Computer Doesn't Sleep Mode

May 12, 2009

I've found a few issues regarding sleep mode, but none that seemed to directly address my problem, so here goes: In the last two weeks or so, I've noticed that when I close my laptop's lid, the computer doesn't go into sleep mode, but instead hangs with a blank screen, and is completely unresponsive when I try to wake it up. The only way to fix it is to hold the power button to get it to shut off. However, this only seems to happen when my wireless network card (internal) is switched OFF. Even then, it doesn't happen all the time (i.e. sometimes it successfully goes to sleep, and wakes up again when I open the lid). It hasn't been a problem at all when the network card is on.

This started happening in late April, when two things happened (and they both happened at about the same time). First was that Windows Update automatically downloaded and installed a hotfix (946776) related to the computer crashing when the network status is changing. For what it's worth, I had never experienced the problem that the hotfix was supposed to correct. The other thing that happened was that I uninstalled McAfee and installed ZoneAlarm antivirus and firewall. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem 100% of the time, so I haven't figured out what sequence of programs running causes the problem (though it seems that iTunes and/or Windows Media Player is usually running when it happens). The first thing I tried was to use system restore and went back to before I installed zonealarm and the update. When I reinstalled ZA, Windows Update decided it was going to hurry up and download the hotfix before I had a chance to tell it not to. I uninstalled the hotfix (though it still shows up on the update history page, but not the list of installed updates), and the problem still occurred.......

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System Doesn't Go To Sleep Mode

Jul 24, 2009

I have an acer laptop and normally put it in sleep mode after using but from a couple of days the laptop doesn't go to sleep mode instead it go to the user login screen...How can i make it go into sleep mode.

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Sleep Mode Doesn't Wakeing Up

Sep 27, 2007

i got problem whit my sleep mode when I put the pc in sleep mood it dosen't wakeing up,after presing the enter it's rebooting from hibernation.

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Sleep Mode Doesn't Work

Oct 19, 2008

Because my computer goes to sleep but will not wake (I talked about this before -- don't want to go over that again -- nothing works), I've been leaving it on all the time. I don't trust hypernation, since the sleep mode doesn't work properly. This problem may be caused by surges/glitches occuring via the cable modem (altho I really don't know what is causing it). This morning I worked on it for bout 1/2 a hour (it was working fine) but I came back a couple hours later to a frozen comp that I had to force boot via the surge protector (could not turn it off any other way). Luckily, I have Acronis backup which has saved this machine two times now within 4 months. I was able to boot using the Acronis rescue disk and restored a backup. is there any reason why I should not shut down everynite or when I am away from the machine for any length of time? I know shutdown is not recommended because Vista does things on its own like update programs such as Defender and Norton ISecurity (I turned off the auto d/l and install feature in windows -- I want to see what it plans to d/l and install, etc.) but I can do all the updates manually.

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Computer Refuses To Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 8, 2009

Computer refuses to go into sleep mode. When I force sleep by clicking the power button on the task bar the computer goes to sleep for about 5 - 20 seconds and then wakes up and stays awake. The cause; Installation of a gateway router from AT&T to provide TV and internet service. AT&T tech support claims no known issues with this router, yet the computer slept just fine prior to installation of this router, and if I power down the router the computer sleeps with no problem. This is not a solution since the router must remain powered up to provide TV service to my home. I have searched the internet for a solution, and have performed all the steps in the tutorial authored by Brink to no avail.

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Computer Wont Always Go Into Sleep Mode

Sep 23, 2009

so often I'll leave my computer on for several hours and come back to it and notice that the screen has turned off but it hasnt gone into sleep mode. this doesnt always happen there are time when my computer will sleep when its suppose to but I just cant figure out why it doesnt always do it. I have my screen saver to come on after 10 minutes the screen to shut off after 30 and its set to go into sleep mode in an hour but like last night when I went to sleep with my computer on and woke up hours later only the screen was off. does anyone know the cause of this?

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Computer In Sleep Mode/hibernation

Oct 8, 2008

I left my comp on overnight and now it has either gone to a deep sleep or hibernation and it wont come on now. I have an Acer Aspire L320 running on windows vista. Wheb i tried to wake it up nothing happened and now comp wont work. I have tried restarting, unplugging then starting, i thought i had tried everything but i am missing something. When i do try to switch the comp on again the fans make a noise then nothing, does this mean that something really bad has happened?

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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Put In Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2008

I was wondering if and when Vista is put in sleep mode, does it continue to accept updates as is explained on the Microsoft website? If this is true, then will email also download from the server if the Windows Mail program is left on and maximized and the DSL modem is left on? Because the modem runs hot I usually turn it off at night, along with the computer, but I'm having problems with the server, who returns email to senders because the server only allows a small amount of bandwidth to collect in each user's webmail box.

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Sleep Mode Is Not Remains

Apr 11, 2008

When my computer goes to sleep mode it doesnt remain in sleep mode it comes out after a short time (say 20 mins). Is there a way to make it remain in sleep mode

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Sleep Mode Often Cause A Slow Down?

Jan 21, 2010

Would using sleep mode often cause a slow down? I don't want my computer to be noticeably slower. I have vista ult. 3 gig ram, 9800 GTX, Intel e6400.

also how can I make a shortcut for win key+s for example.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode

Mar 11, 2010

It seems for maybe the past couple of weeks it seems that sometimes the screen saver doesn't kick in.

When the time for the monitor just goes right to sleep it does. W/o the screensaver kicking in, or after it runs maybe a minute.

The odd thing is after I go and check the power settings, which all look fine, it works as it should. I have tried different screen savers as well as changes the timers. I don't know if this is from 1 numerous amt of MS updates or is there maybe a corrupt file or something.

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How To Wake From Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2009

Can someone tell me how to Wake my computer from Sleep Mode? When my computer goes into Sleep Mode, I can't wake it by hitting a key on the keyboard or by moving my mouse (like in XP). I have to push the power button on the computer. I've done some searches for the problem here and on Google but still can't find a good answer.

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Won't Stay In The Sleep Mode

Apr 11, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic SP1. Recently my computer won't stay in the sleep mode. After less than 1 minute the processor wakes itself up. Any thoughts as to what might be waking my computer? I have recently installed a new virus protection program. Could that be the culprit?

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Sleep Mode Failure

Jun 29, 2008

This is a very nice tutorial but unfortunately it did not help me. I have an HPdv9728cl laptop. Sleep works perfectly with the factory configuration but something added since seems to prevent it. I have no idea what but it is a real PITA. I tried the task manager and nothing significant seems to be running and also tried stopping all startup programs with no luck.

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What Is Downside To Sleep Mode?

Mar 16, 2009

I am considering using sleep mode on my laptop and even on my desktop. I nderstand that the CPU and RAM as well as some control circuits are still "on". I am concerned that my CPU and RAM will fail sooner if I do this. Running 24 hours a day has to have some bad effects. What is the downside of using the sleep mode on either a desktop or a laptop?

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How Sleep Mode Works

Feb 25, 2009

I recently installed Vista Ultimate x64, and I'm puzzled at how sleep mode works. It went into sleep mode, and neither keyboard nor mouse could wake it up again. I pressed sleep button again on keyboard, and computer went to hibernation, then tried to wake it up again but nothing. I finally had to push reset on the case itself.

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Freezes After Sleep Mode 1

Jul 29, 2009

My vista Home Premium computer Freezes after coming out of the sleep Mode 1. as attached to a wireless router, i have 2 gigs of memory, and everything seems to run fine until i put her to bed for the night?.

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Shutting Down The Pc Or Using The Sleep Mode?

Jun 13, 2009

What works better, shutting Vista down all the way or using the Sleep mode? I have been using sleep mode more often lately and have noticed more responsive programs but is it the right thing to do

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S3 Resume From Sleep Mode

Jun 25, 2008

My Vista 64 machine (Gigabyte GA-X48-DS5 mobo, Q6600 cpu, 8GB ram, Radeon HD2400 vga card) has a problem when it resumes from sleep. There is a protracted (3 seconds) buzzing noise and then the display shows a vertical pattern of narrow red and white stripes and the machine hangs. Only a reset will get it to reboot - the keyboard is completely dead.

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Sleep Mode: How To Find

May 30, 2008

when in sleep mode i sometimes come back to my computer and find it out of sleep mode. is this supposed to happen?

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Backup In Sleep Mode?

Apr 27, 2008

I used to have no problems getting Vista to backup and do other maintenance at night while in the sleep mode. After my Vista reinstall I get error messages from the backup program (couldn't run) and anti-virus program (can't download updates), and a few others. I assume there is a setting that I do not have right.

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System Not Go Into Sleep Mode

Jul 25, 2009

The system will not go into sleep mode. i have checked the settings in windows itself to make sure it is setup correctly and it is. I have also installed another OS Windows XP 64 Professional and that will go into sleep mode. I do not know what is causing it but when the sleep button on the start menu i clicked it will act like it is going to go into sleep mode then instantly wake itself up without actually reaching sleep.

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Sleep Mode Rather Than Shutdown

Feb 26, 2009

My machine is an Evesham 17" Laptop, Intel Dual core, 2GB RAM, Nvidia graphics, wireless conection to internet. Just plain standard really. I have it configured to enter Sleep mode, rather than Shutdown, when I've finished for the day and this has always worked perfectly......until last night. I put it to sleep as usual, turned off external power and toddled off to bed. This morning when I came down I found it up and running with not much power left. I switched mains back on and was presented with a message that "Internet Explorer has stopped working." IE was definitely not running last night. As soon as I closed that box, another one appeared saying that Adobe Flash was ready to install an update - clicking OK enabled the update to be installed. Next Paint Shop Pro decided that it also wanted to install an update, and duly did so. I then shut the machine down completely and went off to work.

Booting the machine this evening was uneventful until I tried to view a video on the BBC website. I was then informed that I didn't have the latest version of Flashplayer and invited to download and install it. It would therefore appear that the previous update had actually reversed Flashplayer. What I hope is that some kind person can tell me is how the machine wakes up from sleep mode all by itself? I've checked BIOS and there is nothing enabled there which would allow an automatic start from sleep. I've also checked my power setting in Control Panel with similar results. Full AV/Trojan scans reveal nothing and the machine is running perfectly. I await the morning with interest.....

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Sleep Mode Not Working..

Mar 13, 2009

ive got a 4gig usb plugged into my pc used as a readyboost because its just lying about so i thought id give it a job to do but it keeps waking my computer up when i put it in sleep mode but cant find an option to stop waking the computer up in the device manager unlike the network adapters etc basicly how do i get it to stop waking my pc from sleep mode?

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Sleep Mode Everything Turned On Except Screen

Jan 23, 2009

my toshiba equium laptop wont go into sleep mode anymore even though ive set it up to do so in power options the screen just goes black but everything is still turned on. and i was wondering if there was a way to fix it.

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Ultimate X64 Won't Enter Sleep Mode

May 6, 2008

I'm looking for some help here. I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. It no longer enters sleep mode on its own. It used to. I can force it into sleep mode by clicking on the Vista Orb and selecting "Sleep". It won't do it on its own - which is what I want it to.

I've run through the Control Panel/Power Mgt troubleshooter on these forums. All my settings seemed to be correct. Using the CMD prompt and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed yields one device: my logitech g15 keyboard. (Using powercfg -a shows that the only sleep state available is S3. That is correct for my motherboard, an Abit IP 35 pro.)

If forced into sleep, the keyboard will wake it up.

The problem, again, centers on the automatic sleep entrance. Currently set for 1 hour of idle.

It seems to me that the machine never thinks it's idle. Is that where I should start? Finding processes which are running in the background?

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Torrent Or Other Downloads Possible In Sleep Mode?

Jun 29, 2009

Need the proper settings for power management for such kind of problem. Just for a simple reason of downloading a lot of electricity is wasted if the PC is kept running for long hours.

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X-Fi Sound After Wake Up From Sleep Mode

Feb 24, 2009

So, I have the X-Fi XtremeGamer sound card, and I've never had any problems with my sound. Nothing has ever acted up or anything. I've recently tore my system down, and put it back together. and now for some reason my sound is acting up. It still works, but not all the time. Also my Internet is acting up the same way also. so, everything was all good. and after rebuild Now when I put the system to sleep, when I wake it up I get a Windows message saying something about Windows something didn't respond. and my volume symbol in system tray is X'd Out. I have no sound. but if I wait about 20-30 seconds it just turns on all of a sudden, like the X-Fi is waking up slower than the computer is. But this has never happened in the past. So it works, but it's delayed. Same thing with my Internet, it's never had a problem. but now when I wake system up from sleep mode, the net doesn't work. and I hoped it would turn on like the sound does, but it doesn't. So I have to either Restart PC, or I can unplug, and replug in the Ethernet cable. then it works fine. I'm not sure why both of these items are acting up, but they have never done this is the past. Does anyone know why either of these things would be happening?

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Won't Go To Sleep Mode And The Screen Is Black And Nothing Happens

Jun 9, 2009

I've just started using sleep mode the past month and recently it hasen't been working correctly, i'm using Vista x64 Ultimate. Most of the time it works fine, but occasionally the computer won't go to sleep and will just sit there doing nothing, the screen is black and nothing happens. The only way to get back into windows is to restart.

I've read everything in the tutorial section and it hasn't helped. I have a Asus maximus formula motherboard (1302 BIOS) and a Nvidia EVGA GTX 285 with 185.85 drivers. I also have a Razer Tarantula keyboard (latest firmware) with a sleep button, which i've been using to put my computer to sleep.

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