Acronis True Image Home 2009 Unable To Backup

May 12, 2009

My saga with Acromis True Image continues. I have successfully installed it on my fairly new Vista PC and found a way of creating and using a rescue disc by adjusting the bootup sequence of the drives. I now find that each time I try to do a backup to my Buffalo external HDD - reformatted to NTFS - I get the error message "Failed to execute the task - Error #1364 - A specified authentication package is unknown (0xFFF0)"

Acronis web support say I should edit the registry as a registry entry is missing in the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa. This surprised me as my PC is not on a network. This is covered in You may not be able to connect to a remote server, the Workstation service may stop, and you may receive an "Error 1364" error message in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows Small Business Server 2003........

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Acronis True Image 11?

Sep 23, 2008

States it is Vista Compatible. Has anyone used it and if so what is your impression.

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Acronis True Image Rescue Disc

May 10, 2009

I have purchased a boxed Acronis True Image Home 2009. Installed it on my fairly new PC running on Vista (with all the updates) Home Premium and registered and updated the software with Acronis. I have immersed myself in the Acronis User Manual until I was ready to go. I used the True Image wizard to create a bootable rescue disc. Placed the disc in my PC's combo DVD/CD Rom/RW drive. There is the usual whirring noise and the Windows Explorer pane opens up showing a restore manager folder containing 7 files (no .exe file) then more 'gravel' noise and after waiting for ten minutes absolute silence and nothing more happened. Assumtion: the disc is not bootable.

I made several more rescue discs and tried to run them several ways including starting up the PC with the disc in the drive. That opens up Windows in the usual way but no disc boot up! Acronis web support have sent me a link to download an ISO file of the True Image software which I have downloaded and burnt the ISO image file to CD. But this still will not boot up. Not sure where to go from here? This is the brand-leader in backup/cloning software and a near-new PC. Is there something I have overlooked? Have I got to go 'messing' with my PC's BIOS - not keen on that??

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Creating Back Up Using Acronis True Image

Mar 26, 2008

i dont have a windows disc (one was not supplied when pc purchased) and i had a few problems booting up windows, i managed to sort it but i am paranoid now incase it happens again as i don't have a boot disc so the above sounds perfect, but i don't have a clue where to start.

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Acronis True Image, Backing Up& Had 2 Blue Screen Crashes

Mar 23, 2009

I have used true image a number of times & have had good results.I recently tried backing up& had 2 blue screen crashes.I had installed virtual pc just before this and was wondering if true image can't backup a hdd with virtual pc installed or is it Vista ?If it is because of vpc how am I going to backup my hdd without installing vpc ?

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True Image, Restoring Backup

Jun 1, 2009

I am able to backup my C drive to my D drive with no problems. The problem I have is that I cannot restore my C drive from the D drive that I have it backed up on. I tried to do it from both the desktop, and from the original install CD, and also a rescue disk that I created. I keep getting an error message telling me to restart. Nothing works that I try. Do any of you know what the difference is between True Image 11 and TI 2009?

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Wont Backup With Acronis Home

Feb 18, 2009

Anyone come across this problem before? I have Windows Vista Ultimate on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop. I installed Acronis Home (recent version, 10 I think). Made a backup without issue. Restored the backup without issue. Problem is I want to now make a new backup again. I cannot get the system to backup any more. It gets to the point where it is about to start the backup and just sits there.

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True Image Cloning

May 5, 2009

My 80gb Vista laptop is out of space, so I bought a 250gb drive and installed it in a USB 2.0 enclosure. I have tried both the True Image clone procedure and also partitioning the 250gb with 2 partitions then backing up the original drive to one of the partitions, replacing the 80 with 250 and tried to recover into the blank partition but no success.

I get the cannot boot message and must use the install cd to enable the new clone but I still am unable to boot into the cloned version. I have had great luck with Acronis but just cannot make this work. I am using True Image Home V10 Build 4.942) with Windows Vista Home Basic with SVC Pk1. Are there any of the drive manufacturers that have a utility that will get around this boot problem with Vista? I am ready to buy another drive just to get this done.

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Outlook 2007 Recovery By Image Using Acronis

Aug 24, 2009

I am having to rebuild my computer (long story). On the old system I have a backup image using Acronis but when I restore using the backup image and boot I get a BSOD. I was able to restore the image to an external drive and I can connect to my laptop via USB/eSATA and see everything on the drive. The new system is up and running, and I can access what used to be my old 'C' drive. Here's the situation that I need help with: I was (and will be) using Office Outlook 2007 as my email client. I've been able to recover most of my outlook stuff, what I have not been able to recover is

My email accounts - I had about 10 and with a bit of pain I can recover them. My rules - I had about 200 and only with a LOT of pain and time will I be able to recovery them. Any advice (instructions at the dummy level would be welcome) as to how I can recover my email accounts and rules (especially my rules).

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Acronis 11 Backup

Jul 2, 2008

I down loaded the Acronis 11 backup software for my Western Digital 1TB
external hard drive. I have an internal drive with Windows. 750GB. And a 1TB
internal drive with several partitions in it. I did a custom install. Could
someone who is familiar with backups please walk me through making a boot
disc, and explain how to back up to me.

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Complete Backup (Disk Image) To Backup

Jan 15, 2010

I always use vista complete backup (Disk Image) to backup both my hard disks, but I am a bit confused as to the restore options. Basically, I have a sneaky suspition that one of the drives is going to fail in the near future, so I backup quite regularly, but when I replace it, I want to get a bigger drive, as it's only a 150gig raptor, and I really would prefer a 500 or 1TB 7200rpm drive for storage.

Can vista restore the files I backed up on D: (the 150gig) to a new D: which would be a large disk ? If it can, could I also do the same for C: which is where vista is located? If that doesn't work,

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Acronis Restore: Print Them And Store Them In My Acronis Installation CD

Feb 9, 2009

Has anyone out there actually restored an iamge of their hard drive using Acronis. Exactly what steps did you take to do that? I'll print them and store them in my Acronis Installation CD.

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Unable To Install Norton Antivirus 2009 15 Days Trial On Window

May 14, 2009

I had been trying to install Norton AntiVirus 2009 15 days trial. When i click on the installation file, the installation will start. The status of the installation will only remain at "Intializing". Approximately 5 seconds later, the installation will stop, no prompt message appear.

Same scenario appears no matter how many times i tried to install.

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Corrupted Backup Image

Dec 2, 2008

This is for Windows 64bit.. I can't decide which one to get. I go to product reviews on a couple different sites and there seems to be somewhat of a divide with users saying to go with Ghost and vice versa. I have never used Ghost before. So I can't personally say anything on it from experience. As for True Image, I am 1 for 1 on it. I managed to restore an image without any problems on one computer, but had a corrupted backup image on the other. So I'm not sure what buy now.

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Backup Image Creation?

Jan 2, 2009

I have a new PC with Vista Home Premium x64 and I would like to make reinstallation or recovery disks. The machine has a program to create recovery disks but that fails each time - the DVD writer is working OK as I have made a few other disks. I should really return it I suppose but I would rather avoid the hassle - the PC itself is working fine and I have moved my stuff over from my old machine. From reading the tutorials here I understand I can't make a complete backup image as its not the Ultimate/Business version.

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Backup HD Image To USB Stick

Apr 2, 2009

Running Windows Vista Home Premium on a notebook without a DVD/CD drive. What (free!) software would back up an image of the HD to a USB stick so that if I have a problem whilst away from home I could boot from the USB stick and reload the image? Would Acronis True Image do this? Are there any others better?

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Backup Image But SP2 Slows Computer

Aug 2, 2009

I have FRISR-Rescue so I'm typing this in my backup image and it has SP1 in it. I installed SP2 to my original and it has slowed my page loading to a crawl, especially Google. The image I'm in is working OK. After install I defraged the drive but didn't seem to help much. It just takes forever to load a page.

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System Backup Clone Image

May 2, 2009

I have an HP laptop that came with Vista Home Premium installed.
Two drivers, the C: driver as usual and a 'D:' driver also known as "HP_RECOVERY".

Now my question is very simple and basic yet I'm baffled not figuring out a way to do it.

Is it possible to clone the image of the OS I'm running currently to that D: drive? What software do I use to do that?

I will also need to mention that the drive size is ~8GB so it's very small. If there is a way to clone the current image to that drive, i will have to extend it and make it bigger, how would you do that also

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HDD Upgrade - Re-install Or Use A Backup Image?

Mar 26, 2008

I was thinking of getting a WD Raptor 150 gb hdd. I currently have my Vista x64 installed on my WD 500 gb hdd. If I purchase Acronis True Image 11, then can I just image my current setup and restore the image to the WD Raptor drive or would I need to install Vista from scratch? I'd then lke use my 500 gb hdd as data storage.

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How Can System Backup Recoverable Image

Feb 4, 2009

If I have Vista x64 and Ubuntu x64 on the same hdd (different partitions) will Vista complete system backup also backup the ubuntu partition to an external usb hdd?.In other words is the Ubuntu also recoverable via the image created by vista?.

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Restoring A Backup Image Using PC Restore

Aug 4, 2008

My first time here and I've been looking through the very informative posts in this thread. I did not, however, find the answer to my particular problem. Apologies if I've overlooked it. Before sending my Sony for repair I created a system backup image on an external usb drive. When I start the Windows Recovery Environment and select 'Windows Complete Restore', it shows the name of the backup, the date it was created and the location where it is going to be restored to. Interestingly this shows a long, seemingly random number, followed by C: I can't change it. Immediately underneath there is an error message that reads: The Windows Recovery Environment needs to be loaded from a hard disk, but Windows needs to format that disk to restore your computer. Reboot from a CD or DVD and try the restore again. I did not get a Windows DVD with my computer. I do have a recovery DVD that I made when I got the computer but that doesn't seem

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Windows Complete PC Restore Cannot See DVD With Backup Image File

Mar 26, 2008

upgrade HD from 60G to 250G without having to reinstall all files and programs. Windows Complete PC Restore cannot see DVD with backup image file

1. Backed up C: using Windows Complete PC Backup. (6 DVDs no errors.)
2. Removed old HD and inserted new.
3. Booted Windows Vista install DVD. (I proceeded to partition HD but did not complete the install.)
4. From Windows Recovery Environment, I chose Windows Complete PC Restore.
5. Inserted Backup image DVD disc1.
6. When it looked for the location of the image it couldn't find it so it fails.

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How Do I Remove The Information From My Image Files In Home Premium X64

Mar 31, 2010

I am using Vista Home Premium SP2 x64 and would like to know. Is there a way to remove all the information under 'properties' in all of my Image/Picture files? I mean date taken, camera used and all that stuff. I tried a solution offered by Doyle Computers for Vista but no luck.

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Home Premium System Backup?

Jun 5, 2008

My Vista Home premium doesn't offer Complete PC backup, and in any case I am not so sure I miss that facility?. What I want is some means to create a CD or DVD from which I can boot my machine and in case I need it reinstall my Vista with all upgrades that were applied at the time I made that backup. If that backup includes all my installed programs at the time so much the better, but backup of my user data is a separate issue that causes me no problem.

I once experienced a situation with my older XP machine where I had to reinstall Windows XP from the original recovery CD, after which my machine entered a long process of installing all the upgrades that had been issued since my PC was new. That was not "funny". If Vista (Home premium) offers this facility and I have just overlooked it, OK. If there exists some (reputable) third party product that offers it, OK.

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Cannot Backup Pst File Over Home Network

Jun 13, 2008

New Dell PC Running Vista, Office 2007 & Nornton Internet Security ......Am trying to backup Outlook 2007 pst file from one computer to another on our network. I can copy and paste any other file from the originating computer to the destination folder without a problem. (Sharing is enabled.)But I cannot use the Outlook backup procedure, nor can I simply copy the pst file and paste it to the destination folder over the network.

When I attempt a backup or a copy/paste (with Outlook closed) I get the same reaction. The "wheels turn" for about 60seconds then an error message pops up saying "There is a problem accessing [path and pst file name]". I checked Task Manager and verified Outlook.exe is not open. Some how it is glued in place. But I can copy/paste it to a folder on the same machine. I just can't move it over the network. I posted a description of this issue on the Outlook forum but no one has come up with a solution.

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Unable To Run Backup As Reports No Space

Sep 10, 2008

I have an external Seagate 400 Gb drive I use for Backups, using the Vista Ultimate Backup. Have made total backup and then daily backups of files that have altered. All of a sudden the backups are failing despite there being 200 Gb free. It fails at unable to create shadow copy insufficient space.

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Unable To Make Backup Due To Security?

Jul 12, 2008

I try to make a back of my files I get an error. I am an admin and have allowed administrators to make backups. I have done everything i can think of and nothing will change this stupid error.

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Unable To Change Backup Settings

Mar 24, 2008

I am having problems backing up using Vista Home Premium. For some reason I am unable to change my backup settings to enable me to save to anything other than my "D" drive. Ideally I would like to save to the "C" on my PC but when trying to do so I get the following text. File backup could not save your automatic backup settings for the following reasons: Your backup configuration is not valid. Review your backup settings (0x81000029)

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Customize Backup With Home Premium Edition?

May 18, 2008

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium and am encountering a problem using Microsoft's own Automatic Backup. I have been using running backups weekly now for many months with no problems. Except for the initial full backup, this weekly backup has only taken approx. 20-30% of a DVD. However, since I have fully installed "The Orange Box," my weekly backup now takes 2 full DVD's.

Even though, backup does NOT backup any temp files & does NOT back up programs, I am forced to do such a big backup because this gaming software does constant updates whenever I go online. I don't want or need to backup these game settings and updates, but I can't see any way to tell my backup software to ignore these files. The only solution I have for now is to disable automatic backups.

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Warranty Repair And Backup For Vista Home Premium (VHP)

Jan 18, 2009

Notebook going in for warranty servicing, replacement of fan.

I wish to store VHP system and Vista setup information on an external HDD.

Has anyone found a freeware or workaround to allow me to save and then restore my Vista settings and programs to a new default install of Vista?

I understand when my notebook is returned with a new fan, VHP will be at factory default status.

Files, documents and the like will already be on a backup HDD via Sync Toy 2.0.

Am more concerned about the Vista setup and other aspects such as Windows Mail. Contacts, Windows Calendar, etc.

Will I have to reinstall all my programs and the like?

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Upgrade Home Premium To Windows 7 And Full Backup

Jan 1, 2010

My subject on this posting may be misleading. I am actually looking for a reliable full backup solution so that I can perform the upgrade with some confidence that I won't lose everything. Vista Home Premium (also Home Basic) does not include Complete PC Backup. (It was a surprise to me too!) I need a full/complete backup solution. Otherwise, the restore task is piecemeal... and very cumbersome to do and contemplate.

Should I purchase backup software? Disk imaging software? Recommendations? I purchased a sizeable disk drive and can connect it with usb. Does the Windows 7 upgrade have any options to perform the needed backup? Not likely I imagine.

Does Windows 7 Home Premium have the same defect of no Complete PC Backup or equivalent Yeah, I think it's a bad defect! This must be the first OS without a full backup solution! Or am I missing something?

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