Home Premium System Backup?

Jun 5, 2008

My Vista Home premium doesn't offer Complete PC backup, and in any case I am not so sure I miss that facility?. What I want is some means to create a CD or DVD from which I can boot my machine and in case I need it reinstall my Vista with all upgrades that were applied at the time I made that backup. If that backup includes all my installed programs at the time so much the better, but backup of my user data is a separate issue that causes me no problem.

I once experienced a situation with my older XP machine where I had to reinstall Windows XP from the original recovery CD, after which my machine entered a long process of installing all the upgrades that had been issued since my PC was new. That was not "funny". If Vista (Home premium) offers this facility and I have just overlooked it, OK. If there exists some (reputable) third party product that offers it, OK.

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Customize Backup With Home Premium Edition?

May 18, 2008

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium and am encountering a problem using Microsoft's own Automatic Backup. I have been using running backups weekly now for many months with no problems. Except for the initial full backup, this weekly backup has only taken approx. 20-30% of a DVD. However, since I have fully installed "The Orange Box," my weekly backup now takes 2 full DVD's.

Even though, backup does NOT backup any temp files & does NOT back up programs, I am forced to do such a big backup because this gaming software does constant updates whenever I go online. I don't want or need to backup these game settings and updates, but I can't see any way to tell my backup software to ignore these files. The only solution I have for now is to disable automatic backups.

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Warranty Repair And Backup For Vista Home Premium (VHP)

Jan 18, 2009

Notebook going in for warranty servicing, replacement of fan.

I wish to store VHP system and Vista setup information on an external HDD.

Has anyone found a freeware or workaround to allow me to save and then restore my Vista settings and programs to a new default install of Vista?

I understand when my notebook is returned with a new fan, VHP will be at factory default status.

Files, documents and the like will already be on a backup HDD via Sync Toy 2.0.

Am more concerned about the Vista setup and other aspects such as Windows Mail. Contacts, Windows Calendar, etc.

Will I have to reinstall all my programs and the like?

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Upgrade Home Premium To Windows 7 And Full Backup

Jan 1, 2010

My subject on this posting may be misleading. I am actually looking for a reliable full backup solution so that I can perform the upgrade with some confidence that I won't lose everything. Vista Home Premium (also Home Basic) does not include Complete PC Backup. (It was a surprise to me too!) I need a full/complete backup solution. Otherwise, the restore task is piecemeal... and very cumbersome to do and contemplate.

Should I purchase backup software? Disk imaging software? Recommendations? I purchased a sizeable disk drive and can connect it with usb. Does the Windows 7 upgrade have any options to perform the needed backup? Not likely I imagine.

Does Windows 7 Home Premium have the same defect of no Complete PC Backup or equivalent Yeah, I think it's a bad defect! This must be the first OS without a full backup solution! Or am I missing something?

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System Lockup Installing Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

I am assembling a new computer with an ASUS M2A-VM Mother Board. I have installed SATA CD Drive & SATA Maxtor 330gb HD. The installation goes normal until the screen and mouse completly lockup during the "Completing Installation" phase when it is about 3/4's complete after the message"Please wait while Windows Prepares to Start for the First Time". The "Green"progress bar moves across the bottom goes about 3/4's across then stops. I have waited for hours & hours nothing happens but lockup. I have attempted about 12 times after checking thourghly the BIOS settings and installation. I have read some problems have occurred with ATI SB600 chip set which the Motherboard has.

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Home Premium 64 OEM (System Builders) Question

Jun 15, 2009

If I replace my hard drive will I still be able to use the activation key that was provided with my OEM copy when I go to reinstall it? I'm assuming the key is tied to the motherboard or cpu, so as long as they remain the same I should be good with the key I have, right???

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Install SP1 On Vista Home Premium System Manually?

Jun 3, 2008

Windows Update has not yet installed SP1 on my Vista Home Premium system. Should I install it manually?

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System Restore Failure In Vist Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried restoring my HP laptop a few times with System Restore using different checkpoints and the same error message comes up afterward. Sytem Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. I've tried using a few different restore points but this just comes up again afterward. I can't find anything addressing this problem;

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Is There A "real" Backup Program In 64-bit Vista Home Premium?

Mar 17, 2009

Is there a "real" backup program in 64-bit Vista Home Premium? One where I can select the files and folders important to us? All I can find on this HP computer is a simplistic backup that has me checking boxes for things like "pictures" and "documents." That won't do, as there are other folders with data that require backing up. And, how would I do a disaster recovery backup?

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Windows Vista Home Premium SP2: Remove System Sounds?

Jul 29, 2009

I just removed Ipswitch's WS_FTP 2007, but the system sounds associated with the program did not uninstall with it. How do I manually remove the system sounds in Control Panel? Windows Vista Home Premium SP2

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Fresh Installation Of Vista Home Premium Freezes System Randomly

Mar 23, 2008

After a fresh installation of Vista Home Premium, my pc freezes randomly. If i decide to wait it out it magically unfreezes but this is a constant habit. It leaves the pc clock frozen at the time of the freeze. Suprisingly it lets me play full screen games but nothing else. Reinstalled multiple times, downloaded all updates with no change. Perhaps my motherboard isnt compatible? or my graphics card is just dumb?

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Home Premium 32 Bit Disc: It Doesn't Give The Options To Format Or Which Hdd To Install System On

Sep 4, 2008

i bought this acer PC and i hate the recovery disc. i have a cd key on the side of my case. Can't i borow a Vista home premium 32bit disc and use the cd key on the side of my case because i H8 recovery disc's. it doesn't give the options to format or which hdd to install system on

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Install Adobe Reader On My Vista Home Premium (SP-2) System, Encountered Numerous "privilege"

Jan 10, 2010

Trying to install Adobe reader on my Vista Home Premium (SP-2) system, I encountered numerous "privilege" problems. UAC is disabled, I R-Clicked on the installer and selected "Run as Administrator". The installation was interrupted numerous times, saying the installer lacked privileges to write to various different folders, mostly under the Program Data folder, and also in the Start Menu folder. On each occasion, I had to open Explorer, R-Click on the folder in question, and "Take Ownership" of it. I am the sole user of this system, so if I don't own the folders, who the hell does? My account is an administrator account.

This turned what should have been an uneventful 15 minute long procedure into an hour long hassle. Is there ANY way to get rid of this ownership nonsense so I don't have to go through this every time I install something? I thought disabling UAC was supposed to solve this problem. Unlike many, I'm not a real Vista basher, but this privilege/ownership business just has to go if you ask me.

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Complete PC Backup Of My System Onto An External USB HDD Using The Backup Facility In VISTA Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I did a complete PC backup of my system onto an external USB HDD using the backup facility in VISTA Ultimate. When I went to do a complete PC restore I am told form the Help info on VISTA Ultimate to restart my computer, push F8 and choose the 'repair' option to run the restore. WHen I do this I get the safe mode options, debugging mode etc etc but there is no 'repair' mode. How do I get to the repair mode??

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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System Restore, System Backup (Error Code 1068)

Oct 26, 2008

I wish the ****ing dumbass companies wouldnt preload computers with useless trials and dumb****. Ever since this computerwas purchased, I've had more problems than Lindsay Lohan had with DUI and drugs.

Holy ****. Games, Personalization, System Restore, System Backup (Error code 1068), User Accounts, and Windows Update. They show up, and then they dissapear right away. Any help please? Virusscan'd with AVG, tested hardware, it's clean, I dont know whats wrong.

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Wont Backup With Acronis Home

Feb 18, 2009

Anyone come across this problem before? I have Windows Vista Ultimate on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop. I installed Acronis Home (recent version, 10 I think). Made a backup without issue. Restored the backup without issue. Problem is I want to now make a new backup again. I cannot get the system to backup any more. It gets to the point where it is about to start the backup and just sits there.

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Cannot Backup Pst File Over Home Network

Jun 13, 2008

New Dell PC Running Vista, Office 2007 & Nornton Internet Security ......Am trying to backup Outlook 2007 pst file from one computer to another on our network. I can copy and paste any other file from the originating computer to the destination folder without a problem. (Sharing is enabled.)But I cannot use the Outlook backup procedure, nor can I simply copy the pst file and paste it to the destination folder over the network.

When I attempt a backup or a copy/paste (with Outlook closed) I get the same reaction. The "wheels turn" for about 60seconds then an error message pops up saying "There is a problem accessing [path and pst file name]". I checked Task Manager and verified Outlook.exe is not open. Some how it is glued in place. But I can copy/paste it to a folder on the same machine. I just can't move it over the network. I posted a description of this issue on the Outlook forum but no one has come up with a solution.

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Install 64 Home Premium

Jun 12, 2009

Can anybody tell me How can I install vista 64 home premium?

I have xp 32 bit on my computer, and I used the upgrade advice manager from Microsoft, and it tells me my system is compatible with vista. Thank you for any help you can provide, and this is my system info....

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Upgrading Home Premium To SP1

May 17, 2008

I suddenly notice a lot of references to SP1 for Vista. I have stopped updates on my Vista Home Premium, after it killed my WinMail. I uninstalled upto KB 933928, and disabled updates. It is working fine, but I found AVG offering me AVG 8.0, which refused to install saying my Vista is not updated ( after downloading 80MB twice !! !&*()^%$$). How do I get to SP1? Just install all updates from MS? Will my WinMail survive? Or will I be forced to shift to XP Outlook? There is a lot of flak meant for Vista, but my system is very stable ( touch wood and everything else)
Request MVP advice.

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Home Premium 32 Bit Is Not Booting HDD

May 8, 2009

last Sunday(may 3rd 2009) i updated my bios (unfortunately). problem is, vista (Home Premium 32 bit which i used when problem occurs) is not booting my HDD. after showing my bios screen black screen appears with blinking cursor. i removed and inserted bios jumper for recovery and also battery. but the problem didn't solved. fortunately windows xp is working without problem. now iam using XP professional. i dont know whats the problem.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Got Ntdll.dll

May 5, 2009

I've just got this Error for a few days and tried so many ways to solve it, but it seems to be useless.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: patcher_1.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49055f74
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a783
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00023592
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 1573
Additional Information 2: 8174477e3f239fdb2eb28590ffa32700
Additional Information 3: f1c9
Additional Information 4: f7c0aa8817dca409d416936c036f5b41

On the first day, i tried to reinstall windows and install this software again. [ Still that error]. The next nay, i tried to install this software on my laptop. [ Still it]. And after checking CMD, i tried on both of mine. [ still it ] The last day, tried to download that software again and reinstall it. [ still the same ] i spent 3 days to find out what's going on! But nothing's gonna change or be better!

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No Sound On 64 Home Premium

Jan 31, 2008

No sound issue was solved by my finally uninstalling the driver (convenant) and reinstalling an older one. The problem did start after making alot of updates, one of which was for the Convexant driver. Jan 6 or later so I used one from Dec. Voila!

Haven't seen anyone else using this driver (the other two are Bluetooths) so wonder if it sucks and if I should be using somethng else for this system??

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Re-Installation Of Home Premium (32 Bit)

Jun 16, 2008

I am facing problems with the registry of the OS. When I install new software, I get some unusual error messages pointing to registry. When I try to uninstall old software, it leaves traces of the software even on the Start up Menu.

Can I do a format of the entire hard disk, reinstall Vista Home Premium (32 bit) again ?? Will it consider my old license or do I need to purchase an additional license ?

If I do a clean installation of the entire OS, what will be the case for Microsoft Office Student Edition 2003 ? Will it consume additional license if I clean install it?

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Upgrading 32 Bit Home Premium To 64 Bit

Mar 26, 2008

When I put the 64 bit install disk in, it goes through the usual install process. I entered the product key from my 32 bit box, and continued. The install then fails as it says it cannot find an authorised disk to install on. My 32 bit Vista is fully activated, so I am not sure how to get around this.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Really Slow?

Mar 23, 2008

What am I doing wrong? What have I missed? just double clicking on a icon seams to take ages to draw on screen. Do I need to switch things off?

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AVG Free 8, Home Premium SP1 And IE7

May 8, 2008

Installed Free AVG 8 here today on two systems - Vista Home Premium SP1 and XP SP3 with IE7.

On the Vista machine, the installation of AVG 8 broke IE7 in opening a second window - it just hung until the "not responding" message appeared.I tried installing AVG without the surfsearch function, and without the Linkscanner module - still couldn't open a second window in IE. Uninstalling of AVG 8 cured the problem.

The installation on XP SP3 with IE7 had no effect at all. IE7 behaved perfectly normally.
Anyone seen this, and is there a fix?

(The reason I went for AVG is that it picked up a virus on my XP machine

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Home Premium And The JDK And Asp.net Runtimes

Jun 3, 2009

I'm think of buying a new laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium as the operating system (I wasusing Windows XP).

Q1: Can I install the Java Development kit on top of this? Is itm stable?

Q2: Can I install the ASP.NET runtime environment on top of this also?Is it stable?

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Home Premium Activation

May 20, 2008

When I purchased Vista Home Premium Upgrade a year ago, I upgraded from XP and did a "clean install" that allowed me to wipe my C drive and start from scratch. I did a 2nd clean install a week ago to start over again after experiencing slow response and wanting to start fresh. I'm now getting an activation notice and when I enter the code, I'm told this version cannot be used for a clean install and that I have to purchase another license. Who can I contact to resolve this issue as I paid for the Vista upgrade and the 1st install a year ago went just fine with no activiation issues?

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Activating Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

The other day I used the format option to install Vista. I then did an upgrade and entered my key code but I believe the software hasn't been activated even though I chose activate automatically. When I try to activate it it gives me an error saying the code is for upgrade (which I did).Is there a way I can find out if it has been activated? If not where do I find other options to activate it.

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