Acronis 11 Backup

Jul 2, 2008

I down loaded the Acronis 11 backup software for my Western Digital 1TB
external hard drive. I have an internal drive with Windows. 750GB. And a 1TB
internal drive with several partitions in it. I did a custom install. Could
someone who is familiar with backups please walk me through making a boot
disc, and explain how to back up to me.

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Wont Backup With Acronis Home

Feb 18, 2009

Anyone come across this problem before? I have Windows Vista Ultimate on a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop. I installed Acronis Home (recent version, 10 I think). Made a backup without issue. Restored the backup without issue. Problem is I want to now make a new backup again. I cannot get the system to backup any more. It gets to the point where it is about to start the backup and just sits there.

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Acronis True Image Home 2009 Unable To Backup

May 12, 2009

My saga with Acromis True Image continues. I have successfully installed it on my fairly new Vista PC and found a way of creating and using a rescue disc by adjusting the bootup sequence of the drives. I now find that each time I try to do a backup to my Buffalo external HDD - reformatted to NTFS - I get the error message "Failed to execute the task - Error #1364 - A specified authentication package is unknown (0xFFF0)"

Acronis web support say I should edit the registry as a registry entry is missing in the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa. This surprised me as my PC is not on a network. This is covered in You may not be able to connect to a remote server, the Workstation service may stop, and you may receive an "Error 1364" error message in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows Small Business Server 2003........

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Acronis Restore: Print Them And Store Them In My Acronis Installation CD

Feb 9, 2009

Has anyone out there actually restored an iamge of their hard drive using Acronis. Exactly what steps did you take to do that? I'll print them and store them in my Acronis Installation CD.

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- Can You Partition Within Like Acronis Can ?

Apr 12, 2008

Wondering if i go Vista do i need acronis to split my drive up ?

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Acronis 11 Work With 64?

Dec 4, 2007

I have acronis 11 on xp pro and was wondering if anyone knows if acronis 11 will work on vista 64? I am in contact with them now but have not heard back yet.

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Acronis Disk Imaging

Feb 16, 2009

I cannot get Acronis Home Image 2009, Ghost 14.0 or Windows Vista Ultimate PC Computer Complete Restore to run properly.

With Acronis, I can create an image file just fine. Restoring from that image is another thing, however. Early in the restore process (booting into Acronis) I get an error message, "Unable To Load Linux Kernal". I have not recieved an answer from my request at Acronis. Furious I went out and bought Norton Ghost 14.0. Same deal. created an image ok but could not restore. Norton said I needed to contact HP to get the following drivers: AMD AHCI Compatible Raid Controller Driver; Wan Miniport (SSTP); and AMD Raid Console. I called HP, they sent me back to Norton. So on, and so on.

They had a sale at Best Buy, and I upgraded to Vista Ultimate so I could do the Windows Restore. Same DARN deal... made a computer back up fine could not restore. I had created the image (From Ultimate) on a USB 1 Terabyte hard drive. Windows couldn't find it. Somehow I worked around that and did manage to find the image file. When I tryed to restore I got an error message, "The Windows Complete PC Restore Operation Failed. Error Details:

The Parameter Is Incorrect (0x80070057).

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Acronis Software Comment

Jun 20, 2009

A week or so ago I requested information on how to upgrade a laptop hard drive and was given the recommendation to use Acronis software, which I could download and test for free.

Fair warning - the documentation was not all that hot - it took quite a while to find the clone disk command under Utilities, since the documentation, over 100 pages, did not seem to mention this. I first tried the backup and restore approach which took many hours but in the end failed.

But worst of all when I discovered the clone disk command it allowed me to clone my hard drive to an external drive in preparation for cloning it back to the new hard drive, a process that took a couple of hours. However, when you attempt to clone the external copy back to the new hard drive you get a message saying that the trial copy is not really the complete software as seemed to be stated at download, but an abridged version which will not let you do complete the process.

I believe that Acronis is misleading users at its website by saying you are downloading a 15 day full version of the software. I can express a certain amount of anger having waste 3/4 of a day attempting to use the software, when if they had chosen to be upfront I could have made a choice about buying it or not.

I do appreciate the those of you who recommended the software, but I want you to be aware of this questionable practice. I have been a Excel MVP for many years, and I can assure you that the general public would become extremely angry if they downloaded the full version of Office 2007 (with a 60 day trial period!) and it wouldn't do many of the things the regular version does.

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Acronis True Image 11?

Sep 23, 2008

States it is Vista Compatible. Has anyone used it and if so what is your impression.

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Acronis TrueImage Vs Norton Ghost

Jun 5, 2008

This note it intended to assist those who wish to use either of the subject programs in the same fashion I do. I have extensive experience with Acronis version 10, initial release and build 9042 and version 11 build 8035. Also experienced with Norton Ghost version 10 and version 12. Both products are good. I choose not to use the Acronis products because executing scheduled backup tasks with validation for 4 systems would take about 9 hours and 20 minutes using Acronis TrueImage whereas the same tasks using Norton Ghost would take about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

I back up four systems to an external drive on a regular basis. Each backup is a full image of a system. Each backup is validated. Each system backs up to a different directory on an external drive. I keep 6 backups for each system. All backups are scheduled overnight on the same night. The drive is attached locally to a Vista system and 3 XP systems back up to it's directory via a LAN. The back up time for the 4 systems are about 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Validating the backups take roughly the same time as does the backup. These times are about the same for all the products.

The time difference (9 hrs 20 min vs 2 hrs 40 min) is due to what I consider a flaw in the scheduled validation process of the Acronis products. When executing a scheduled backup with validation, the Acronis products validate every backup on the backup location. The first backup of 10 minutes and 6 validations of 10 minutes each takes about 1 hr 10 min. The second backup of 20 minutes and 6 validations takes about 2 hrs and 20 min. The same time needed for the third backup. The 4th backup of 30 min and 6 validations takes about 3 hrs 30 min. A total of about 9 hrs 20 mins.

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Outlook 2007 Recovery By Image Using Acronis

Aug 24, 2009

I am having to rebuild my computer (long story). On the old system I have a backup image using Acronis but when I restore using the backup image and boot I get a BSOD. I was able to restore the image to an external drive and I can connect to my laptop via USB/eSATA and see everything on the drive. The new system is up and running, and I can access what used to be my old 'C' drive. Here's the situation that I need help with: I was (and will be) using Office Outlook 2007 as my email client. I've been able to recover most of my outlook stuff, what I have not been able to recover is

My email accounts - I had about 10 and with a bit of pain I can recover them. My rules - I had about 200 and only with a LOT of pain and time will I be able to recovery them. Any advice (instructions at the dummy level would be welcome) as to how I can recover my email accounts and rules (especially my rules).

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Acronis True Image Rescue Disc

May 10, 2009

I have purchased a boxed Acronis True Image Home 2009. Installed it on my fairly new PC running on Vista (with all the updates) Home Premium and registered and updated the software with Acronis. I have immersed myself in the Acronis User Manual until I was ready to go. I used the True Image wizard to create a bootable rescue disc. Placed the disc in my PC's combo DVD/CD Rom/RW drive. There is the usual whirring noise and the Windows Explorer pane opens up showing a restore manager folder containing 7 files (no .exe file) then more 'gravel' noise and after waiting for ten minutes absolute silence and nothing more happened. Assumtion: the disc is not bootable.

I made several more rescue discs and tried to run them several ways including starting up the PC with the disc in the drive. That opens up Windows in the usual way but no disc boot up! Acronis web support have sent me a link to download an ISO file of the True Image software which I have downloaded and burnt the ISO image file to CD. But this still will not boot up. Not sure where to go from here? This is the brand-leader in backup/cloning software and a near-new PC. Is there something I have overlooked? Have I got to go 'messing' with my PC's BIOS - not keen on that??

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Creating Back Up Using Acronis True Image

Mar 26, 2008

i dont have a windows disc (one was not supplied when pc purchased) and i had a few problems booting up windows, i managed to sort it but i am paranoid now incase it happens again as i don't have a boot disc so the above sounds perfect, but i don't have a clue where to start.

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Acronis Backups Burned To DVDs Won't Recognize

Oct 20, 2008

I use Acronis True Image 11 for backing up, all from the bootable CD, I don't have Acronis installed. After creating an image I verify it with Acronis. I also like to burn the image to DVDs and verify them on DVD also. When I burn them to DVDs with Vista, Acronis wont recognize them to verify or restore. If I burn them with Nero Acronis will verify them and can restore them. Any images burned to DVDs would already have been verified while on the HD before burning to DVDs. Any body know what the difference is between burning them with Nero verses Vista in relation to Acronis not recognizing the images burned to DVDs by Vista?

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Acronis True Image, Backing Up& Had 2 Blue Screen Crashes

Mar 23, 2009

I have used true image a number of times & have had good results.I recently tried backing up& had 2 blue screen crashes.I had installed virtual pc just before this and was wondering if true image can't backup a hdd with virtual pc installed or is it Vista ?If it is because of vpc how am I going to backup my hdd without installing vpc ?

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Disk Management Vs Acronis, Move The Entire User Folder

Mar 26, 2008

Recently replaced an ACER factory load with a clean install of VISTA Home Preimum. My HD has 3 partitions C (228gb), D (227gb), and hidden (9gb). Would like to get rid of the hidden (ACER factory load ). My HD is 500 GB and my total use is 51 GB on C. Would it make sense to create 3 partitions C (small) for Vista and applications, D (small) for data and E (whats left) for whatever.

Is it possible / pratical to move the entire User folder to D or would this actually cause more future trouble than it is worth. Can any of this be done with Disk Management (when I right click on the hidden I get no options) or is a third party solution required ? Or should I just leave well enough alone

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Complete PC Backup Of My System Onto An External USB HDD Using The Backup Facility In VISTA Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I did a complete PC backup of my system onto an external USB HDD using the backup facility in VISTA Ultimate. When I went to do a complete PC restore I am told form the Help info on VISTA Ultimate to restart my computer, push F8 and choose the 'repair' option to run the restore. WHen I do this I get the safe mode options, debugging mode etc etc but there is no 'repair' mode. How do I get to the repair mode??

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Can Vista Backup Be Set To Continue The Existing Backup Onto An Additional Drive

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 720GB internal drive that I've maxed out with automated weekly backups. I have another drive with a lot of space, and my question is, can Vista backup be set to continue the existing backup onto an additional drive. In other words, the backup files would be spread over two drives?

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HP Easy Backup : When Pressed Runs A HP Backup Application

Jul 2, 2008

I have a HP M9200t running Home premium 64 bit that has a "HP Easy Backup" button on the front panel. When pressed, it runs a HP backup application.

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Complete Backup (Disk Image) To Backup

Jan 15, 2010

I always use vista complete backup (Disk Image) to backup both my hard disks, but I am a bit confused as to the restore options. Basically, I have a sneaky suspition that one of the drives is going to fail in the near future, so I backup quite regularly, but when I replace it, I want to get a bigger drive, as it's only a 150gig raptor, and I really would prefer a 500 or 1TB 7200rpm drive for storage.

Can vista restore the files I backed up on D: (the 150gig) to a new D: which would be a large disk ? If it can, could I also do the same for C: which is where vista is located? If that doesn't work,

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Windows Mail Folders: Backup Mail, Not Using Vista Backup

Feb 15, 2009

I've moved from Outlook Express on my XP desktop to Windows mail on my Vista laptop. I plan on moving to Outlook on both computers, but not until I get this folder thing straightened out. I was able to import my OE mail into Windows Mail ok. Then I had a hard drive failure on my laptop. I had backed up my mail files and I was able to restore my Windows Mail ok.

I had several "Recovered Folders", but they included everything. I moved all of my folders out of the recovered folders and placed them once more under the Inbox. Then I deleted the empty recovered folders.

Now I want to backup my mail, not using the Vista backup, but with a third party. So when I go into my Windows Mail folder in Windows Explorer, I find all of the "recovered folders" are still there. Now they're listed as Local Folders. I can't find the configuration of my folders as I see them in Windows mail at all. I have a "Backup" folder with a "new" folder inside of it with a windows file that is unopenable.

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USB Or HDD As Backup

Aug 17, 2009

Of course is space limitted, but suppose that will do it as backup.Is the quality as good on an USB stick as on an external HDD?

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Defrag Backup?

Jun 26, 2008

I save entire disk images to a second internal hard drive that is partitioned just for backing up entire images of my primary hard drive.

Windows analyzed and suggests defragging but should I defrag the backups? The suggestion to defrag is not for my primary hard drive.

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Backup And Recovery

Mar 8, 2010

I'm concerned my system may crash and I have no back up and recovery disk or Vista installation disk. I was told I could order one from the manufacturer but I'm wondering if there is a way to create one after setup. I have a XP Home Edition I suppose I could use but I would rather create a Vista backup, if possible.

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How To Delete Backup?

Dec 24, 2009

I kept on getting a bootmgr message so I just reverted back to Vista Home premium 64-bit and I only have 191 GB free of 580 GB. I believe most of it is in the backup in C drive but I can't delete any of it. Its keep saying "This folder is shared with other people. If you delete this folder, it will no longer be shared. Continue" and when I click continue it says the same thing. Then when I click continue again it says "destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action". How do I delete it?

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Best Backup (to DVD Or Ext. HD) Software?

Aug 23, 2008

Since I didn't go with Vista 64-bit Ultimate, I'm just wondering what the best software is out there to backup an image of my PC to DVD or hard disc is? I would like to have a nice backup of Vista that I can easily use instead of reinstalling Vista every time. What is the best software out there to do this?

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How Can I Delete An Old Backup?

Jan 2, 2009

I use an external hard drive for backups, and I back up once a week. One of the old backups allows the restoration of a document that I want permanently deleted from my system. I wanted to delete the backup for that date to eliminate that possibility, and I deleted the backup's folder in the external hard drive (disk F, but Vista's "Backup and Restore Center" still allows the backup for that date and the restoration of the file I want permanently deleted. I can't find the backup's folder in Windows.

How can I delete the old backup from Vista's "Backup and Restore Center"? If that's not possible, how can I prevent the restoration of the file I want permanently deleted?

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Best Way To Backup

Dec 9, 2009

What is the best way to back-up msg's. and contacts from WindowsMail (Vista) to either a usb flash drive or to an external hd? I found an explanation on a website and will post it here if asked, but it seemed a little too involved.

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Restore From Backup Help

Sep 29, 2009

i, being a bit new to pc and being more comfortable with macs managed to mess up my machine so bad i had to re-install windows.

I am now wishing to restore one of my backups to restore my system to its original state.

When i go to the backup and restore section in the cp i am not able to restore from a backup and am told the bacup disk cannot be found.

I really need that backup cos i had all my music, photos, programs(i hope) in that backup.

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Full PC Backup

Mar 5, 2010

I have a dual boot system with W7 on a second HDD. I am trying to make a full PC Backup without backing up my W7 disk (because it fails the backup). The second HDD is checked in the backup settings screen, but greyed out, so I cannot uncheck it. It is not checked for file backup.

How do I exclude this disk from the Full PC Backup?

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How Can System Backup

Apr 13, 2009

i would like to know if i do a system backup does it only backup personal files such as music, pictures,documents,etc how about my programs, such as shurething label maker and other programs that i purchased on line but did not receive a cd for,

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