All Email Showing Up As Attachments

Jan 25, 2010

Every one of my new or saved emails is showing up as an attachment? The To, From, Subject and date are correct. They are all displayed correctly when I open the attachment. They all have this format: ATT0000XX.htm (XX.X KB)

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Email Account:showing MSN Email Address

Mar 23, 2008

After setting up my email account with windows mail using my talk talk email address, for some reason when I'm posting messages to your help forum, it is showing my MSN email address. What is happening here? I've checked all the info via Tools, Accounts, and it only shows my talktalk email??

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Email Addresses Showing

Mar 23, 2008

when I type the contact name in my message it puts the whole name and email address. I just want the name to show---Pam

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Email Not Showing Up After Download

Jun 16, 2008

I am new to windows vista and windows mail, When i open windows mail, it downloads emails fine, but once it is done, I cant see any of the email that downloaded.

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Cannot Attachments Email

Feb 14, 2009

when i recieve emails i cannot open attachments what programme do i need to open to open attachments .

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Email Blank, No Attachment, Nothing Showing

Jul 8, 2008

We have 4 computers in our office. One runs Vista - the other 3 are XP. A customer of ours sends an email to my email address and the Vista guy's email address with a PDF attachment enclosed. I get the attachment, but the Vista guy does not. His email is blank with no attachment clip or nothing showing any kind of an attachment. How can that be? If I 'forward' the Vista guy in our office the same email that was sent to both of us, THEN he receives the attachment and can view it. How can someone forward an email attachment to two people and one of them not get it?? I've checked all his security settings and his firewall and nothing is amiss. He can get email attachments from everyone except this one customer.

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Stupid Box Showing Up Can't Email People

Aug 30, 2009

I will try to be as specific as possible, bu I am not that computer literate, so bear with me. I just got a new computer, my old one was windows XP and this one is windows vista. I know nothing about Vista. I am trying to set up my email account from ymail (Yahoo). I put in my dispaly name, that was easy enough, next, my email address., also easy enough, then comes the part I dont get... There is a drop down box for incoming email server, in it currently is POP3, other options are IMAP and HTTP. I dont know which one to use. The next box says Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) sever: I do not know what to put in the box below this. Next is outgoing mail server (SMTP) name: I also do not know what to put in the box under this. Finally there is a box for me to check (or not) for outgoing server requires authentication. I have read a lot of stuff from the computers help pages and HP advisor but I am still lost can anyone help...This is causing me to not beable to email people that I frequently talk to like our mayor, or the news channels because their pages say email me click here and this stupid box keep showing up, without it I cant email these people because they only recieve mail this way.

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Send Email With Attachments

Apr 12, 2008

I cannot send emails with attachments. I can recieve them but not send them. Is there a setting that can be changed?

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Opening Attachments In Email

Mar 23, 2008

I can not open attachments in my email. Until 3weeks ago I had no problems. Have tried opening and saving. opening in other email accounts such as aol, verizon,etc, opening and saving, opening and saving to desk top, nothing has worked....I do not get any error messages...nothing happens.

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Can't Send Email With Attachments

Mar 23, 2008

I can receive email with attachments with no problem. I can send email without attachments with no problem. Whenever I attempt to send an email with any attachment, small or large, the system times out and gives mean error message "Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x8004210B) : 'The
operation timed out waiting for a response from the sending (SMTP)server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).' "

It does not seem to be the program - Outlook - since I tried another email program and got the same results. My wife sends emails with no problem on another computer in the same network and same ISP.

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Can't Open Email Attachments

May 10, 2009

I have vista home premium and use Windows Mail. I have 3 users on my computer. One of the users can't open email attachments, any type. He can save attachments and open them from the folder, but can't just click and open. I have the same problem as the administrator occasionally. When it happens, I exit the email, re-open and it works fine. No error messages, just nothing happens when I click on the attachment. I have Internet Explorer 8, any chance that has something to do with it? I've downloaded
updates, checked settings, everything is in order as far as I can tell. In security, attachements are allowed and it's set for Internet Zone.

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Email: Can't Open Attachments

Oct 30, 2007

why I can't open attachments that are sent to me or why no one can open the attachment that I send them.

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Opening Email Attachments

Jul 31, 2009

Every time I click on an email attachment to open it, I always get the window/box saying "you should only open attachments from a trustworthy source." How do I "fix" this pesky default? When I determine I want to open an attachment, that should be all that is required. A most irritating issue.

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Renamed All Email Attachments

Sep 1, 2009

I imported emails from to WM from Outlook 2007 on vista. The problem is that WM has renamed all email attachments to old 8.3 form (plus converting all embeded JPG pictures to attachment). What can I do to have the attchments untoched after import.

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Cannot Send Attachments By Email

Apr 21, 2008

I am using Windows Mail in Vista Home Premium & use Norton Internet Security. When I send email attachments, photos etc to people they cannot open them.

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Unable To Email Attachments

May 15, 2009

Please could somebody advise me as to whether there is a known problems with Vista Mail not sending attachments? An error message pops up yet it still sends the email but NOT the attachment.

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Cannot Open Word .doc From Email Attachments

Apr 15, 2008

I reinstalled Vista and then updated with SP1 when I try to open an email attachment that is a Word .doc file it will not open and gives an error message that the file type does not have an application associated with it. The .doc file extension is associated with Word and I have re-associated it several times. The file will open if I save it elsewhere or drag it to my desktop and then open it. Is there something in the registry or elsewhere.

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Unable To Open Email Attachments

Feb 28, 2009

I set my partner up with a email address and he has been unable to open the attachments. they are word / excel 97-2003 documents and spreadsheets and also some photos - jpg files. He currently has office 2007 trial on the laptop and I have downloaded word & excel viewer 2003 but most of them are still not opening. I had a couple open and then the next day when I tried to open them again to save them well they wouldn't.

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Cant Drag Attachments Off Email-dont Use IE8

May 9, 2009

I cant drag attachments off email. Word docs wont open at all, and wma music files will open in Win media player with a d-click, but I cant save them anywhere or pick the player I want to use. This box has IE7, but I never use it (Firefox).

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Cannot Open .pps File From Email Attachments

Apr 21, 2008

Recently started using vista on a new computer. When receiving email in vista mail I cannot open attachments with .pps file. It will open if I save it. The file extension is correct in the directory for vista to open it. I noticed a similar problem in the forum for .doc files but the fix for that did not seem to address the .pps files.

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Windows Mail Stop Showing Email Address

May 26, 2008

i am new to vista forums, so i have not read all the threads, but would like to know in windows mail how to stop from showing my e-mail address when i send mail my first name ok, than it puts in complete e-mail address in the from field

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Command Failed To Execute For Email Attachments

Mar 31, 2009

I have attempted numerous attachments ranging from power point to emails
forwarded as attachments and am getting the error message "The command failed
to execute." Was doing fine with all my email attachments until I received
an upgrade for Vista. My upgrades are automatically received and downloaded
from Microsoft.

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Tiny Fonts Printed In Email With Attachments

Aug 10, 2009

My new computer has Vista 64 bit and Windows mail. I often get emails with text followed by attached photos. I print only the selection of text. It is printing too tiny to read. I remember the way to fix that in XP and IE7 by changing a % in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMAINFeatureControlFEATURE_STF_Scale_Min but don't know if that is safe to try in Vista 64 or if it will work. Has anyone had the tiny font problem (when in email with photos) and been able to fix it? If not, can I uninstall IE8 and will the machine revert to IE 7? I don't even know if that works as I haven't had this computer more than a few days.

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Cannot Download Email Attachments On Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot download email attachments on windows mail. I am instructed to use 'set association control panel' Where is it and what does it do?

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Unable Open Or Save Email Attachments

Jun 8, 2008

I am using a Acer Aspire laptop and using aol webmail for my email. I am not able to open or save attachments from my email. a window will open up and ask to save or open, but when I click open it will save as if it is going to open the attachment but never shows the attachment. when I "save as" an attachment it supposedly sends it to my computer, but I can never find the file. If I go to recent downloads and select the file that I downloaded it says it is missing the shortcut. I am up to date with Adobe Reader for pdf files.

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Multiple Attachments: Recieve Many Copies Of The Email

Sep 19, 2009

When I send a email with an .JPG attachment, ms mail sends mulitiple messages to all recepents but they cannot open the attachment and they recieve many copies of the email.

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Opening Email Attachments Error Message

Mar 27, 2008

i get this error message when i try to open an attachment: this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. create an association in the folder options control panel. can you please help me with this? what does it mean? how do i perform this action?

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Unable To Open Attachments, Email In Windows Mail Without Saving

Feb 22, 2009

I am suddenly unable to open attachments to my email in Windows mail without saving them I only want to open and view them without saving them. This problem started inexplicably as I could previously open attachments without a problem.

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Windows Mail: Unable To Open Email Attachments Received In .pdf Or .jpg Format

Apr 14, 2008

Since migrating to Windows Mail a year ago on a new PC running Vista, I've been unable to open, or to save and open, email attachments received in .pdf or .jpg format. When I try to open .pdf attachments, I get an error message reading, "This
file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." If I save a .pdf attachment in Adobe Reader and then try to open it, I get a message saying, "Adobe Reader could not open [file] because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)." I run Adobe Reader 8. Where do I look to find a solution to this problem? Is it related to the similar problem with JPEG's?

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Windows Mail Not Show Email Attachments Having Excel Xlsx File

Jun 15, 2009

Windows Mail will not show email attachments that have an Excel xlsx file so I don't know they have been sent unless it is mentioned in the email.

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4gb Showing Sys, 2gb Showing In Task Manager

May 18, 2008

I just installed an additional 2gb of RAM on my system, but this is not showing in the Task Manager. It iniitally was not showing in either, but after installing SP1 Sys info was updated.

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