Elements External Harddrive Not Showing Up In "my Computer"

Mar 2, 2009

My Elements 500G external hard drive has worked fine for years but recently it stopped showing up in "my computer" as a drive. I have windows vista and it recognizes that the elements drive is there (the safely remove hardware icon shows up and it appears in device management). I wouldn't be surprised if the drive was dying as I've had it awhile but since it's still recognized by the computer I was hoping there was some way to access it and salvage the files. Any one have any suggestions? (and I'm not particularly hardware savvy so anything that involves taking apart the drive is probably right out)

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External Harddrive

Oct 4, 2008

I am getting a 1TB external harddrive and was wondering weather I could basically copy the whole of my C: drive including the OS to it. I also want to boot straight from the external drive. I also do not really care if it is'nt recommended lol. If this is possible would it also be possible to dual-boot with XP? I have both install disks for Vista and XP and I am willing to buy software.

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External Harddrive Can't See

Aug 6, 2009

I have used the same external harddrive for over a year but suddenly my computer cant se what on it. It has the letter "N" but shows as raw. Its strange becours it works fine on XP pro and it did work fine on this comp before. Anyone have a clue?

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External Harddrive Partition

Nov 6, 2009

Me being me didn't read the instructions properly on the fact on how it does auto backups. So I partitioned the drive in half, now I cannot get the full 1TB back. I have so far tried deleting it, and then tried to extend the first half of it back, but it keeps coming up with just unallocated space

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External Harddrive Sharing

Mar 23, 2008

I have just perchased an external harddrive. I am trying to share this between my 3 computers. When i go the the drive, right click and go to share, the share button is greyed out. I go to the advanced sharing and click share this folder - when i go apply i get the following error: An error occured while trying to share g. There are no more end points available from the endpoint mapper. I have tried everything in that folder (permissions, etc) and nothing works.

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Copying Internal Harddrive To External Devies

Jul 22, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate on my laptop which has a 50gb internal harddrive. I have less than 500 mb of memory left and was wondering could I move the entire content of my C: drive ( including the vista ultimate ) to an external harddrive, then format my C: drive and boot up from my external harddrive? Also if this is possible could I dual boot with Mac OS X Leapord? If this is possible can you please tell me how.

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Create An Image Of All System (all Matrix RAID 0+1) On External Harddrive

Jun 23, 2008

I've just installed Vista x64 and some applications to work. The the system and the applications are "fresh", proper installed and I would like to create an image of all system (all matrix RAID 0+1) on external harddrive. What software do you suggest for this purpose? Can I do it via ghost.exe from DOS level?

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External HD (partition Not Showing Up)..

May 2, 2009

I have a 1 TB external HD that is broken up into three partitions. For some reason, only two of three partitions will appear in Windows Vista. When I had it connected to my now out-of-commission desktop which ran XP, all partitions showed up and were accessible with no problem.

Can anyone offer any insight as to what's causing this and/or how to fix it? As luck would have it, my entire music library is on the one partition that won't show up, so I've been unable to access my music since my desktop has been down.

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External USB Drive Not Showing In Explorer

Jan 23, 2009

I am experiencing the same problem as listed in other posts on this topic, but with a twist that is keeping me from resolving the problem. I have a 160gb WD USB external drive of my brother's that I'm trying to save for him, and we're experiencing all of the same symptoms as the other posts on this topic. The drive is automatically recognized when plugged in, drivers auto install, windows correctly identifies the drive and gives full drive name, device manager says it is there and operating properly etc etc, but the drive is not listed in windows explorer as others report. When I try to change the drive letter in disk management as the many other posts suggest, changing the name is not an option for this drive. My only options for the afflicted drive are "New simple volume", "New spanned volume" and "New striped volume" and of course properties. Here are a list of fixes I have tried without success.

1. Tried different USB ports and different USB cable.
2. Tried 4 different machines running Vista Ultimate SP1 (Desktop Core i7 6gb RAM), Vista Basic (Desktop Core 2 Duo, 4gb RAM), Vista Home Premium SP1 (Laptop Core 2 Duo 2gb RAM) and XP Home SP3 (Laptop Celeron 512gb RAM)
3. Stopped device with "safely remove hardware", uninstalled through device manager, rebooted with device connected.............

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Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 & Adobe Premiere Elements 4

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody found any problem with this package in Windows Vista?

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Newsgroup Not Showing Up On Computer

Mar 14, 2009

Posts I make in this newsgroup are not showing up on my computer. I think I had this problem once before, but can't remember the fix. If I go to "microsoft.windows.public.vista.general" in Internet Explorer = my posts are shown there.

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Unknown Computer Showing In Network

Mar 23, 2008

Quite a problem here. I noticed my internet [T1, I have a box with a light that flashes when in use] was going nonstop at a fast rate, even when my computer was idle. So I went and checked my network settings. My computer is alone, not on any networks, but "JACQUELINE-PC" and a media version of that is showing up on my network. My network was private and I changed it to public, seeing as Windows Help said that is safest for lone computers. I also added a password to my windows computer account. I tried to turn "file sharing" off, but it said it was controlled by my firewall. I use Nortons
Internet Security for firewall and I havent been able to find any option to
disable file sharing in it.

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Local Disk C Not Showing In My Computer

Jun 3, 2008

Local Disk C doesn't show in My Computer, it only shows shortcuts to my docs and optical drives! What The?

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Network Computer Showing But Cant Connect

Jun 27, 2008

In the network map I can see the two computers, the router and the internet symbol. File and printer sharing is on for both machines but the other machine which is visable cant be connected to? Firewall permits file and printer sharing as well.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersBrett Jones>ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::612a:b302:fdd7:297d%18
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

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Why The Pics In Computer Status Is Not Showing In Sidebar?

Sep 21, 2009

hey i just want to ask why the pics in Computer Status is not showing in sidebar? see the pic in my sidebar

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External Hard Drive Does Not Appear Anywhere On The Computer.

Jul 29, 2009

i've had the Western Digital WDH1U10000N 1TB for a little over a week now. it was working fine, up until yesterday night. i made the switch from my PC to my laptop. when i plugged the USB into my laptop, the
external hard drive was not recognized. so, i tried plugging the USB into another port, and after a few minutes it was recognized by the laptop. this morning when i plugged the external hard drive back to my
PC, it is not recognized. moreover i can't find it anywhere on the computer. i know for a fact it is turned on, but i just can't find it anywhere on my computer. does anyone know what the problem is?

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How Can Sync Computer To An External Drive

Apr 21, 2009

How can I sync a drive in my computer to an external drive. They are the same size.

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Saveing Computer External Drive!

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 500GB Desktop hard drive and want to know how I would go about backing up my entier conputer to it.

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Cannot External Hard Drsk Computer

Mar 2, 2009

I have an external hard disk and recently try to plug into my USB port to transfer a file from my laptop to the external hard disk. Unfortunately, i could not find the hard disk in my computer, neither it opens automatically.

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Computer Showing White Screen, Re-installed Vista

May 10, 2008

my computer showing white screen. I maybe turn it on and a few minutes later it's completely white. Sometimes it showes first stripes, black and white. I've googled it but not found much so I went here to ask. For about 2 months ago I had problem with BSOD but re-installed Vista and it was OK. My computer is Packard Bell SB87 (something like that, not sure) and with Vista Home Premium.

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External Hard Drive Not Working .. Not Show Up In My Computer?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a WD 3,5 Hard drive and I bought I case so I could make it external. However, when I connect it to my laptop, running on Vista Home Premium x64 SP2 it does not work. The drive is seen by Vista (it shows up in the Disk Management section in Computer Management) but it does not show up in My Computer. In Disk Management it appears Disk 1, Dynamic, Invalid, with a red downwards arrow. As I have all my info there a soluyion that requires a format is not an option.

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Star Computer Without An External Monitor, The Screen Just Blurrs Completely

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1710 notebook and just yesterday it started throwing bad fits at me. First of all, if I start my computer without an external monitor, the screen just blurrs completely and I have to shut it down. With the monitor, nothing happens, but I dont think its a laptop any more if it does this thing. That partially fixed, I too have the SVCHOST problem. I used the svchost analyzer and Security Task Manager, but all they show me is that I have around 7 Svchost processes and they only use 10-15% of CPU. Its very peculiar because I NEVER had this before and I have my laptop for around 3 years. Checked all instances, every svchost is in the Windows System folder, so I ruled out a svchost virus. However, even when I shut down almost everything else, still 90-100% CPU. I just cant understand it.

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Can Get An External HD To Retrieve My Photos & Files From The Computer Buit What About My Windows Mail

Jun 10, 2009

My laptop broke. It no longer has any power to it...without spending money to confirm, I believe the motherboard is bad and all is lost. I know I can get an external HD to retrieve my photos & files from the computer buit what about my Windows Mail? I had 200-300 emails on it (and no, I didn't save a copy on the server 'cause I didn't know better). Do I understand correctly that there is no way for me to forward them into Windows Mail on my new computer?

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MPG And Premiere Elements V4

May 27, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate w/sp1 and I can play mpg files fine until I install Adobe Premiere Elements. After I install Elements I can double click an mpg file MP11 will open however nothing will play and no errors pop up. I have completely reformatted and reinstalled Vista done all the updates and still with Premiere Elements installed I can not play MPG files, uninstalled they play fine. I do not have any other media players etc installed and I have contacted Adobe who says it is a Microsoft problem.

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Photoshop Elements 6 Cant Boot 64 Bit.

Jul 15, 2009

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium 64. I installed the software I had been using on my old XP machine, and discovered difficulty with booting up Vista. I found I had to power off and re-power two or three times before it would even get far enough to do a start-up repair. Sometimes even this was not enough to get it to boot up, and I had to switch off and power up again, doing a second start-up repair. Having done the repair, it would then boot up fine, and work normally until shut-down. Next time it was switched on, the same trouble would occur again. So I restored it to factory settings, then reinstalled all the software, only to find the identical problem. I restored to factory settings again, and installed my various bits of software, item by item, shutting down the computer and then powering up again after each install.........

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On Program Uninstall Some Elements Remaining

Mar 25, 2010

On a number of occasions, after uninstalling a prog, a message box tells me that there are elements of the prog remaining and that these can be removed manually. It does not suggest a way of doing this.

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Convert WD 640GB Elements FAT32 To NTFS

Mar 27, 2009

It's a new drive with nothing on it. I started converting it from an Amin command prompt about 5 hours ago. The LED on the drive is flashing and the Task Manager shows it's running but other than that I have no indication that it is in fact actually running. Below is what the command prompt window displays. It has not changed at all in the 5 hours. Has anyone else experienced this? How long does this process usually take?

Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
624,976,672 KB total disk space.
160 KB in 5 hidden files.
32 KB in 1 folders.
32 KB in 1 files.
624,976,416 KB are available.

32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
19,530,521 total allocation units on disk.
19,530,513 allocation units available on disk.

Determining disk space required for file system conversion...
Total disk space: 625129272 KB
Free space on volume: 624976416 KB
Space required for conversion: 843485 KB
Converting file system

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Premier Elements Windows Keeps Closing Program

Sep 25, 2008

I recently purchased a laptop with a 64bit Vista. I bought this laptop to help me edit videos and pictures using both the Premier Elements and Photoshop elements. I have is that when I'm working on Premier Elements windows keeps closing my program. I recently found out the PE 4 is 32bit compatible, not 64. Is it possible to run programs in a 32bit environment without downgrading my whole system to 32.

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Loaded Adobe Photoshop Elements: It Would Not Run And Requested That I Increase Windows Virtual RAM

Apr 24, 2009

Running under Vista Home Premium SP1. I just loaded Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 (which had been running previously under WinXP with 500MB RAM) into my new PC with 3GB RAM. It would not run and requested that I increase Windows Virtual RAM! Task Manager shows RAM with Total=2939MB, Cached=2080MB, and Free=20MB. My first guess is that the problem has to do with having an administrator and five standard users, four of whom are minimum-user kids and should be removed (along with the kids).

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4gb Showing Sys, 2gb Showing In Task Manager

May 18, 2008

I just installed an additional 2gb of RAM on my system, but this is not showing in the Task Manager. It iniitally was not showing in either, but after installing SP1 Sys info was updated.

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