Make Extra Space ...

Apr 22, 2009

I have a vista laptop with a 60g HDD which is partitioned as C: 20g d: 40g. I have been having space issues with the c: drive and would like to know if i would be able to transfer some of the 40g from d: to c:?

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Ram Taking Extra Space

Aug 22, 2008

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned. On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram. On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

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Extra Personal Shell Folders To Create Extra Folders

Aug 6, 2008

I love the personal shell folders so much I would like to create extra folders

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4% Free On Drive C : How Free Up Space Make Computer Perform Best

Apr 8, 2009

I have a HP Pavillion dv6000 laptop computer. HP Total Care Advisor tells me only 4% is free on drive C. I ran disk defragmentation, disk cleanup, and uninstalled a good amount of programs I no longer use. It did not do anything. Once and awhile I get a prompt in the bottom right corner saying that I have low disk space. When I click on it it wants to run disk cleanup which does absolutely nothing. How do I free up space and make my computer perform the best it can?

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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HD Space/JkDefrag: How I Lost 100 Gigs Of Available Of Space

Nov 29, 2008

I have a 320 GB HD. When I checked it, I only have 25 gigs of free space. However I can only find about 180 gigs of files/data. Any ideas as to how I lost 100 gigs of available of space? Just a couple of weeks ago I checked and I had plently of space. No recent installs, only recent changes are the removal of Mcaffee monitoring software and running JkDfrag.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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Extra 2Gb Of Memory?

Dec 31, 2007

Running Vista 64. Got 2Gb of memory already. And since I'm in the process of ordering the 32 bit version of Vista for my wifes PC i'm thinking of getting another 2GB. Would another 2Gb of memory work to my advantage?

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Extra Disk In Defragmenter, HP.

Mar 26, 2008

I opened Select Volumes in Defragmenter as I only want it to run on my C:
drive and I found an extra "disk" listed.

I have, from the top,

(Select all disks)
Vista (C
Removable Disc (D

and then this, \?volume{bd14d1e-25b2-11dc-bf36-806e6f6e6963}

Can anyone tell me why I have this entry and what it means? Also, if it is a
"disk" where can I find it and see what it contains?

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Won't Boot After Installing Extra Ram

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem that i have encountered with a dual boot machine.First i will give the details of my computer:

ECS NF650iSLIT-A motherboard
Intel Core 2 CPU E6400@2.13ghz
2gb Ram (2xGeil Ultra 1gb DDR2 PC6400)
2xNvidia GeForce 8500GT graphics cards both with 1gb on board)
700w jeantech modular PSU
Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Sound card
Windows XP Home on 120gb HDD PATA
Windows Vista Home Premium on 320gb HDD SATA

This all works fine including in SLi mode.All the latest drivers are installed and both O/S's are up to date.My problem started when i purchased another pair of Geil Ultras (same spec as above) to make my total ram 4gb.I installed the ramas per instructions,then powered up the computer.Vista is my default O/S and it refused to boot up.Got past the P.O.S.T screens then got a black screen with no computer activity
whatsoever.Powered off with power button turned off at mains waited a moment or two then powered up again,At the choose O/S screen chose XP,got as far as the windows XP logo screen and it just locked up on that screen.Turned off again,removed the new ram and tested on my sons machine to find they are working perfectley.

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Gadgets Can Use Extra Width

Jul 29, 2009

Is it possible to change the Vista Sidebar's width or have it auto-hide? I haven't found a way to change the width, but would like to (assuming any gadgets can use the extra width. I also am interested in having the Sidebar auto-hide. I found a gadget somewhere that claimed it could add auto-hide. I was suspicious as I didn't think that Sidebar would let a mere gadget change the bar's appearance. Sidebar claimed my download was corrupt. I didn't attempt another download. Because of these issues, I looked into other sidebars, but the only one I liked that worked was Google Desktop which won't install. I have Vista 64-bit SP1 and GD requires a 32-bit OS.

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Extra Page Printed At The End

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Dell A920 printer which worked fine on an XP machine. I have since upgraded to a new machine running Vista Home Premium. When I print from IE or an email from Firebird, I always get an extra page printed at the end. In Firebird, if I do a Print Preview, the entire email appears on one page. When I print, it prints an informational line which appears on the bottom of the preview page on the top of the 2nd page. If I shrink the document, it does the same thing. If I am in IE and tell it to print just 1 pages, it will still followup with a 2nd page. Office applications, Word and Excel, print just fine.

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Extra Partitions On Disk Management

Jun 17, 2009

i want to put linux on my computer as a stepping stone leading towards my career and want to dual boot vista with linux unfortuneately i got 3 partitions in total. 1 that has EISA Configuration and an unknown 4.73GB (Healthy) partition, that i am unsure of what purpose it has because it has no info on it. I want to get rid of it so i have more space forlinux

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Moving Extra Fonts Without Deleting Them

Mar 23, 2008

How do you move extra fonts without deleting them? I have 600+ fonts installed. I see no option to just move the font without deleting them permanently. My HP laptop is very slow starting up and I think the installed fonts are slowing it down.

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System Is Slow After Having Ultimate Extra Update

May 29, 2008

i was just installing some extra languages on the ultimate extra update, i just selected all the updates to download as i was in a rush go leave home, it came up to about 5gb, it wasnt a problem because i was going out for about 4 hours. i came back home, download was complete and was installing the language packs, at first i thought it was stuck because computer started to run extra sluggish, but just as i was about to restart computer the bar moved, so i just waited, just doing some browsing etc on this forum, researching and getting tips and tricks etc., despite the fact that it was still running slow..i checked the cpu usage, the cpu was fine, but with suprise, the ram was running about 1.9gb ( i have 2gb ram). first of all, is the language pack suppose to take that long to install? and is it suppose to use that much of the ram?

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Install Extra Harddrive, Worl Slower?

Jun 24, 2008

If I Install extra harddrive on my pc will it worl slower?

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Physical Memory : Server Error Can't Download Extra

Aug 13, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and the problem I'm having is my computer is not using its full Memory, like, It came with 3gigs, and I upgraded it to 4.50 gigs and it says I still have 1.56 remaining. Now I've heard people say have I remaped it...But I dont know how. Apparently I can use my extra 1.56 thats...Not being used since I upgraded it...I thought it was automatic. I'm just looking for a answer so I can use my extra RAM.(I have looked at a hotfix and when I go to download it, it says a server error or whatever and I can't download it.)

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Windows Defender And Extra Programmes On The System Tray

Sep 18, 2009

There must have been a Windows update or something because now I have a big white balloon that comes up in my system tray, every time I load up the computer. This has only been coming up in the last few weeks or so, which makes me think it is a Windows update. The balloon shows a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark inside. It states, "Windows has blocked some startup programmes. Windows blocks programs that require permission to run when Windows starts. Click to view blocked programs."

I did this and it showed me the programmes I always have a on the start menu anyway, with a sign saying 'permitted' for each one, whereas I know this already. Then there are other, new programs, I have never seen before, under the banner 'Windows Defender' with signs saying 'Not Yet Classified.' Eventually, in the same boot up session, I can eventually get rid of the balloon. After that it shows in the system tray, with all my other items already there, as a square turquoise icon with a red circle and a red line across it diagonally, on a white background and this sits on the bottom left of the turquoise icon.

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PCI-E Port, Extra SATA3 Connections Slow Things Down

Apr 25, 2010

I am really not very good with hardware, but I want to install some new USB 3.0 ports. I have selected a card, ASUS U2S6 USB3.0/Sata3 6Gbps PCIE Card and I want to install it. I have checked my computer and I do have the required PCI-E port. That is not the problem. Just two questions:

1) This website seems to suggest that it will only work on some very selected motherboards. Asus U3S6 USB3.0 & SATA 6Gbps PCI-Express Controller Card [U3S6] Controller Cards SATA III 6Gbps

Compatible motherboards: P7P55D Deluxe, P7P55D EVO, P7P55D PRO, P7P55D, P7P55D LE, P7P55 LX However, my motherboard is not listed. I thought that PCI-E cards were just meant to be insert and install drivers. Is this not the case?

2) Also, I have noticed that this card does not require additional power. Does this mean that it might not be able to power some of the more power consuming USB gadgets that I might buy? Therefore, would this be a better choice: UNITEK 2 Port USB 3.0 PCI Express Card Reviewed.

I do have a spare Molex power cable, so that would not be a problem, though an extension would be required (again not a problem) I do like the idea of having the extra SATA3 connections (and I know that using them may slow things down) but primarily this is for my USBs, so I want proper functionality.

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Thumbnail Open Folder Extra Large Icons

Oct 18, 2009

I recently have this problem with my windows vista. Each and every files and folders in my C: (Operating System) drive has huge thumbnails. When I open a folder I see the views set to the extra large icons. I have to set them back and when I open a new folder the icons there are extra large as well. How do I solve this problem?

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8800 GTS 640mb Or 8800 GT 512mb SLI: Power Consumption With 2 Cards And Also The Extra Heat Due To The Single Slot Designs?

Feb 3, 2008

I run a single BFG 8800 GTS 640mb OC2 in my PC at the minute due to using an EVGA 650i Ultra board - which has a single PCI slot - but have just bought a Asus 680i SLI board, so i'm wondering if it may be time to upgrade from my single card to dual cards?

The 8800 GTS i have is fantastic and i don't really see any problems with it: apart from Crysis and the snow levels that is, but i think everyone has problems with that anyway. I know the 8800 GT cards are the next GPU die (G92) and are cheap enough to justify SLI, but will i see a massive increase over what i'm playing with at the minute? I only usually play at 1280x1024 anyway due to burning out my Gainward Golden Sample 7800 GTX whilst running HL2 at 1600x1200 and so it's better to be safe than sorry (and out of pocket £300!). Also, i'm wondering about power consumption with 2 cards and also the extra heat due to the single slot designs.

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Printer After Installation Of SP2 (printer Prints An Extra Page)

Jun 1, 2009

Just installed Vista SP2. Everything seems to work OK except for my Dell 1720 printer. It now prints an extra page before the actual document to be printed. There are just a few spurious characters printed at the top of this unwanted page. The following "proper" pages are OK. I have, so it seems, the lastest driver available.

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Folders And Photos On "Extra Large"

Sep 1, 2007

I have lots of folders of digital photos. I like them to open up with the folders and photos already on "Extra Large" so I can see what's what. Somehow I changed something when I was trying to optimize performance, and now every time I open a folder all the jpegs or folders that are inside it are the smallest size. I know I can just go up to Views and change it, but I don't want to have to do that every time. Is there some setting I can return to how it used to be so that folders and images are automatically on the largest size? I think there must be because that's how it used to be.

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Using Windows Dreamscene (with Extra Dreamscene Content)

Feb 14, 2007

There has been a lot of interest in the Windows Dreamscene Ultimate Extra, previously known as motion desktop, that allows you to use video files as your desktop wallpaper. This extra that started out as a rumor and finally into a product adds a great deal of "wow" to your desktop.

Earlier this year at CES 2007 when Bill Gates introduced this feature in the keynote I witnessed something that rarely happens to Microsoft.  Right after the presenter turned on Windows Dreamscene and the static picture of a waterfall turned into a moving flowing waterfall the crowd responded with a level of excitement and applause that was greater than I ever heard at a Microsoft keynote. The attendees were truly excited and impressed with this little Vista add-on. To see a quick demo of Windows Dreamscene, check out my CES Dreamscene article here.

Windows Dreamscene has been released and users of Windows Vista Ultimate edition can begin to customize their desktops with this great Ultimate Extra.  Follow the steps below to get Windows Dreamscene installed on your computer.  Before you continue, make sure that you have Windows Vista Ultimate edition. Windows Dreamscene can not be downloaded and installed on any other version.

Click on the Start Menu and type in Windows Update and hit Enter.

Once Windows Update loads, click Check for Updates.

Under the Ultimate Extras section, check the Windows Dreamscene option and hit Install.

After Windows Dreamscene is installed you may need to reboot.

After a reboot, right click on your desktop and select Personalize.

Next, click Desktop Wallpaper.

Browse and select the video file you want to use and hit OK.

Your selected video file will now be displayed as your wallpaper.

Extra Windows Dreamscene Content Videos

After a short while you may become bored of the stock videos that come with Windows Dreamscene.  Below are some sites that I use to download additional videos that I use as my Dreamscene wallpaper.  Some of these sites offer free downloads while others are not. If you find a video you like keep in mind that you can always edit it to shorten it in Windows Movie Maker....

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Make Win 7 64-bit

Apr 13, 2008

Make Windows 7 a *completely* 64-bit operating system. Most modern processors (the ones that'll meet the min requirements) are 64-bit capable. This will be the final step in securing a 64-bit standard! This will incline software developers to make more, if not most, programs 64-bit.

I fail to understand why they feel the need to convince people who are happy with Vista that they are wrong. That is aside from the self-esteem issues they must have ;-)" This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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How Can I Make IE Always Run As Administrator?

Jun 8, 2008

How can I make IE always run as administrator? If not I can't print from it. Can from XP with same AVG8 & ZA. John the West Ham fan C.E.T.

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How To Make An Animation

Jul 24, 2009

I want to make an animation (preferably 2d)
I just want to do it for fun. The only thing is I want to be able to it quickly (if possible).

I have done animation using paint, inkscape and gimp to frame by frame make an animation ,but that takes ages.

I'm sure there must be a program to make an animation Quickly.

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How To Make Faster?

Feb 26, 2009

1) Vista is the slowest most crappy os, how can I make it faster?

2) You could throw it out the window so it will fall and it would go faster

1) if I tied a rock it it before I throw it will it go faster?

2) idiot! the acceleration g is constant!!! no matter if its a feather or a canon ball! What differs is the distance it will travel as its accelerating, and its aerodynamics.

1) so if I put it in an aerodynamic enclosure it will go faster?

2) yes but thats not all you can do!

1) Ahh I see what you mean.. can I put it in a canon and shoot it?

2) canons are so 16th century! Now that the US economy is falling apart they are selling the shuttle rocket solid fuel boosters that you can tie on to vista and shoot into space!

1) But what if we steer it towards a planet? Wont the gravitational pull
make it faster?

2) That would do some good but if you really want to make if faster you
can steer it towards a star

1) A star is good.. but I would like to make it go faster.. vista is so
lame its still slow

2) then steer it towards a black hole its intense gravitational pull will accelerate it to close to the speed of light

1) But what will happen when it enters the black hole?

2) It will enter a parallel alternate universe where vista works well,doesnt have bugs, and free and works fast.

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How To Make Only 1 User

Mar 23, 2008

before this i try to install vista on my machine. and for sure in that time we need to create user (adminstrator) before we start using the vista. after that, i try to keep an image for my vista because if anything happen, it will be more easier to me. then, i try to image on my machine again. but, there already have i user which mean the administrator that i create during the 1st installation. so, when i do the image, i need to put the different user name because the user name that i try to create already exist. so that will create 2 different user when imaging is done. is there any way how to delete the 1st user? so when imaging is done, it will only 1 user (new user) and the windows will be automatically show the desktop. (i know how to delete from control panel>user account). actually this is for my client.

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How To Make Convert .Swf To .Exe

Apr 5, 2009

I love to download flash games. Does anyone know how to make the .swf into a .exe or make the .swf's open with macromedia flash player?(rather than opening them using my browser.)

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How Can Make Vista Use All Of RAM

Jan 12, 2010

I am concerned that Vista is not taking advantage of my RAM. I have searched high and low for an answer, but all I find are posts by people complaining that Vista uses all their RAM, and the obvious responses that Vista _should_ use all their RAM. My problem is that I have a 64-bit system with 8 GB of RAM, and Vista only ever seems to use about 2.5 GB of it. I notice quite slow performance, for example, when I use Firefox with 80 tabs or so, but RAM usage is still relatively low. Of course my pagefile.sys is always an 8 GB file when I check. How can I make Vista use all of my RAM? I should be getting better performance.

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