Desktop Icons Open Application Not Found

Mar 23, 2008

i had to reinstall pc to shop bought condition after a lot of errors which are now gone but when i try a install a shortcut to desktop and try to open it i always get a box opening saying application not found, tried the online help and in that it told me what to do, but to no avail. Also when i go to online help i can only see boxes with a red cross in it.

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Application Cannot Be Found

Jun 9, 2009

just the other day i was using my CD Drive. and now it says that the application cannot be found.

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Application Not Found: Setting.exe

Feb 19, 2009

When i try to open a setting with a shield next to it it says C:Windowssystem32FirewallSettings.exe application not found can you tell me why this pops up?

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Application Failed D3dx8_34.dll Was Not Found

Apr 4, 2008

So, when I try to run Maya 2008 I keep getting this error: The application has failed to start because d3dx9_34.dll was not found. Well, thats a DirectX 9 DLL and so I am guessing I need DirectX 9 right? So I goto Microsofts DirectX site and get dxwebsetup.exe. But... I can't run it. I get this error: C:Windowssystem32advpack.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator.I hit ok, says it again, hit ok and get this message: Current logon user doesn't have the Administrator privilege. Please logon again as an Administrator or contact your Pc Administrator.

Well, I am the Admin and I have admin and even if I right click --> properties --> run as admin I get the same message... ok I figure I will just download the redistributable instead... I do that and I try to run the DXSETUP.exe and I get the same Admin error as teh web setup... I have no idea what is going on and now i am starting to get very angry... very very angry. This is the onyl problem I have had with Vista thus far... and it is the worste thing it could be, I need Maya...I am running Vista Ultimate x64 and the Maya version I am installing is Maya 2008 x64 designed to run on vista x64 so it's not that it is incompatible. mad.gif mad.gif

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D Drive Application Not Found But Show The Icon

Mar 23, 2008

I have just got a new machine with Vista Home 64 and when I click onto the D Drive which is my DVD player it informs me that D: application not found but it will show the icon from the disk or film. I have looked into the properties and location, channel and lun are all at 0. I can get the disk to run if I click on the DVD folder on the left handside.

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Desktop Icons Got Suddenly Changed To Internet Explorer Icons

May 26, 2009

all my desktop icons got suddenly changed to internet explorer icons,after (i opened some program in the internet,) then i did some personalisation then it changed to my adobe photoshop icon, all the desktop icons now shows the adobe,, all my programs which was earlier like (yahoo msngr, msn mesengr,windows vista programs,almost all other programs) and my internet wireless stopped working. i have a vista home premium 32. and my comp is asus f3t series. i was trying to do the icon cache, but couldnt find. tried restarting but couldnt trying to run my antivirus scan Mcafee. if anybody knows the solution to restore my earlier icons.

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Desktop Icons Bug (duplicate Icons After Update)

Mar 6, 2009

Desktop icons overwritten. After a recent automatic update it appears my desktop icons have two icons on top of each other. Visible on top is the "default" icon and slightly visible underneath is the original icon. I use Firefox and Vista Ultimate 32.

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Desktop Icons: How To Lock Icons In Place?

Aug 8, 2009

Everytime I restart my PC, my desktop icons go where ever they want each time. What is causing this and is their a way to lock the icons in place?

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Stardock With Mac-like Icons Instead Of Desktop Icons

Mar 24, 2009

So I just traded out my year old Gateway laptop (which stopped working) for a new Dell Inspiron. I've never been particularly impressed with Dell but the Tech Guy at Best Buy assured me the quality of their laptops had improved. Anyway, it came with Windows Vista Home Premium. Since it was a Dell it came loaded with a stardock with mac-like icons instead of desktop icons. I like it so I customized it with the icons for the programs I use most, stared typing up notes for medical school with MS Word, and started downloading music files.

So the other day I notice strangely that the dock had reverted back to the original icons that were present when I first got the computer. Then I noticed all of the files downloaded/saved to the harddrive had disappeared. So I start anew adding files and replacing most of the old ones. Then suddenly yesterday the dock changes again back to how it was...customized and the files that I originally had reappeared but now the files I saved when it changed the first time are gone. So what is going on? Is this some kind of glitch in the OS? Is there something wrong with the actual computer? how get my files back?

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Found Icons Instead Of Picture In Gallery

Feb 17, 2009

Not sure if this is the right forum for this ?. But In my "pictures" folders i use to see the pics now i just see icons. I changed the default program back to Windows Photo Gallery from Picaso to no avail.

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons Are Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I have rebooted my Laptop normally, I logged into Windows Vista and i was surprised by having the Desktop background disappeared along with it's Icons. The programs work fine... I tried choosing a picture and setting it to a desktop background. Still nothing. I terminated explorer.exe, The desktop background appeared. but since i terminated it, the taskbar and icons are gone. I Can't right click on the desktop, and when i move the cursor inside it, it's still "loading" for ever.

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Open Winmail And Found Did Not Open

Nov 30, 2009

Outlook 2007 installed,and working fine. I needed to open winmail and found that it did not open. Found it running in taskman, but there is no winmail program window available.
I have tried:

1)delete winmail reg entries
2)delete winmail storage folders
3)rename winmail.exe file....

None of the above worked. Specifically, the results of points above:

1)started winmail after deleting reg entries,just remade them,is all.
2)ditto for point 2
3)nothing happens when double click renamed winmail.exe...

I dont want to use another program. I needed to visually advise someone about adding signatures,but winmail did not start. Yes I could do an internet search, but that is not the point-winmail is broken somehow and I wish to fix it.

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Intermittently Switching Between Active Application And Desktop

Dec 4, 2009

A few days ago i noticed that i would be in a game or watching a movie and vista would switch/crash back to desktop out of whatever i was doing. I then click on the window/application on the taskbar to reenter it and i can resume either the game or video no problem. was wondering if maybe a third party application like abobe could be causeing this? i updated the video driver still does it. i changed performance for Visual effects still does it. i checked all programs in the firewall exceptions and other settings still does it.

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Open Application Task Bar Move To Right

Feb 20, 2010

recently for some reason the open applications i'm running on task bar moved from the left over to the right side

how did that happen?

yes i can still use it but cant see at a glance whats all open. how do i change it back ...

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Explorer.exe Crashes When Open An Application

Mar 23, 2008

I have read so many different forums and have not found the answer to my problem. Every time I click on the desktop to open an application or go to my computer explorer.exe crashes and I get the following:......i've ran norton, windows defender, anti spyware software, and a family safety critical update to the reg. i have had no luck. btw: i have vista home basic x64. the problem started yesterday afterrunning vista with no problems for six month's. no new software installs, except a quickbooks 2007 update.

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Links In Emails: Error Message "application Not Found"

Apr 14, 2009

am using windows mail with Vista home premium. When there is an embedded link in an email I cannot open it. It gives an error message of application not found.

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E-Mail Link Get Error "Application Not Found"

May 29, 2008

I'm not sure if I have something is blocked or I don't have something or something. But say If I get an email with a link to some site and I click on it , I get an error "Application not found" ... my internet explorer works fine... not sure what's wrong

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Open A Program Missing .dll Or Application Error

Jan 26, 2010

i have a big problem with my computer... most of the times i open a program i get a error... like missing .dll or application error. i am on vista 32 bit. some of the problems are.. when i open control pannel, my computer or anything with windows explorer. it just closes and windows explorer crashes. i have tried to run chkdsk and errors appeared but i couldnt fix them.

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Windows Live Mail Not Open Application

Aug 22, 2008

I just realised at the top of my start menu when I click E-mail - Windows Live Mail, it does not open the application but rather opens up Internet Explorer and goes to Is there a way to fix this error? Also, is there a way of removing Windows Mail as I use Windows Live Mail instead?

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Wrong System Application Open Php Files

Oct 7, 2007

I used the wrong system application to open php files and I need to change it, but when I try to, I am not given the option to "open this file with..." because I erroneoulsy checked "always use this program to open this type of file." What can I do to override this?

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Application Installation, File "not Found"

May 8, 2008

I run and rely on Xara Xtreme Pro graphic software. I've used various versions for over 10 years and currently run v3.3 very successfully on my Vista Ultimate 32 bit machine. I get a number of errors at 99% install: these inform me that the files
which reside in c:/program files/common files/xara are "not found".

When I then try to run the installed program I get an "internal program error". If I then try to run v3.3 I get the same program error! To get back to a working version of v3.3 I've had to do a disk image restore.

I've disabled my AV (AVG Pro), spyware (Spyware Doctor & Windows Defender) and closed WinPatrol for good measure (it monitors registry access attempts). there is nothing there which I could imagine would cause a problem. I've even installed as an administrator but there's no change in the errors thrown up.

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Open A Attached File Not Found

Apr 1, 2009

When I try to open a file (Word, Excel, pdf) directly from Windows Mail without saving the file, the associated program opens then I get an error message saying that the file C:WindowsSystem32 could not be found.

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Desktop Icons Away!

Jul 28, 2009

I'm German, so I'm sorry, if my english is not very well.

I've a problem with my Icons on my Desktop.

As you see in the screenshot, the icon for my documents folder is not the icon i want to have.

So i wanted to change it in the "Desktopsymboleigenschaften", but there are no icons, which i could change.

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Don't Desktop Icons

Nov 27, 2009

i don't know what happen to my desktop icons..

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All Of My Desktop Icons Can't Be Clicked

Jun 19, 2008

My computer at desktop can't be opened plus the others icons,
what is the verdict?.

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Covered Desktop Icons

Mar 21, 2009

I have just bought a new laptop as i fried the MoBo in my last one which i bought in the early days of Vista, not realising what system requirements were for Vista i landed up with a very under resourced in the hardware dept. laptop and i am shure my constant tinkering with the hardware caused the death of it.

Which brings me to my query (now that i am overly paranoid about tinkering with hardware) i have been researching and have found there is very mixed opinion on applying Bios updates and was wondering what people here thoughts. I have two pending Bios updates 1st addresses better support for SP2 and the 2nd improves system performance & LCD panel brightness

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Desktop + Icons Disappeared?

Mar 8, 2009

I'm Sorry I have no Idea where should I post this thread but this seemed like the best place... Lately, I was messing with my TaskManager, And In the Processes Tab, I saw the Dwm.exe (desktop window manager), I Ended it's process and all of a sudden, Everything was gone from my desktop... I Opened it again through the C:/Windows/System32 folder... it worked in the taskmanager, But still, Nothing showed up on my desktop. Everything is working fine, My Taskbar, Programs, and even I can locate my desktop icons through the windows explorer / search bar... But The Problem still exists... I have No Desktop Wallpaper... I have no Icons on my Desktop... My Desktop is just... Black...

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Duplicate Desktop Icons

Mar 14, 2009

All of a sudden I have got duplicate desktop icons. It seems that the top layer is working as a shortcut but when I click & drag it there is another icon underneath which does not work. If I try to delete them only the top icon disappears the bottom one will not be moved or deleted. I have tried to use Unlocker, done disc clean up, defrag, disc check, run McAfee, superantispyware and no baddies found. I've posted a screen capture of just one icon but all the icons are affected.

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Icons Without Labels On Desktop

May 10, 2009

I followed a tip stating that you could remove the labels from icons on your Desktop by turning on the NumLock, holding down Alt and typing 0160 on the numbers keypad. I did this for several shortcuts and it worked fine. I also did it on two files, which also worked. Now I want to delete the 2 files and can't. I also can't rename them. I have moved the documents that were in them to new files, so the ones I can't delete are empty now.
How do I either rename the files or delete them? My goal is to get rid of the two files.

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