Explorer.exe:When Re-boot Or Shutdown Get Very Fast Screen Flash

Jun 6, 2008

When I go to re-boot or shutdown.. I get a very fast screen flash that states that my explorer.exe is still running then it shuts down and restarts like normal. I don't remember seeing it before the last few weeks... it is very fast and doesn't allow me the chance to do anything but notice it.

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Dump Flash Drive On Shutdown?

Mar 13, 2010

i got a 1.3gb flashdrive in my computer for page files and temp is there a option to dump on shutdown or a way to?

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Crash: Blue Screen, Couldnt Read Everything Fast Enough

Nov 21, 2008

restart of my system? Event viewer? I was on line reading news when my system gave me a blue screen, couldnt read everything fast enough... something to the fact it shut down to protect windows.....it was a full screen of dialogthen restarted. Hasnt ever happened before.. didnt click on any links or anything...seems to be running fine after restart.

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Boot And Shutdown

Jun 24, 2008

I am proffesional .NET developer working with C and SQL. Because of new features of the new MS products I was switching to Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. My Vista runs on: ASUS Striker II Extreme with QuadCore 2.5 GHz. 4 GB Patriot Memory, 2 GeForce Grafikcards with 4 Monitors, 300GB Fujitsu SCSI disk.

I hade always some problems with booting and Shutdown.Somitimes I had to start the pc 4 times until it runs. Also somitimes it was not Shutingdown ... When it was up und running, all was ok, except somitimes Network does not work ... Finaly now, the system was running fine and I plugged in a webcam and it was starting to install forever ... After about 1h, I switched off the pc and now it does not boot any moren ...When I try to boot in SaveMode, it stopps at crcdisk.sys. I cannot even boot from install CD ... What should I do now ? Buy another harddisk and install a fresh copy of Vista ?? Buy another harddisk and go back to Windows XP ?? Or ist there anybody out ther who knows a solution ??? I really need to work with my pc and I would be happy for any comment on this issue !!

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Shutdown Won't Boot Up

Sep 16, 2009

I have a question about Vista. I have 2 laptops. One of them has shutdown and wont boot up the login screen... but it turns on. Now that Laptop came with Home Premium... and the one I got (new) today came with Home Basic. Can I use any premium Boot Disc, and use the serial from the old laptop?

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Boot And Shutdown Probs

Jun 3, 2010

My PC used to take a few mins to boot and 30 secs to shutdown but now it takes around 4.5mins to boot to the sidebar appearing amidst incredible disk activity (which has always been the case) - if I then click on IE it takes around 80 secs to load as the disk is going bananas for several minutes and the PC isn't really useable for 5 minutes until the disk settles down (which has been getting worse over the last 6 months)
Quite often (40%) boot freeze on MESH splash screen and needs rebootPC - quad Core Mesh PC 2.4GHz - 4GB RAM - VISTA all up to date - 1 x 500GB 1 x 1TB - external - USB ipod/printer/1.5tb backupI've tried disabling obvious candidates in startup/services but to no avail - not a gaming PC .......

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Updates After Boot And Shutdown

Nov 28, 2008

Sometime after 24/11/08 I installed about 4 vista updates, after which boot and shutdown times greatly increased. By which I mean, when you get the green sliding bar when booting, pre-update I would get between 6 and 11 bar progressions, after update I got 50 to 51, before completing the boot. I've now turned off updates completely and system restored back pre- 24/11/08, and alls well again. From looking at these forums it seems I am not along with update issues. I'll leave updates turned off I think.

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Sudden Blue Screen An Shutdown

Dec 4, 2009

my laptop has suddenly developed "blue screen of death" and it happens too quickly to record the error.

no new software or hardware added recently.Thought the backlight on the screen had failed after as I had a blank screen but after connection to a separate screen and doing a system restore my screen is ok.working ok at the moment but every so often after shutdown the "Blue" returns....

Ran a scan in safe mode and zilch...

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Shutdown Get Full Blue Screen

Jun 23, 2009

Everytime i try to shutdown my VAIO it goes through the process and at the last moment i get a full blue screen it says dumping physical memory and automatically restarts. The only way i can switch it off is to force a shutdown by holding the power button. When i do this then every time i restart it, ittells me it wasn't shut down properly.

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Shutdown Or Restart Gives Blue Screen

Feb 24, 2010

After working well for months, my Vista Home Premium x64 system has developed a bad bug: Every time I try to do Shutdown or Restart, right after displaying "Shutting down", the system crashes with a Blue Screen of Death message: "SPECIAL_POOL_DETECTED_MEMORY_CORRUPTION" with gdrv.sys as the offending driver. This makes it impossible to do a smooth restart, since I have to do a manual reboot at that point every time.

This behavior does NOT happen in Safe Mode, only in normal mode. That leads me to believe it's a software bug. But I've used verifier.exe and still can't find a driver that's faulty. Verifier.exe can't find anything wrong with gdrv.sys.

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Blue Screen After Shutdown - Auto Reboot

Feb 6, 2009

I've ran BitDefender Total Security 2009 and got off a few trojans, ran Spybot and got a few as well. I've also ran the cmd prompt command sfc/scannow (with no issues), but I am still getting a blue screen after I shutdown. After it automatically reboots, I get a Windows prompt saying it has recovered from an unexpected shutdown, here is the report: I've zipped and attached (the attachment system doesn't seem to work, so I uploaded it to MediaFire) all of the files that it says could help describe the problem. Here is the download link: 'systemfiles.zip'

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Bios Flash Screen...Nothing / Zip

Aug 30, 2008

I have been looking into a new processor and decided to update my bios so that it's up to date and can handle the new tech. Bios update went fine using the Asus updater software and I rebooted and now I have nothing - the computer will not even go to the bios flash screen...Nothing / zip

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Internet Explorer 7 Is Not Displaying Flash Or JavaScript After Unistalled A Trail Version Of McAfee

May 3, 2008

All my problems started after I unistalled a trail version of McAfee. I am using Vista Ultimate 32-Bit. Please don't tell me to phone Microsoft, because I'll just end up losting my temper with them. I don't see why I should have to pay for support, Microsoft have lots of money already.

Internet Explorer 7 is not displaying Flash or JavaScript. I have the latest version of Flash and JavaScript is enabled. Firefox works perfectly, the problem is just in Firefox.

The sidebar has stopped displaying gadgets. The sidebar will open but gadgets will not work...........

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Flash On Screen Disconnected From The Internet

May 15, 2010

I have a program trying to flash on my screen. It is every 12-15 seconds apart and only flashes for a half second. I have tried to click on it. I have disconnected from the internet as I thought maybe someone was trying to access my computer. Still does it. I ran3 different spyware and antivirus programs. Plus, I ran rkill (all 4 types). I still have the problem.

If I am typing while it flashes, it erases my typing. I have defragged, debugged in addition to running spyware and antivirus programs. After doing each one of them, I have restarted my computer. Still get that flash. It is driving me bonkers.

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Windows Mail Flash Screen

Sep 23, 2009

both from the download and manually. I still can not get my Windows Mail Flash Screen to work - Windows Mail is functioning it's just the flash screen that is not.

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Windows In Loop With Blue Screen Flash

Apr 9, 2010

Ok, just installed Vista service pack 2 and now I'm in a loop when booting, there is a flash of a blue screen but cant read it

note that I can not boot into any mode! I do have a repair disk and tried the startup repair to no avail!

I'm wondering is there a way to stop automatic rebooting when an error in command prompt in the recovery disk.

i really need this fixed i do have another computer that i can use to help fix. There has to be a way.

I have tried to uninstall service pack 2 via command prompt but since i used cc cleaner its not in the temp file!

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Cannot Send Email: A Quick Flash Appears On The Screen

Mar 27, 2008

when i try to send email, a quick flash appears on the screen (like the action occurred successfully, very fast), but the message just goes to the outbox and is never sent, even upon prompt at program termination. i have checked all program and account settings, and everything is ok (especially the send messages immediately checkbox). i entered a secondary unrelated email address with different, known server addresses but the same thing occurred. i downloaded mozilla thunderbird and entered the primary email information and i could send messages with no problem. switching email programs permanately really is not a viable option at this point. this is not a server address problem, and the primary email does not require authentication.

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Stop User Account Control (UAC) Screen Flicker / Flash

Feb 19, 2007

Every time I get one of those UAC prompts asking me to authorize an administrative action my LCD screen flashes when the box pops up. This is caused by the switch to the secure desktop, similar to what happens when you hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE. The only difference is that the background is a snapshot of your desktop that gives it the effect that it is just a pop up window. Although if you look carefully you will notice it is static since the clock does not change and anything else that was animated is now static. The secure desktop provides an extra level of security to UAC by making it immune to any application that may try to automate the click on the allow button bypassing the purpose of UAC.

This sounds like a great thing but it is really annoying to me. I hate that screen flicker. Rather than disable UAC, there is a better alternative.  Instead, I can just disable the secure desktop switch that causes the flicker. I know this is not as secure but it is better than disabling UAC completely. 

Follow the steps below to disable UAC secure desktop: ...

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Shutdown Causes Hardisks To Spin Up Shutdown 4 Times

Jun 13, 2007

I have read elsewhere of some users experiencing the problem of hard disks making the infamous clicking noises on shutdown of any version of vista. I don't know if its only SATA HD but thats what I have and I am experiencing the same thing. It has me concerned that the clicking of the HD arms might be unnecessary wear and tear. any fixes for this?

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Fix Boot Logo, BOOT Screen No Works

Apr 16, 2008

This is the best install I have ever done (or was)…I did a fresh install and followed a tweak which was to very enlightening, to say the least. From there I have been to a few other sites and moved on to fully customizing my desktop/login and……well…this is where I stuffed up…My BOOT screen no longer works properly, even with the original “winload.exe.mui” file replaced.

I downloaded and used “Vista Boot Logo Generator” I loved the results on my last install…It worked well. Upon deciding to do a fresh install with Tweaking in mind, I simply coppied over a Boot logo I made previously after allowing permissions and all that as well as changing the NO GUI in msconfig…ect….BUT......

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i guess...now after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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Blue Screen "flash" And Restart From The Beginning Again

Mar 2, 2010

I was surfing the net with my girlfriend the other night... playing bingo to be precise, (we are soo rock n roll!) and my computer just turned off.. not instantly like a powercut, but alot quicker than normal shutdown. I turned it back on and was given the options to start in safe mode, safemode with command prompt etc. Well, every option I chose lead to windows starting to load but then a very quick blue screen "flash" ....then it would restart from the beginning again.

I then dug out my vista cd, and told my bios to boot from cd, I would then get a message saying windows is loading files and as soon as the bar flled up the blue screen came back, but this time it stays on the screen. So just to recap, i can't start windows in safe mode, command prompt, or normally, and i can't use my recovery cd. The blue screen i get is: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA
*** STOP: 0X00000050 (0X86300000, 0X00000000, 0X88883843, 0X00000000)

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Explorer Screen Resized

Mar 23, 2008

When I am in my hotmail and typing a message - the text goes on and on forever and then returns but so much of it is off of the screen - I am wondering how to get it resized so that everything I type is on the screen at one time.

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Explorer.exe: Black Screen

Nov 16, 2009

During the last week I noticed Norton antivirus was not running. I had to reinstall it to get it working. As I didn't actually know how long this had been off I ran a scan (found a few cookies that didn?t seem very problematic) and ran spybot as well to be sure. Spybot found others but would not let me repair them successfully but these also seemed non-threatening. I tried to restore at an earlier date but it would not let me do this nor would it successfully backup either. It also wouldn't successfully install windows updates either. I ran chkdsk on drive C: and rebooted. Then I got the black screen after the "welcome" screen with a moveable curser and the first thing that pops up is "Windows Calendar Not responding" or something like that, then another pop up says the screensaver won't load and than windows update thing comes up where I can get on the internet but still can't do any windows updates.

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Windows Explorer Screen Stop Working

Mar 1, 2007

another problem with this OS, it seems once an hour my Windows Explorer will completely kick the bucket. What happens is all the windows and tabs at the bottom of the screen stop working and kind of migrate to the bottom left all mashing together making everything practically useless. So I end up have to end explorer.exe and resterting it.

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Boot Screen Change

Aug 22, 2008

Is it possible to change the bootscreen with vista service pack 1? Coz I tried tuneup utilities and the one on Boot screen but they dont work...

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Modding Boot Screen With SP1 (32 & 64 Bit)

Oct 16, 2008

0) Run msconfig command and sign the "No GUI boot" option under boot options.

1) Use Vista Visual Master to generate winload.exe.mui with the image you like....

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Cant Get Past Boot Up Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I just put some more memory in my computer and now cant get past boot bios screen as I cant use keyboard to go past but I am guessing as usb is not active at this point keyboard or mouse does not work

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Freeze On Boot Screen

Mar 29, 2008

* When I start the system, it gets to the Vista's bootscreen (where you see the progress bar). At that point, the laptop freezes. In fact, it freezes before I can see the colored boxes in the progress-bar.

* If I force a cold shutdown (by holding down the power-button), and then restart the laptop, it might load fine and everything would be running fine (like there was never any problems).

* Assuming, it didn't freeze and loaded Vista successfully, then I would shutdown Vista through the Start button.

* If I try to start the laptop again, it will freeze at the bootscreen again.
* I cannot tell when it will freeze at the bootscreen..............

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Automatically Goes To Boot Screen

Mar 23, 2008

When I powerup my PC It automatically goes to the boot screen. I have to press F1 to get to get past it and to the password screen. I had to reformat my hard drive last month and its been doing that since then.

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