Help! Horrible Experience With Permissions

May 15, 2010

I seem to suddenly have lost capability to do various things with my PC (I am admin, Vista still correctly displays that I am admin). For instance I can no longer send/receive emails from my Outlook 2003. It says "you don't have appropriate ermissions to perform this operation".

From time to time it complains that extend.dat has disappeared whereas this is not true, it is still to be found under "C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook".

I have ensured ownership and full control under my username of C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook as well as C:UsersGregoireApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook.

I have also copied my Outlook.pst file to OutlookWhiteKnight.pst and redirected my inbox and mail delivery to this but TO NO AVAIL.

Of course if I turn User Access Control off it works fine again but that's a bit overstretched and surely there is a way to go back to the previous state without killing UAC.

Other things that have happened is I lost my ability to scan, ability to copy certain files from my wife's account to our archive and other sweets like this.

Ah and one last element of detail is that my wife does not have the problem and she is a standard user.

What I *suspect* the initial cause might be is that I have installed a security sweeper from my remote-access website from my employer and it probably messed up with the dtcom config but that's where my knowledge stops. I checked the config the INTERACTIVE user was there (don't ask me what that is, I found that following some threads on google and various websites). I have of course a proper helpdesk from work but they claim it's not their fault and that it can't possibly be because I am the first to report such a problem amongst many users and that as per policy they won't help me with my personal laptop etc etc. Anyway that suspicion itself as to the cause won't help me much.

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WoW + Ult 64x Framerates Are Horrible...

Feb 6, 2009

Kind of upset here at the performance of WoW.
I have a pretty nice set up. I had XP64 before and WoW ran flawlessly.
Here's my setup.

Mac Pro 3.2ghz 8 Core.
8800GTS (Latest nvidia driver installed) 180.48
WD 300GB VelociRaptor HD.
Vista Ultimate 64bit. SP1

I honestly don't think I should be having any problems with lag at the
highest setting with this set up.
It must be the Vista Ultimate 64bit that's causing the lag some how...
I did try out an older driver for the video card and it's still the
I have Aero turned off and optimized Vista also.

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Uninstalling Roxio Didn't Horrible Mark

Sep 11, 2009

Something happened on my PC and suddenly my Pictures Folder had changed. All my pictures got a blue square with two white chevrons in left corner. I suspected that Roxio 10 took over my pictures marking them in this peculiar way. It was not. Uninstalling Roxio didn't in getting rid of the horrible "mark".

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Desktop Horrible Sounding Hard Dirve

Mar 5, 2009

I had my desktop sent back to Gateway because they gave me a desktop with a horrible sounding hard drive. Upon sending it back, I am now "Valued Customer" instead of being greeted by my real name. I changed the user name, but my C:Users folder is still "Valued Customer" and it is recognized as my default name on applications like Trillian. How can I change this?

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Windows Experience Index ..

Apr 9, 2009

This morning my computer started issuing security alerts notifying me that the firewall was off as was the malware. I turn the firewall on but under the malware section it indicates that it is reporting to the security centre in a format that is no longer supported. It also has a little Not Compatible icon to the right of the malware icon on the left. Once the firewall is turned on and the malware turns from red to yellow when we turn it on the shield in the bottom right of the screen goes yellow for a while but eventually it goes red again and I am again notified that the firewall is off and the malware is off as well.

I know my subscription is still in effect and according to the system it expires 10/03/2010.

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Experience Performance Decrease

Jan 18, 2009

I've installed Vista recently on my old hdd and after few days I started to notice strange things, during some time whille vista is running (like 20 hours), when I download anything (even at 200 KBs), music starts to stuck every 20 secs or so, when loading video and playing at same time, this happens even more often.

I thought it's my HDD so bought Caviar Black and after installing Vista, few days it was running fine, then again, today I start to experience the same thing.

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GeForce 260 And Experience Rating Don't Seem

Feb 10, 2009

I just built a new machine:I ran the experience index test, and I got 1.9 on the Aero performance index and 1.0 on the 3D Graphics Performance index. This is the report that I got from Vista:

Display adapter type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
Total available graphics memory Not detected
Dedicated graphics memory 0 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 0 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1920x1080
Secondary monitor resolution 1680x1050
DirectX version DirectX 9.0 or better

This graphics card should be more than fine to run pretty much anything, especially Aero, but with this rating I don't seem to be able to enable it.

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Windows Experience Index Page, Gone ..

Dec 2, 2008

I just noticed when I went to the windows experience index page and clicked on it to see the details, all the info is gone and it's just this...

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Windows Experience Index, The Score Went Down For 5.2 To 5

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows Vista which had 2Gb of memory. The index was 5.2, that was the memory score. I have added another 2Gb. As its a 32bit OS only 3.5 GB is detected, but when I updated my windows experience the score went down for 5.2 to 5.

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Increasing Experience Index Score Over 5.9

Jul 27, 2009

Is there a way to increase the max WEI score to something higher than 5.9 in Vista? I don't mean the xml file hack where you can change the number for each category to anything you want, but rather an increase on the maximum limit (currently 5.9) that the WEI can display. Maybe change it to something around Win7's level? Is this possible?

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Windows Experience Index Rating

Apr 18, 2008

My "Graphics" and "Gaming Graphics" ratings are both 1.0. What do I need to do to increase them? I also get a warning message when trying to play any games that reads: "Hardware acceleration is either disabled or not supported by your video card driver, which could slow game performance. Make sure you have the latest
video card driver installed and that hardware acceleration is turned on." How do I check the video card driver and where do I go to download the latest version?

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Windows Experience Ram Score Drop

Apr 21, 2008

when changing from an asus maximus formula to a evga 780i sli I have suffered a windows experience score drom on my memory was 5.9 now only 5.7.surely this mem should score 5.9 OCZ 4GB (2x2GB) PC2-6400C5 Dual Channel Vista Gold Series DDR2 (OCZ2G8004GK) timings CL 5-5-5-18.

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Experience Running Diskeeper Pro PREMIER?

Jun 15, 2008

Does anyone have experience running Diskeeper Pro PREMIER on at least a 1TB Vista system? I've read their literature, but perfer to hear actual experience.

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Hack Your Windows Experience Index

Aug 19, 2007

The results of the Windows Experience Index are stored in an XML file that you can modify to spoof your score. Who wants to show off a 2.1 system? Let’s make that a 9.9 powerhouse....

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Play Games Computer Graphices Don't Experience

Aug 10, 2009

I'm new to the forums as you can tell by my post count, and was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on a decent gaming computer, to run games such as C&C 3 ( and 4 in 2010) CS:S, and maybe even FO3. I have around £500 to spend ( monitor is not needed ), I have found a pretty decent looking computer from Your business partner for Office Supplies, furniture and technology. Just wondering if this comptuer is decent enough to handle these games, and maybe future releases. Also could someone please explain what is the difference between Intergrated graphics and dedicated graphics. I don't have too much experience with the hardware of computers, so building one is off the question.

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Blank Page For Windows Experience Index

Apr 14, 2009

It has been a long time since I checked my WEI and I decided to check it today. I was greeted with the first attachment ("Capture1"). Then I clicked on the WEI to check how each of my components rated. It was blank!! (see "Capture2"). Has anyone any idea how this happened? Or how to fix it?

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Experience With CCleaner: Set Up A New Machine With The Utilities I Need Before Loading Any Software?

May 18, 2008

Has anyone used CCleaner with 64 bit Vista? What has your experience been? The reveiws seem to be mixed. Vista is new to me and I'm trying to set up a new machine with the utilities I need before loading any software.

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Window Experience Index Scores, Windows Vista Blog

Oct 1, 2007

Just wondering what everbody else is getting and on what hardware. To see what all this means, see: Windows Vista Blog: Windows Experience Index: An In-Depth Look. If your unsure how to capture and post the image, please see the following tutorial: How to use the Snipping Tool in Vista

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Oct 20, 2009

When I try to run QuickTime I get an Error -2095 alert. When I click Run As Administrator it opens OK.I am the owner and sole user of the computer. How do a give full permissions to myself?I tried going to the program file, opening properties and then the Permissions tab. There are 3 entries in the top window:

Administrator (EUSTACE PCAdminstrators)
Users (EUSTACE PCUsers)

When I click the last, in the lower window I see checked only Read & Execute and Read, not Full control and the others.

I clicked Edit, and added checkmarks to everything (except Special Permissions that I can't).

I click OK and return to the former dialog, but the permissions for Users have not changed.

When I click Advanced I see 4 lines. Lines 2 and 3 are System and Administrator. Lines 1 and 4 are:

Allow Users (EUSTACE PCUsers) Full Control
Allow Users (EUSTACE PCUsers) Read & Execute C:Program Files

Is the second line necessary?

If I highlight it and click Edit and then highlight it again and click Edit, check Full control, OK, the dialog closes and in the first dialog the line 1 is highlighted and line 4 is the same.

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Permissions, UAC Off

Apr 22, 2009

it seems that I have managed to lock myself into a corner here and I am hoping some of you gents can pull me out w/o loosing any body limbs. I have a very special folder, within that folder I have a few files and, until recently, they were working. I decided to try a script to hide the folder so nobody could get to it. After a new build, the script did not work anymore so I decide not to bother with it anymore. the problem is that now that I want to move the folder to my external passport drive, I am getting the following 2 permission pop ups and I can't, for the life of me, make this happen.

I have tried turning the UAC off, tried elevating myself to the highest, I have taken ownership of the folder and the Drive where the folder resides, I have also given me full access of the folder and the files and still, I am getting the dreaded errors. Before attempting to open my case and take the drive out to be used as an external usb/sata drive on my XP laptop in hopes that this will allow me to get it (I am thinking it won't).

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Own File Permissions

Mar 21, 2010

I have a file ( C:Windows?.bin) that I need to delete. I do not have permission. I have tried to turn off the UAC and that won't work. I have tried to use the COMMAND prompt takeown, but for some reason, I don't know quite how to phrase it. when i type what all the forums say, it says that there is a "conflict".

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Program Permissions

Jun 2, 2008

I have 2 situations here but I think they are related.

1. I have a couple programs that every time I go to start them I get "A program needs your permission to continue"I have to click "continue" so they will run.

2. i have several programs that on their desktop icons have the "Firewall Shield" on them. (shield divide into 4 colors)

How do I get the shields to go away?

How do I get the "need permission" message to stop coming up?

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Permissions: Cant Get Welcome Screen

Aug 2, 2009

how do i give myself full control over my entire computer i dont care one bit if i mess it up so badly that i cant even get the welcome screen

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Ownership And Permissions On Everything

Dec 24, 2009

Is there a way that I can take ownership and have complete permissions on each and every folder and file on my pc. I'm the only user and not being able to move or delete certain files is a pain in the ass.

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Overriding Permissions

Jan 1, 2009

I've got a program that starts up when the computer does, or so I've told Vista a thousand times. It still blocks it every time I reboot the computer. How can I set a permission for the thing to run all the time? I can't seem to find where to do that either... I can find my way to the window that shows what's permitted and what's not, but I can't edit them. I'm logged in as an administrator, so I should be able to, but Vista's being overly protective (really, I have a mother for that ). Why is it doing this to me?

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Special Permissions

Feb 10, 2009

im trying to give the program called peer guardian full control but it wont let me and it just says Error applying security and i had UAC on and i turned it off and i still have the same problem and it wont let me have special permissions on my own acc and i am administrator and im running 32 windows vista Man

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Deletion Permissions

Aug 1, 2009

I'm in the habit of deleting everything that goes into my downloads folder within my user folder because having a bunch of installers sitting there is pointless. Recently, however,whenever I attempt to delete any of these installers within my downloads folder,it tells me that "I need to permission to perform this action." These files can't be in use by anything and as administrator I don't see why it suddenly will not allow me to delete this things after I've been doing it for months.If I restart the computer,it WILL let me delete these things.But never before that.

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How To Repair Disk Permissions

Sep 10, 2008

I removed all permissions of Authenticated Users for my C: drive (entire permissions). What I did is as follows:

. Right click C:
. Properties
. Security
. Deny all permissions for Authenticated Users

Now I can not reach my drive, can not change permissions again, and can not restore permissions etc. Even Admin account can not do anything.

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C:/ Drive Have Lost Permissions To Run

Nov 1, 2009

I have searched over the lands of google and these forums and I have come across similar yet not the same problem as mine. It seems that files and folders across my C:/ drive have lost permissions to run. Also, some new files that are created by programs can be not able to run because they are created without permissions.

When clicked upon, they say I do not have permission to run or move etc. I can change this manually by going into properties and owners and changing it. I have no idea why these files are being created without an owner or permissions and I cant seem to get this to stop.

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Tired Of UAC And Folder Permissions?

Feb 25, 2010

What you do is reformat your hard drive. Create your account. When Vista loads click start in the search bar type cmd the right click cmd and click run as dminstrator. then in the cmd prompt type this Net user administrator /active:yes. Once you do that it activates the Hidden Administrator account on Vista. Log off your current account. log into the hidden administrator account. delete the account you made by going to Users in the control panel. Once you do this you can change the name of the Administrator account on your Vista OS. This fixes the UAC and keeps it from coming up every time you install something. It also cancels out the file permissions as well. so that way you can do anything you want with your computer.

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Share Permissions For Folders

Sep 16, 2009

My home TV service (AT&T U-Verse) allows for the playing of songs from a networked PC, over the TV and thus over the TV's sound surround speakers. For this to work, I need to allow all of my music folders/files to be shared. My music collection is housed in Itunes, which creates a folder for each artist, and sub folders for each album. I have about 4,000 songs, and 385 artists. "Beneath" these 385 folders for the artists, there is approximately another 700-800 sub folders. All of these folders/files are "not shared". How can I change all of the folders & files to "shared" WITHOUT having to do each one individually?

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