Copy Process Becomes Dead Slow?

Jul 29, 2009

A few days ago I upgraded my system to aforementioned specs. I needed to copy data from old Seagate 80 GB IDE drive to my new 160 GB SATA drive. What was really annoying that when I tried to copy a file from IDE drive to SATA drive for example a file of 650 MB started with great copy speed but gradually slowed to a crawl and it took a long time for me to transfer data.

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Slow Down Booting Process

Apr 8, 2008

Looks like my Vista x64 experience is a pain in the neck since the beginning. Here is the next one I am in front of: Vista needs from 5 to 10 minutes (sometimes maybe more but I do not have the patience to wait and I just switch off - switch on again). Once in Vista it works fast and I do not have any wait on starting application (Only Games), I can also say that once I put my user password, Vista is ready in few second including Wireless connection Network, but the Screen with the Scrooling Bar is the one which takes so long to disappear. If you see my rig, you'll deduce that cannot be a low Hardware performance. As I use it only for Gaming purpose I do not have much Application on Start-up. I do not even have a Anti-virus installed yet, which could slow down the Booting process. Shut down seems with no problem, faster than I am with XP Pro Sp2. Also weird result: If I restart my PC from Vista the BIOS does not detect anymore the DISC0, where dual Boot file are installed, so none of my OS can boot. I always have to Shut down Vista completly and Switch on again to have the BIOS detecting this HDD.

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Slow Down Boot Up Process

Jul 7, 2008

my Vista booted with scrolling the green thingy about 7 times. Yesterday, all of a sudden, it started to boot with scrolling it about 20-25 times. I tried to turn off some programs to load with Windows (Steam, Adobe and iTunes). Also turned some services off/put to Manual (like Printer Spooler, iTunes Helper and so on), but that didn't help. When I installed Windows I found out that disabling service named Server made the boot time that short and it's still disabled. what might slow down the boot up process? I guess something related to network and networking services but I'm not sure.

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Does SP1 Fix Slow Copy/move?

Apr 5, 2008

if installing SP1 fixes the problem with the very slow moving or copying files in Vista?

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SP1 - File Copy And Delete Still Very Slow

Mar 24, 2008

I regularly need to delete very large backup files or move data around my hard drive. Copying or deleting files or folders still takes and absolute age. I'm still resorting to having to reboot back into Windows XP to undertake file management. This is quite disheartening to say the least. Anyone else had a better experiences of SP1 regards this? Don't get me wrong, it hasn't made things any worse.. it's just not made things any better. Surely this is a pretty fundamental thing for an OS to be able to do.

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Extremely SLOW File Copy 64 To XP SP3

Jan 23, 2009

I'm a new Vista user and I've been struggling with extremely slow file copies between my Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 system and my XP SP3 system. I've searched and searched and tried a number of suggestions in posts that I have found. None have worked. I'm running a Wireless G (54mbps) network. My Internet access from both system is very fast (FiOS 20mbps download), so no issues there.

When I say extremely slow I'm talking less than 200 KBps. I get the same slow response using Explorer and Robocopy. I have disabled autotuning and RSS with these commands.

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

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Slow Network File Copy

Nov 24, 2007

Just wanted to know if anyone else is having this trouble. I have a NDAS network media player, my speed sending files to the drive are 4.1 mb/sec. Copying files from the drive to the computer is 10.1 mb/sec. I have tried every patch or fix I can find. Nothing works.

Vista ultimate 32
Belkin N1 router
Asus P5N-E SLT

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Vista Terribly Slow To Copy Files?

Mar 1, 2009

Vista SP1. It took over THIRTY FIVE minutes to copy 2.4 GB of files to a
pen drive.
Copying the same 2.4 GB of files from the pen drive to my Linux Netbook
took less than FIVE minutes.
Why is Vista so appallingly slow at copying?

Asking a question?

Tell the version of the application you are asking about,
your OS, Service Pack level and the FULL contents of any error message(s).

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Is This Graphic Card Dead

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to fix a computer, they have a messed up display. They can't see anything on the screen, it's like this from the very start of turning on the pc. i have put some images up to help you see the problem.

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Start Button Dead

Aug 10, 2008

Acer tech support said do a factory restore and the Vista Forum tutorial instructions didn't fix it.

BTW, I have Vista Home Premium X32, if that makes any difference.

I did install the "Vista Start Menu" freeware and it works, but I want the
original Vista Start button back, I got used to it.

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SP1: Dead After Power Fail?

Mar 26, 2008

I had a power failure today, and was completely pleased with Vista SP1, about to write a favorable review over the previous Ubuntu install that was on this machine until the power went out. Now it's a brick. Restore doesn't work, and I'll have to reinstall everything...why build restore points and backups if they don't work? All I got was chkdsk autorunning and a blank screen... total BS.

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Dead Removable Drives

Mar 6, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit
Service Pack 2
Single user
I have four drives showing in Computer They came pre installed with my computer.
Removable Disk F
Removable Disk H
Removable Disk I
Removable Disk I

When I click on each I get: "Please insert a disk into Removable Disk I '... same for each drive How do I get rid of them?

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Dead After System Restore

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium, and after installing an update to my ethernet card that killed my internet connection, I decided to do a system restore. After the restore, and reboot, Vista came up with an error/blue screen, and told me to insert my install disc and perform a repair. I did that, but of course, my DVD-Rom ate the Vista disc, destroying it.

So, after rebooting once more, I get no prompt to repair. I now get a black screen, where I can see my cursor and can move it with the mouse, but absolutely no response from the OS. All I see from the Vista is when it's booting, I get the green progress bar, but after that disappears it goes right to the black screen with moveable cursor. Does anyone have a clue what's happened? With my DVD drive eating discs, and unable to boot the OS, I'm really at a loss of what to do.

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Microphone Dead:How Do I Get It Back

Oct 6, 2009

I disabled my microphone.Now I can't start the wizard to re-enable it.It fails to start stating no device found.How do I get it back?

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Woke Up The Power Supply Was Dead

Jul 20, 2009

I was taking a nap and when I woke up the power supply was dead. I replaced the power supply and have it all hooked up, but I now can't get my computer to boot up. The light on the MOBO is on, and everything seems to be good. One thing I noticed is the CPU fan no longer goes on where it had been previously plugged in. However, if I plug it in elsewhere, the fan works. So, now the question seems to be, is the CPU bad or is something wrong with the MOBO? Does anyone have any thoughts as to how I can test either or any other thoughts on troubleshooting?

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Dead Hd: Recovered But Dont Work

Apr 25, 2008

If someone could direct me to where that information might normally reside in Home Premium Vista.

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Graphics Card Not Dead, Not Working Either

Oct 16, 2008

I have fixed a few problems with my computers based on the information here. This is my first post. Last night, while playing Sims 2: Apartment Life, my moniter flickered a black screen twice and then froze. Almost immediately after I got a blue screen of death, however the computer shut off faster than I could read. So, this morning I turn on my computer and nothing. I got the white text and the nice big 'e' for emachines with the Boot and Bios keys listed. Then the monitor went to standby. I turned it off and then back on and tried to get boot settings so I could start up in easy mode - thinking something happened to my drivers, but same thing happened, monitor went on standby.

So, I turned the computer off, opened it up and took a look inside. A little dusty, but everything was plugged in right and I made sure the video card was secure. I took the plug out of the video card and put it in the default on board thingy. Started it up, same thing. So, now I'm thinking, '****, my card died'. 'Cept when I turn the machine on the fan starts up. So, I'm confused. I take the card out and start up the computer and BAM, it works. So, I'm still thinking its a dead card. Well, I try a few things, like uninstalling the old video card drivers, restarting and plugging the card in during restart. WIth the moniter still plugged into default and working correctly, I check Device Manager and what do you know?! It lists my card and starts trying to install the drivers. So I go ahead and reinstall the drivers. Says I need to restart, so I do. Sure enough, the monitor just goes to standby like before. Doesn't matter what I plug it into. So I take out the card, plug it into default, and go into my BIOS. I make sure it's reading my video card from the PCI-e slot and such, which it says it is. So, now I'm just confused......

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SP1:dead After Power Fail:Restore Doesn't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I had a power failure today, and was completely pleased with Vista SP1, about to write a favorable review over the previous Ubuntu install that was on this machine until the power went out. Now it's a brick. Restore doesn't work, and I'll have to reinstall everything...why build restore points and backups if they don't work?All I got was chkdsk autorunning and a blank screen... total BS.

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How Dead Secondary Hard Drive Stop From Booting?

Sep 8, 2009

I tried to connect my computer to my HDTV and Vista decided it didn't want to load. It would get the to initial Microsoft Corporation load screen with the scrolling green bar and instantly lock up. Wen't back to my normal 19" monitor and had the same problem. It would boot into safe mode - after hanging on crcdisk.sys for an extended period of time (around 10 minutes). System restore didn't fix the problem. I started playing with components which turned out to be a frustrating game of trial and error. I narrowed the issue down to one of my hard drives (I have 4). When it is unplugged, everything is all good. When I connect it again, Vista locks up on boot. So does Vista point-blank refuse to start if there is a faulty drive in the mix? Keep in mind that all it had on it was movies and games, no crucial system files. And would anybody hazard a guess as to what has happened to the drive, and if it is recoverable. It's a Seagate 500GB.

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How Data Recovery From Dead Hard Drive To New Machine?

May 12, 2008

I had my hard drive from my laptop die a few days ago. I was able to recover almost all of the files except for a few Windows file to an external hard drive enclosure. The old laptop was a Vista Home Premium unit and the new laptop is Ultimate. If it's of any consequence or usefulness, the recovery software I used was from R-Studio. How my files and programs to the new laptop I'm using? I contact Gateway for support and they were useless. Windows was not the issue, it was a faulty hard drive.

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Copy A Dvd That Contains Pictures From A Camcorder, Dvd Copy Software

Mar 24, 2009

Can anybody recommend a good but simple software program? I want to copy a dvd that contains pictures from a camcorder.

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Copying Files Bt It Took About Six Hours To Copy About 20 Gig (I Have About 180 Gig To Copy)

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to copy files from my usb hard drive: K: to my network external drive Z:
I am trying to copy everything from one to another (files in folders and files that are not in folders)

I tried selecting all and then send to Z:, but it took about six hours to copy about 20 gig (I have about 180 gig to copy)

I read some where that robocopy is a faster and better way to copy files.The thing is I do not know what syntax to use. I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax I should use to copy EVERYTHING from the usb driveK: to the network drive Z:

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Windows Explorer Crashing When Installing Games, Also Dvd Turns Dead

Feb 21, 2010

im installing AvP 3 and i just cant do it.

apparently for some reason the dvd stops reading...

when i enter "my computer" and try to go into drive d(my dvd) it just crashes,

then i have to wait from a range of 5 mins to 1.5 hours for windows explorer to restart...

and the game installation crashes too...

that happens with other dvds and cds too.

i have changed various dvd drives from various companies and i have updated all of their drivers...the problem is consistent.

im tired of buying new dvd drives and throwing them away for nothing.

obviously its a vista issue cause on my old pc everything works just fine(i have xp on that one).

most of the games i just copy the dvds files on my portable harddrive using my old pc and then do the installations through that harddrive on my current pc...

but this game is a "steam" game and that wont work...

any ideas?

ps:its not a hardware issue,its definately a windows vista issue.

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Copy/backup My Files Says ; "You'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy To This File."

May 1, 2008

My old Windows XP PC died months ago (motherboard problems) and so I took out the hard drive (which still functions fine) and put it in my new PC, but I can't seem to copy any of my files in the My Documents folder from the old drive to my newer larger drive. I've had this drive in here for the last several months and have had no problems writing other files to this 'older' drive (250 gig Maxtor 16mb cache, 7,200RPM drive (btw it's only a year old), but when I try to copy files to another drive I get the following error message: "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file." This only happens with files that are in the My Documents folder. My current login has administrator rights, so I'm thinking some how this has something to do with this drive being from a different computer's installation of XP.

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Live Icons Covering 9 Dead Icons

May 12, 2009

A Vista SP1 Home Premium problem - 9 live icons covering 9 dead icons: Several days ago I had a desktop with 9 live, working icons at the bottom of the desktop. ie: recycle bin, computer, network, control panel, etc. The 9th icon was a folder called 'powershell'.

Several days ago I deleted the 'powershell' folder, and, underneath that folder, was surprised to find a dead copy of the 'powershell' folder. The deleted 'powershell' folder was in the recycle bin, and an undeleted dead copy on the desktop. This dead copy cannot be accessed with selection, left-click, or right-click operations - so the 'Properties' info cannot be displayed.........

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Rouge Process I Cannot Get Rid Of.

Mar 23, 2008


This rouge process is listed is Services. I have managed to Disable it, however I'd like to remove entirely. I found it in the Registry, but I cannot find a way to remove it. I've done everything I know even in the Safe Mode and it will not let you delete, modify or whatever.

It has no Dependencies listed, the Service and Display names are the same "FLBPKKMMZXYZ"

When running Regedit I ran it as Admin, I tried to set permissions on the
Branch and was denied. Here is how it's listed.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The one thing I did do before trying to remove from it the Registry was
delete the file from AppDataLocalTemp. Could this be preventing me from
removing the Registry entry? I wouldn't think so, but it may be the first
time in my life I was wrong.

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How Do I View Defragmentation Process?

Mar 27, 2009

How do I view the progress of a HD Defrag in Windows Vista Home Prmium SP1 x64. In Win XP you could watch the progress by clicking on the window while the drive was being defragged.

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32-bit Process And Open Program, Nothing Happens

Feb 21, 2009

so this is the weirdest error ever. I installed SlySoft Virtual CloneDrive, as well as an update to Comodo Internet Security. Both installers wanted me to install an unsigned driver, then for me to reboot. After I rebooted, I could not open any 32-bit programs. I have no clue why. I uninstalled Virtual CloneDrive, but I still cannot open 32-bit programs. It's so weird, I can open 64-bit programs just fine, but I try to open a 32-bit program, nothing happens. If I boot into Safe Mode, I can open 32-bit (and 64-bit) programs, but I cannot open 32-bit programs normally.

Since I can run 32-bit programs in Safe Mode, I think it is a driver issue, or something that Safe Mode does not load that Vista does normally. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know a fix?

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VISTA Shrink Process.

Apr 18, 2009

I don't know where to start At the beginning I guess which seems like ages ago but it was only a few hours ago Okay, I wanted to shrink my 650gig C drive down to 85 or so. I read a tutorial on the net about how to do it and they said that you could do it by defragging with Perfect Disk, defragging the System Files with it, and then performing a few other steps which would allow you to shrink C to a lot smaller than the 350 gigs it was originally allowing me to do.

The steps were to turn off hibernation and delete the files, turn off system restore and delete files, and turn off the page file.Then perform a defrag and then a system file defrag on boot up, then shrink.

I did this and then repeated the "rinse, lather, repeat" about 3 times to get my C drive down to 85 gigs and leave the biggest part of my 750gig HD for archiving only. Seemed like a good idea at the time So the Shrink process went well. Each time I did a System File defrag with Perfect Disk, figuring that each time the drive shrunk, it could move the MFT file a little closer in thus allowing for more shrinkability. It seemed to work.

After I got C drive down to 85 gigs, I immediately restarted and re-stored my page file settings to "let Vista manage" it, and re-started System Restore and created a new restore point.

But when I re-set the page file I got the message: "Another page file exists, do you want to replace it with this one?" I said, sure, why not? I have a feeling I should have said no. But I moved on NOW I had a 600 gig unallocated section that I needed to format to NTFS. But Vista Disk Mgmt said I could not format it because I already had the limit of 4 partitions:

1. The EISA drive
2. OS C drive
3. Recovery Drive D - came with the Dell
4. Rip Process Download R - I created with Paragon Partition the other day
5. Unallocated - the partition I just created by shrinking C drive with Vista

I knew there was a limit on the number of partitions you could have, which is why I fired up Paragon Disc Manager, which is supposed to do this kind of thing...........

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Link To The Process For Uninstalling SP1

May 26, 2008

I just installed Vista SP1 and am convinced that my never before seen printing problem is due to SP1 (can no longer print anything on my HP psc 1350v All-In-One printer). There are no driver updates available from HP so it would appear that backing out SP1 (or a buying new printer) are my only options. Can someone supply a link to the process for uninstalling SP1

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Cannot Reverse Process Priority

Apr 30, 2009

I set priority on the process of a game in task manager and now i cant reverse. It doesnt go back when I log off or restart windows. I have vista home premium 32 bit on a dell inspiron 1720. I didnt fill in user info yet just registered 2 minutes ago. ty 4 replies

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