Keyboard Does Not Respond Quickly

Aug 27, 2009

have a Sony Vaio VGCLT16E, sometimes when i am typing fast (and using the delete and backspace keys because i am not a very good typist) my key board stops responding and the keyboard LCD window flashes on and off...could this mean i have hit a key combination that affects the keyboard during my sloppy typing, and if so, what beside re-booting can i do next time...yes, i will try to slow down.

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Keyboard Not Respond Correctly

Jul 9, 2009

i recently bought an amd 940 and everything works fine except when i want to play games. for some reason my keyboard does not want to respond correctly. for example, i will start walking forward...still holding "w" and all the sudden i stop. i am still holding "w" down but not going anywhere. i have to let go and press it again but it continues to happen. this happens with all directional buttons as well.

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Is It Possible To Get Running As Quickly As XP?

Mar 28, 2008

I have Vista running in dual boot mode on a C2D 2.0ghz laptop (2 gigs ram). I usually run in XP as it seems to be much faster. Are there tweaks I can do to make Vista run with the same amount of get up & go?

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Password Expires Too Quickly

Sep 5, 2009

How can one change the password expiration time to a longer duration?

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How To Quickly Find Un-indexed Files?

Feb 20, 2009

I figured out why some of my files weren't turning up in search, it was because they weren't indexed. These were mostly some of my .mp3s I've downloaded from the internet or ripped from a CD. So I'm wondering, why are some of my .mp3s automatically indexed the way they're suppose to be and some aren't? Also, is there an easier way to find out which files aren't indexed rather than having to check it in properties for each file? That takes a long time...

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How To Drag A Favorite To The Top Of The List Quickly?

Apr 5, 2008

I have my favorites in alpha order but like to drag a couple to the top of the list but I can only drag it to the top of what appears to be a full page of Favorites, then I have to use the up arrow to move the top item to the bottom of the page and then again and again, I drag the Favorite to be moved, page after page. I have to keep an eye on it to locate it again for the next drag for the length of one page only. Can it be dragged to the top of the list immediately?

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Job Starts Quickly Disappears With Nothing Printed

Mar 23, 2008

We need to run one of our large 16bit Visual Basic 3.0 applications on Vista Ultimate (32bit) while we rewrite the app in VB .Net. So far I have been able to install the VB3 app, and even the VB3 dev, on Vista and with a few small changes all runs well except for printing from the VB app. We use the VB PrintForm command to print a screen image from the app. All works well under Windows XP but under Vista nothing prints. Watching the Print Queue for the default printer, a job starts then quickly disappears from the queue with nothing printed.

The VB3 app can see the printer and the printer properties OK using Printer Setup (Common Dialog VBX). Printing works fine from Word 2003 and other 32 bit apps on the PC. I have tried several printers, all work OK under Vista except for the 16 bit apps. I have tried running the app as Admin and changing compatibilty properties. Does Vista support any printing from 16 bit apps?

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Remove 800 Wireless Networks Quickly

Feb 6, 2009

I use a laptop w/ vista business in my work truck. As i have traveled around for the last 7 months with it on its stand in the front seat it has connected to over 800 wireless networks. How do I remove these wireless networks QUICKLY (1 at time is going to take hours!:mad How do I prevent VISTA from automatically connecting to any networks without asking me 1st?

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Pops Up Windows Quickly Disappears

Dec 4, 2008

I have a question. The information tag that pops up when you mouse over an item in windows quickly disappears when you first directly mouse over the file or folder and will reappear for as long as you want it to if you point near the bottom of the selected item. Is this a normal thing or a bug in Vista? Has anyone else ever noticed this? Sorry for the explanation, I don't know of any other way to put it. Is there a Tutorial for this?

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Typewriting Lowercase After Uppercase Letters Quickly

Mar 23, 2008

In my native language German, substantives begin with capital letters which are to type often. When typewriting quickly often happens that also the letter following the uppercase letter is also an uppercase letter.

instead of Austria AUstria

I watch this for many years, and long time before I analyzed this to see, whether my release of the cap key is delayed. It was not, sure, but I don't fret about. Now, with Gigahertz CPU and Vista, perhaps there is a way to adjust this behavior.

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VPN DNS Server Will Not Respond

Mar 23, 2008

I know that this is a popular topic, I've read all the solutions I can find but I'm still stumped. I am using Vista to connect to my work network via a vpn to our ISA 2007 server. When connected to the VPN, NSLOOKUP works but all other programs (like PING and IE) can not resolve the address of our internal servers.

I have coded a connection specific DNS sufix. I can verify that IPCONFIG shows the two work DNS servers. NSLOOKUP does see the work DNS server as the default. I do have the 'use remote gateway' option checked in my VPN connector.

Yet, when I connect to the VPN I lose all ability to do DNS lookups for everything execpt NSLOOKUP. (This is somewhat resonable since my ISP's DNS server will not respond to DNS requests that do not originate on their network. If I could connect to them, the work DNS servers would also supply addresses from the Internet.)......

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Won't Respond To Ctrl-alt-del

Jun 5, 2007

I really had high hopes for x64 Vista. I put together a new system (specs below) that would be more than capable of handling the OS. I wanted to get the benefit of the full 4 GB of RAM as well as other potential benefits of x64. But it has really been a disappointment. If the computer is on screensaver for too long, it locks up and won't respond to ctrl-alt-del or anything but a hard reboot (no, it's not in hibernate mode). I've had driver problems and I can't even get Rome Total War, my favorite strategy game, to play. Is there any reason why I should keep x64 on?

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Vista Explorer Can't Respond

Nov 20, 2008

Explorer tells me it has "no respond" when reading my D driver, it will look at for an hour to tell it cannot respond. A report will be generated so Microsoft can tell me they will "research my problem" So every day for two weeks I have sent Microsoft a note telling them my problem should be their problem. I installed a new dvd reader and get the same respond which is "not responding" I update all my drivers and again try to read my game only to have Vista explorer tell me to reload explorer and we will generate a report Has this happen to you? Is it a Gateway 5426e 32bit problem or just Microsoft having some fun best to all and to all a microsoft christmas

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Media Player Can't Respond

Jun 25, 2008

Each time I put an audio CD into the cd drive Window Media Player comes alive and starts to play it. Many times I just want to rip the CD onto my MP3 player with software that comes with the MP3 player. I'll even have the ripping software loaded and ready to view the first Cd into the drive but Media Player still jumps ion over everything and starts playing the Cd. Is there some way I can make Media player just stay still until I want it and launch it myself?

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IE To Freeze, Hang And Not Respond

Nov 19, 2008

Posted this in the IE newsgroup. Thought I'd put it here too, and see if anyone has thoughts? Noticing a rash of users in this forum discuss how IE 7 is suddenly freezing, not responding or not working in recent weeks. Problem seems most common on Vista, but appears on XP, too. Getting the same problem myself on both a Dell desktop and Compaq laptop running Vista SP1. Problem often appears when using multiple tabs in IE and/or when closing the IE window. Flash 9 caused freezes too, but it appears more common with Flash 10. Sometimes the freezes are blatant -- and result in a pop-up error. Other times the freezes are over in a second or two -- and you only see the error if you check Vista's Performance monitoring tools. And it's not just IE. Users are reporting freezes with other browsers like Firefox and Safari.................

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Task Manager Will Not Respond

Mar 4, 2009

I hope this is the right section for this thread, But I'm working on an old acer 1.6 Ghz processor 512Mb ram running vista home premium. Porblem is that Explorer will not load. Task manager will not respond nor will Alt+Ctrl+Del do anything. I checked the reg key for the shell but it is fine. I am running out of ideas on how to get windows to continue to load. Using restore disks are out of the question. They are what I want run in the end, but the restore disk that I have apears to need to be run from a program from within windows. does anyone have an idea on how to coax this thing back to life?

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Windows Explorer Not Respond

Jun 12, 2009

I have Vista 64bit edition and I have recently run into a problem on my ASUS laptop that I recently bought. I downloaded an update from Windows update and when it restarted my computer, Windows Explorer would not respond, so I would restart it but nothing would change, it would continually not respond no matter how many times I would restart it. I also cannot see my desktop, it is a black screen, and I can't type in the search bar in the Start Menu or begin any programs because when I do, it says Windows is not responding and it asks to be restarted.

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Graphic Card Doest Not Respond

Dec 30, 2008

I installed the VisionTek ATI Radeon x1650PRO and everything seemed to work out right. But when I opened Left 4 Dead. The program immediately does not respond and window vista problem solving comes out. Also I cannot view my computer stats, like this

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Tilde Key Unresponsive: If I Press The Tild Key Quickly As If I Were Typing Normaly, It Dose Not Register

Feb 6, 2009

ive been having problems with the tilde key on my Asus laptop. at first it was that it didint work at all, in games, in microsoft works, or notepad. i went searching online and disabled the driver for the eHome ir receiver (even though i dont own an ir receivers). after that i was able to use the tild key only outside of games. but heres the strange part, if i press the tild key quickly as if i were typing normaly, it dose not register. in order to use it i have to hold down the tilde key for about 1-2 seconds before it would spit out a stream of "````````````". then i could delete up to the first one. this is true for the laptops keyboard, and a wired dell keyboard i connected using usb.........

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Ultimate Install Screen Doesn't Respond

Mar 26, 2008

I am trying to Install Windows Vista Ultimate OEM 32-bit on my new build that I recently purchased. I have got to different stages and have had so many errors that I have lost track. I have got the BSOD numerous times and to be honest, I don't know why I decided to buy Vista. I have got so far to the Hard drive drvers screen before I plugged in my USB memory stick and it stopped responding. After that, I haven't go as far. Sometimes I get a BSOD right after it has finished loading the files explaining to me that it couldn't write to the memory because it was read-protected. I haved also got to the language select screen but it doesn't respond. I've even got as far as the regristration key input (again) and I get a little pop-up box saying all sorts of errors. Is it my system which isn't compatible? (BTW my Vista is legal)

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System Event Log Service Didn't Respond.

Apr 23, 2009

I have no idea which category in the forums this post should go! So I've been having these random hibernation problems for a while now, but last week, it got REALLY bad. I'm on an HP Pavilion dv2500 and I left it on to download something and then accidentally fell asleep myself. When woke up the next morning found out the thing had hibernated on me again.Well, nothing unusual there as I have this problem frequently, except this time, it couldn't resume windows - kept on getting stuck at this black screen during boot with this flashing horizontal cursor in the corner of the screen. After another attempt at resuming (after manually shutting it down and opening it again) I told it to cancel resume and just start windows normally.

And that's when I noticed a myriad of symptoms! It took an AGE for me to log in, and when I finally did, I got a couple of messages, one from Norton saying it couldn't scan my email anymore and another general little windows speech bubble that said:'Failed to connect to a windows service - windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service. The problem prevents limited users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you and review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn't respond.'....

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Internet Explorer Freezes Up And Doesn't Respond After Some Surfing

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Vista Home. I reformatted my harddrive (when the harddrives are wiped and a clean windows is installed) about a week ago. Ever since things have been acting buggy, and several major problems have sprung up.

- First, internet explorer freezes up and doesn't respond after some surfing. When I try opening another tab it also happens. I try to x out, and it just stays up, not responding. So task manager?

- Second, when I go to the task manager to look around, that doesn't end programs. It too either freezes up, or when I CAD, a black screen loads with a 'Failure Security Options' popup.

- Third, I thought it might be the antivirus I had, so I uninstalled the Norton AV and installed AVP 8.0. It picked up 2 trojans, and after that nothing. After that, I restarted and then couldn't log onto the internet. I finally am able to now after constant restarts and the like.

- Fourth, On the subject of 'restarts', when things freeze up, I can't restart. I have to hold down the power, which I know isn't good. Everything just siezes up. >.<

And finally, Fifth, I tried doing a disk defrag, and it just won't load. When I go to the task manager, it shows it's running, but with very little memory, and not showing up. When I click to run again, another defrag comes up but not avail to me. When I try to end, task manager freaks out. Should I do another restore, or is there something I can do to fix this

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Firefox Does Not Respond, Video Files Freeze During Playback

Apr 18, 2009

I have a notebook with vista ultimate 32bit installed and i'm experiencing issues with firefox(suddenly it doesn't resond for 2-3 minutes) and when i'm watching video files, it freezes(for 2-3 minutes as well).i have installed twice the proper codecs(different package every time), i have cleaned the registry, but the problem remains

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DELL Keyboard

Oct 8, 2009

computer is 4 days old.keyboard going funny for no reason.nothing loose.
trying to email and letters sometimes dont appear or get stuck.i'll look up from typing long sentence and its missing bits. does that make sense?

pressing the keys feels the same as normal,nothing sticky yet when writing it 'sticks'. or i have to type very very slowly to get a letter out.sometimes it works ,sometimes it wont but then will give me many of the same letter in a row ie repeating it depending on how many times i've pressed..

i phoned Dell and they suggested i turn off computer and restart-no good.
and then said try a different keyboard so we can work out whether its that or a software program.
i dont know what to do now cos my old keyboard is wireless so i obviously cant plug it in like the current one.
how do i do this?
i am only a beginner so please can you only give really simple answers with detailed explanation/directions. its not my computer but my husbands so i dont know how any of it was set up.

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Changes To Keyboard @ And Keys

Mar 23, 2008

I recently had to reinstall vista (too many problems to mention!) but now it has switched my @ " | keys when the shift key is pressed. I only want to return them to what they were before and have tried installing the english keyboard but that hasn't helped.

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Unable To Use Keyboard

Mar 28, 2008

I just recently built a new PC and I am installing windows home premium 64 bit for the first time on a PC. When installing vista everything was normal until there was a reboot in the installation. After the reboot it sent me to a windows error recovery screen where I am unable to select anything using the keyboard. The default selection is start windows normally so I wait for the countdown to finish because I have no other choice. Then it boots up and says the following:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation. So I click ok because once again I have to. Note: The keyboard is working again. This continues over and over again so I tried to reinstall windows again. I get the PC to boot from the DVD drive by using my keyboard and then it says: Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.

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Keyboard Is Not Working

Dec 12, 2007

I am having a keyboard problem on the new computer. My keyboard [Logitech Cordless Desktop Comfort Laser] does not work when I run Vista Ultimate x64 normally. Every time I try to type in IE or Firefox, the program stops responding and then I restart the program and it yields the same results. I know the keyboard is not defective because I am using it right now in Safe mode and it is working fine. I have downloaded the Logitech Setpoint App. 64 bit version but there still is not any luck.

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Keyboard Diagram

Apr 7, 2010

I have a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000. I am trying to find a diagram of the keyboard so that I can make notes on it as to what some of the keys do.Do you know where I can find one on the internet?

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USB Keyboard Not Working In X64?

Dec 29, 2007

I have been using a ps2 keyboard with no problem for months now. I have recently purchased a USB keyboard Eclipse II by Saitek. The keyboard is detected and usable in the Bios configuration buy when I get to the loggin screen in vistax64, it does not work anymore.

Saitek website says it should work with the default windows generic keyboard config. But my computer detected it as a Human Interface Device (Saitek Eclipse II) and asks for drivers? It does showed connected in the USB hub. Can I force it to use the generic windows drivers? Can I download some other drivers? The keyboard is basic with some fancy lights

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Keyboard Layout Changes

Apr 5, 2008

I write document in english and spanish, so I have to use the US and the US-International keyboard layout. I have the keyboard bar active and use it to change layouts. The problem is the keyboard layout changes "by himself" constantly. I thought this was attached to the program I'm using, or the document, but it's not.

For example, I'm writing a WinWord 2007 document using the Intl layout, and using accents and everything. Suddenly, I try to use another accent or symbol, and it doesn't work. If I check the language bar, it changed to US Standard layout. I disabled the shortcuts to change layouts, so this is not the problem (I mean, accidentally hitting the shortcut...)

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Cannot Do Keyboard Work

Apr 5, 2009

not really sure what to do at this point yet. a friend of my sisters came over the other day to use my computer and the internet wasnt working so she went to restart, and she either put it in sleep or hibrinate mode, not sure of which one... In anycase now i cannot do anything the keyboard doesnt work, or the mouse and the monitor's power light just flashes green.... restarting does nothing the monitor still does nothing.. Cant see or do anything..... like what gives...?? anyone out there that has a solution please let me know cause i am gonna lose it... Just got this computer like 2 weeks ago and i didnt pay that kind of money to have something like this happen.........

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