragging, turning off Search/Indexing service... still the same

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Slow Home Network Access, Explorer Freezes

May 15, 2009

Dell Studio Laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium. Home wired & wireless network with Wireless N D-Link router, Netgear ReadyNAS duo wired to router, PS3 game console connected to router. I only use wireless from my laptop. When I try to move files around on the NAS using windows explorer, I can't seem to browse the NAS' content for more than a few minutes, then explorer locks up or enters a mode where it keeps refreshing the view of the network directory and doesn't allow basic file operations like right-clicking on a file to get its properties.

I can't get more than 1 Mbps of transfer speed with Robocopy out of the NAS. I have some video files on the NAS unit. Double clicking on any video to play it in Media Player is the worst thing to do - WMP doesn't manage to download enough data to buffer it and never allows to be shut down. I prevents Windows from shutting down cleanly. I made sure I had the latest drivers for the wireless adapter.

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Email Server Cannot Access Share Folders

Jun 5, 2009

Our Server upgraded from SBS 2003 to Win Server 08 & Exchange 07 last year. This email server is domain controller and we have one more file server which is windows server 03 joins in the domain. After upgraded the server, all of the User PC & email server cannot access or see share folders of another PC & email server each other except the email server can be able to access some windows vista PC. But all of the PC & servers (include email & filer server) can access file server share folders. Could you tell me which setting in server is wrong that cause this problem?

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No Access To Windows Mail, Change Server?

Jun 5, 2009

My Windows Mail was activated through my previous web host in Portugal, but I changed to a new web host on 1st June and I no longer have access to Windows Mail. I would like to still use it. I am using cvtelecom.cv in Cape Verde. I have an alternate mail system with the new host but would prefer to use Windows Mail. What info do I need and from whom? I wish to reactivate the account and email address I was using up.

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