Backup Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I am using windows mail , I want make full backup all mails and all person to my Extarnal HDD. for cracshing my notbook risk.

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Windows Mail Folders: Backup Mail, Not Using Vista Backup

Feb 15, 2009

I've moved from Outlook Express on my XP desktop to Windows mail on my Vista laptop. I plan on moving to Outlook on both computers, but not until I get this folder thing straightened out. I was able to import my OE mail into Windows Mail ok. Then I had a hard drive failure on my laptop. I had backed up my mail files and I was able to restore my Windows Mail ok.

I had several "Recovered Folders", but they included everything. I moved all of my folders out of the recovered folders and placed them once more under the Inbox. Then I deleted the empty recovered folders.

Now I want to backup my mail, not using the Vista backup, but with a third party. So when I go into my Windows Mail folder in Windows Explorer, I find all of the "recovered folders" are still there. Now they're listed as Local Folders. I can't find the configuration of my folders as I see them in Windows mail at all. I have a "Backup" folder with a "new" folder inside of it with a windows file that is unopenable.

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The Best Way To Backup Windows Mail In Ult

Apr 6, 2009

I'd like to transfer my all windows mail / messages from Vista 32 bit to Vista 64 bit after installing clean Vista 64 bit on other Hard Drive which will be inserted as a new C; on the same PC. An old C: drive might / my not be included to this PC. An Easy Transfer is not in my case the best option. The Exporting from Vista Windows Mail does not back up all my folders and sub folders from Windows Mail directory. Not to mention that so called "Imported " folders are not the best to handle.

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Backup Of Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

How do I take backup of Windows mail onto an external hard disk or usb drive, so that i can deleted the same from computer hard disk. Also I should be able to see / acess these backup emails at a later date

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How Make Backup Of Windows Mail?

Mar 30, 2008

how make backup of windows mail?

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Outlook Backup From Windows Mail

Jul 6, 2008

I have Exported my Windows Mail to Microsoft Exchange multiple times this morning, but I can't seem to find the .PST file it made. I have checked for *.PST in all indexed locations as well as all the hard drives in this computer. It made me create a profile (lvsysop) and I have searched the same locations for 'lvsysop' and "lvsysop.pst", but I can't find the file Windows Mail made. I've also checked for "outlook' and "Outlook.pst".Did it make a .PST file and if not what file did it make? It sure looked like it was making something as it scanned through the folders in Windows Mail.

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Windows Mail Backup Rules

Mar 23, 2008

Using Vista Home Basic. Is there any way to backup EVERYTHING regarding my EMAIL? i.e. My messages, folders, contacts, message RULES. In other words After I do a complete format of my disk because VISTA has said I don't have a GENUINE Verision anymore after using it for more than 8 months and actually verifying the genuineness several times but i digress. So After I do my rebuild i would like to be able to restore my email functionality et all to it's current state with all the messages, folders, rules, etc. AM I asking TOO much in the year 2008 for this to be possible never mind easy?

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Import Former Backup Windows Mail Folder

May 15, 2008

Unfortunately I imported a backup folder for my email (.dbx) files without exporting the existing folder which I was going to replace from another pc. The original folder contained recent email files.I have done numerous searches but alas no avail to a former location for my Windows Mail original folder. I have Windows Vista - Home Premium and the former email folder was the original folder with a new PC (Dell Inspiron 530).

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Backup Mail Only?

Sep 8, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a way to backup mail only? (inbox, saved, etc.)

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Mail File Backup

Apr 8, 2008

Where are the email folders so that I can back them up on an external backup drive?I can't find them in the directory list.I want to make sure they are all backed up like I do the old XP external backup drive.I would like to be able to recover my saved emails if I have a system crash and recovery.It has happened before on the XP system and I had them saved and restored to the Outlook Express program in it.As of now I have been backing up everything in Vista under my personal directory, which includes Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, etc. This Vista is a factory install OS.

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Restoring A Backup, Mail Not Indexed?

Mar 23, 2008

my understaning is that you can back up the contents of the Windows Live Mail folder to back up your email. (ie, you can later copy that back into your Windows Live Mail folder to restore) But it seems doing so borks the Vista indexer. For example, if I:

1) back up my Windows Live Mail folder

2) load a "clean" Vista image back onto the PC

3) copy the backup into the Windows Live Mail folder

When I do this, the contents of the Windows Live Mail folder are no longer included in the Vista index. Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn't the restored copy have the same index behavior?

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Moved Mail Folder: Restored Backup File

Apr 29, 2009

My computer crashed & I had to repair the system. The User that I entered is "xxxxxx". When I restored my backup files to their original location my mail box, which I had relocated from its default location to "Documents", reinstalled to the user name of my original installation "xxx". I then started Windows Mail and selected the mail box to that location. However when I try to restart Windows Mail I get the following "Windows Mail could not be started. The application was unable to openthe Windows Mail message store. Your Windows Mailmailbox data is currently being used by another program...............(0x800C0155)"When I click OK I get a window showing "Windows Mail could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized. Is there a solution other than repairing Vista again?

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Vista Mail Backup / Export Error Message

Oct 14, 2009

I want to backup my emails in Win Mail (Vista home premium) - all of them so theres hundreds of them in dozens of folders I have created. So I go file - export - messages, select a format, select an EMPTY folder on my 1TB external drive, then try to export. I either get an error message telling me that some files may be corrupt, or that the destination folder may be too small. Or if I select just a tiny folder to export, it says export successful, but it only exports ONE email - the top one in the list I think? I really dont think I have corrupted files here - any folder I select to export seems to have a problem... as my motherboard is flakey, and I want to do the backup ASAP before it 'flakes' again!

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Complete PC Backup Of My System Onto An External USB HDD Using The Backup Facility In VISTA Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I did a complete PC backup of my system onto an external USB HDD using the backup facility in VISTA Ultimate. When I went to do a complete PC restore I am told form the Help info on VISTA Ultimate to restart my computer, push F8 and choose the 'repair' option to run the restore. WHen I do this I get the safe mode options, debugging mode etc etc but there is no 'repair' mode. How do I get to the repair mode??

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Can Vista Backup Be Set To Continue The Existing Backup Onto An Additional Drive

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 720GB internal drive that I've maxed out with automated weekly backups. I have another drive with a lot of space, and my question is, can Vista backup be set to continue the existing backup onto an additional drive. In other words, the backup files would be spread over two drives?

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HP Easy Backup : When Pressed Runs A HP Backup Application

Jul 2, 2008

I have a HP M9200t running Home premium 64 bit that has a "HP Easy Backup" button on the front panel. When pressed, it runs a HP backup application.

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Windows Mail Compacting: Error Windows Mail Has Stopped Working And Windows Is Searching For An Answer

Mar 8, 2009

Running Vista on an HP...When I get the pop up to compact the mail I click OK and it gets about 3 quarters of the way thru and I get the message Windows Mail has stopped working and Windows is searching for an answer. The answer was DEP (Data Execution Protection)was shutting it down to protect my computer..What's the problem??? Norton internet Security up to date and nothing found with complete system scan..Vista up to date as well.

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Complete Backup (Disk Image) To Backup

Jan 15, 2010

I always use vista complete backup (Disk Image) to backup both my hard disks, but I am a bit confused as to the restore options. Basically, I have a sneaky suspition that one of the drives is going to fail in the near future, so I backup quite regularly, but when I replace it, I want to get a bigger drive, as it's only a 150gig raptor, and I really would prefer a 500 or 1TB 7200rpm drive for storage.

Can vista restore the files I backed up on D: (the 150gig) to a new D: which would be a large disk ? If it can, could I also do the same for C: which is where vista is located? If that doesn't work,

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Windows Complete PC Backup Not Run

Jul 29, 2009

I have a 1 TB Samsung hard drive divided into 3 partitions of C:, E:, and F: When I try to run Windows Complete PC Backup, it automatically selects C: and E: It lists E: as a system drive, even though it has no OS on it and I only use it for data backups. I only wish to backup C: as it has the OS and installed programs (I use a different process to back up other data).

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How Can Backup Disc Be Windows I/e 8

Jun 30, 2009

I am running Windows Vista-Home Premium Edition x64 bit and Internet Explorer 8. I would like to know where and how I can make a back up disc for "BOOKMARKS"? Knowing this how can this backup disc be applied back into Windows I/E 8 "Bookmarks" should I ever need to restore Bookmarks?

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Windows Backup, Error :: 0x80070424

Mar 30, 2008

I receive an error when trying to run the complete windows backup. The full error is "The backup application could not start due to an internal error: The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x80070424). Please check your system configuration and try again." I have used this on different machines and has worked fine. I could not fine were it needs to be reinstalled from. Is it not part of the OS?.

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Windows Backup Missing Files

Mar 6, 2009

We recently had a need to replace a hard disk. Our original files were all backed up with Windows Vista Backup. The backup process produced no errors and appeared to complete successfully. However, when we restored the backup to the new hard drive, we found that there were many missing files. To this point, it appears that the missing files are all .EXE files. In many cases, all the files were restored to a folder, except for the executable (.exe). We know that these files existed when the Windows Vista Backup was performed on the original hard disk. Moreover, we backuped the same files later using a different program and have confirmed the files were there.

Is anyone aware of a problem where Windows Vista Backup is either NOT backing up all the files or is NOT restoring all the files? Furthermore, it is odd that this seems to have affected only certain files which brings us to wonder if our security software could have blocked files somehow without our knowledge

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How To Backup Windows Update Files?

May 15, 2010

I want to backup my microsoft windows Vista Home Premium 64bit updated files so i can install them back later after recovery for the same computer and OS ? updating files size= 500mb

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Backup Programs That Work With Windows

Mar 13, 2010

Are there any Backup programs that work with Windows Premium and Windows7 Premium

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Windows 98 Backup Work On Vista Machine?

May 11, 2008

I have 4 PC's running Win XP and use Windows 98 Backup to transfer files and keep things in sync. One of the computers is at a remote location during the summer so I can't use a network to transfer files. All computers have identical file structures and I've found that using Win 98 backup works great since it allows data compression and I simply have to make a backup, transfer the .qic file to a CD and then do a restore. The XP backup software does not allow data compression unless you are backing up to a tape drive.

To get Win 98 backup to work on XP I carefully transfer the appropriate files that are used by Win 98 backup to the c:windowssystem32 directory and, most importantly, I set program compatibility for Windows 98. I am faced with replacing my old laptop with a new one and it seems that it will be difficult to buy one with Win XP. So my question is: Is it possible that Windows 98 backup will work on a Vista machine? Does Vista have program compatibility mode that can be set like XP has?

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Backup Before Installing Windows 7 In Dual Boot

Jul 29, 2009

i want' to try windows 7, but i don't want to lose vista since windows 7 is just an RC and could still cause some crashes. my option is giving dual booting a try. i have read many tutorials on how to do it, and im pretty confident that i can do it. the problem is, i don't have DVD's to backup my vista, and i still dont know yet how many DVD's my files will consume if i have 50-60 GB in my drive C:i also have external DVD writer, but im not sure if that will work flawlessly since it's external.

My questions are: can i install windows 7 on a different partition without booting from DVD? (I installed my vista over XP without booting from DVD). can i install windows 7 on a different partition using a virtual drive? what are the chances that windows 7 installation will fail during installation? can i still boot vista if windows 7 installation fails? is it possible to do system restore if installation and vista won't boot? and finally, is windows 7 worth the trouble and risk of going thru all these? i will base my decisions on your answers since this is the most intellectual vista forum i've seen so far.

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Upgrade Home Premium To Windows 7 And Full Backup

Jan 1, 2010

My subject on this posting may be misleading. I am actually looking for a reliable full backup solution so that I can perform the upgrade with some confidence that I won't lose everything. Vista Home Premium (also Home Basic) does not include Complete PC Backup. (It was a surprise to me too!) I need a full/complete backup solution. Otherwise, the restore task is piecemeal... and very cumbersome to do and contemplate.

Should I purchase backup software? Disk imaging software? Recommendations? I purchased a sizeable disk drive and can connect it with usb. Does the Windows 7 upgrade have any options to perform the needed backup? Not likely I imagine.

Does Windows 7 Home Premium have the same defect of no Complete PC Backup or equivalent Yeah, I think it's a bad defect! This must be the first OS without a full backup solution! Or am I missing something?

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WM And Signatures: Saving Registry Keys, Windows Backup

Feb 22, 2009

Tried backing up windows mail settings and restoring after a clean install. three methods, all the same results.

1 saving registry keys.
2. Windows backup.
3. Widows easy transfer.

Everything is fine but the signatures. They look grayed out and when I click on them Windows mail crashes immediately.

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Windows Complete PC Restore Cannot See DVD With Backup Image File

Mar 26, 2008

upgrade HD from 60G to 250G without having to reinstall all files and programs. Windows Complete PC Restore cannot see DVD with backup image file

1. Backed up C: using Windows Complete PC Backup. (6 DVDs no errors.)
2. Removed old HD and inserted new.
3. Booted Windows Vista install DVD. (I proceeded to partition HD but did not complete the install.)
4. From Windows Recovery Environment, I chose Windows Complete PC Restore.
5. Inserted Backup image DVD disc1.
6. When it looked for the location of the image it couldn't find it so it fails.

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Windows Speech Recognition Backup/Restore/Transfer Tool

Jun 21, 2009

Two of the biggest criticisms of WSR, Windows Speech Recognition built into the Vista and soon to be released Windows 7 operating system were:

1. No easy method to transfer, backup and restore one's user training profile.

2. No way to keyboard corrections into the Alternates Panel, the corrections box of alternate choices for words that were misrecognized.

We're now pleased to announce the WSR team at Microsoft has released an easy to use transfer, backup and restore tool. Rob Chambers of Microsoft's Speech team suggests: "Be sure to download the release notes as they contain useful information as well as user instructions. Please note that this is a "technical preview" version and as such there are a few known issues with the tool."

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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