How Make Computer Go To Sleep?

May 15, 2010

How can I make my computer go to sleep. The option in the start menu is grayed out.

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Sleep Mode Make Drak Gray Screen

Nov 27, 2009

When I wake my computer from sleep mode I do it by clicking the mouse. Lately, when I try and wake it, it makes all the sounds of waking but I get a dark gray screen. I can see just a tiny strip on top which shows that the page is up and running but it's covered over by a gray screen.

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My Computer Will Not Sleep

May 21, 2009

I have an HP desktop running Vista Home Premium 64 bit and every time I try to put it to sleep, it appears as if it will sleep, but bounces back to life after a few seconds. My sleep options are set for "allow computer to sleep when..." And I'm allowing my computer to sleep under any circumstances. I have all the current HP and Vista updates installed and my drivers are all up to date.

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Computer Will Not Go To Sleep

Mar 4, 2009

Several days ago my computer refuses to go to sleep. I click the 'sleep' buttom and the monitors go black and it appears that it is going to sleep, then the motherboard clicks back on and my desktops appear again. This is happening on both of my dual operating systems (Vista and Windows 7). So, is my motherboard defective?

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64-bit Troubles Make Computer Freeze

May 19, 2008

Hey everyone. I just subscribed to these forums because I was hoping to get some advice about what to do. My tech knowledge is pretty limited, so I will try to explain the problems to the best of my ability.

I'm running Vista Home Premium x64. At least 4-5 times a day my computer completely freezes up and will remain that way until I manually restart it. I've looked at the problem reports and solutions and there seems to be 2 main problems. Most of the errors are under the group called "windows." the Problem event name states there was a blue screen error. I've heard of the blue screen error, but I thought it was odd that my screen didn't actually turn blue. The other problems are under the group "windows explorer." The error name there is "AppHangB1." I have no idea what that means.

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Computer Wakes Up From Sleep

Feb 1, 2009

When I enter sleep mode my computer goes into sleep mode but immediately comes out of it again. This is both before I followed the steps in this tutorial and also after I have setup normal sleep as explained in this tutorial.

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Computer Just Locks When I Put It To Sleep

Sep 7, 2009

Whenever I put my computer to sleep, it doesn't actually GO to sleep. Rather, it's like if I had just locked it instead. The display stays on and it just goes to the Log In screen for vista. When my computer used to go to sleep, the display would turn off and so would all the LED indicators on my laptop, expect for the power indicator, which would blink on and off. Btw, I'm running a Dell Inspiron 1420 with Windows Vista Basic 32bit.

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Computer Keeps Waking Up From Sleep

Aug 9, 2009

I'm trying to find out why my computer keeps waking up from sleep. Unfortunately I've not been able to track this down. I leave the house around 9am, don't get back home till 8pm, and the computer has turned on while I've been at work. My fiancee can't ever remember to check right when she gets home to see if it's on then or not, so I have no other time frame to deal with at the moment except for what happened today.

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Gaming: Make The Computer Run Fine With Vista-64

Dec 7, 2008

Im upgrading my computer of 5 years within the next 2 weeks. I decided to build a sick machine (Intel i7, DDR3, GTX 280 all the goodies.) With doing so, im going to put 64 bit vista on it. Now as far as my use of the computer, well its simple, gaming. Im usually stuck to the World of Warcraft, FPSs, and RTS. I have no idea what im getting into with vista. With what I'm using the computer for, how should I go about doing stuff on windows to prepare the computer. By this I mean, what drivers do I need, what other software should I install. What do I basically need to make the computer run fine with Vista-64

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Computer Refuses To Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 8, 2009

Computer refuses to go into sleep mode. When I force sleep by clicking the power button on the task bar the computer goes to sleep for about 5 - 20 seconds and then wakes up and stays awake. The cause; Installation of a gateway router from AT&T to provide TV and internet service. AT&T tech support claims no known issues with this router, yet the computer slept just fine prior to installation of this router, and if I power down the router the computer sleeps with no problem. This is not a solution since the router must remain powered up to provide TV service to my home. I have searched the internet for a solution, and have performed all the steps in the tutorial authored by Brink to no avail.

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Computer Wakes Up From Sleep When Using Wireless

Dec 5, 2009

My laptop has the same problem. I think it's something to do with the internet because when switch my wireless off it's going to sleep like it should be. If I'm connected to the university wireless it's waking up immediately. The same if I'm using the LAN cable. I suppose you guys will know what exactly causes it to wake up and tell me what to do so it wont be necessary always to switch wireless off when I want to put it to sleep.

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Shutting Down Computer Walks Into Something Like Sleep

Mar 14, 2008

when I'm trying to shut it down, my computer walks into something like sleep (tho I can't wake it from it) what exactly happens is: my monitor lets "beep" 3 times and goes black (as it usually does when it's turned off), but power LED on monitor stays green (after turning it off should be yellow) on keyboard num lock/caps lock/scroll lock legs keeps blinking power led on PC stays green all fans are working and I hear that HDD has stopped working (at least I think it is)

I've run safe mode and tried to shut it down from there, everything stays exactly same, with one exception monitor doesn't "beep", isn't going black, but stays on "shutting down" screen which is frozen (animation of "work in progress" circle has stopped) rest is as described above..............

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Turn Off The Power, Computer Goes To Sleep

May 4, 2008

The 1st problem is everytime I close my lid/turn off the power/click the sleep button to put my computer to sleep before I go to sleep myself at night, I always wake up and my computer is at the log in screen, but it has restarted without any settings I'm aware of making it restart. I then log into my computer and it says that "windows has recovered from an error causing it to shutdown" etc etc.

Then 2nd problem is whenever my computer does come back from sleep, which it does if it hasn't been asleep long, or whenever it is restarted in monitor settings from my dual monitors changes. I have to go back into the properties tab and change it so I can drag my mouse from the left screen across to the right, and change which monitor is my main monitor. Sometimes my recycle bin icon even goes back to a different spot on the monitor.

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Computer Freezes After Coming Out Of Sleep

Mar 23, 2008

My computer (HP m9000t) freezes up after coming out of sleep mode. I have tried turning off sleep / hybrid sleep / hibernate, but the computer still goes into "sleep" of some kind. When it comes out of sleep, I can hear a whirling sound, which could be the harddrive starting up, but moments later it sounds like it spins down and stops, and then the whole computer freezes up, and I have to turn it off and then turn it back on in order to make it work again. I've tried to make it (using power options) so that the harddrive does not power down, but
that doesn't appear to do anything either, because the drive still turns off when the computer sleeps. Before this problem developed, I was having problems with the Media Center remote not working after sleep, and was also having problems with the usb ports, and the sound turning off.....................

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Sleep Automatically Re-starts Computer

May 4, 2008

My vista home premium workstation when sleep is selected the computer basically re-starts and does not go to sleep....I have no idea where to start looking for a solution.

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Computer Doesn't Sleep Mode

May 12, 2009

I've found a few issues regarding sleep mode, but none that seemed to directly address my problem, so here goes: In the last two weeks or so, I've noticed that when I close my laptop's lid, the computer doesn't go into sleep mode, but instead hangs with a blank screen, and is completely unresponsive when I try to wake it up. The only way to fix it is to hold the power button to get it to shut off. However, this only seems to happen when my wireless network card (internal) is switched OFF. Even then, it doesn't happen all the time (i.e. sometimes it successfully goes to sleep, and wakes up again when I open the lid). It hasn't been a problem at all when the network card is on.

This started happening in late April, when two things happened (and they both happened at about the same time). First was that Windows Update automatically downloaded and installed a hotfix (946776) related to the computer crashing when the network status is changing. For what it's worth, I had never experienced the problem that the hotfix was supposed to correct. The other thing that happened was that I uninstalled McAfee and installed ZoneAlarm antivirus and firewall. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem 100% of the time, so I haven't figured out what sequence of programs running causes the problem (though it seems that iTunes and/or Windows Media Player is usually running when it happens). The first thing I tried was to use system restore and went back to before I installed zonealarm and the update. When I reinstalled ZA, Windows Update decided it was going to hurry up and download the hotfix before I had a chance to tell it not to. I uninstalled the hotfix (though it still shows up on the update history page, but not the list of installed updates), and the problem still occurred.......

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Computer Wont Always Go Into Sleep Mode

Sep 23, 2009

so often I'll leave my computer on for several hours and come back to it and notice that the screen has turned off but it hasnt gone into sleep mode. this doesnt always happen there are time when my computer will sleep when its suppose to but I just cant figure out why it doesnt always do it. I have my screen saver to come on after 10 minutes the screen to shut off after 30 and its set to go into sleep mode in an hour but like last night when I went to sleep with my computer on and woke up hours later only the screen was off. does anyone know the cause of this?

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Computer In Sleep Mode/hibernation

Oct 8, 2008

I left my comp on overnight and now it has either gone to a deep sleep or hibernation and it wont come on now. I have an Acer Aspire L320 running on windows vista. Wheb i tried to wake it up nothing happened and now comp wont work. I have tried restarting, unplugging then starting, i thought i had tried everything but i am missing something. When i do try to switch the comp on again the fans make a noise then nothing, does this mean that something really bad has happened?

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Cannot Internet Connection Computer Is Sleep

May 20, 2009

whenever i put the computer to sleep, and when i resume it, the ethernet light on my tower goes off and i m no longer able to access the internet. When i restart, it works fine. I followed this tutorial and its not working.

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Computer Going To Sleep Before Battery Completely Drained

May 5, 2009

I have an old Dell Inspiron 2200 laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit, and I recently replaced the battery that originally came with it.

The new battery is good, it lasts about 4 hours on a charge, but Vista seems to be reacting to it very strangely. Immediately after I take it off AC power, Vista will alert me that my battery power has reached 99% and is critically low.

After that it'll run fine for about an hour, then when it hits 75% or so it will put itself into sleep mode automatically as if the battery was dead. After it's asleep, I can turn it right back on and it will run for an additional 3 hours before shutting down again (this time because the battery really is dead).

I've tried full-discharging the battery to calibrate it a couple of times, but it made no difference in the behavior. As far as I can tell the battery is fine otherwise (the percentage and time remaining that Vista tells me seem to be accurate), and the computer has no problems when it is plugged in to AC power.

This strange behavior happens exactly the same way every single time I run the computer on battery. Low Battery warning at 99% and false shutdown around 75%. After that it's fine. Any ideas what could be causing this problem?

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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Getting Disconectted From Internet After Computer Wakes Up From Sleep

Aug 18, 2008

I got a new Dell PC which has Windows Vista home premium, and I have a high speed internet service from AT&T, the problem I'm having is: whenever I put the computer to sleep,when I wakes it up, my internet connection is lost, and I have to restart the computer to get it to work again which so annoying to do.

I tried the: uncheck the (allow the computer to turn the device off to save power) for both the modem and the network adaptor which is Intel 82562 V-210/100, but the problem still exist, does anyone know how to fix this problem.

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Computer Goes To Sleep And Not Come Back Till Turn It Off

May 28, 2008

During inactivity my computer goes to sleep, actually it goes into a coma and can? it be awoken until I turn it off. And not by just turning it off at the switch, I have to unplug it and then restart it. At that point I get this message: The last attempt to resume the system from its previous location failed. Attempt to resume again? And then I have two choices; continue with system restore, or delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu. The second choice is the only one that works. Why is my computer going into a coma, and how can I fix it?

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User Account Disables Itself If I Logout/put Computer To Sleep

Apr 22, 2010

I have a laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium x64 with 340gb of extra memory, and 4gb of ram, and out of absolutely nowhere, I started to get this problem. I am the only user of this computer, guest account is disabled, and I'm the administrator.

Basically, I turn on the computer.

I login to my account. Great. Computer loads up as normal.

I close the laptop to put in my bag or something. By default, I have required to reenter the password to log back in once I open the computer again. BUT if when I type in the password to log back in, I get a message that says "Your Account Has Been Disabled. Please See Your System Administrator"

This happens if I log out of my account, or if I press switch user, and go back in my account.

I don't use internet on the laptop so I know I do not have any virus issues...I did run my virus scan once to make sure and it got nothing...

I suppose I could just require my computer to not need a password if I wake it from Sleep, but still, I shouldn't have to resort to that.

Does anyone else know what I should do? System restore maybe?

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Aero Themes After Computer Resume Sleep/hibernate

Feb 22, 2010

I'm having problems with Aero themes in 32 bit colors after computer resume from sleep/hibernate. Screen is messed up (see screenshot at [url]). I have NVidia GForce 6200 chipset card, and now I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64, but I had the same problem in Vista x64. If I move to 16 bit colors it solves,also with basic theme without Aero. I tried many drivers updates but nothing changed.

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I Put My Computer To Sleep It Immediatley Wakes Up Without Pressing Any Keys Or Moving Mouse. Same With Hibernate

May 24, 2008

I put my computer to sleep it immediatley wakes up without pressing any keys or moving mouse. Same with Hibernate... I press hibernate it starts saving all info shuts off (power light off) within 5 seconds it is starting up again.

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4% Free On Drive C : How Free Up Space Make Computer Perform Best

Apr 8, 2009

I have a HP Pavillion dv6000 laptop computer. HP Total Care Advisor tells me only 4% is free on drive C. I ran disk defragmentation, disk cleanup, and uninstalled a good amount of programs I no longer use. It did not do anything. Once and awhile I get a prompt in the bottom right corner saying that I have low disk space. When I click on it it wants to run disk cleanup which does absolutely nothing. How do I free up space and make my computer perform the best it can?

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Set The Power Options For The Computer To "go To Sleep" In 20 Minutes

Dec 5, 2009

I've Vista Home Premium on a Toshiba P200 Laptop and here's the tummy-turning experience I'm having. I've set the power options for the computer to "go to sleep" in 20 minutes. I've gone to the Power Options then "change power options" and there have set the "sleep" for twenty minutes. The weird and wonderful thing is, if I reboot the computer, this will work for say, three or four times, then it doesn't after that. I've set the "when sharing media" in the Multimedia Settings to "prevent idling to sleep" - but again, it refuses to work until I reboot the machine. Then again, it will work several times and then it doesn't. how to set this unit to sleep when left unattended after so many minutes.

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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Computer Shuts Down: Run CHKDSK /F And Check For Hard Drive Corruption And Then Restart Your Computer"

Sep 30, 2009

Before the computer actually came to the point of "shuting down just before it tried to load the o/s" it literrly kept shuting down on its own randomly for a week or so. Then the blue screen appeard with this error: 0x0000007BC , 0x84C5DBA0, 0x0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 "Run CHKDSK /F and check for Hard Drive Corruption and then restart your computer"

Basically it's telling me the DRIVE is corruptet! Well, I plugged that SATA 2 HDD into my other computer (windows xp), detected it correctly and actually formated the drive and reinstalled XP on it without any types of problem. Does it still mean - SATA 2 is corrupted or broken!? How about the RAM then ... indeed, I did run the MemTest for 7 times and no errors were found. So the RAM are ok in this case, or am I wrong?! Maybe it's the PSU... ermmm no that cannot be 'cos the computer never shuts down, if I leave it run for (e.g 5 hours) and even if it's comes to "overheating" that cannot be the case eather, as its *again" never shuts down when you leave it run on the power.........

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Reboot Computer Through Windows The Computer Shuts Down Correctly

Jun 16, 2009

When I reboot my computer through Windows the computer shuts down correctly, but then the monitor remains black and the bios starts beeping out the error code for "VGA not detected". Why would this be? I am forced to press the power button and wait from 5 to 10 minutes to reboot normally. (I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate x64, have an ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard and a Gigabyte Geforce GTX 280. 800 watts ZION power supply) Is this a BIOS settings or GPU problem? I already reseated the GPU. Could it be a power supply failure?

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