Old User Files Cannot Delete

Jul 16, 2009

In [Computer>C:>Users] there's a file for an old Windows user name that we no longer use that's taking up over 1/2 gig. I have deleted this name already through User Accounts in the Control Panel, but the file still remains on the hard-drive. Windows doesn't allow me to delete it for some reason

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Can’t Delete A User With No Name?

Mar 31, 2008

I have been having this problem for a while now. Under any file I download or any shortcut I make under security is a User with no name. This is what it says: Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-3555475015-4039561939-2811441107-1002). This has been concerning me because I’ve noticed that any file with this in security can’t be removed by anything but the Recycle Bin, which I find interesting, I usually use a file shredder for any file I want to delete, but I can’t. So my question is how do I delete this user name… with no name?

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Can Delete ROB Davies User?

Mar 23, 2008

Due to HDD failure. THEY rebuilt it under the name of RoB Davies, NOT even my name of RoD Davies, and in any event it should have been under my wife's name. So I am apparently the defualt user. I created an Admin user under wife's name of Lenore, added a Folder under her name in the Users Folder, but can I delete the ROB Davies User?

There are the folders under RoB Davies of Contacts, Music, Pictures, Downoads, Videos, Searches etc. Even though I copied all these folders to my Wifes User Folder, and despite there being nothiing in any of these folders as its a brand new built PC, RoB Davies User folders are over 1GB in size, and my wifes about 20KB in total, so there are hidden system files in my incorrectly 'built' user folder...right? But Can I delete the Rob Davies folder?

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Can Not Delete A User Account

Mar 16, 2010

I made a user account a while back for the family members that always get on my computer so that they didnt mess with anything on my account. Why i didnt just use guest side im still not sure. I want to delete this account and turn on guest but it will not let me do anything with it. I have tried changing it to standard and deleting and nothing. I went into safe mode and tried to delete it and still nothing. Turned on the built in administrator account and still nothing. Im tired of them being able to change setting and things on the other side and i can not do anything about it,

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Cannot Delete User Account

Jan 13, 2008

I am listed as the Administrator on my laptop. After my Dad gave me this PC after having it and registering in his name, I renamed the Administrator from his name to mine. When I go under User Accounts, I am the only user listed. However, when I boot my computer, my Dad's log in information is listed first and it starts up automatically saying "Username or password is invalid" and then I have the click "Switch User" to log in under myself. I have tried to delete User Account in Safe Mode, but that did not work either. How can I delete this account so I may start up my computer with just my login information??

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How Not To Delete User Name And Password?

Feb 26, 2010

I am running Vista Home Premium/IE8 and using the free version of CCleaner 2.29.1111. When I use CCleaner it deletes user name and password so then I have to re enter those items. The box for Autocomplete form history in CCleaner is greyed out but unchecked and in IE8/tools/contents/autocomplete settings all boxes are checked excepts feeds.

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Deleted User Accounts And Files But Still See Files

Feb 24, 2009

When I go to C:Users I see "mine", public, and the other I deleted named "test" ....I'm positive that deleted the account and all files but I could be mistaken. Is there a fix for this? I want it deleted.

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User IUSR_NMPR, Safe To Delete?

Mar 23, 2008

I am the sole user on a standalone HP PC, which runs on Vista Home Premium. I found a new user called IUSR_NMPR on my PC whom I did not put there and I do not know. Is it a system set-up user or an intruder? Is it safe to delete it?

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Explorer Files Dont Work And Can't Delete Files

Jul 14, 2009

While installing a program, the process was interrupted and the install created 62000 files using 160gig in my syswow64 folder virtually using all my hd space. However when you go into the syswow64 folder, there is only about 2000 files and 1 gig of space used. I have set the folders to show all hidden files. When I go into the ms dos prompt and do a directory, the files match the 1 gig data.

I can't delete these 62000 files and free up the 160 gig space because I don't believe they are actually there on the hard drive but explorer thinks they are there. Is there any way to rebuild, sync, or otherwise get windows explorer to recognize the correct amount of files that are actually in my syswow64 folder.(2000files 1gig and not 62000files 160gig)

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Undeletable Files :: Unable To Delete 0 Kb Files

Aug 27, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I have a folder on my desktop named Downloads that I use for, shockingly, downloads. Anyway, there are a couple of files in the folder that are, apparently, not really there. They are like ghost files. They used to exist but now they are still visible but not recognized by any program. Also, they have a size of 0 kb!

I'd like to get rid of them but they refuse to be deleted. When I try to delete them, I get this:

So I figured that I'd delete the whole folder........or not:

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Access User Controls Delete A Folder Not Allowed System Rolled Back

Mar 25, 2008

I am so tired of all of the, what appear to be, bugs with this new system. The irritating pop-ups everytime I want to do something (like access user controls, delete a folder, etc.) that want confirmation. Unfortunately I purchased this comptuer with Vista Home installed. Is there a way to just install XP Home back on this thing? I have tried with the XP Home CD and it appears that it will not allow the system to be rolled back.

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All Files Gone From My User Account!!!

Mar 5, 2009

All of the folders on my
user account are gone and Vista reverted everything like my account was
just created. I lost all of my files and everything else I have had. Its
all been deleted!

It started this morning when I logged in and everything off of my
desktop was gone. All of the files and everything. I don't know what
happened, I didn't delete the account or make a new one or anything.

All I know is that my brother, he was stupidly going through my
files from his user account (through Computer/Users), since he was made an admin, and he was deleting some files off of my user account. I'm not sure what it was but it must have been something he deleted that messed up everything! I still see some of the items in my garbage can of stuff that might have been deleted by the moron. The
other user accounts are fine, its just mine that is missing everything
and acting like its a brand new account.

I don't know what he deleted but I know he didn't do a complete wipeout of my account.I
still have a feeling that my files are somewhere because the hard drive
is still the same size.

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Saving Files To Other User Accounts?

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a new HP Media Center PC with Vista Home Premium installed. I promptly went in and created two admin accounts (password-protected) one for me, one for the wife, which may or may not be advisable, I know), and separate accounts for four of our children (these were set-up as standard, password-protected accounts). I was logged into my account (admin) and helping my son with a Word document for one of his class projects. I tried saving the document to the Documents folder in his account, and got a message saying I wasn't authorized. If I'm logged in to an account with admin rights, I didn't think that would be a problem. At least that's how it worked with XP. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone suggest a fix? Is this a matter of
tweaking a setting?

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Why Cant I Delete Certain Files

Apr 19, 2009

When I try to delete certain files it tells me I need permission, does anyone know why this is?

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Get Back Deleted User Account And Files

Jun 29, 2009

I deleted the user account, then realized that the files were not sent to the recycle bin. I also can see the hidden file, its size, and the name of the file but the warning states it cannot be opened because the path has been changed or altered. I still see that the user has many files, and I do not seem to have gained any disk space...is it still possible to get these back.

I know when police agencies are searching for files on the computer they have software that recovers a lot of evidence...is there any out there that I can use?

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Delete 4 Files From My Recycle Bin

Apr 14, 2008

I have 4 episodes of a show in my recycle bin - each episode is 1/2 hour long. I try to delete them, but I get a message saying Calculating time remaining and it just keeps showing that and never gives me a time or deletes the items. It says the speed is 0 bytes / sec. Any idea how I can get rid of these files?

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Won't Let Me Delete Files And Folders.

Mar 23, 2008

Certain files (like exe files) and folders (if they contain exe files) just can't be deleted. I get "You need permisson to do this". I'm the Administrator and only user of the machine. I tried activating and logging in a the "hidden" Administrator, but that didn't help at all.

I 've tried with UAC on and off. With it on I get the joy of clicking about 6 times before I end up with the "you need permission" (shouldn't that be checked first??) No wonder people turn that "feature" off.

I can rename the exe files and usually delete them after a reboot, isn't that very strange?

- Media Player was broken, but seems to work now, it actaully stops playing when you close it.

- I've been getting a "Parts of Logos has stopped working" or something like that error message at every startup for the last weeks.

- Sleep mode worked the first week only. Now it never wakes up.

- IE7 crashes at least once a day.

I've used XP for years and it was never this broken.

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Cannot Delete Files On Desktop

Feb 2, 2010

I have files on desktop but I cannot delete it. Can anyone tell me how I can delete these from my desktop?

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Copies Of Files; Delete One?

Jun 23, 2008

Somehow, I have created two copies of all my files. (I have Vista Home Basic) I have no idea how I did this or when, or if this is what Vista does.

1: copy is under: Desktop - Hal, and
2: is under Desktop - Computer - Compaq (C - Users - Hal.

Should I delete one? If so, which one? It appears that they are exactly the same, but I haven't checked every file, and when I add or update/change a file it goes to both places. (I am the only one on the computer) They both have: AppData, and the Green color files, Contacts, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Music, Pictures, etc.

When I use "Search", it appears that the returned files properties are under 1 (Desktop - Hal) and when I use "Save As" for a file, it also goes to 1. Therefore, I think I should delete 2, but would I delete "Users" or just "Hal"? Am I getting into dangerous waters in doing this or should I just leave it alone?

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Cannot Delete Read-only Files

May 5, 2008

I've noticed this and have seen a couple of posts but it seems most people don't "interpret" the post as intended. I have Vista 32bit. I am an administrator. If a file has the "read-only" attribute checked, I can NOT delete the file. Vista complains that I need "privileges in order to delete the file" and asks me to "try again". I have full permissions on the file, and I am the owner of the file. The issue stems from the fact that it's marked "read only". If I remove the read-only attribute, I can delete it fine!

What gives here? In XP, if you attempted to delete a read only file, it would prompt you telling you the file was read-only and asked if you were sure you wanted to delete it. Vista flat out implies I have no permissions to the file, which is untrue. I sometimes have network directories that contain thousands, maybe millions of files in them. Changing attributes on that many files, prior to deleting them poses significant problems.

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Need Permission To Delete Of The Files

Dec 4, 2008

I was trying to remove a program file AT&T security Installation Wizard. The folder was corrupted. I was able to delete a few of the files. but two of them kept saying need permission. Now I am the Admin and I do have UAC unchecked. In God's name whose permission do I need to get rid of these 2 remaining files.

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Print Files Self Delete.

Sep 28, 2009

I purchased a new laptop with windows vista premium.Installed my new hp deskjet f4280.Coputer shows instaled printer nad no driver problems.When I try to print the file goes to print que and then self delets. befor I smash this vista machine over bills box.The printer worked great on old machine with xp.I updated drivers and checked addmin rights and ports,did hp diognostics and everything fine.checked firwall and disable.niothing.

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Delete Files From Folder

Oct 25, 2009

The only currently open programs on my PC are Firefox and Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer will allow me to delete files from a folder on my C drive.

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Unable To Delete Files?

Apr 21, 2008

I'll keep at it.Yes, it seems strange to me.I have the same mail program on my PC except the OS is XP and nothing like this is happening. I tried answering using "Reply", but both time I got an error message "unable to deliver, email address is invalid.

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How Delete Old Backup Files?

Jul 29, 2009

I've been faithfully backing up my C: to another internal hard disk on a weekly basis for over a year now. I just received an error message telling me that my E: is full, so the most recent backup was unable to be completed. How do I delete old backup files - is it as simple as deleting the particular backup folder and subfolders? Also, can you recommend any strategy on which backups to delete and which ones to keep? I'm running Vista Home Premium, using Backup & Restore Center utility for the weekly backups.

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Does Take So Long To Delete Files?

Feb 8, 2009

When I'm deleting a large number of files, it takes forever. Why is this? This a new laptop which is supposed to be faster. It has 4 gig memory & a large hard drive. It is also very slow when emptying the recycle bin. In fact, everything in Vista seems to be slower than in XP, even though the older computer was 4 years old. What's the big deal with Vista supposed to be better? IMO it's not at all

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Can Delete Tempory Files?

Jun 17, 2009

I have read your tutoral "How to Speed up the performance of Vista". Item 33 "Clear the Vista Temporary Files" lead me to believe that I could delete them all without any bad effect. Is this true? In trying to get more speed I have ran CCleaner & Disk Cleanup. I cleared sent mail, trash, and browsing history. I also deleted all restore points except the last one. I checked the tempory files and the oldest one was dated 6-12, but I have 98 left. This must take a lot of space. Can I delete all of the tempory files?

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Unrelated Folders/files Are Blurred In User Folder

Sep 4, 2009

As you can see, there are two "Pictures" folders, and two "Music" folders. They do not contain the same contents; only one Pictures folder contains all my pictures and only one Music folder contains all my music. The "new" Music folder contains the "Sample Music" folder, and the "new Pictures folder contains all of what is in my original Pictures folder, in addition to same strange things which are shown in screen shot 2. These folders are not deletable, and probably related to the ntuser.dat.LOG2 file you can see at the bottom of the user folder. I think this is probably the cause of something going wrong in the registry, which I haven't a clue of how to edit.

Upon opening the new Pictures folder, this is shown (unrelated folders/files are blurred):

For some reason, the same default Music folder as well as an entirely new (third) Pictures folder is also present here.

If I open the third Pictures folder here, this is shown:

The new Music folders in all cases (except for the original in my user folder) only contain the default Sample Music folder, so I didn't post a screen shot of that.

Deleting any of these unneeded folders is impossible, as Vista will either prevent me from doing so or just creating a new one immediately after it is deleted.

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Restore Files I Saved In A TEMP User Profile?

Mar 4, 2009

My laptop suddenly shut itself down for no reason. When I restarted it, I was given a fresh new desktop with new music folders, documents folder etc.etc. I have since found out I was given a TEMP account - which is weird because I still logged into MY personal profile with no problems (and no warning messages about files being lost when I shut the computer down). Anyway, since I didn't get any message, I worked on my website pages all day and saved the work into a folder on the "new" desktop.

HOWEVER... after restarting the computer the next day and logging into my profile, I was presented with my original desktop - - - BUT NO FOLDER WITH ALL MY WORK! When I searched for the specific files and folder on my computer - I found the files, but I could not open them because "C:UsersTEMP(folder name)" did not exist! Is there a way.. ANY WAY of getting those files back?

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Upgraded Vista: Can Not Find User Music Files

Mar 26, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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Delete Folder From C:Program Files

Feb 11, 2010

I installed a program but it does not apear in the programs and features list while it is working well. I decided to uninstall it but I could not do this because it does not apear in the programs and features list so I tried to delete its folder from C:Program Files but I could not so then I turned my computer in the safe mode and I could delete its folder. Then the problems start to begin: the security center can not see the installed antivirus, when I try to uninstall or install the programs I get: (access is denied contact the administrator) although I am an administrator. Even i could not rename my folders in the C hard disk. also when I try to open system restore I get (There was unexpected error: class not registerd 0x80040154). I do not know if it is virus or a mistake I made by deleting that program.

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