Desktop Horrible Sounding Hard Dirve

Mar 5, 2009

I had my desktop sent back to Gateway because they gave me a desktop with a horrible sounding hard drive. Upon sending it back, I am now "Valued Customer" instead of being greeted by my real name. I changed the user name, but my C:Users folder is still "Valued Customer" and it is recognized as my default name on applications like Trillian. How can I change this?

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My Computer Not The Dirve Letter

Mar 5, 2010

i am trying to remove the annoying alphabetic letters in the Detail view in 'my computer' not the drive letters these i want but the unecessary a-h, i-p, and q-z i am sure its easy as i have done it before but that was 2 years ago when i originally formatted the machine now i simply cant find the way to do it again. I am going mad now

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Movie Maker: Missing Or Not Sounding

May 18, 2009

I have been using Windows Movie Maker for several years. I do extensive video editing that includes sound fx, cuts, overlays, etc. On my previous laptop, running windows xp, I had no problems with the movie maker. When I purchased my new laptop that runs on windows vista home premium 32bit, I have problems with the editing.

Several things occur when I use sound fx. Some sound clips play fine during editing but when I publish to my computer I find that several of them are missing or not sounding. I also find that the clip changes as I work with it. It uploads from my camera with no problem but when I finish editing and publish it, there are several areas that play in short bursts of fast motion.

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WoW + Ult 64x Framerates Are Horrible...

Feb 6, 2009

Kind of upset here at the performance of WoW.
I have a pretty nice set up. I had XP64 before and WoW ran flawlessly.
Here's my setup.

Mac Pro 3.2ghz 8 Core.
8800GTS (Latest nvidia driver installed) 180.48
WD 300GB VelociRaptor HD.
Vista Ultimate 64bit. SP1

I honestly don't think I should be having any problems with lag at the
highest setting with this set up.
It must be the Vista Ultimate 64bit that's causing the lag some how...
I did try out an older driver for the video card and it's still the
I have Aero turned off and optimized Vista also.

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Help! Horrible Experience With Permissions

May 15, 2010

I seem to suddenly have lost capability to do various things with my PC (I am admin, Vista still correctly displays that I am admin). For instance I can no longer send/receive emails from my Outlook 2003. It says "you don't have appropriate ermissions to perform this operation".

From time to time it complains that extend.dat has disappeared whereas this is not true, it is still to be found under "C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook".

I have ensured ownership and full control under my username of C:Users<username>AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook as well as C:UsersGregoireApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook.

I have also copied my Outlook.pst file to OutlookWhiteKnight.pst and redirected my inbox and mail delivery to this but TO NO AVAIL.

Of course if I turn User Access Control off it works fine again but that's a bit overstretched and surely there is a way to go back to the previous state without killing UAC.

Other things that have happened is I lost my ability to scan, ability to copy certain files from my wife's account to our archive and other sweets like this.

Ah and one last element of detail is that my wife does not have the problem and she is a standard user.

What I *suspect* the initial cause might be is that I have installed a security sweeper from my remote-access website from my employer and it probably messed up with the dtcom config but that's where my knowledge stops. I checked the config the INTERACTIVE user was there (don't ask me what that is, I found that following some threads on google and various websites). I have of course a proper helpdesk from work but they claim it's not their fault and that it can't possibly be because I am the first to report such a problem amongst many users and that as per policy they won't help me with my personal laptop etc etc. Anyway that suspicion itself as to the cause won't help me much.

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Uninstalling Roxio Didn't Horrible Mark

Sep 11, 2009

Something happened on my PC and suddenly my Pictures Folder had changed. All my pictures got a blue square with two white chevrons in left corner. I suspected that Roxio 10 took over my pictures marking them in this peculiar way. It was not. Uninstalling Roxio didn't in getting rid of the horrible "mark".

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Hard Disk Disappearing:How Do Regain Hard-earned Gigabytes

Oct 18, 2007

1. I have a 120GB hard disk that shows a capacity of 105GB. No problems there--I understand that there's a restore partition and GB vs a billion bytes

2. My hard disk says that 54GB is being used.

3. However when I drag and select all folders in my C: and click properties, I only see 28GB of usage. This leaves an unaccounted-for 26GB.

I've just run disk cleanup and cleaned up my shadow copies before verifying all this. Besides at a MAXIMUM, system restore should only eat 15% of my hard disk (18GB). What explains this loss? How do I fight back and regain my hard-earned gigabytes?

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Is Possible Copy Entire Hard Drive Onto An External Hard

May 27, 2008

Is it possible to copy my entire hard drive onto an external hard drive. Vista Premium, all the data, etc. and what would be a good software to accomplish this?

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External Hard Drive: Hard Disc Is Unavailable

Sep 27, 2008

I have an external hard drive, I reformated it so I could use Vista's backup.Now it seems that when my brother inlaw tries to put some music files(Itunes) that the hard disc is unavailable to his computer. At this stage it seems that Vista has conned me into destroying a perfectly good WD harddrive!I have created a second partion on the hard drive and I am reformatting that, as I write this, but the only formatting option seems to be this NTFS, and that is what I had already formatted the ExtHD to so I think this formatting will be to no avail!From what I can figure I need to format into FAT but I tried a quick format an ex-fat option was there, but the problem was the same. I am becoming more frustrated with Vista, seems I just keep running into things that should be simple and aren't!

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons Are Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I have rebooted my Laptop normally, I logged into Windows Vista and i was surprised by having the Desktop background disappeared along with it's Icons. The programs work fine... I tried choosing a picture and setting it to a desktop background. Still nothing. I terminated explorer.exe, The desktop background appeared. but since i terminated it, the taskbar and icons are gone. I Can't right click on the desktop, and when i move the cursor inside it, it's still "loading" for ever.

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Two Instances Of Desktop.ini Appeared On Desktop

Aug 19, 2009

Two instances of desktop.ini have appeared on my desktop. What are they for and can they be deleted? I've also seen thumbs.ini in other folders.

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Desktop.ini Icon Shows Up On Desktop?

Feb 12, 2009

I was working on the computer today using several programs and when I went back to the desktop, I noticed a sort of ghosted out icon that looks like a gear on top of a sheet of lined paper and the words "desktop.ini" under it. I have no idea how it got there. Is it safe for me to delete it or is there a better way of getting rid of it.

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Hard Drive Trashing: Hard Drive LED Light On My Sony Vaio Keeps Blinking EVERY SECOND

Feb 10, 2009

The Hard Drive LED light on my Sony Vaio keeps blinking EVERY SECOND. When it's really quiet I can hear it too, it's constantly writing. Constantly. I did my research - read all the threads on the net and so far I have disabled:

Windows index
Windows defender
Windows search
System Restore
I have uninstalled google desktop.

The system is totally virus and spyware free, and the anti-virus is not scanning (schedule scan disabled). All Vista updates are installed. Nothing has helped. I've run out of things to disable. I'm running Vista Business SP1, Dual Core 2.2 Ghz, 3 Gb RAM.

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Two Hard Drives Separate, Raid Hard Drives

Feb 24, 2009

I have a Dell computer, had it about three weeks. I have two hard drives in a serial ATA Raid 0 stripe 500GB each. They are controlled by Intel matrix storage manager software. I want to have the two hard drives separate, like drive C and Drive D In the Bios I have two choices ATA or Raid, I have tried both ways to have them separate, however still can't. I have to say that I found this forum by chance, by goodness I am glad I did with drivers for my scanner and printer.

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Extrenal Hard Drive: Copy Hard Drive To It?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ASUS laptop running Vista Home Premium, 64 bit OS. I have several programs that I use but no loner have the insall disks for. Should I have to reformat in the future I would hate to lose them. Here's what I'm thinking: Buy a extrenal hard drive. Seagate, 1Tbit, usb, cost $90.00. Copy my hard drive to it. If I need to reformat. Reinstall Vista from my recover disk that came with the computer. Then copy files from external drive. Bingo. All my old programs would be there and working. Question is: Can this be done?
What file/folders do I need to copy to the external drive?

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Trying To Add Hard Drive

Apr 26, 2009

i have an older maxtor 250gb ide hard drive and i am trying to put it in my computer so i can reformat it and install vista ultimate, the thing is when i go to disk manager i can see the drve, feel the drive, but it wont let me initialize it or anything, it comes up as "the request could not be performed because of an I/O devise error, the disk was originally in my modded xbox and i could acces it with xp.

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Both Hard Drives Quite Hot

Mar 7, 2009

Was just checking some information in my pc, and i noticed both of the Hard drives were quite hot, theres no problems with the fans or anything in there so im not sure if theres a problem or they just get like that. The pc has been on for alot of the day and alot has been installed on it since they are new.

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How Many GB Hard Drive Is?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new pc with only 256MB of RAM- how hard is it to add memory? Also, how do I find out how many GB the hard drive is?

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How Name New Hard Drive?

Feb 14, 2009

I purchased a new hard drive and named it NEW-BACKUP. I did a exact disk copy from my old BACKUP drive. My wife uses the old drive now. I have renamed my new drive to BACKUP. I am doing complete system backup's pretty frequently. To verify that the backups are happening, I typed in the command "wbadmin get versions" and got a list of the backups. The disk name showed up as "NEW-BACKUP". "NEW-BACKUP" is the destination drive for the backup and renamed as "BACKUP.

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Re-Name Hard Drive

Oct 16, 2009

I just inserted a SD/MMC Card in my laptop, and it changed my external hard drive letter from F to G?, how can I change it back to F again?, as I had everything setup on the FRIVE, now nothing recognises it?

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May 15, 2010

how to change my desktop- I have tried all the usual methods, I can change the colour, but I can't get a picture on my desktop,

But....the picture I want to be there all the time, appears -but only for a few secs- when I'm closing down the PC!

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Everything On My Desktop Is GONE

Apr 27, 2010

I was just uninstalling some program when I realized that my desktop all of a sudden became empty! I had nearly 6 GB of data on there, including my pictures, and it's all f***ing GONE!

There goes all my pictures, pics of my birthdays, girlfriends, family, etc. This is truly something that has prompted me to f***ing dump this piece of garbage into a trash can and get myself a Mac (I'll let the Apple guys conveniently transfer my files to my new Mac and then I'll dump this piece of junk). Yea, if you don't like this kind of posts on a Microsoft forum then you guys at MS better start thinking about the garbage you're putting out.

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Vista Not Seeing New Hard Drive

Nov 22, 2008

I just installed a new hd WD500g sata to my box. Vista "sees" the new hd in device manager, but doesnt see it in "my computer. It is freshly installed and straight out of the bubble wrap,I was thinking gee, maybe it needs formatted...but i dont see that option anywhere...maybe im missing something.... i donno...first time i've run into this....usually the drives are "seen" right away.....

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Repartition Hard Drive

Sep 29, 2008

What is the best way to add a partition to a hard drive in safe mode or in normal mode.

Thanks in advance.

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External Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a western digital 1TB hard drive which I had to reformat before I could use. Everything works good now, except for onething. Sometimes the computer doesn't want to restart while the new drive is plugged in. If I remove it from the USB port prior to restarting, it will restart just fine.

It shuts down and turns on without an issue. This only happens when I
restart the system with it plugged in.

So while it's not a big issue,it is an annoyance.

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Hard Drive Partitioning

Mar 23, 2008

i just bought a new laptop and the 140 gig hd came partitioned into (2) 70 gig drives. Is it possible to enlarge the C drive and shrink the D drive at the same time?

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