Hardware Upgrade Won't Work

Sep 7, 2009

i am not the best tech kid when it comes to the hardware part of computers. With that said, I am looking to upgrade my CPU. With hard times i dont want to spend a fortune and i am looking into a chip on ebay.... I just bid on it so that even if it wont work, i can have a spare around. Is it will be compatable with my delll inspirion 530. I would much much much appriciate this and will do ANYTHING i can to make it up to you.

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Upgrade Install From DVD Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

my PC crashed and will not boot, the NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt, repair from the DVD does nor fix the problem. I need to reinstall but the only option I get when bootin from the DVD is to "Install from Windows" but Windows will not boot up.

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Anytime Upgrade Work?

Jun 2, 2008

How does it work? I click on "Anytime Upgrade" & I go to a website where I pay for the upgrade license key, correct? Let's say, for instance, that I want to upgrade from Home Premium to Ultimate. It is an upgrade not the full version, correct? If I format the hard drive & reinstall Windows, can I go straight to Ultimate or must I reinstall Home Premium first & then install the upgrade to Ultimate?

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Upgrade System After Not Work

May 19, 2009

I have Vista Home Basic. A few weeks ago I updated to IE 8, as my updates recommended it as an important update. Since that day I have not been able to use IE 8. The page doesn't even load all the way, and I get the message that DEP has shut down IE 8, and then I can't access it to try to fix anything. One time I was able to follow the link to the DEP info, and there is no option to shut it off. It is very frustrating to have your system tell you to upgrade and then have it not work. This is not the first problem I've had with Vista and IE. The last time I loaded another browser, and I'm glad I left it loaded or I wouldn't be able to use my computer at all. My computer wasn't even able to go back to a previous restore point. Microsoft, Vista, and IE 8 need to be more user friendly, not all people who rely on computers are computer heads. It would take me ages to figure out to fix the problem even with directions and helpful links. Recommended upgrades should work without having to jump through all kinds of hoops to get them to work.

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Upgrade RAM To 4GB Vista 32-bit Won't Work

Feb 13, 2008

I've done a lot of searching tonight so I know I'm not the first one to have this issue, but I haven't found any kind of satisfactory solution. Here is my situation: I have an HP Pavilion 6716 laptop with Quanta 30CC 79.26 mother board with a bus clock of 533 Mhz. I currently have two DDR2 PC2-5300 1 GB sticks of RAM in the machine (from factory) and all is well. I confirmed with HP that my machine can handle 4GB so I got two DDR2 667 2GB sticks of RAM (Kingston). If I put either one of the new sticks of RAM in I have no problems (first or second slot, makes no difference). But if i put both in I get the BSOD and first a PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error, then a reboot and then a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error and that's all she wrote. Put back the original RAM and all is well. I've read all about the MS KB929777 and I've uninstalled the patch then re-installed and it made no difference. Is there anything anyone can tell me or am I just shafted at 2GB RAM?

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Upgrade From Vista Basic To Vista Premium But The Activation Key Didn't Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently tried to upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium but the activation key didn't work. So I recovered Vista Basic from the windows.old file but there is still a corrupt version of Vista Premium on my hard disk. how to remove it?

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Upgrade Install "devices Might Not Work Properly"

Aug 28, 2009

Am trying to do a upgrade install from Vista Home Premium to Windows7 Ultimate. I downloaded Windows7 Upgrade Advisor Beta and ran it with no issues flagged. Went on to do the install but get stopped by this; Upgrading Windows will affect the following devices and/or programs: These devices might not work properly after the upgrade. Before upgrading, we recommend updating the drivers for these devices. Cancel the upgrade, open Control Panel and search for "update device drivers", or go to the device manufacturer's website to search for updated drivers.

o Universal Serial Bus controllers: Sony Ericsson Device 115
o Modems: Sony Ericsson Device 115 USB WMC Data Modem
o Modems: Sony Ericsson Device 115 USB WMC Modem
o Ports (COM & LPT): Sony Ericsson Device 115 USB WMC OBEX Interface (COM6)
o Ports (COM & LPT): Sony Ericsson Device 115 USB WMC Device Management (COM7)

This was all part of a Sony Ericsson PC Suite install which I have uninstalled using Revo Uninstaller. Using regedit and entering Sony Ericsson Device 115 as a search brings me to a key named......................

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Date Of Windows 7 Upgrade Free Upgrade For Vista

May 11, 2009

does anybody know the date of Windows 7 free upgrade for Vista?

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Installing Ultimate Upgrade, Disable From Using The Upgrade Choice

Mar 14, 2009

I have a Aspire AM5620-E5301A Acer computer. On Acer it has Windows Vista Premium Home. I bought Windows Ultimate software to put on my Acer computer. It starts to load up OK, put in the key number in than next step is. To pick custom install or upgrade install, but upgrade choice is grey out. It is disable from using the upgrade choice, I want to choose to pick. I did not purchase Windows Ultimate through Acer anytime upgrade option. It was a store bought software it was cheaper than Acer price they offer. What is the problem with installing Ultimate with Acer computer?

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Upgrade Failure: How Upgrade To Vista?

Mar 26, 2008

I have been trying to upgrade from Windows XP Tablet Edition to Vista Ultimate on my Travelmate C300 laptop. I have found the following error file after the install fails in the location: C:$WINDOWS.~BTSourcesPanther. The file is called: setuperr.log. The content is quite long but i will post it here - advise how i can upgrade to Vista?.................

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Get The 64-bit Upgrade To Ultimate Or Is A 32-bit Upgrade To Ultimate The Only Upgrade Path

Apr 27, 2009

I have a laptop with 64-bit Home Premium. The warranty expires in June. I want to upgrade to Ultimate. I haven't checked out the Anytime Upgrade yet. Will I be able to get the 64-bit upgrade to Ultimate or is a 32-bit upgrade to Ultimate the only upgrade path?

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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Speakers Work But Headphones Dosent Work

Mar 23, 2008

Ive just bought some new headphones yet when i plug them in the sound still comes out of the speakers. I know the headphones do work because i use them with my mp3 player

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Software Doesn't Work, "Windows Hostprocess Doesn't Work"

Apr 21, 2009

I have had Windows Vista 64 for 2 Months now and of that period of time it worked soundly for about 2 Weeks. I am NOT an irresponsible User, I don't just delete Data, I know a little something about computing, I don't visit or download from dubious sites etc.

1) Without any reason software suddently doesn't work.
a) I installed a Antivirussoftware - after 3 Weeks it suddently didn't work any more (Kaspersky) I couldn't reinstall it.
b) I installed a new Antivirussoftware - after 5 days it didn't work anymore.
c) 4 days later I started to get errormessages "Windows Defender doesn't work any more" - "Windows Hostprocess doesn't work anymore"

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Should I Upgrade From XP To ?

Mar 26, 2008

I have XP Pro, its quite good a little slow here and there despite the high end output of my computer( 2.6ghz core 2 duo E6600, 2GB Ram 2x 250gb HDD 512 pci-e card more fans than you can count ) I get along fine, apart from a sata issue i have been fighting with ASUS, but thats nothing really. but is it worth upgrading to Vista, one thing i noticed is that it takes 40GB on install thats a large jump from XP, i guess ill have to get a bigger main drive? 500gb or something. Also my G/card is directx 9 do i have to get 10?? or will vista work with the 9 card (ATI x1950xtx pro 512mb MSI Build) i run the full adobe suite cs3, word 2007, a few other industry video and imaging programes, divx and a load of games (mainly titles within the last 5/6 years)

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AVG Upgrade

May 24, 2008

I have 2 problems which may or may not be Vista-related:

Free AVG users have to upgrade to Ver. 8. I have tried twice yesterday.
1st time received 17.4MB
2nd time received 23.8MB
Same message for both: Some of the files are corrupted. Please download a
new copy. What is going on. Must I first remove the existing Ver. 7.5?

My Windows Live Mail doesn't shut down properly when I close it to shut
down. Then I receive one or more drafts when I log in again. The envelope
on the left bottom of the screen disappears, but the one on the right bottom
of the screen remains. I have tried closing it manually,

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Upgrade From 64 Bit To Win 7 32 Bit

Nov 26, 2009

I am looking for a new PC for my wife and in order to get the most bang for the buck there seem to be an abundance of vista PCs out there that can be upgraded to windows 7. Unfortunately is seems that her 2 most expensive programs, Painter 9.5 and Photo shop CS2 won't run on a 64 bit O.S., or at least not without a lot of trouble. All of the PCs that I am looking at have 64 bit vista installed. My question is can I buy one of these and when I get my free upgrade disk for windows 7 can I install win 7 32 bit? I don't mind doing a clean install.

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Upgrade From XP?

Mar 23, 2008

I have XP Pro, its quite good a little slow here and there despite the high end output of my computer( 2.6ghz core 2 duo E6600, 2GB Ram 2x 250gb HDD 512 pci-e card more fans than you can count) I get along fine, apart from a sata issue i have been fighting with ASUS, but thats nothing really. but is it worth upgrading to Vista, one thing i noticed is that it takes 40GB on install thats a large jump from XP, i guess ill have to get a bigger main drive? 500gb or something. Also my G/card is directx 9 do i have to get 10?? or will vista work with the 9 card (ATI x1950xtx pro 512mb MSI Build) i run the full adobe suite cs3, word 2007, a few other industry video and imaging programes, divx and a load of games (mainly titles within the last 5/6 years) so i put the question to you again, should i upgrade??

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Should I Upgrade My PSU?

Mar 10, 2009

Im currently running on a liteon 300w PSU. Im thinking of upgrading to a higher wattage PSU but im not sure if i should as i dont know if there will be much of a point doing it.

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Upgrade To 64 Bit

Mar 23, 2008

I am currently running 32 bit Vista Home Premium, but I am considering upgrading to Vista Ultimate and the 64 bit version if I can. How do I find out If my hardware can support a 64 bit OS?

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Ram Upgrade From 3Gb To 6Gb

Apr 19, 2008

i want to upgrade my Ram, from 3Gb to 6Gb: i have Vista. How do i find out what type of Memory Ram do i have on my pc?

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3 OS To Upgrade

May 27, 2008

I tried to use my Vista Ultimate and bypassed the numbers and it would not let me into the OS, says I have to have an OS to upgrade. Microsoft techies said yes I have to install Win2000 then XP upgrade then Vista. Now I have to wipe my partition clean using a third party software and install 3 OS's, does that suck or what.

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Can Only Upgrade To 2 GB?

Sep 22, 2008

here i have 2 year old hp laptop. hp says i can only upgrade it to 2 GB but all you hardware gurus out there can advice me wheather i can upgrade it to 4gb or not.

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Upgrade To 6.1 Don't About OS

Apr 6, 2009

I just recently took an interest in learning everything about my computer and im in the process of upgrading it, and wanted to upgrade my ram but was told with 32bit it can only take 3.56GB and I want to upgrade to 6. I dont know much about Operating Systems, and would like to know how I can upgrade it to 64bit

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How Upgrade?

Mar 21, 2009

i am semi good with computers and feel my computer doesnt perform well enough and also i would like to raise my base score. i have recently been looking at video and sound cards as well as RAM. i dont know how to tell what to look for in products to buy.

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Upgrade To Win 7

Oct 25, 2009

I recently purchased an oem system that came with Vista 64 and a promise of a free upgrade to 7. My question is, with the upgrade, will I be able to do a clean install or just upgrade? Im sure Ill be seeing you around these forums soon

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Can I Upgrade From XP 32 Bit To Vista 64 Bit?

Jul 9, 2009

Can I do a upgrade from a XP 32bit Machine to Windows Vista 64bit by just adding the disk, hitting intall and all that, or do I need to do a clean install when changing to 64bit.

Also, if it's just your average HP machine with a AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ with 2GB ram and a 200GB HD.. is 64bit even really needed, or should I just do 32bit. As I'm installing vista and then selling the machine to someone locally.

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Upgrade Install Fix

Jun 3, 2007

With the release of Windows Vista comes a surprising change to the way the upgrade version works.

Unlike previous version of Windows, you can no longer wipe out your existing Windows installation and install a fresh install of Vista with the upgrade DVD.  Instead, your upgrade version on top of the previous version of Windows you have.

This change will help cut down on the number of people buying the wrong version of Windows Vista but creates a huge annoyance for any power user that wants to start fresh with a new Windows operating system. Users that already wiped their previous Windows installation with the Windows Vista install disk while installing the upgrade version are in for a surprise when they try to active Windows. It won’t activate! Why? Windows is looking for a full version product key because the user did not install the upgrade version of Windows Vista from within a previous version of Windows.

Users that want to perform a fresh Windows Vista install the traditional method are not going to be able to active their upgrade copy.  If you still want to do a clean install with Windows Vista so that your XP settings and junk does not get ported over, there is a new method that will allow you to do a clean install and activate your upgrade version.

Fresh Windows install with the upgrade version of Windows Vista

Use your Windows Vista DVD to wipe out your previous Windows installation and install Vista without a product key as shown here.
After you have Vista installed, use your Windows Vista DVD again and perform an upgrade using your upgrade product key.  Yes, upgrading Windows Vista to Vista works.

Your upgrade key will now activate Windows and you will have a clean install of Windows Vista.

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Upgrade To Windows 7 ?

Nov 21, 2009

I have been a computer and Vista user for the past 16 months.

I did have a few problems with Vista when I first got my computer, but after a couple of months of the odd freeze, I found Vista to run beautifully, with no problems at all.

I have learn't a lot with regard to computing and along the way have learn't to use the Vista OS, which I like enormously.

Having seen what Windows 7 offers, I don't see much that I would use, other than a few neat tricks here and there....

My question is, do I need to fork out the extra dollars for Windows 7 ?? ( I'd rather not ) And does anyone know how long Vista will be supported for??

I would hope I can hold on to 200 dollars for the upgrade and keep using Vista.

My impression, is that Windows 7 is pretty much a slightly improved version of Vista, which for me....is working beautifuly.

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Windows 7 - Upgrade Or SP3?

Oct 18, 2009

What is it - a costly upgrade or a service pack, which would have to be free otherwise?

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To Upgrade To Windows 7 Or Not!

Oct 19, 2009

Curious to know about upgrading to Windows 7. I am presently running Windows Vista 64bit and have an upgrade coupon to upgrade to Windows 7. If I choose to upgrade to 7 will I lose all settings and configs, files and folders if I do so.

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