My Laptop Doesnt Play DVDs

Jun 22, 2009

My Advent laptop can play CD - Roms, but it doesnt recognize any DVDs

There are no Lower and Upper Filters in Register, linked to the Drive .

I have uninstalled the drivers to the drive and even the uninstalled the and reinstalled ATA controller.

The Laptop is running Vista HP with SP1

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Cant Play DVDs

Feb 6, 2009

now i cant seem to play regular DVDs on windows media player 11, i have installed a divx codec pack but to no avail. my other comp runs xp with media player 10 i think and no probs? also is there anyway i can get rid of WMP11 and go back to 10?

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Can't Dvds Play Properly

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot get any dvds to play properly, the picurte is not displayed on any player I have tried, sound yes, picture no. This applies to any video file as well as dvds. I have downloaded codec after codec still no joy and have the Nvidia decoder installed. I know that some versions of Vista do not have the codec in MP11, you would have thouht the full blown suppsoedly super duper version would have. IN the UK we have a law called the Trades Description Act as MP11 is been shipped as capable of playing DVDs and quite clearly cannot on its own without some extra expense plugin, it could be argued that it falls foul of the fit for purpsose clauses in that law as it is not fit puprose on its own.

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WMP 11 Not Play DVDs On A New Ultimate Install

Jul 11, 2009

WMP 11 will not play DVDs on a fresh install of Vista Ultimate 32-bit. Gives the usual "Windows Media Player cannot play this DVD because there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card. Try installing an updated driver for your video card" error. VLC plays DVDs just fine. All updates are installed up to SP2. Video card is ATI radeon 9600/9700 mobile with latest drivers (note, Vista WDDM drivers gave same error as did the "windows update" recommended driver - finally used catilyst to load newest 4/27/2009 drivers 8.593.100.0)... No other decoders or codecs are installed.......

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Cant Play Sony Camcorder Dvds

Sep 25, 2009

my friend has lent me a dvd with a recording of a sports game on it but when i try and play it i wont open at all, nor can i convert it using dvd to video file thing. I tried to download the camcorders driver from the sony support site but need to have the actual camcorder to install it.

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Windows Media Player That Comes With Vista Enterprise Does Not Include The Ability To Play DVDs

May 26, 2010

It appears that Windows Media Player that comes with Vista Enterprise does not include the ability to play DVDs. When I try it says that no codec is installed. what I need to download, preferably for free, to either get WMP to play DVDs, or a free player that's not too obnoxious with ads. I tried installing the K-Lite Standard Codec pack, but either I did it wrong or it isn't enough.

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Unable To Play My DVD On Vista Laptop

Apr 24, 2009

Not sure what is happening to my vista laptop. Recently i have noticed that i am unable to play my DVD's. More to the point I am unable to see the DVD player in my computer.

What i have done to remedy the situation is as follows.

1. Booted up and checked the BIOS made sure that the CD was booting first and HDD second.

2. Checked in My Computer properties there was no exclamation mark against any hardware and i was unable to see my DVD detailed there.

3. The DVD player is an internal player and i am unable to detatch and re-attach.

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Do I Own Windows On My Laptop 100%, Use The Vista Home Premium 32bit Key From The Laptop On One Of My Other Desktops

Nov 5, 2009

I bought an Laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. If I install a FULL version of Windows 7 on this Laptop, can I use the Vista Home Premium 32bit key from the laptop on one of my other desktops? If so, would I talk to Microsoft or the manufacturer to get a disk without all the manufacturer "Bonus" software?

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From Outlook In XP On Laptop 1 To Mail On Laptop 2

Jul 5, 2008

there must be many people who have moved all their mail from XP on one laptop to Vista mail on a new laptop. These two computers can see each other on the network. How can I easily move all history, contacts, folders etc from one to the other?

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How To Rip Just Audio From DVDs?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to rip just the audio from DVDs? I have a few live concerts on DVDs, and I would just like to listen to the audio of them all on my MP3 player. Transferring the whole contents of the DVDs would take up way too much storage on my MP3 player. Can Windows Media Player do this?

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DVDs Not Playing

Sep 9, 2009

I recently upgraded to Vista 32bit service pack 2. I held off because of a problem I was having with service pack 1 (as I am about to explain), but I thought service pack 2 may have fixed the problem. However, it hasn't.

When I try to play a DVD through Windows Media Center it is just all fuzzy and static. You can see the picture moving, but it's so fuzzy and pixelated that it's impossible to actually make anything out. When I play through Media Player, the picture is just black. The sound is working fine in both programs.

I downloaded a program called VLC media player, and that plays the DVDs just fine, so does this mean that it is a problem with codecs? I'm not too sure, hence why I'm asking here on how to fix the problem. Obviously I could just keep using this new VLC player, but I prefer using Media Center.

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Not Recognizing DVDs

Feb 3, 2009

I've set my autorun to autoplay DVDs in media center when inserted. When playing a video off my HD in the Media Center, then inserting a DVD, Vista refuses to see the DVD or any other movie I insert! When I quit Media Center, the DVD is suddenly recognized and everything works fine. I want to use this without a keyboard in my living room, so this solution isn't viable.

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Save Old DVDs To Computer

Nov 14, 2009

I had some of my old family movie reels put onto DVDs.
I read that they need to be re-burned every few years to keep them from

When I look at them with Windows Explorer, there is a folder = VIDEO_TS,
that contains files with extensions = BUP, IFO, VOB.

Can I save them on my computer then later re-burn them to DVDs for storage?

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Burned DVDs Can Not Burner

Feb 15, 2009

I am not computer-wise. I have brand new HP laptop with Vista Home Premium. I am new to Vista. I burned two DVDs that will play on my computers, but not on any stand-alone player. Exploring the discs, I see they are lacking the folder AUDIO_TS, which I thought was mandatory even though empty. 1. Am I right to infer that this is the problem? 2. How do I fix it? (I believe the discs were burned with Windows DVD Maker product version 6.0.6000.16386). 3. If this is the wrong tack to pursue, what questions should I be asking?

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Playing DVDs Will Not Working

Mar 26, 2008

My new PC with Vista Business edition will not play DVD's on Media Player as I was told it would do. I get an error message saying no encoder installed. The help search said go to options and enable encoder. It still doesn't play. Do I need some kind of encoder?

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Can`t Burn Dvds With Nero Or Imgburner

Jul 30, 2009

When i start to burn dvd it got stuck on 1% and says power calibration error i can burn cds but not dvds before vista i got xp and worked fine but now cant burn dvds.

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Disk Drive Not Reading CDs Or DVDs

Mar 30, 2008

My CD/DVD drive (optical drive?) is not reading anything i put into it! It makes the same sounds that it always makes when I insert a new CD, but then nothing happens. It does not ask if I want to open it in Windows media player or any other program. So I tried opening all my programs manually, but still it does not show that anything is in the drive.

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DVD Writer No Longer Burns Dvds

Aug 22, 2008

The other day, I tried to burn a dvd for my brothers. The drive worked a month ago and now it doesn't. I don't know what happened - I didn't install any new programs or anything like that. The drive in question is an LG GSA-H55L (lightscribe). When I put in a blank cdr, autorun takes over and asks me what I want to do with the media, but when I try the same thing with a DVD, nothing happens. I have searched online for a fix, but nothing happens. I updated the firmware to 1.05 (latest FW). I first noticed the problem when using windows dvd maker (wanted menus and chapters for some home movies taken from my canon hg10) uninstalled all my burner software and reinstalled. rolled back the computer to previous state

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Playing DVDs: No Encoder Installed

Mar 23, 2008

My new PC with Vista Business edition will not play DVD's on Media Player as I was told it would do. I get an error message saying no encoder installed. The help search said go to options and enable encoder. It still doesn't play. Do I need some kind of encoder?

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How To Change Temporary Folder When Burning CD/DVDs

Jan 25, 2009

How much hard disk space do I need to burn a disc?

If you're using the Live File System format, you don't need to allocate any additional space to burn your disc, since each file is written to the disc as you go.

If you are creating a Mastered disc, however, Windows needs to create a complete "image" of the disc before it is burned. This disc image can be as large as the maximum capacity of the disc you are creating—you might need 650 megabytes (MB) on your hard disk to create a CD-R, or 4.7 gigabytes (GB) to create a DVD-R.

Can I choose where the disc image is stored?

Yes, if you have more than one hard disk installed in your computer, you can specify which disk is used to create your disc image. Here's how:

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.

2. Right-click the drive that is your disc burner, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Recording tab, and then click your desired drive from the drive menu. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

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Trouble Creating 16:9 DVDs With Windows DVD Maker

Jan 2, 2009

I am having a great deal of trouble creating 16:9 DVDs with Windows DVD Maker. I have it set to make 16:9, the movie itself IS 16:9 but the program insists on squishing it into 4:3. I've wasted two discs already and cannot find anywhere else within the program where I can deal with aspect ratio.

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Acronis Backups Burned To DVDs Won't Recognize

Oct 20, 2008

I use Acronis True Image 11 for backing up, all from the bootable CD, I don't have Acronis installed. After creating an image I verify it with Acronis. I also like to burn the image to DVDs and verify them on DVD also. When I burn them to DVDs with Vista, Acronis wont recognize them to verify or restore. If I burn them with Nero Acronis will verify them and can restore them. Any images burned to DVDs would already have been verified while on the HD before burning to DVDs. Any body know what the difference is between burning them with Nero verses Vista in relation to Acronis not recognizing the images burned to DVDs by Vista?

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Burn DVDs Withhout Additional Software

Jul 21, 2009

Have only made CDs so far. Can Vista burn DVDs withhout additional software? and should I use +ve or -ve DVDs?

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Ultimate 64bit: Watch Dvds Screen Freezes

Jan 5, 2009

1. when I play games (quake4) and watch dvds, every now and again (more often with games, sometimes with dvds) the screen freezes and I have to reboot by reset button (nothing else work). As my PC is new, I don't know whether it's a hardware or software problem.

2. I have MS Office 2003 loaded, and again the Word would stop responding every so often and sometimes it restarts, sometimes it doesn't.

3. Finally, a few programs, especially catalyst, would stop working as soon as boot up is completed, but again, this happens only at times. To top it off, sometimes vista will reboot itself automatically, as if I pressed the reset button.

I've checked Bios updates from Asus, and while there are newer updates, they don't seem to be for the problems I'm having, and my realtek driver is the latest version (I've compared my version to what's on Asus' site)

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Windows Media Player No Longer Playing DVDs

Mar 23, 2008

My machine is running Vista Ultimate, and I discovered the other day that Windows Media Player no longer plays DVDs. It used to, but it doesn't now. (Because I don't play DVDs on my computer very often, I have no way of knowing exactly how long this has been going on.) When I try to play a DVD in Media Player, I get the message that "Windows Media Player has stopped working," with the explanation that "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." (It perhaps goes without saying that I have yet to receive any such notification.) I'm provided with no other information about the problem; only a Close Program button that shuts down Media Player. I still seem to be able to play MP3s with Media Player, just not watch DVDs. On a whim, I decided to load up Media Center to see if maybe that would make a difference. While I still can't play DVDs, I at least get a different error message: "Application Failure: A critical Windows Media Center process has failed. Please restart the computer and try again. If the problem persists, contact your hardware manufacturer for assistance."

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Live File System : DVDs Are Write Protected.

Nov 16, 2009

I can’t format and write to blank DVD+R’s with the Live File System using my VAIO internal DVD drive, Vista keeps saying the DVDs are write protected. The same problem is apparently keeping me from using Vista backup utility which also says the blank DVDs are write protected. I can still read old backup DVDs on the same DVD drive, but I can’t read the latest backup DVD I made. I can still format, write and read the blank DVD+R’s with the Mastered disc format but as far as I can tell the Vista backup utility needs the Live File System to operate. I tested the DVD drive with Sony's DriveCheck utility and it checked out good. Microsoft's Fix It utility indicated that there was a read and write probem but didn't elaborate about whether it was the drive or a configuration issue. Any ideas out there on why the Vista Live File System thinks the DVDs are write protected? Are there any inexpensive and automated backup programs that work with the Mastered disc format? It seems vaguely like I resolved this same problem a year or so ago but I can't seem to find the answer now. It also seem like the problem was a registry entry but I tried adding.

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How To Creat Backup Copies Of Dark Knight And Wall-e DVDs 32 Bit

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to make two backup copies of the Dark Knight and Wall-E DVDs, but they end with an error saying that the DVD might be protected. I am using Windows Vista 32 bit.

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Windows Explorer: Clumsy Way To Write Data Files To CD/DVDs

Jul 29, 2009

Windows Explorer in XP was a clumsy way to write data files to CD/DVDs. Is W.E. in Vista any better regarding this? If not, can you recommend free programs for writing data to DVDs?

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WMP 11 Doesnt Get Video

Feb 9, 2009

All had been working well until a few days ago. For some reason, now when I double-click a video file, I can hear the audio but I get no video. I must open WMP manually, and then I get the video of what I'm hearing. I used to double-click a video and it automatically opened WMP.

Then, to close WMP, I must stop the video first. Because if I don't, the audio will continue even though the video will not be seen. I then have to re-open the player, stop the video, then close WMP. I used to close the program (X on the WMP) and it would all (video and audio) close,

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ISO Files Doesnt Contain Anything! Why?

Jun 1, 2008

i recently downloaded got some ISO files from a friend and when i mounted them with daemon tools they contain nothing. I tried to burn it on CD but again it contains nothing (almost). Though the size is 3,5GB when i mount it on Daemon, the total files size is 124KB, (dont advice me to open hidden folders cause i tryied many things after doing this).

This also happened when my friend downloaded some warez stuff and he had the same problem. Though i tryied to stop him opening it with daemon tools due to virus risk, he did it and it had only some KB of file size.

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Chkdsk Doesnt Run Fully

Aug 14, 2008

Check Disk Gets to Stage 2 17% And just stops.
Brings up the next line awaiting another command as if it finished.
I've tried Doing a System Restore But it cant since the files are apparently corrupted and check disk cant fix them because it doesnt get far enough to find them in the first place. Just wondering if anyone here could give me a tip on what to do. I would reinstall it but my computer didn't come with a vista disk.

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