Deletion Permissions

Aug 1, 2009

I'm in the habit of deleting everything that goes into my downloads folder within my user folder because having a bunch of installers sitting there is pointless. Recently, however,whenever I attempt to delete any of these installers within my downloads folder,it tells me that "I need to permission to perform this action." These files can't be in use by anything and as administrator I don't see why it suddenly will not allow me to delete this things after I've been doing it for months.If I restart the computer,it WILL let me delete these things.But never before that.

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Deleted Folders, Re-appear After Deletion?

Feb 6, 2010

i have some folders I created on my desktop (so i could transfer pics,vids, mp3s from an external drive) Now i do not wish for them to be there so i delete them and about 5secs or so they appear again?

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Secure File Deletion

Jun 20, 2008

how about a secure file deletion ap (DoD 7 pass etc) that can be run from the right click contextual menus? Vista Home Premium x64.

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Outbox Mail Deletion

Mar 23, 2008

I have a message in my outbox that can't be deleted.

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Preventing Deletion Of Files?

Dec 21, 2009

My daughter just came home from college and her computer had many program files just deleted. Not uninstalled, but literally opened the files and deleted. She didnt do it, as she uses one of them extensively, Adobe CS3. So, how do I prevent someone from deleting files. Can I take ownership of the entire programs files, with a password? And along with that, how do I keep programs from being installed without her permission? She is an admin user by default, but can you password UAC?

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Automatic Deletion Of Email

Sep 10, 2009

My email in my inbox is deleting automatically. I open it, switch to another folder, then come back to the inbox, it is gone.

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Net Work Sharing Deletion

Mar 22, 2008

I made a wireless file sharing network called "my net" when i scan for wireless networks i see it in the list. (as its from my pc). I had a look around and i don't see how i can delete it. (not out of my list but complete delete it).

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Automatic Deletion/archiving Of Older Emails

Sep 11, 2009

Any emails in my inbox that reach 1 month old are being automatically deleted or archived. Is there any way I can turn this off? I have looked everywhere and cannot find an option to do this.

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Required Protection Of Mp3 And Word Text Files From Deletion

May 28, 2008

how to stop people deleting files unintentionally from my laptop or server at work. I want open access for read and copy only for everyone but i need it to be impossible to overwrite or delete these files. I can give a read only tag ok but can't seem to set a higher security for deletions without running password blocks etc. Are passwords the only method of avoiding deletions?

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Oct 20, 2009

When I try to run QuickTime I get an Error -2095 alert. When I click Run As Administrator it opens OK.I am the owner and sole user of the computer. How do a give full permissions to myself?I tried going to the program file, opening properties and then the Permissions tab. There are 3 entries in the top window:

Administrator (EUSTACE PCAdminstrators)
Users (EUSTACE PCUsers)

When I click the last, in the lower window I see checked only Read & Execute and Read, not Full control and the others.

I clicked Edit, and added checkmarks to everything (except Special Permissions that I can't).

I click OK and return to the former dialog, but the permissions for Users have not changed.

When I click Advanced I see 4 lines. Lines 2 and 3 are System and Administrator. Lines 1 and 4 are:

Allow Users (EUSTACE PCUsers) Full Control
Allow Users (EUSTACE PCUsers) Read & Execute C:Program Files

Is the second line necessary?

If I highlight it and click Edit and then highlight it again and click Edit, check Full control, OK, the dialog closes and in the first dialog the line 1 is highlighted and line 4 is the same.

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Permissions, UAC Off

Apr 22, 2009

it seems that I have managed to lock myself into a corner here and I am hoping some of you gents can pull me out w/o loosing any body limbs. I have a very special folder, within that folder I have a few files and, until recently, they were working. I decided to try a script to hide the folder so nobody could get to it. After a new build, the script did not work anymore so I decide not to bother with it anymore. the problem is that now that I want to move the folder to my external passport drive, I am getting the following 2 permission pop ups and I can't, for the life of me, make this happen.

I have tried turning the UAC off, tried elevating myself to the highest, I have taken ownership of the folder and the Drive where the folder resides, I have also given me full access of the folder and the files and still, I am getting the dreaded errors. Before attempting to open my case and take the drive out to be used as an external usb/sata drive on my XP laptop in hopes that this will allow me to get it (I am thinking it won't).

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Own File Permissions

Mar 21, 2010

I have a file ( C:Windows?.bin) that I need to delete. I do not have permission. I have tried to turn off the UAC and that won't work. I have tried to use the COMMAND prompt takeown, but for some reason, I don't know quite how to phrase it. when i type what all the forums say, it says that there is a "conflict".

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Program Permissions

Jun 2, 2008

I have 2 situations here but I think they are related.

1. I have a couple programs that every time I go to start them I get "A program needs your permission to continue"I have to click "continue" so they will run.

2. i have several programs that on their desktop icons have the "Firewall Shield" on them. (shield divide into 4 colors)

How do I get the shields to go away?

How do I get the "need permission" message to stop coming up?

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Permissions: Cant Get Welcome Screen

Aug 2, 2009

how do i give myself full control over my entire computer i dont care one bit if i mess it up so badly that i cant even get the welcome screen

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Ownership And Permissions On Everything

Dec 24, 2009

Is there a way that I can take ownership and have complete permissions on each and every folder and file on my pc. I'm the only user and not being able to move or delete certain files is a pain in the ass.

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Overriding Permissions

Jan 1, 2009

I've got a program that starts up when the computer does, or so I've told Vista a thousand times. It still blocks it every time I reboot the computer. How can I set a permission for the thing to run all the time? I can't seem to find where to do that either... I can find my way to the window that shows what's permitted and what's not, but I can't edit them. I'm logged in as an administrator, so I should be able to, but Vista's being overly protective (really, I have a mother for that ). Why is it doing this to me?

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Special Permissions

Feb 10, 2009

im trying to give the program called peer guardian full control but it wont let me and it just says Error applying security and i had UAC on and i turned it off and i still have the same problem and it wont let me have special permissions on my own acc and i am administrator and im running 32 windows vista Man

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Help! Horrible Experience With Permissions

May 15, 2010

I seem to suddenly have lost capability to do various things with my PC (I am admin, Vista still correctly displays that I am admin). For instance I can no longer send/receive emails from my Outlook 2003. It says "you don't have appropriate ermissions to perform this operation".

From time to time it complains that extend.dat has disappeared whereas this is not true, it is still to be found under "C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook".

I have ensured ownership and full control under my username of C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook as well as C:UsersGregoireApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook.

I have also copied my Outlook.pst file to OutlookWhiteKnight.pst and redirected my inbox and mail delivery to this but TO NO AVAIL.

Of course if I turn User Access Control off it works fine again but that's a bit overstretched and surely there is a way to go back to the previous state without killing UAC.

Other things that have happened is I lost my ability to scan, ability to copy certain files from my wife's account to our archive and other sweets like this.

Ah and one last element of detail is that my wife does not have the problem and she is a standard user.

What I *suspect* the initial cause might be is that I have installed a security sweeper from my remote-access website from my employer and it probably messed up with the dtcom config but that's where my knowledge stops. I checked the config the INTERACTIVE user was there (don't ask me what that is, I found that following some threads on google and various websites). I have of course a proper helpdesk from work but they claim it's not their fault and that it can't possibly be because I am the first to report such a problem amongst many users and that as per policy they won't help me with my personal laptop etc etc. Anyway that suspicion itself as to the cause won't help me much.

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How To Repair Disk Permissions

Sep 10, 2008

I removed all permissions of Authenticated Users for my C: drive (entire permissions). What I did is as follows:

. Right click C:
. Properties
. Security
. Deny all permissions for Authenticated Users

Now I can not reach my drive, can not change permissions again, and can not restore permissions etc. Even Admin account can not do anything.

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C:/ Drive Have Lost Permissions To Run

Nov 1, 2009

I have searched over the lands of google and these forums and I have come across similar yet not the same problem as mine. It seems that files and folders across my C:/ drive have lost permissions to run. Also, some new files that are created by programs can be not able to run because they are created without permissions.

When clicked upon, they say I do not have permission to run or move etc. I can change this manually by going into properties and owners and changing it. I have no idea why these files are being created without an owner or permissions and I cant seem to get this to stop.

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Tired Of UAC And Folder Permissions?

Feb 25, 2010

What you do is reformat your hard drive. Create your account. When Vista loads click start in the search bar type cmd the right click cmd and click run as dminstrator. then in the cmd prompt type this Net user administrator /active:yes. Once you do that it activates the Hidden Administrator account on Vista. Log off your current account. log into the hidden administrator account. delete the account you made by going to Users in the control panel. Once you do this you can change the name of the Administrator account on your Vista OS. This fixes the UAC and keeps it from coming up every time you install something. It also cancels out the file permissions as well. so that way you can do anything you want with your computer.

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Share Permissions For Folders

Sep 16, 2009

My home TV service (AT&T U-Verse) allows for the playing of songs from a networked PC, over the TV and thus over the TV's sound surround speakers. For this to work, I need to allow all of my music folders/files to be shared. My music collection is housed in Itunes, which creates a folder for each artist, and sub folders for each album. I have about 4,000 songs, and 385 artists. "Beneath" these 385 folders for the artists, there is approximately another 700-800 sub folders. All of these folders/files are "not shared". How can I change all of the folders & files to "shared" WITHOUT having to do each one individually?

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Documents And Settings Permissions

Jun 8, 2008

I can't open this folder. Permission needed? I am the only established user of this computer. How do I change the permissions for this folder(s)?

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Can't Delete Virus Due To 'permissions'

Jan 10, 2010

I've done a full computer scan and it only found a couple of files. I know the exact time when I got it, so I've been scouting around my C:/ and I've found quite a few exe (and other type) files which are part of it. However I can't delete them due to 'permissions'. My standard task manager has been made invisible when I do CtrlAltDel but using sofware explorer I found a load of virus tasks set to run on startup and currently running, these I can end, but they just come back after a minute or so.

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Needing To Own File Permissions!

Sep 23, 2009

I have a file ( C:Windows?.bin) that I need to delete. I do not have permission. I have tried to turn off the UAC and that won't work. I have tried to use the COMMAND prompt takeown, but for some reason, I don't know quite how to phrase it. when i type what all the forums say, it says that there is a "conflict"

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Edit User File Permissions

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to set user file permissions in vista, and am unbale to do so as the policy editor in Home Premium is unavailable. I am trying to block a user from: Viewing Accesing and Changing files on my slave drive. registry edits that you may give will be appreciated..... thanks in advance

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Security Center And Program Permissions

May 9, 2010

I'm trying to help out my sister on her laptop (Compaq Vista 32bit). Here are the problems:

Can not access Windows Security Center.. It comes up on the tool bar red with the X. When you try to open it either off the tool bar or even through the Control Center you get: A "open with" window to select the program to open "rundll32.exe". I have tried the tutuorial on this site to change security center from disabled to automatic, this did not work, it defaults back to disabled. Will not start up the Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus program automatically on startup. You must manaul start and either run as adminstrator to start or go through the "open with window" process. All program starts require to go through the "open with window" approach and some that does not work and you need to right click on the program and "run as administrator" to start the program (i.e. intenet exployer). I have manually run Microsoft Security Essentials and removed numerous virus and trojans.

I am familar with XP and Windows 7, not Vista...

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Spool Folder Permissions/hidden

Sep 8, 2008

We have two fairly new vista 64sp1 machines. We are using a monitor cal program that on one machine will write the color profile to the system32/spool/drivers/color directory without a problem. The program on the other machine will not. I can browse from the cal programs and on one machine I can see the spool directory and the other I can't. Though I can see most of the other folders in system32.

The other clue is I can see the spool directory with WINDOWS explorer on both machines. But with INTERNET explorer 7 I can only see the spool directory on the good machine. I can also see the spool directory with programs like Thunderbird on one machine, but not the other. But programs like notepad are ok on both.

The spool folder permissions appear to be the same on both and I have tried unhiding folders and even superhidden folders with no luck. I have also tried running the program as admin and compatibility modes. I have spent two days trying to fix this and if anyone has an idea how to fix this it would be great.

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Unable To Change Permissions In Registry

Dec 29, 2008

I am having an issue trying to change the permissions in my registry using Windows Vista Ultimate x64. When I try to give it Full access it gives me an error. "Unable to save permission changes on USB". "Access is Denied" The key I am trying to change permissions on: HKEY_LOCAL MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumUSB.

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Permissions, Notepad Wouldn't Save

Mar 3, 2009

I have a program that installs as a subfolder of the Program Files (x86) folder. Inside the main folder of the application is a file, The application, when run, needs to change this file. If I run this application from an administrator account, it comes back with a Error '53': File Not Found error. After some extended debugging by both me and the author, we discovered it wasn't updating this file.

When I tried to update this file manually using Notepad, Notepad wouldn't save it either. After more research, I ran the application by right-clicking and selecting "run as an administrator". Now it works, even though I'm always running it from an administrator account.

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Cannot Delete File Effective Permissions

Mar 28, 2008

Occasionally Vista and its permission handling really drives me nuts: I needed to replace a certain .exe file in a subdirectory of "C:Program Files" but for some, to me unexplainable, reason Vista at first did not let me delete the old version.

The file was owned by "Administrators" of which I am a member. When I checked "Effective Permissions" of that file for my user-id I had ALL necessary permissions (including "Full Control", "Delete" and "Take Ownership"). However, if I tried to delete the file or take ownership, then I got errors that I don't have the necessary permission. Only after I added my user-id explicitly to the file's permission list and gave me "Full Control" , then I was able to delete the file. Why was it not enough that I am of user type "Administrator" and also member of the "Administrators"-group?

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