Installing Windows From CD Boot

Nov 3, 2009

When you are installing a new windows after booting from a CD, when it asks you how big in terms of bytes you want it to be, is the number originally there, the biggest it can be (my number was something like 3000000 bytes)? Also, when I look at my C drive in my compter, it says 142 GB free of of 298, which means it totals to be 340 GB, but the box the laptop came with says it has 320 GB total...could this have to do with the confusion about how many MB is in a GB? Because some people say 1024 MB in a GB and so forth. Also I notice on my dell dimension e310 There is this bar blocking a space for a driver, you can see the one for floppy disc on there, but that is blocked my a bar as well. How do you remove them, can it be done only from the inside?

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Backup Before Installing Windows 7 In Dual Boot

Jul 29, 2009

i want' to try windows 7, but i don't want to lose vista since windows 7 is just an RC and could still cause some crashes. my option is giving dual booting a try. i have read many tutorials on how to do it, and im pretty confident that i can do it. the problem is, i don't have DVD's to backup my vista, and i still dont know yet how many DVD's my files will consume if i have 50-60 GB in my drive C:i also have external DVD writer, but im not sure if that will work flawlessly since it's external.

My questions are: can i install windows 7 on a different partition without booting from DVD? (I installed my vista over XP without booting from DVD). can i install windows 7 on a different partition using a virtual drive? what are the chances that windows 7 installation will fail during installation? can i still boot vista if windows 7 installation fails? is it possible to do system restore if installation and vista won't boot? and finally, is windows 7 worth the trouble and risk of going thru all these? i will base my decisions on your answers since this is the most intellectual vista forum i've seen so far.

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Won't Boot After Installing Extra Ram

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem that i have encountered with a dual boot machine.First i will give the details of my computer:

ECS NF650iSLIT-A motherboard
Intel Core 2 CPU E6400@2.13ghz
2gb Ram (2xGeil Ultra 1gb DDR2 PC6400)
2xNvidia GeForce 8500GT graphics cards both with 1gb on board)
700w jeantech modular PSU
Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Sound card
Windows XP Home on 120gb HDD PATA
Windows Vista Home Premium on 320gb HDD SATA

This all works fine including in SLi mode.All the latest drivers are installed and both O/S's are up to date.My problem started when i purchased another pair of Geil Ultras (same spec as above) to make my total ram 4gb.I installed the ramas per instructions,then powered up the computer.Vista is my default O/S and it refused to boot up.Got past the P.O.S.T screens then got a black screen with no computer activity
whatsoever.Powered off with power button turned off at mains waited a moment or two then powered up again,At the choose O/S screen chose XP,got as far as the windows XP logo screen and it just locked up on that screen.Turned off again,removed the new ram and tested on my sons machine to find they are working perfectley.

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Dual Boot OS: Re-Installing XP

Jun 1, 2009

so I have a dual booting OS with XP64 and Vista64 on 2 partitions from the same HD. I want to install XP32 instead of the XP64 on one of the partitions but the last time I did this, I lost my boot menu when I start up and it would only take me into XP. How can I avoid this problem?

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PC Won't Boot After Installing PCI Wireless Adapter

Mar 16, 2009

I am new to Vista and my o/s is telling me I have Vista Home Premium (64 bit Operating System).

My PC is a Packard Bell iPower X9810. Motherboard is MS-7380

I wanted to insert a wireless PCI adapter into one of the vacant slots in my machine.

I purchased an Edimax wireless 802.11n 32 bit PCI adapter (model = EW-7728in).

I thought, after reading countless reviews this was going to be easy

So I popped it in and switched my machine back on (holding my breath). I saw the initial Packard Bell splash screen then was presented with a black empty screen with a flashing cursor in the top left hand corner

At this point I was rather concerned because I could hear my machine making a whiring noise (it didn't sound good).

After administering some smelling salts I proceeded to re-start crossing my fingers and it happened again. On the 3rd attempt I eventually got a sort of recovery screen that gave me one of two options 1) attempt a repair or 2) continue trying to load windows. I selected the first option and again held my breath.

After roughly 10 mins it had performed a system restore and I had turned back the clock to a previously known good state.

For the life of me I cannot understand why this happened. The manual that came with the card said to pop the adapter in the slot > boot up > run CD-ROM and hey presto but that did not happen.

When I looked at the mobo inside the machine the 2 PCI slots are ever so slightly offset and don't align tru with the covers you ping off the back of the tower. However, I must advise that the adapter went in without much of a struggle but must of " slightly " been on the wonk as I have already said the slots are not 100% in line with were the aerials stick out the back.

I'm scared to death now of breaking my machine and don't know what to do? The Edimax website says this is compatible with my 64 bit Vista so what gives?

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Ultimate Will Not Boot Up After Installing Updates

Nov 23, 2009

I installed Windows Vista Ultimate on several machines without incident. Yesterday I installed it onto my desktop. A Gateway that was previously running Win XP I had backed up my hard drive to an external becuase I wanted to do a clean setup. I chose those uptions as they appeared in the setup screen. The os set up fine. I then ran Windows Update. AFter everything downloaded I let the system install the 87 updates. The computer shyt down. I restaeted it and re-ran updates again. After downloading it installed about 7 more updates and shut down. Now when I turn on the machine. I get the "Splash Screen" tehn a black screen and in the top left corner it says: Booting "Windows Vista".....

That hangs for about two minutes then I get a screen that says Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration. Then a screen that says: The file ARFSPK0N could not be found Press any key to continue. I press a key and I get a Setup Failed and it just basically goes back to the beginning. I have tried installing the Original XP setup disc that came with my computer however it reads it then I get a message saying that Drive "R" could not be read and then my CD drive door opens. There is no disc in that drive as the setup disk is a DVD so it is in the DVD drive. I went into the whole setup screen and chnaged the boot order but nothing seems to work.

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Installing XP Pro 2nd Partition Dual Boot

Apr 1, 2008

first of all, il explain what exactly i wanted to do with my laptop which is currently running a Vista Home Premium 32bit. I needed to install an 64bit ver of XP Pro on a 2nd partition and set it to dual boot. My laptop is a Fujitsu-Siemens and has a single WD 250GB Sata HD and my processor supports 64Bit OS. I followed the instructions on the forums on how to shrink a partition and create a new one for the second OS(XP). However, after going through the procedure i placed the XP disk in the tray and booted from it. It was loading just fine then suddenly after i press enter when i was asked to continue to install, it mentioned later that it could not detect any hard drive or that i need to disable any program or whatever. I figured maybe theres a setting in the bios but i found nothing i can do with the HD settings. Im not familiar with Vista so i need to know is there any possiblility to install the XP OS. Also, i was wondering if the manufacturer locked the HD and maybe the only way is to reformat the HD and reinstall everything.

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Re-installing :computer Started To Boot Up Slow

Jul 27, 2009

My computer has Vista Home Premium installed but about a couple of weeks ago my computer started to boot up slow (taking about 10 minutes). I couldn't figure out the problem and neither could anybody else so I am going to re-install vista.Is it possible to re-install vista without losing any personal or program data?

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Installing Vista/7 X64 Dual Boot Not Working

May 8, 2009

I want to install Windows 7 RC 64bit on my laptop as a dual boot. Do the requirements meet the minimum for 64 bit versions? I would surely like to know.

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MS - Re-installing, Do Not Find An Option (when I Boot From The Cd) To Wipe It Out And Reload The OS

Mar 26, 2008

I have a PC running Vista Business. It will not successful run a repair, I do not find an option (when I boot from the cd) to wipe it out and reload the OS.

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Installing Office 2007 On A Dual-boot System

Apr 14, 2009

I am upgrading my computer system and am planning to dual-boot Vista and Vista 64 - I have a lot of older applications which may not work well (or at all) on the 64-bit OS, but I will also be doing a fair amount of video processing, which will run much better with the larger amount of memory accessible under Vista 64. I would like a copy of Office 2007 to be accessible and usable under both OSes. Obviously, it would need to be installed separately under each one, but would it be OK to install it to the same directory (not on either boot disk) under each one, or are some different files installed under the two OSes, necessitating two completely separate install directories.

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Installing Windows XP Without Removing Windows Vista Home Premier?

Jun 12, 2008

Just bought a new HP Pavilion DV2860 notebook. For a couple of days I have been using Vista and I didn't really like it. Many of the applications that I used to use in on Windows XP are not capiable with Windows Vista! I have got a Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition CD and was planning to install Windows XP on the notebook. Can I use 2 operating systems on the notebook? I don't want to delete Windows Vista but I want Windows XP.

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Installing Windows XP Over

Apr 18, 2009

I have Windows Vista 32 on my computer and i was wondering what i would need to install windows XP over that. I was reading some places that a Windows XP OEM will only work on the computer it came with. is this true? Will i need to buy a retail version of XP to install onto my computer? or will the OEM product work?

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Boot Manager Issue: Dual Boot 64 Ultimate / Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 6, 2009

I have a HP pavilion laptop which came with 64 bit vista ultimate pre-installed. I shrinked the OS partition (160 GB), created new partition (40 GB) for 64 bit windows 7 ultimate. After installation of Windows 7, I cannot see the vista ultimate boot option when I boot my PC. When I boot into Windows 7, I still can see the vista partition. But instead of C: it is now displayed as E: I used the HP Recovery Disc to repair windows vista but I can only see a blank blue screen with the mouse pointer. How can I recover the vista?

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Installing 32 Bit From 64 Bit Windows Old Folder

Jun 16, 2009

I recently installed the vista Ultimate 32 bit after using the 64 bit for several years . The reason behind that was i missed using some software and my Epson Scanner. I have reinstalled the 64 bit twice. First time i deleted the Program Files Windows old without an issue , Second time i could not delete it. When i installed the vista 32 bit , there it was again but i let the updates finish , defraged The drive and found that the windows old created a Program Files X 86 folder and there was all my old 64 bit software and drivers. I could delete all but the common files , windows Collaboration, Windows Media Player.

My Question : Is / Was this Normal ? I don't think so. How do I Delete This? windows old Folder in C drive ? and the Program Files X 86 folder? Should I start over? There was never an option for the windows old Folder. It was bought and paid for. I have also posted this day about two other issues in the Media Center. It can not get the right TV Guide listings and the other was my Display will not turn off when the PC is off. The monitor just displays the "no signal" message.

choose "drive options" then format the partition you intend to install the OS to and that will do away with the Windows.old folder. since i now have the 32 bit version installed, and i reinstall the 32 bit again, I'm guessing the windows old 64 bit program files will not be there except what I cant or have not yet deleted will no longer be there. Considering That I have another question now. If I do manage to create a Partition in Drive C How can i use that second Partition to store all of the restore points or other related files? I have a second Drive 1 TB. in the past windows used it automatically to store backup files. Especially for the complete PC backup ...

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Getting Rid Of Ubuntu And Installing Windows

Apr 4, 2008

I Am Running Ubuntu And I Don't Know What To Do With Ubuntu. It Just Sits There. Just FYI. I Will Wipe Ubuntu Clean And Install Windows Vista. Just FYI

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Re-installing And Formatting Windows

Jun 27, 2009

I was just wondering if it's possible to format or atleast re-installWindows Vista on my Laptop without the CD and Serial Number? (unlessthat's the serial number under my computer,)I really want to do this, but I have no clue how-to and what's needed and such.

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Windows Cant Start Up After Installing

Jun 29, 2008

after i format my pc from windows xp and new installation of vista sp1 32, my windows cant start up after installing forceware for my 8400gs(version 163.71. i think). is that might be that forceware do not compatible with vista sp1? i also try restore that windows to earlier point and try intall newer version of forceware,175.19, the problem still not windows still cant start up after restart from installing forceware.

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Installing Old Games On Windows ?

Mar 23, 2008

i have windows vista home premuim, and i want to know, if a game says install only on windows xp can i install it on vista without having problems to install it or play it?

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Installing Windows Seven From A Hard Drive

Jun 27, 2009

i have windows vista home basic 32x installed in my lenovo ys10 775843Q

and now i want to install windows seven RC

but the problem is that my dvd drive is not working and i have a pen-drive of only 2 gb there any way to make our one of the hard disk partition bootable so that i can install windows seven through it ?

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Installing Windows XP Pro AFTER Vista Ultimate

Apr 7, 2008

Can Windows XP Pro be installed AFTER Vista Ultimate to create a dual boot system?

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Installing Vista Sp1 Through Windows Update

Mar 23, 2008

have tried installing vista sp1 through windows update. am running vista ultimate x64. installation of sp1 always stalls after a while and event viewer gives the following error: windows servicing failed to complete the process of changing update 936330-59_en-us_gdr from package kb936330(service pack) into staged(staged) state. have tried installing sp1 from the standalone package in normal and safe mode but it stalls jut the same.

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Installing Home And Garden For Windows 95

Jun 21, 2009

I am trying to install home and garden for windows 95. Im am having trouble. I think that my computer may have the requirments but the disk doesnt have the capability of running on the newer software.

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Installing SP2 Will Not Star Windows Live Messenger

May 28, 2009

So, installed SP2 and now the Windows Live Messenger will not start. All the other apps from Live work, but Messenger refuses. Anyone else found this?

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Installing Windows Live Messenger Failed

Dec 12, 2008

I have the basic vista home. I'm having trouble installing windows live messenger on it. within 30 secs of running the installer, its aborting (i have been trying it off and on over the span of last 10 hours). i turned off both windows and the third-party firewall. temporary internet files are cleared. never used a dial-up network on this pc. running the installer as an admin (right-clicking on the setup exe file allows you to do that).

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Windows Live Onecare Installing Can't Continue

Nov 15, 2008

Having problems with installing Windows Live Onecare on Vista. Says that installation cannot continue. Any ideas? Installed fine on Windows XP Home Edition.

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Installing Windows: Get The Blue Screen And It Restarted Everytime

Apr 25, 2009

i got a computer, wich i baught new in the store's and it had windows vista already preinstalled. it was windows vista home edition 32bit. but after alot of stupid things of me becuz the pc was very slow, i decided to format the whole pc, and install windows xp on it, i got the xp cd , and i putted it in, and it just wont install windows xp on it, everytime, i get the blue screen and it restarted everytime the xp installation, so first you can format the partitions, then it requires a reboot, and then the xp installation starts again from scratch, so its unable to install xp, but thats not my question.

so i decided to download a windows vista ultimate edition, 32 bit, and i burned it on a dvd and i putted it in my computer, and the boot from the dvd was good. then it asks where do you want to install windows, well, the page was blank it could not find any drives, or well, i dont know. then it says you want to load a driver, ( driver?? drive?? ) i dont understand this so good. i was hoping you guys can help me out, and i just want my normal pc back with a good vista, i cannot go to a pc store, becuz that takes too much time i wanna try it like this first

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Installing Windows 7 On NTFS 1.2:Does It Alter The File System

May 23, 2009

What happens when you attempt to install Windows 7 on a drive with NTFS version 1.2 (or some earlier version... like 1.3, etc)? Does it alter the file system? Any way to force Win7 to use the older file system? I'm hoping for performance improvements due to less features in older NTFS, but I know little on the topic.

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Windows Explorer Crashing When Installing Games, Also Dvd Turns Dead

Feb 21, 2010

im installing AvP 3 and i just cant do it.

apparently for some reason the dvd stops reading...

when i enter "my computer" and try to go into drive d(my dvd) it just crashes,

then i have to wait from a range of 5 mins to 1.5 hours for windows explorer to restart...

and the game installation crashes too...

that happens with other dvds and cds too.

i have changed various dvd drives from various companies and i have updated all of their drivers...the problem is consistent.

im tired of buying new dvd drives and throwing them away for nothing.

obviously its a vista issue cause on my old pc everything works just fine(i have xp on that one).

most of the games i just copy the dvds files on my portable harddrive using my old pc and then do the installations through that harddrive on my current pc...

but this game is a "steam" game and that wont work...

any ideas?

ps:its not a hardware issue,its definately a windows vista issue.

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