PCI Express Test Failure, Booting

May 15, 2010

I've been running the PC since new with an adaptor for the monitor cable where this inputs to the PC. The technical side of it is beyond my knowledge but I was advised when I bought the PC that I had to use with adaptor with the secondhand monitor I have. Last year however the PC ceased to output to the monitor and by trial and error I realised that it would now only work without the adaptor.

More recently I began to experience booting problems -the PC sounds as if it is whirring into action as usual but then gets 'stuck' and there is no output whatsoever by way of error messages or anything else. The problem has been intermittent -sometimes it will boot normally other times not at all. I have run just about every HP diagnostic I could find and also the 'start up repair' (latter didn't appear to recognize a problem). The only test which failed was the PCI express status test (code MB152-15W.

Then lo and behold there was no output to my monitor a few nights ago so I used the adaptor I had dispensed with using last year and all was fine again; my suspicious mind lead me to run the PCI test again which now passed. Then tonight, again no output to the monitor -removed aforesaid adaptor again and all was well, ran the PCI test again and it failed. 2 Vista updates were automatically installed when I shut down last night but the content of them does not appear as if it would have any relevance to my problems

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PXE E61 Media Test Failure, Check Cable

May 8, 2008

PXE e61 media test failure, check cable
boot failure
press any key to continue

if i boot from my vista disc to repair. it cannot find an operating system but it gives me the option to load drivers, which doesnt help because i dont know which drivers to load, tried changing boot order around to enable just hard drive, but then i get bootmgr is missing also when i turn on my computer it sits on the screen that says intel, press del key to run setup. press f11 tp run boot meny, press tab jey to show post sreen. i tried all of those and the only one that works is the last one...if i keep pressing delete it will bring up the bios.

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Media Test Failure, Operating System Not Found

Sep 22, 2009

One day my laptop was open and someone came in and SLAMMED the cover closed, and that messed something up. It will not start up correctly, if my computer is off, and then turned on, this is what happens: It starts successfully to the screen where you have to enter the boot password, after you enter the boot password, the following message just keeps being displayed: Quote: For Realtek RTL8111B/8111C gigabit Ethernet Controller v2.06 (070425) PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM. Operating System not found.

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 082) Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation It just keeps showing that over and over. I have a "Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit Operating System Disk" which says "Use this disk to re-install your operating system". If I use this disk will it completely wipe all my old files?

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Booting Up Windows Failure

Mar 23, 2008

i dont have a windows disc (one was not supplied when pc purchased) and i had a few problems booting up windows, i managed to sort it but i am paranoid now incase it happens again as i don't have a boot disc so the above sounds perfect, but i don't have a clue where to start.

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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Test Mode In All 4 Corners

Sep 14, 2008

I've been trying to download a free CPU temps monitor this afternoon without success and now I seem to have been left with something unwanted on my desk top.

When I'm just looking at the wallpaper and bottom bar ie I've just booted up, I've got the words Test Mode written in all 4 corners of the screen plus Microsoft(R)Windows(R)(Build 6001;Service Pack 1) written at the top middle.

This must have been left over from one of the temp monitors I tried and then uninstalled.

First I tried Real Temp 2.70 and that installed but then I realised I had to pay for it so I uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller. I then tried Speed Fan and Motherboard Monitor but these didn't like Kaspersky and looked like more trouble than they were worth so I uninstalled them as well.

Now I'm stuck with these words on my screen. They are quite small but still intrusive.

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PeerGuardian 2 RC1 Test Not Working

Mar 3, 2009

I've looked around on here some and most of what I find is someone eventually getting it to work properly after the instructions on this page:

PeerGuardian 2 RC1 Test

But those are also mostly from 2007, I didn't see anything helpful in 09 on this... Anyway though I installed PG2's RC1 and did what they said where you disable Integrity checks, restarted, and then tried to run it. But even after uninstalling and repeating this process and trying the XP64 version to no avail, I still get a message when I try to run RC1. It says:

Driver Error

PeerGuardian is unable to load the packet filtering driver. This could happen if PeerGuardian crashed and didn't have a chance to unload the driver, or if the pgfilter.sys can't be found.

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Not Run Memory Test On Boot

Apr 4, 2009

I am runing windows vista 32 and it is actualy running ok for me thought I just tryed to run a memory test and found that it runs up to about half or what i have then it starts over. It will do this till i get tired of watching and jump back in to my bios and tell it to run the fast test witch dose not run any real test. Then the comp will boot fine and run ok. I would really like to know how to get it to run a real mem test so i can check my systems memory. I had a problem a wile back where my main board desided to over clock my memory on its own and thought it is now runing ok i want to make sure it did not damaged the memory. I already found that it had damaged my FX card and had to replace it.

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Test Version Of Browser Add-ons

May 15, 2010

Just found this site that will let you test the version of your browser add-ons, to make sure they are up to date. Why not give it a try to make sure that you are current. A must do for security.

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TCP High Performance Test Failed

Jul 6, 2008

I have ran the Microsoft conectivity test many times on my new Netgear DG834G V4(firmware v5.01.09) and it fails on the TCP high performance test(see screenshot attached) I like my Vista tweaks and always had it set to highlyrestricted with my old Tiscali standard Siemens SE587 receiving speeds of over 7Mb on a 8Mb connection almost everyday.
Some of my DSLzone forum buddies have said that theirs passes the test but why does mine fail. I have asked Netgear support and they cannot tell me whether this router supports this feature or not....what a joke!

here is the link to the connectivity test for all routers but you must use Internet Explorer; {url}

Please try and solve this mystery for me. I have just recovered my system recently and it still fails the test so its not my computers set-up.

I will try and attach it seperately this time.

(Click on the X in the bottom right corner after clicking on the image to expand)

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No Network, Can I Test To See If The Switch Is Faulty

Aug 2, 2009

Have HP Presario 500, 32bit (nVidea nforce 10/100 ethenet) that was working fine until suddenly no network was recognized- no wireless. When I try to create a connection I get "This computer does not have a wireless network adapter installed and configured", however under device manager It tells me that my card is working fine. It also tells me that my "6to4" adapter (whatever that is?) "Windows cannot load drivers required for this device. (Code 31)" So.... HP and I spent an hour on the phone to no avail. They said it was a known issue and although the laptop is out of warranty, they would repair it, so I sent the unit into HP. Three days later they tell me that it's going to cost $750 to repair my $400 laptop because my laptop has been "dropped".

When I received the unit back from HP (No, I didn't authorize the repairs) lo and behold the wireless light was blue , it recognized my network and all my neighbors as usual, and the wireless worked.... for 10 minutes. The next time I turned the unit on the wireless light was orange, and no network. The internet works fine when connected with a cable to the router. Other laptops can see my network and can connect so I know that it's not the router (Linksys WRG54GS)

Can I test to see if the switch is faulty?
Can I test to see if the internet card is faulty?
Can the 6to4 adapter drivers be at fault?

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Freezing Before It Really Starts Post Test

Nov 21, 2008

I have a relatives PC around my house with a funny problem that maybe you can give me your thoughts on what might cause this issue. First when its at his house sometimes when he turns it on it will sit practically at pre post test and do nothing. System is Asus M2N SLI Deluxe board, Nvidia 8600GT Video, 2Gb DDR2-800 ram, Card reader, floppy drive, 640Gb HDD,AMD x2 4200+, Antec 900 case and Thermaltake 620 watt PSU i think.

But when i bring it over to my place and fire it up it always works perfect? Any thoughts on why it always works at my house but randomly after using it for maybe months it always seem to do the same thing and look like basically its freezing before it really starts post test. Side note after sitting for a couple of days it looses its bios setting and yet its only 11 to almost 12 months old for the PC.

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Not Pass Validation Test, How Install SP1?

Mar 25, 2008

I downloaded Vista SP1 and then tried to download Defender but my computer wouldn't pass the validation test. It had until then! I uninstalled SP1 and then tried but it still wouldn't allow me to download. My copy of Vista premium is legal and was on my computer when purchased it in August 2007.

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Does MS Test Crap Or Pass By The Testers Desk

Jun 14, 2008

I'll be damned if Vista insists on biting me after every damn update! Does MS even test this crap or simply pass it by the testers desk? I get things calmed a bit then another update and I'm losing text and the cursor has an epileptic fit. This is a systemic situation starting last November to present as things were fine till they updated something. I've spoken with users from private community to DOD and they all report same.

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Got Test Mode After Installing Technet Download

May 17, 2009

Just underwent a zillion reboots and finally undid this weirdness - read on. I decided to format my second XP on partition D: and install Vista Ultimate SP2 obtained from Technet Plus where I'm a subscriber. I installed using "Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (x86) - DVD (English)" ISO from Technet burned to a DVD and used the key I obtained there, not the "Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 2 Checked Build (x86) - DVD (English)". Actually not quite sure what "checked build" is.

It installed OK but while booting I noticed right after the initial scroll bar when the screen is normally all black for several moments, registry entries (?) in white print flashing across the top of the screen, then it booted normally, but I had "Test Mode" in all 4 corners and "Windows Vista...blah blah" in the centre top of the screen. I thought maybe I need to activate which I did, I had entered the key during the initial install. It updated normally, some failed. I rebooted and could only boot either into that or XP. My main Vista on M: & Windows 7 on N: had vanished. Anyway I formatted D: again, removed a few Vista boot files, re-did the EasyBCD number (in XP on C: ) and finally got my old boot menu back.

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Windows Proficiency Test: Appears To Last Around 20 Minutes

Apr 2, 2008

I have a Windows "proficiency test" as part of a job interview. Looking at the interview schedule, it appears to last around 20 minutes or so. If I've been using either '98 or xp over the last twelve years or so, is there anything I can do to prepare? I have a feeling this is a very rudimentary test for someone who's used Windows for many years, but I like to be on the safe side. Any sample tests available you know of?

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Failed To Play Test Tone, Speakers Stopped Working

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Toshiba Satellite A100 Laptop. Yesterday suddenly my speakers stopped working. Since then I have tried everything to get the sound back but no success.
Have also reinstalled the audio drivers.

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Cannot Send Email: The Connection To The Server Has Failed. Subject 'test', Account:......

Sep 15, 2009

stuff just hangs in my outbox---still receive mail OK. Here's the error message:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account:
'mail.comcast.net', Server: 'smtp.comcast.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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VHD Boot, Bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Test"

Apr 21, 2009

I have a Win7 (Build 7000) installation and would like to use the VHD-Boot feature to boot into a Windows Vista (x64) installation. I have therefore prepared a Windows Vista VHD with my HyperV Server and generalised it. I used the following commands to add the VHD to my Boot menu:

bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Test"
bcdedit /set {ID from the copy} device vhd=[c:]vmfsvistadisk01.vhd
bcdedit /set {ID from the copy} osdevice vhd=[c:]vmfsvistadisk01.vhd
bcdedit /set {ID from the copy} detecthal on

After rebooting and selecting the new entry I just get a error message (after the attempt to repair something) from Windows 7 (!). I have also tried to create a vista vhd using the win7 waik und imagex - same result. how I can get this running?

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How To Turn OFF "Test Mode" In Vista X64 Ultimate

Dec 16, 2007

Is there any way to turn off "Test Mode" in Vista x64 Ultimate? Once upon a time I disabled driver signing through bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON or bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS (don't remember anymore). Now I would like to enable it back on, but can't. bcdedit -deletevalue loadoption or bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF/NO didn't work. Also atempt to remove only the "test mode" watermark by overwriting user32dll.mui also didn't work. I managed to overwrite the file with changed files in bots system32 and syswow64, but nothing changed.

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"Cannot Communicate With Printer" Test Page

May 26, 2008

Just recently purchased a Lexmark X3550 (which is Vista Certified [for what it's worth]) ... At any rate, after installing the software (trying everything except installing it using compatibility mode) I can only print a test page by right clicking on the printer choosing "Run as administrator" and clicking properties. From here I can print a test page without any problems.

However, if I simply right click the printer and select properties I cannot print a test page. And I can't print anything else either. Any attempts result in a "Cannot Communicate with Printer" message that tells me the USB cable isn't connected or the printer is turned off (which it obviously isn't).

Furthermore, the computer in question only has one account configured on it and it's configured as an administrator. All of the settings under the security tab (under properties) are set to allow. Also, I was able to get the printer installed on my system so I know it's not the printer or cable ....But some crazy Vista setting that is differnt on the two machines.

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64 Service Pack 2 - "Test Mode"

May 26, 2009

I installed Vista Service Pack 2 and now get Test Mode on the four corners
of the monitor after boot up. Any thoughts?

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Won't Booting

Jun 20, 2008

my vista home edition 32 bit hangs on the loading screen and does nothing. iv tried doing the start up repair thing but that didnt work, iv done a virus scan but it has come up with nothing. this problem is really annoying

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Not Booting Using Vista

Jun 3, 2008

I've just started having boot problems with Vista. I've had no problems in the past, but earlier this evening it would restart itself while loading Vista (the green bar loading stage). I used the Startup Repair option from the Vista install disc, and the log shows it successfully repaired a corrupted system volume (exact wording may have been different). Now it boots as far as loading a black screen and the mouse cursor, but doesn't get to the Aurora (blue-Vista-Windows-logo-loading thing). I have tried subsequent Startup Repairs, CHKDSKs, Memory Diagnostic checks, all with no errors to report. Unfortunately, I disabled System Restore a while back... Something I now regret doing! At least I know what I'll be doing as soon as I get it running again! My system is an ASUS M2N-E motherboard, AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+, Corsair 2x1GB XMS2 RAM, Sapphire ATi Radeon 3850... And so on and so forth. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit as well.

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Dual Booting With 32 Bit After 64 Bit

Jul 6, 2008

I just purchased a machine with a 64 bit OEM. I have created another partition because I want to install 32 bit on there. However, it is not working so I was wondering if there was something I am not doing right here. I want to use the 32 bit for internet access and itunes and the 64 bit for gaming. I do not have any discs with the 64 bit OS on it either everything I have here is 32 bit.

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Dual Booting XP And

Jul 3, 2008

Can I partition my HD to two partitions, Install my copy of winXP pro on both (its only on one comouter so that shouldnt violate anything) and then upgrade one of them to vista using an upgrade disk? Will both windows work fine?

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Booting And PC To Freeze?

Mar 6, 2009

A friend's Vista computer started booting only as far as the round Vista logo then froze. I took the PC home and using my keyboard, mouse and monitor did some maintenance, upped the memory etc and took it back. It still froze at the logo. I replaced the keyboard and mouse and monitor one by one to no avail. Took everything home and it worked as a system, but at his house - still freezes. Is this an electrical problem - if so how could I find out? Their other computer works fine.

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Freezes After Booting Up

Aug 19, 2009

After booting up the computer the desktop freezes immediately. If it doesn't freeze up immediately I'll have some functionality, but minimal. I'll no longer have access to the internet (no network adapter present), can't run programs (they fail to open) or can't install programs/updates. I have even gotten a couple of Blue screen error messages such as: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

In safe mode with networking I do have access to the internet. When I try to download updates in safe mode I can't because Install shield will not work, or some other excuse. There are no restore points to restore to. There was a Windows Framework update on August 7th. I tried to uninstall it, but apparently it was never installed properly. No blue screens while in Safe Mode. I've been trying to problem solve this on my own, but with my limited computer repair skills I'm scared to try things.

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Booting From CD Drive

Mar 7, 2010

If I want to boot from the CD drive on ocassions, but otherwise boot
from the hard disk. How can I achieve this.

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Not Booting And Freeze

Mar 25, 2010

i have a Sony Vaoi VGN-NS11J im not sure if its a 32-bit or 62-bit. one day i was browseing facebook when my computer froze after leaving it for like 30 mins it was still frozen so i had to turn it off by the button and i know that is bad. when i tried to turn it on again it just gave me the options safe mode safe mode with networking and the other safe mode and start windows normally so i just started normally it gets past the vaoi screen and then on the microsoft windows screen it just keeps loading for like 10 minutes then it restarts then it gave me new options start windows normally or launch startup repair so i launch startup repair which takes like 40 minutes just to get to the actually repair place then it gives me no operating system to repair its just blank ive tried all the booting options start from last known good boot or something like that safe mode wont work and when i disable restart when startup fails i get the blue screen of death it gives me this message. A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer


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Booting Into Windows

Oct 23, 2008

I have a Gateway laptop that has (or had ) Windows Vista Home Premium x86 installed. It was a dual core Turion with 2GB RAM. Anyway, here is my problem(s):

When the computer first comes on, right after the Gateway screen it tells me:
System Config Data Read Error.
That is right when it turns on. The BIOS detects the hard drive just fine.

The second problem is:

It tells me that

Windows Failed to start. File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attempting to read the boot config data.

I tried to do a system repair with the Vista CD. It took about 10 times for it to work. If I turned the computer off, there is a 50/50 chance it would do the same thing and not work. I was chatting with Gateway support yesterday and the tech told me that Windows could be messing with the BIOS. I find that strange because I thought onceWindows took over, the BIOS has nothing to do with how the computer operates.

Well, I tried doing a system repair and it does not detect the Windows install at all. I figured well, I'll do a clean install and get rid of all of the crap that Gateway puts on their computers. I did that. I was able to make a new partition and format the drive. Windows is able to see the drive, but it tells me that it does not meet the criteria for the install. It will not go any further then that.

Gateway is going to replace the hard drive and if that does not work, they are going to service the laptop because I've only had it for a few months now. It worked fine on Tuesday, on Wednesday it did not work at all. Even with the hard drive out, it still tells me System Config Data Read Error on the BIOS screen. Just wanted to see what everyone else thinks.

I'm leaning more towards a drive controller failure or BIOS problem. If that is the case, then the motherboard needs to be replaced,

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