Application Failed D3dx8_34.dll Was Not Found

Apr 4, 2008

So, when I try to run Maya 2008 I keep getting this error: The application has failed to start because d3dx9_34.dll was not found. Well, thats a DirectX 9 DLL and so I am guessing I need DirectX 9 right? So I goto Microsofts DirectX site and get dxwebsetup.exe. But... I can't run it. I get this error: C:Windowssystem32advpack.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator.I hit ok, says it again, hit ok and get this message: Current logon user doesn't have the Administrator privilege. Please logon again as an Administrator or contact your Pc Administrator.

Well, I am the Admin and I have admin and even if I right click --> properties --> run as admin I get the same message... ok I figure I will just download the redistributable instead... I do that and I try to run the DXSETUP.exe and I get the same Admin error as teh web setup... I have no idea what is going on and now i am starting to get very angry... very very angry. This is the onyl problem I have had with Vista thus far... and it is the worste thing it could be, I need Maya...I am running Vista Ultimate x64 and the Maya version I am installing is Maya 2008 x64 designed to run on vista x64 so it's not that it is incompatible. mad.gif mad.gif

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Application Cannot Be Found

Jun 9, 2009

just the other day i was using my CD Drive. and now it says that the application cannot be found.

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Application Not Found: Setting.exe

Feb 19, 2009

When i try to open a setting with a shield next to it it says C:Windowssystem32FirewallSettings.exe application not found can you tell me why this pops up?

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Desktop Icons Open Application Not Found

Mar 23, 2008

i had to reinstall pc to shop bought condition after a lot of errors which are now gone but when i try a install a shortcut to desktop and try to open it i always get a box opening saying application not found, tried the online help and in that it told me what to do, but to no avail. Also when i go to online help i can only see boxes with a red cross in it.

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D Drive Application Not Found But Show The Icon

Mar 23, 2008

I have just got a new machine with Vista Home 64 and when I click onto the D Drive which is my DVD player it informs me that D: application not found but it will show the icon from the disk or film. I have looked into the properties and location, channel and lun are all at 0. I can get the disk to run if I click on the DVD folder on the left handside.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly

Mar 26, 2008

When attempting to install Tax Cut State program a message comes up "TaxCutAZ.exe" application failed to initalize properly (0xc0000005) The program then terminates. Still can not get the program to load.

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Startup: Application Failed To Initialize 0x00000005

Apr 26, 2008

I have a HP Mefia Center that came with XP preloaded and I made recovery disks. They also offered Vista free. I got the Vista and it came with "Upgrade Assistant" I ignored the assistant expecting it was more PR crap. I installed the Vista and it worked ok but I saw that XP was better. The installation did not give any option other than "clean install". After trying to install an old program that failed I started have problems with failed initializing programs including IE7. I was getting data execution prevention errors. On startup I get; Application failed to initialize 0x00000005. A problem caused program to stop working.

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The Application Failed To Initialize Properly 0xc0000005

Mar 17, 2010

Cannot open any *.exe files to include browsers. I have tried to do a system restore, but did not help. I have also tried everything in safe mode with no luck.
I have tried to run hijackthis, but it won't run either.

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Application Failed To Initialize, Windows Defender

Apr 11, 2009

I receive the following message when I have logged on to my computer: Windows Defender "Application failed to initialize: 0x800106ba. A problem caused this service to stop." I have looked at Help and Support but have not found anything to identify what the problem is. I run Vista Home Premium 64 Bit OS.

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Application Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc0000005)

Mar 23, 2008

When attempting to install Tax Cut State program a message comes up "TaxCutAZ.exe" application failed to initalize properly (0xc0000005) The program then terminates. Still can not get the program to load. how to correct this problem?

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Windows Defender :: Application Failed To Initialize 0x800106ba

Jun 13, 2009

I get a message saying evertime I try to start it, saying

that the application failed to initialize 0x800106ba. a problem caused this program's service to start the service, restart your computer or search help and support.

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Windows Defender Application Failed To Iniatialise 0x800106ba

Mar 12, 2009

Windows Defender application failed to iniatialise 0x800106ba. A problem caused this program service to stop.

I have tried to download this again, but it says it is already installed on my Vista, but if I try to run it, the above error message appears and does so every time I start up, so I just get stuck in a loop!

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Windows Defender Application Failed To Initialize 0x800106ba

Apr 8, 2009

I got this error message after I turn off Windows defender via GPO in AD on a Vista PC: windows defender application failed to initialize 0x800106ba? I am looking for solution for the error.

AD 2003
Vista enterprise installation
Office 2007 installed
McAfee installed
McAfee firewall is installed
Windows defender can be turned off

Disabling the Windows defender GPO results in the error after rebooting the system: windows defender application failed to initialize 0x800106ba?

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Windows Defender: Error Application Failed To Initialize: 0 X 800106ba

Mar 23, 2008

I just downloaded a bunch of application and did a lot of work on my computer. I do however, have samantic endpoint virus protection and did a couple of scans with no problems. When i try to open windows defender i am getting an error that says. Application failed to initialize: 0 x 800106ba. A problem caused this program's service to stop. To start the service restart your computer or search Help and Support for how to start a service manually. I restarted and tried to open it but got the same error.

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Links In Emails: Error Message "application Not Found"

Apr 14, 2009

am using windows mail with Vista home premium. When there is an embedded link in an email I cannot open it. It gives an error message of application not found.

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Complete PC Backup Failed, Element Not Found 0x80070490

Jun 3, 2008

The backup is not failing, it says it's complete, but the file that it creates is less than 70GB, and my drive is 225GB full out of 279GB. The machine is running Vista Ultimate and running Vista Media Center. 157GB of the files are recorded shows, my music and pictures. I'm expecting a file closer to 225GB, especially since media files don't compress well (if this program compresses).

I find it awfully coincidental that 225 - 157 = 68, which is about the size of my backup file. The bigger problem is that I can't use the backup it creates. When I go to the restore operation, it finds the backup, I hit start and get back Restore Failed, element not found 0x80070490, which leads me to believe the backup is incomplete.

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E-Mail Link Get Error "Application Not Found"

May 29, 2008

I'm not sure if I have something is blocked or I don't have something or something. But say If I get an email with a link to some site and I click on it , I get an error "Application not found" ... my internet explorer works fine... not sure what's wrong

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Application Installation, File "not Found"

May 8, 2008

I run and rely on Xara Xtreme Pro graphic software. I've used various versions for over 10 years and currently run v3.3 very successfully on my Vista Ultimate 32 bit machine. I get a number of errors at 99% install: these inform me that the files
which reside in c:/program files/common files/xara are "not found".

When I then try to run the installed program I get an "internal program error". If I then try to run v3.3 I get the same program error! To get back to a working version of v3.3 I've had to do a disk image restore.

I've disabled my AV (AVG Pro), spyware (Spyware Doctor & Windows Defender) and closed WinPatrol for good measure (it monitors registry access attempts). there is nothing there which I could imagine would cause a problem. I've even installed as an administrator but there's no change in the errors thrown up.

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Windows Defender: "Application Failed To Initialize 0x80016ba." Error

Feb 16, 2009

This message kept coming up after I turned my computer on. What does this mean and what do I need to do to fix this?? "Application failed to initialize 0x80016ba." A problem caused this program's service to stop. To start the service, restart your computer or search Help and Support for how to start a service manually."

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Windows Defender: "Error Code 0x800106ba Application Failed To Initialize"

Mar 4, 2009

My daughter suddenly experiences: Windows Defender: "Error Code 0x800106ba Application failed to initialize" This is a fairly new machine (running Vista Home Premium) and it was delivered with McAfee virus protection installed. The initial McAfee license is about to expire so she renewed that license for a permanent licence today. There may of course be a connection here, but I fail to see what that connection could be.

She was guided to which suggests to initially remove (uninstall) Windows Defender and then reinstall it. The only problem with this is that Windows Defender is not included in the list of installed programs that can be uninstalled, and when she tries to "reinstall" it Windows Defender is reported as already present on the system. I checked on my own system where Windows Defender is running without any problem, and the same applies here: Windows Defender is not listed among installed programs.

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Windows Update Failed 'failed Message'

May 26, 2009

I have installed Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 from windows update...but i have a question....How can i delete this ''failed message'..not updates..only 'fail message'' from update history..look at this

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Failed RAID Mirror, Both Drives Failed

May 23, 2008

I am running Vista on a Dell XPS 420. I came home to find both drives failed in a RAID 1 mirror. Dell gave me no help recovering data, but did send two new drives. I have installed Vista on one of the new drives without RAID. I wanted to see if I could recover any files from the failed drives, but I can't seem to get Vista to recognize either of the old drives that were in the failed RAID array. The failed drive does appear during boot up and still shows as part of a failed array. How can I get Vista to recognize the failed drive so that I can then attempt to run file recovery software on it?

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X 64 And The Application Is X32

Oct 15, 2009

i've download batman and it dont work even install coz it says i am x 64 and the application is x32

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How To End Unresponsive Application

Oct 8, 2008

i'm using vista x64 ultimate and having this issue for a long time, couldn't find a solution to fix it clearly.

Sometimes when i start Winamp, it just stops responding for few minutes and a message appears'' The program is not responding, if you wait for longer, it may respond etc..'' But even i'm not able to close it via Taskbar by Ending process or processes tree. Cannot get rid of it without changing the user or restarting the pc.

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ISASS.EXE Application

Feb 22, 2010

I am getting this error on start up ISASS.EXE application error then getting a black screen can move my mouse but nothig happens can't boot from safe mode/ last good config etc..

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NET: On-the-fly Backup Application

Jul 3, 2008

I'm trying to install under Vista Ultimate x64 one of those on-the-fly backup programs (Western Digital Backup Anwhere, or R4Yware Clonedir2), but they just won't run... I suspect this has sth to do with the .NET; I googled and saw a mention somewhere that under x64 systems, they require .NET 3.5. So I downloaded and installed. Net 3.5 - to no avail... In the Vista components, .NET 3.0 is still listed (while in the Program List in Control Panel, only the new 3.5 version is present). I don't think my installation actually changed anything in the system.

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Application Ran Out Of Memory

Mar 23, 2008

when running a game in vista (premium 64bit) i get this message: application ran out of memory when requesting 1048608 bytes. i have 4 gig of ram and dual 3870 graphics cards running in crossfire, so i know its not due to ram.

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MFC Application Crashes

Jun 10, 2008

trying to run a MFC application which crashes as soon as I try and launch with the following:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:SceeneManager.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:484c3a64
Fault Module Name:USER32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6000.16438
Fault Module Timestamp:45d3dc0e
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:000361b4
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:d13e
Additional Information 2:1b6ddd9d0e77c7a9b9dba28240cb8582
Additional Information 3:62d8
Additional Information 4:a1a9213e82db4bc58479eeab6f322eb1

Clean reinstall of Vista only two days ago, the program functioned correctly on the previous installation of Windows Vista. A friend connected via TeamViewer, and the program launched and functioned with no problems, its only when I attempt todo so.

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Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 20, 2009

Get message " ------Is not a valid win32 application " Get this message from all my programs and applications.

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Application To Be Maximized When Launched

Dec 12, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Blue Screens, Application Name

Feb 25, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Dwm.exe
Application Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp: 4791944e
Fault Module Name: Dwm.exe
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791944e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000000000000c678
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 7287
Additional Information 2: 9ed0c8ce566d95e54a1a90b775fe4842
Additional Information 3: 27e9
Additional Information 4: b04e9607475e6bdb13ec99451a46bdca

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