Application Installation, File "not Found"

May 8, 2008

I run and rely on Xara Xtreme Pro graphic software. I've used various versions for over 10 years and currently run v3.3 very successfully on my Vista Ultimate 32 bit machine. I get a number of errors at 99% install: these inform me that the files
which reside in c:/program files/common files/xara are "not found".

When I then try to run the installed program I get an "internal program error". If I then try to run v3.3 I get the same program error! To get back to a working version of v3.3 I've had to do a disk image restore.

I've disabled my AV (AVG Pro), spyware (Spyware Doctor & Windows Defender) and closed WinPatrol for good measure (it monitors registry access attempts). there is nothing there which I could imagine would cause a problem. I've even installed as an administrator but there's no change in the errors thrown up.

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Application Cannot Be Found

Jun 9, 2009

just the other day i was using my CD Drive. and now it says that the application cannot be found.

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Application Not Found: Setting.exe

Feb 19, 2009

When i try to open a setting with a shield next to it it says C:Windowssystem32FirewallSettings.exe application not found can you tell me why this pops up?

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Application Failed D3dx8_34.dll Was Not Found

Apr 4, 2008

So, when I try to run Maya 2008 I keep getting this error: The application has failed to start because d3dx9_34.dll was not found. Well, thats a DirectX 9 DLL and so I am guessing I need DirectX 9 right? So I goto Microsofts DirectX site and get dxwebsetup.exe. But... I can't run it. I get this error: C:Windowssystem32advpack.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator.I hit ok, says it again, hit ok and get this message: Current logon user doesn't have the Administrator privilege. Please logon again as an Administrator or contact your Pc Administrator.

Well, I am the Admin and I have admin and even if I right click --> properties --> run as admin I get the same message... ok I figure I will just download the redistributable instead... I do that and I try to run the DXSETUP.exe and I get the same Admin error as teh web setup... I have no idea what is going on and now i am starting to get very angry... very very angry. This is the onyl problem I have had with Vista thus far... and it is the worste thing it could be, I need Maya...I am running Vista Ultimate x64 and the Maya version I am installing is Maya 2008 x64 designed to run on vista x64 so it's not that it is incompatible. mad.gif mad.gif

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Desktop Icons Open Application Not Found

Mar 23, 2008

i had to reinstall pc to shop bought condition after a lot of errors which are now gone but when i try a install a shortcut to desktop and try to open it i always get a box opening saying application not found, tried the online help and in that it told me what to do, but to no avail. Also when i go to online help i can only see boxes with a red cross in it.

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D Drive Application Not Found But Show The Icon

Mar 23, 2008

I have just got a new machine with Vista Home 64 and when I click onto the D Drive which is my DVD player it informs me that D: application not found but it will show the icon from the disk or film. I have looked into the properties and location, channel and lun are all at 0. I can get the disk to run if I click on the DVD folder on the left handside.

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Note Delete File - File Not Found!

Feb 14, 2010

I've been around here a couple of time in the last couple of years with my Vista machine and you all always seem to have the answers for me. So here I go again. Now I'm sure there is a simple fix for this, but I can't seem to find it. I happen to have two files now that I can NOT delete. I keep getting the message; Could not find this item. This is no longer lacated in C:UsersRoyBoyFavorites. Verify the item's location and try again................

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Links In Emails: Error Message "application Not Found"

Apr 14, 2009

am using windows mail with Vista home premium. When there is an embedded link in an email I cannot open it. It gives an error message of application not found.

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E-Mail Link Get Error "Application Not Found"

May 29, 2008

I'm not sure if I have something is blocked or I don't have something or something. But say If I get an email with a link to some site and I click on it , I get an error "Application not found" ... my internet explorer works fine... not sure what's wrong

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File Cannot Be Found

Oct 12, 2008

i've just installed vista and i was trying to listen to a radio station on Vista and this came up: any idea's on how this can be solved. and i'm very sorry if there is another problem like this because i probibly missed it.

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Xxxx File Could Not Be Found

Jun 9, 2009

xxxx file could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct. The file path is fixed due the email program ( Eudora ) and you can see the attachment as " available " but can not open it. The file is saved on OCULT FILES, inside of USERS.

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Delete File Get Not Found

Oct 16, 2009

Windows Vista Ultimate 64. I right click and hit delete on a file and I get Item not found This is no longer located in C:Users?blahblah/downloads verify the items location and try again. I booted into safe mode (under the admin account) and tried to delete it, and it still didn't work.

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Recovery.dat File Not Found

Jul 22, 2009

I have an Asus F5 laptop with Vista Home premium. I was loading Ubuntu 9.04. Once I restarted, I got a GRUB menu. Once I clicked on Vista loader, I got an error in BIG red ERROR. C:Recovery.dat file not found. I have used the recovery Vista CD but it not have a recovery option or console , so cannot use fixmbr in command line. If I load Vista , it asks for the driver CD and then I get a GRUB error 22. I am unable to get into Vista.

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Autoexec.bat File Cannot Be Found

Jan 25, 2009

I assume I picked up a virus. My comp says the autoexec.bat file cannot be found. The window sockets are not operating. When I hit the F10 key all the entries are gone. I have vista and i have the operating disc that came with it, however it does not work in the drive. It pops up and says to boot from cd or dvd press any key, then it goes back to the blue windows screen with my icons. How do i format the hd so i can reinstall windows.

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Open A Attached File Not Found

Apr 1, 2009

When I try to open a file (Word, Excel, pdf) directly from Windows Mail without saving the file, the associated program opens then I get an error message saying that the file C:WindowsSystem32 could not be found.

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Folder Los, The File Location Cannot Be Found

Feb 6, 2009

this happened around one year ago before i discovered this site.. one day i clicked on start and on the music tab.. then an error occurred.. it says that the file location cannot be found. then i browsed 'my computer' there i saw that there are two files separated, a file location with the icon of the music folder, and one with simply a folder icon.. after five days, same thing happened with the my documents folder.. the separate file with the folder icon contains every single file of the "REAL" icon. while the other one has nothing in it.. same with the music icon..

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Copy File: Item Not Found

May 11, 2008

I have a 4gb Kingston Flash Drive, and when i try to copy some file which are large in size such as anything greater than 400 mb (movie) i get an error: "Could Not Find This Item. This item is no longer located in (directory) Verify the Items locations and try again." However i have verified that the file (movie) is there and works, however i have gotten this error after several attempts, i have tried reformatting the flash drive. Also i have changed the security settings for the that folder and have checked the Full Control icon, however i still get the same error.

I would also like to mention is when i copy something such as some pictures which are less than 100mb they do transfer fine. Also when i transfer something from my external hard drive to the flash drive such a Movie (does not matter the size) it also transfers, so there is something wrong with the settings on the computer, however i am unsure what it is.

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Office 2007, File Could Not Be Found

Oct 16, 2009

Everytime when I try to open Microsoft Office 2007 I'm getting message: this file could not be found, (C:Windowssystem32Files.doc. After this I press OK button and I'm getting second one: The directory name is not valid. (C:Windowssystem32(x86) Microsoft.doc) I press Ok and program open and works fine. I know that I can use it but this things really bother me because I know that something is wrong and maybe later it will be bigger problem.

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Corrupt File Directory/ Unreadable

Mar 18, 2010

- I keep getting an error notification every second : autoit v3 regsvr.exe - Corrupt File The file or directory /FOUND.000 is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility. Its very distracting and I ran the check disk utility and still no change.

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Sfc Found Corrupt Files - CBS Log File Access Denied?

Apr 9, 2010

just got a Acer Aspire 6935G, few months old, no previous problems. just ran sfc to check the system files and windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix them. the trouble is i cant access the CBS.log file to see the violation/s. keeps saying access denied, i have tried changing the file permissions for my user account (ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT) to full control but still i get access denied. should i take ownership?

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Copy The Files: Windows Has Found This File Is Potentially Harmful

Feb 23, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Ultimate with Windows Defender Disabled and Norton Internet Security 2009 installed. Someone who is completely trusted sent me an email with an attachment. The attachment was defined as a ZIPP file. I copied the file to my desktop and renamed it to a ZIP file to access the enclosed files. Within the ZIP are four OCX files which I need to copy to my System32 directory.

When I attempt to copy the files to any location in my computer, I get "Windows has found this file is potentially harmful. To help protect your computer, Windows has blocked access to this file." When I click on the "How does this help protect my computer." link it takes me to Windows Mail help. This has nothing to do with Windows Mail. Where can I adjust the Security settings in Windows to fix this problem

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Vista 64 Wont Allow Inf File Installation?

Jan 19, 2008

I have vista 64 and ive been trying to install intels chipset drivers(inf).

Ive tried downloading from intel and gigabyte. same version which "DOES SUPPORT VISTA 64"
problem is , it runs the installation process ok but after reboot i check device manager and the same drivers are there? it doesnt seem to want to install the newer drivers?

The older drivers are outdated so i need the newer versions since i do like to overclock.

Gigabyte told me its a vista issue and a common one. and that i have to contact microsoft for an answer.

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Symantec Antivirus CD:Do Need Just The .EXE Installation File?

May 15, 2010

I have a Symantec Antivirus CD. However, the computer I want to install the antivirus on has a non-working disc drive, so the CD is useless for it, and I was going to put the disc in another computer disc drive, then transfer its contents to a USB flash drive, then use the USB on the computer I want to have the antivirus program. However, it's disc drive nor its USB ports work.

So what I thought was, using the disc on another computer, and attaching the disc contents in an email, or on megaupload. However, I can't attach folders. I have to attach files, not folders, like a .exe file for instance. So I was only able to send to myself, online, the .exe installation file of the Symantec Antivirus program I want to install on the computer. Is the .exe installation file all I need for the program?

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Visual C++ Installation - Cannot Read Data File

May 10, 2009

I am having installation problems with a Polish/English Multimedia dictionary. At the start of install I get a pop-up advising that the program needs to install MS Visual C++ 2005 SP1 to run properly. When I click OK it commences the installation of Visual C++ but does not complete the configuration stage before the installation of the dictionary software starts.

The dictionary installation then continues without problem ok but when I try to run it I get an error message that the program cannot read the data file and that I should reinstall again. Also, I note that Visual C++ has failed to install.

The software is Vista compatable and does install ok (including the Visual C++) when I tried it on a on a Vista x86 latop. I have tried installation with UAC disabled, Norton Internet security disabled, even tried installing it in safe mode with a hack to run Windows installer. I have run all installations as Administrator.

Also tried a separate install of Visual C++ 2005 SP1 and also the 2008 version but the dictionary software does not recognise either. To get the 2005 version installed I had to first install the base pack and then the SP1 version, but then I have no idea if it has installed properly.

My laptop is an HP Pavilion dv 3510nr and OS is Vista Home Premium x64 and I bought it about 4 weeks ago in the US. Maybe there is a running service that is conflicting with the software installation, I have no idea.

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"this File Could Not Be Found" - Windows Mail Cant Open Attached

May 5, 2009

Since I installed IE8, I have had a lot of small glitches. I have been able to clean them all up. But this one has been completely resistant to all my attempts to solve it. Here is the problem. Please READ this and do not jump to conclusions (such as that the problem is a program association problem -- which it is NOT) that are not based on this scenario, nor recommend to me doing something that I have already tried.

- I receive a Word document attached to an e-mail.
- I double click on the document in the ATTACH box of the received e-mail.
- Windows Mail opens a MAIL ATTACHMENT window asking if I want to open the document.
- Word 2007 opens.
- Word 2007 opens a MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD window that says "This file could not be found. (C:...Filename ...)" where Filename is the name of the .DOC file.

The same thing happens with PDF files: Adobe Acrobat Reader opens but then opens an ADOBE READER window that says "There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found.".........

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Viewsonic Vx2835wm, "file Not Found"

Jun 23, 2008

I've downloaded and gone through the Device Manager install of the Vista signed and unsigned drivers from Viewsonic. Choose the vx2835wm as the monitor and... "file not found". Viewsonic support sends me to a link that says "no drivers available" and then says to download their Vista 64 package I've been doing since day 1.

Vista Ult. 64 uses its default non-pnp drivers where I have my 1920x1200 native res. with everything but gaming (the reason for purchasing this monitor). I can't get anything higher than 1600x1200 (in gaming) and well, its fuzzy. Can't use windowed mode, OS drivers stop functioning and reload frequently. I've set the res. in the nVidia panel to 1920x1200, set the game ini file to 1900x1200 but it still will only work at 1600x1200 although the games support the higher resolutions.

Is there anyone here that uses this monitor that has found Vista 64 drivers that work? If not, is there a 28", or even 30, that has Vista 64 drivers that will work at native resolution with any program or game? I am ready to sail this monitor out the third floor window and buy another if I can't get a solution for fixing this one so need recommendations on other monitors as well.

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Search File On Dvd "not Found."

Oct 7, 2009

When I highlight (select) my DVD RW Drive (F and do a search for a file that I know is on the disc, it comes up "not found." If I search the folder on the disc which contains the file, it is found. So it appears I'm unable to search the disc as a whole, but instead must select individual folders within the disc to search. Is it possible this is really how search is designed in Vista? I can put the same disc in an XP machine and immediately find the file by searching the disc as a whole.

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"404 File Not Found",

May 30, 2008

Since I got new computer with Vista Home Premium I have been experiencing problems accessing websites. The problem has been occuring on sites that require a login to access (like ebay) or have sophisticated search functions (like this property search site I get so far into the site and then get the "404 file not found" message. On one site (Friends Reunited - Welcome to the new site - 19 million members) I originally couldn't even access the homepage (404 again), but after adding it to my 'trusted site" list I can not see the home page, but only the hyperlinks (in plain text) with no graphics or formatting. I have no problems accessing these sites on our other computer (running XP). I even tried using Mozilla rather than IE, but get their version of '404' in the same places that IE does.

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Installation Hangs At "Completing Installation"

Jun 16, 2009

I am trying to clean install Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. If you read my other post, I got around the blue screen about page in non paged area. I got the bad ram stick out and got a new one for my computer. (Toshiba Satillite). And I install it and it goes good until completing installation then it hangs.

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X 64 And The Application Is X32

Oct 15, 2009

i've download batman and it dont work even install coz it says i am x 64 and the application is x32

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How To End Unresponsive Application

Oct 8, 2008

i'm using vista x64 ultimate and having this issue for a long time, couldn't find a solution to fix it clearly.

Sometimes when i start Winamp, it just stops responding for few minutes and a message appears'' The program is not responding, if you wait for longer, it may respond etc..'' But even i'm not able to close it via Taskbar by Ending process or processes tree. Cannot get rid of it without changing the user or restarting the pc.

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