Can Add Desktop Menu To Open Powershell?

Dec 7, 2008

Is there anyway I could add a desktop menu to open powershell from desktop, similiar in linux?

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Windows Powershell

May 15, 2010

I don't have a clue what I would do with this or what it really is or what it does.

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Desktop And Start Menu Keep Disappearing

Mar 28, 2008

After I turn on, it all settles down, then at various points, usually either when I turn on Explorer or Messenger, I loose the taskbar, desktop and start menu and cant get them back. Sometimes though it happens almost as soon as everything first appears but I have found that the longer I dont do any actions, the longer it lasts when I start using it. Im about to throw the computer out the window, but im not technically minded so maybe its something simple. I also signed up with Norton not long before this trouble all happened but this was after some virus that has been removed got in through messenger - could this be related?

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Context Menu Can't Open

Sep 30, 2008

Can someone explain to me how to create a new right-click menu option for like windows explorer, or to modify one. I have Open with Notepad++, and i would like to modify it to Open with xxx.

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How Do I Move Or Pin Icon From Desktop To Start Menu?

Feb 2, 2010

How do I move or pin icon from desktop to start menu?

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Desktop Personalization, Show Up On The Drop Menu

Mar 1, 2008

When you change the desktop background picture there is a drop down menu "Picture Location". I have a few paths that I do not want to show up on the drop menu. My question is: How do I get rid of some of the folders that are currently on that list? I want them off that list only.

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Open Dissapeared From Start Menu

Jan 3, 2009

Well I was in the registry editor trying to clean up my context menu a little, and as a result I nolonger have "open" in the context menu for audio and video files only. This means double clicking doesn't open the file. I can however go to "open with" and open it that way.

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Desktop Icons: How Locate Topics From The Start Menu

Mar 29, 2008

I have added some desktop icons for programs I frequently use. However, My Computer (now called Computer) and My Documents (now called Documents) would be very useful desktop icons. I know how to locate these topics from the Start menu, but how do I create desktop icons for them?

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Start Menu Personal Folder Does Not Open

Mar 24, 2008

Im really starting to hate the start menu. If I try to open my personal folder from the start menu, all i get is a white flash and the nothing. If i try to explore it, an all white window opens up with just Desktop as the address. I even tried to go to my documents and access my personal folder by clicking on it in the address but that does nothing.

The only way to get into it is by going to my computer, users, then accessing it from there. If i drag that folder to my start menu and add it to the top (where your internet browser is) it doesnt work. Although I can add a shortcut to it on the desktop and place that in the start menu, which makes having it in the start menu null anyways since the shortcut is on the desktop.

This has been really frustrating, I was able to somewhat fix the problem by placing my users folder in the start menu but I don't really like that as a fix and was wondering if anybody had a real solution to the problem instead.

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Start Menu Program Folders Not Open

Aug 28, 2008

For some reason, In my start menu programs list, i have the programs folder in it with all the other programs in it aswell.

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File Menu Open/close Not Working

Aug 25, 2009

Appologies in advance if I'm being too long winded or not providing enough detail (1st post). I'm running Vista Home Premium 32bit (sp2) on an HP Pavillion dv6700 laptop. The issue I'm having is that the "XP style" File menu bar keeps randomly opening up and then closing whenever I have any Office product, IE, or the explorer open. I've never "turned on" this option so no clue why this started to do this a little over a week ago. Initailly I found that it got worse (more frequently opening/closing the menu bar) when I had my external hard drives (EHDs) connected but at this point it's near constant without them connected and it's locking up the programs so that I can't type or click on anything.

I've not installed any new software in months; and the only downloads I've taken/installed were files from trusted sites and several system updates. My 1st impression was either a virus or a system update conflict from either or both HP or Windows; the latter has not been an uncommon issue. My anitvirus is up-to-date & a complete scan turned up nothing, even on my EHDs. I've gone back twice using the restore points; the 2nd time going back over 2 weeks prior to the start of this issue. I'm out of ideas short of doing a complete reinstall from my back-up partition.

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Missing Desktop, Taskbar, Task Manager, Start Menu

May 31, 2008

So basically, a few weeks after i got Vista i tried to install Stellarium (freeware astronomy program), which crashed my computer. I restarted, and after typing in my password I get "My Documents" open on a black screen, nothing else, no taskbar or desktop icons or anything. When i try to open the "taskbar and start menu" icon in Control Panel, nothing happens. Also, when I Ctrl-Alt-Del the usual screen comes up, but the task manager is no longer an option, and i can't think of how to access it or my taskbar. I've installed all the servfice packs and they haven't helped.

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Right-click Certain Files Desktop Context Menu Loads Slow

Oct 8, 2008

Recently I've noticed that when I right click on certain files or the desktop, that it would load the context menu after about 1 second. I know this isn't much but it should not take that long for something that small. I went ahead and removed many items from the context menu and the desktop and all other files load the context menu almost instantly. My problem is that .exe files still take 1-2 seconds to load their context menu. I tried removing almost ALL the options in the context menu.

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Open The Network Screen From The Start Menu Loses XP

Sep 14, 2009

I have a Vista and XP LAN. The problem is when I open the network screen from the start menu it sometimes shows my XP machine and sometimes it doesn't. any ideas?

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Start Menu: Microsoft Office Programs Not Open

Nov 26, 2008

I have a problem with microsoft office programs that will not open in the vista start menu? When clicking on a program from the start menu, won't run. When clicking the same program from the start menu -> program folder, it will run. What could be? I am not using the classic menu. I have tried to re-pin them,but still they will not open??, all other programs are ok.

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Right Click Menu On Drive Open Option Is Not Default

Jun 27, 2009

When I right click a drive on my shows explore as the default option and is highlighted than the open....I check for trojans and viru but none were found.

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Open Mobility Center Start Menu, Connection Tile

Jan 21, 2010

I have Vista, DSL, and a laptop. If I open Mobility Center with the Start menu there is no "connection tile" there. So in order to connect I have to right-click the taskbar icon, click on "connect to network" in the bubble, go to "Wireless" where I get the error that the "network cannot be found". I have to go through diagnose, repair, and resolution process, then the connection opens. I am currently connected (now using pc for this) and when I just now went to mobility center through the start menu the connection tile was there again -- but when I need it to connect it is never there.

I am confused and new to broadband. When the techie set it up it worked straightforward so I haven't a clue what happened to mess it up. I am not even sure when the connection tile is/isn't supposed to appear in mobility center. I would like to configure it as it should be, so it will connect automatically at bootup when at home, and have the ability to switch the automatic connection on/off when I go out in public. I am savvy enough to fix it if told what I need to do.

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Desktop Icons Open Application Not Found

Mar 23, 2008

i had to reinstall pc to shop bought condition after a lot of errors which are now gone but when i try a install a shortcut to desktop and try to open it i always get a box opening saying application not found, tried the online help and in that it told me what to do, but to no avail. Also when i go to online help i can only see boxes with a red cross in it.

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Open Anolder File So Clickd On The Word Document On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

I ws workin on my Acer laptop with windows vista last evenin and I ws online surfin thru websites. i clickd on an email id on the web page by mistake.. so it tried to open Outlook to send an email. I hadnt used Outlook b4 on my lap so d setup opend and said tat outlook ws gona b installed. i closd tat dialog box cz i din wan to run dat setup. iv don tat many times b4 too. i continued surfin and in anoder 2 mins i clickd on anoder email id so d same dialog box popped up n i closed it again. i had a Word document opened and was copy-pastin stuf frm it to my email msg. i needed to open anoder file so clickd on d word document on my desktop.. and it said "preparin to instal ms word". i dint understand wt hapnd cz i ws already wrkn wit word and ws wonderin y d setup file of word had opened. i closed it and tried to open anoder word document and d same thin hapnd. i ws realllly surprised and clickd on the word doc which ws already open and tried to type sumthn.. it ws wrkn. i opened a new empty doc frm d doc which ws already open and it wrkd. den i closd the docs dat were open and clickd on ms word and dat setup dialogue box opend up again and word dint wrk no matter wt i tried. i ws really surprised and shockd cz evthin ws wrkn perfectly wel n within 2 mins my ms word seemd to b uninstalld! i closed internet explorer and the oder pdfs tat were open n tried to restart my lap. aftr restartin it i clickd on word n d same installation dialogue box came up. very surprisd i tried to restart again and dis time i cudnt even get into d login page.. sum error came up which said dat dere mite b sum software or hardware problem so i cudnt even gt the login page. dere wer 2 options available-

1. windows startup repair (recommended)
2. restart windows normally

i clickd on "restart windows normally" and a blank screen came up n js sht dwn in around 30 seconds. i clickd on the power button again n got the same 2 options frm which i selectd "startup repair".. d same blank screen came n d lap sht dwn in around 20 seconds. tried again and tis time the lap sht dwn b4 i cud get dose options. totally shockd i thot i needed to giv d lap sum rest cz i had been wrkn on it for a long time. i din tuch t for d nex 20 hrs and den tried again. i cud get the two options and i clickd on start windows normally and a blank screen came up and lap sht dwn. i tried again n selectd startup repair n it went thru d repair and said dat "system files corruped".. "boot error" .. "windows explorer not wrkn" etc.

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Documents Folder Renamed Desktop: When Open User File

Jun 9, 2009

I noticed my Documents folder has been renamed Desktop. It shows up as Desktop on the start menu. When I open my user file, Desktop shows up twice. One is empty and the other has my stuff in it. I can not rename it back to Documents.

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"Open With" Command Disappeared Completely From File Context Menu

Jun 9, 2009

The "open with" command disappeared completely from my file context menu.

The fact is that I cannot have alternate choices of opening media files or any files, cause the command is not there!

So please, if anyone knows, tell me the default command line to edit on my registry...or otherwise please provide me the appropriate solution.

My OS is Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

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Context Menu "Open With" (sometime Doesn't Show?)

Oct 5, 2009

sometimes my PC doesn't show "OpenWith" when i right click a file

is there a way to get this all the time?

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Add "Open With Notepad" To Right-click Context Menu

Feb 25, 2007

Do you use notepad very frequently to open all types of text files? This quick tweak will add "Open with Notepad" to all of your file context menus. Whenever you right click on a file, you will have the option to open it in Notepad.

Copy and paste the code below into Notepad.  Then save it as a .reg file and import it by clicking on it....

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons Are Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I have rebooted my Laptop normally, I logged into Windows Vista and i was surprised by having the Desktop background disappeared along with it's Icons. The programs work fine... I tried choosing a picture and setting it to a desktop background. Still nothing. I terminated explorer.exe, The desktop background appeared. but since i terminated it, the taskbar and icons are gone. I Can't right click on the desktop, and when i move the cursor inside it, it's still "loading" for ever.

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Two Instances Of Desktop.ini Appeared On Desktop

Aug 19, 2009

Two instances of desktop.ini have appeared on my desktop. What are they for and can they be deleted? I've also seen thumbs.ini in other folders.

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Desktop.ini Icon Shows Up On Desktop?

Feb 12, 2009

I was working on the computer today using several programs and when I went back to the desktop, I noticed a sort of ghosted out icon that looks like a gear on top of a sheet of lined paper and the words "desktop.ini" under it. I have no idea how it got there. Is it safe for me to delete it or is there a better way of getting rid of it.

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