Make Show Bitrate?

May 21, 2009

With XP SP2, when I hovered over an MP3 file, it showed me the bit-rate. But with Vista Home Premium 64-bit, it does not. If I hover over an MP3 file it shows me: Name, Type, Size, Artist and Length but no bit-rate. Is there any way to make it show me the bit-rate? (Without taking the extra step of going to Properties, I mean - I want it to show me in the hover-over-it-with-cursor mode.)

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Make XP Computers Show Up In Network Map

Mar 6, 2007

The new Network Map in Windows Vista allows you to easily create a map of all computers on your network and see how they are connected.  This works by using the Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) protocol that is only part of Windows Vista. 

To help users of mixed environments of both Windows Vista and Windows XP, Microsoft has released the Link Layer Topology Discovery Responder for Windows XP.  This will make your Windows XP computers show up in the Network Map in Windows Vista.

This package contains the Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) responder. The network map on a computer running Windows Vista shows a graphical view of the computers and devices on your network and how they are connected by using the LLTD protocol. The LLTD responder must be installed on a computer running Windows XP before it can be detected and appear on the network map. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

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How To Make Progress Dialog Show More Information By Default

Oct 26, 2009

Vista Users and Ex-Users! At Last The Problem is 99.9% Solved. Here is how you can make the Cut-Copy-Delete Dialog a.k.a the Progress Dialog show more information by default and get rid of all the headache about that stupid "More Information" button, as it is no longer there to bother....Log in with an Administrator account, this is important. If your current account is in the Administrators group then ignore this step. Open the properties window for the shell32.dll file (location- C:WINDOWSSystem32), click on Secutiry tab and then <Edit> button and add your user name there in the list with Full Control. If it's already there then click <Edit> and set Full Control for it.Open the shell32.dll file in Resource Hacker. In the left pane go to UIFILE -> 42 -> 1033. Select all the text you see in the right pane and press <Delete>. Download the text file in the attachment and copy all the text from it to that pane. Click on <Compile> and File->Save. If it fails to save then take Ownership over the shell32.dll file and repeat step 3 and step 4. Google "taking ownership of files in vista" if you don't know how to do it. Exit Resource Hacker and restart machine. The Progress Dialog Will Look Like This:

Notice that there is no "More Information" button. Plus the Cancel button is a bit slimmer and the Progress bar has moved a little downwards. This was done to keep the window in "shape" . minor notes:- In the default window the progress dialog shows simple location info and remaining time. Clicking the "More Information" button makes both go away and displays them in a row and column based way, along with remaining items info and data transfer speed; even the location info is devided into two rows. This is streamlined, informative and looks cool. It would be better if the detailed info window opened by default. I aimed for the same but unfortunately the scripting language is unknown to me and with my limited knowledge of html programing the best thing I could do was to make the default window show only remaining time, items and speed in columns and rows. There was no location info there.......

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Searches Can MP3 Files Via A Specific Bitrate?

Jun 13, 2009

With Vista or Windows 7, is it possible to search for mp3 files specifically by bit rate For example, if I wanted to search my hard drive ONLY for mp3 files that have a bit rate of 320, is it possible? If so, what is the procedure?

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AVI Files Show Pic Other Show Black Icon

Feb 21, 2009

Is my first post and i have a problem with avi file icon. I am from Cyprus and my english its not very good. Some of my avi files show a picture and some others show a black icon. I did not have this problem before. Before all my avi files show a picture. I have K-Lite Mega Codec Pack (new version). I try Vista Codec but i can solve it. If you don't understand my english, one of the moderators please delete my post.

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Make Win 7 64-bit

Apr 13, 2008

Make Windows 7 a *completely* 64-bit operating system. Most modern processors (the ones that'll meet the min requirements) are 64-bit capable. This will be the final step in securing a 64-bit standard! This will incline software developers to make more, if not most, programs 64-bit.

I fail to understand why they feel the need to convince people who are happy with Vista that they are wrong. That is aside from the self-esteem issues they must have ;-)" This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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How Can I Make IE Always Run As Administrator?

Jun 8, 2008

How can I make IE always run as administrator? If not I can't print from it. Can from XP with same AVG8 & ZA. John the West Ham fan C.E.T.

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How To Make An Animation

Jul 24, 2009

I want to make an animation (preferably 2d)
I just want to do it for fun. The only thing is I want to be able to it quickly (if possible).

I have done animation using paint, inkscape and gimp to frame by frame make an animation ,but that takes ages.

I'm sure there must be a program to make an animation Quickly.

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How To Make Faster?

Feb 26, 2009

1) Vista is the slowest most crappy os, how can I make it faster?

2) You could throw it out the window so it will fall and it would go faster

1) if I tied a rock it it before I throw it will it go faster?

2) idiot! the acceleration g is constant!!! no matter if its a feather or a canon ball! What differs is the distance it will travel as its accelerating, and its aerodynamics.

1) so if I put it in an aerodynamic enclosure it will go faster?

2) yes but thats not all you can do!

1) Ahh I see what you mean.. can I put it in a canon and shoot it?

2) canons are so 16th century! Now that the US economy is falling apart they are selling the shuttle rocket solid fuel boosters that you can tie on to vista and shoot into space!

1) But what if we steer it towards a planet? Wont the gravitational pull
make it faster?

2) That would do some good but if you really want to make if faster you
can steer it towards a star

1) A star is good.. but I would like to make it go faster.. vista is so
lame its still slow

2) then steer it towards a black hole its intense gravitational pull will accelerate it to close to the speed of light

1) But what will happen when it enters the black hole?

2) It will enter a parallel alternate universe where vista works well,doesnt have bugs, and free and works fast.

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How To Make Only 1 User

Mar 23, 2008

before this i try to install vista on my machine. and for sure in that time we need to create user (adminstrator) before we start using the vista. after that, i try to keep an image for my vista because if anything happen, it will be more easier to me. then, i try to image on my machine again. but, there already have i user which mean the administrator that i create during the 1st installation. so, when i do the image, i need to put the different user name because the user name that i try to create already exist. so that will create 2 different user when imaging is done. is there any way how to delete the 1st user? so when imaging is done, it will only 1 user (new user) and the windows will be automatically show the desktop. (i know how to delete from control panel>user account). actually this is for my client.

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How To Make Convert .Swf To .Exe

Apr 5, 2009

I love to download flash games. Does anyone know how to make the .swf into a .exe or make the .swf's open with macromedia flash player?(rather than opening them using my browser.)

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How Can Make Vista Use All Of RAM

Jan 12, 2010

I am concerned that Vista is not taking advantage of my RAM. I have searched high and low for an answer, but all I find are posts by people complaining that Vista uses all their RAM, and the obvious responses that Vista _should_ use all their RAM. My problem is that I have a 64-bit system with 8 GB of RAM, and Vista only ever seems to use about 2.5 GB of it. I notice quite slow performance, for example, when I use Firefox with 80 tabs or so, but RAM usage is still relatively low. Of course my pagefile.sys is always an 8 GB file when I check. How can I make Vista use all of my RAM? I should be getting better performance.

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Make IE7 Open Pop-ups In A New Tab

Feb 15, 2007

Tabs are one of the best new features in Internet Explorer 7.  I like them because they keep my task bar clean of extra Internet Explorer instances. The only problem I have is with pop-ups that are on my allow list such as when I write a new message in Outlook Web Access.
Follow these steps to configure Internet Explorer 7 to always open up pop-ups in a new tab instead of a new browser window:

While IE7 is running, click on Tools and select Internet Options.

On the General tab under the Tabs section hit Settings....

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Make It Look Like Windows 7

Mar 27, 2009

Want to bring the look of the Windows 7 taskbar and interface to Windows Vista?  Thanks to the hard work of a dedicated Vista user, everyone can download a special visual style for Windows Vista that will transform your pc.  

Before you can install the new visual style the visual style engine must be patched to allow non-Microsoft visual styles.  Check out my article on using VistaGlazz to do that...

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Windows Movie Make

Mar 23, 2008

Does ANYONE out there know anything about importing music with the new Vista? We just bought our Dell from Best Buy and Dell tells us to call BB and BB tells us to call Dell or bring it in... here is whats going on... I want to make a DVD of our kids for my husband. Easy enough... well I want to add music (did it on our old laptop with Windows XP noooo problem!) well NOW... no matter WHAT music cd I RIP to Windows Media Player and try to import the music to the movie I get this message Track -- .wma is protected using digital rights management and cannot be imported.)

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How Can I Make Games Run In Windows?

Apr 4, 2009

How can I make my games run in a window? (For some reason, I prefer to play games in "windowed mode".) In XP you had to add something like "-w" on the shortcut thingy... But it doesn't work on Vista. I know how to do the "Windowed GUI" -thingy, but I think it quite doesn't help me. I even tried it, but the games still run in fullscreen. I have managed to make a few games run in a window, but that is because there was an option for it in the game options. Unfortunately for me, not all games have that kind of options. Or maybe I'm just blind, and I don't find that kind of things from the game options. *shrug*

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How To Make Your Own Balloon Tips

Oct 27, 2008

how to make your own balloon tips. (Looks like this). I would like a balloon tip like this to appear every time a user logs on.

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Make Your Icons Look Fine

Oct 28, 2009

How do you make your icons look fine, not like I have them?

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How To Make A Contact Group

Jul 29, 2009

I cannot figure out how to make a contact group. The help menu says to 'click on the toolbar', but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. I also don't know what a taskbar and a toolbar are. (I know that sounds ridiculous, but, nevertheless.....)

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How To Make Backup Disk For SP1?

Feb 6, 2009

I have installed SP1 about 5 days ago. I'd like to know how to make a backup disk of SP1, just in case?

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Is It Possible To Make Dual OS Possible Using Backup HD?

Mar 23, 2008

I have an HP 7763w PC, which came with Vista. It has that vertical bay in the tower front for a backup (or portable?) drive, that can be popped in and out easily. I really would like to have XP on my machine again, but am a little concerned about changing the main HD, or making a partition on it, fearing unforeseen problems. Can I install it on the BU drive? Or what would be a good way to be able to boot into either OS at my choice?

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How To Make A Email Adderess?

Mar 23, 2008

How and what I need to do a Email adreese

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How To Make Language Change?

May 1, 2008

I am english but live in spain just bought a new laptop with vista basic and its all in spanish. unfortunatly my spanish is not that good is there anyway of changing it into english.

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Make . Net 1.o Sp3 Install But Not Woeking

Mar 25, 2008

I've been thru many steps to attempt to make .net 1.0 SP3 for successfully install on my PC but nothing has worked so far. I DL the pack without using Updater, and I'm told it is incompatible. I have many "successful" installs of the "MS XML Code Services 4.0 SP2", but when it sees .net 1.0 SP3 not installed, it is installed all over again. What does it take for this to work properly?

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How Make Computer Go To Sleep?

May 15, 2010

How can I make my computer go to sleep. The option in the start menu is grayed out.

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How To Make Runs Faster?

Mar 23, 2008

Does we gt any way to make d vista OS runs faster, like boot faster and performance better?

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Make A Bootable CD With Vista Sp1?

May 25, 2008

My friend just bought an Acer computer with Vista SP1 on it. It came with no literature or CDs. Is there a way he can make a bootable CD with Vista Sp1 on it for emergencies?

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Make Print Larger?

Mar 23, 2008

We are new to windows vista and I can barely read the print on the desk top as well as mail or anything else. I have searched on how to make the print larger and it is not just like going into your email and changing the font size. Any tips on this issue from people who are familiar with vista.

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Make Extra Space ...

Apr 22, 2009

I have a vista laptop with a 60g HDD which is partitioned as C: 20g d: 40g. I have been having space issues with the c: drive and would like to know if i would be able to transfer some of the 40g from d: to c:?

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Why Did MS Make IE 7 Uninstallable/unrepareable?

Jun 1, 2008

If you have a problem with IE7 that disabling Add-ons wont fix, you are left with System Restore or reinstalling Vista. Why the hell did MS not implement the normal Uninstall, Repair, etc for IE7? It just seems stupid. You shouldnt have to be forced to resort to System Restore or reinstalling Vista to fix an issue with one program.

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Does Upgrade To Make You Xp Key No Longed

Jun 23, 2008

i have a question what if a person upgrade to vista useing a upgrade ver of the cd-- i heard that if a person does upgrade from xp to vista-- it make the xp window cd KEY-- no longed good any more to install- in case a person does not like vista

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