ALERT: Disk Encryption May Not Be Secure Enough

Mar 23, 2008

You may have already heard about or read about this story. If so, this is not for you. For those people in positions where privacy can mean the life or death of a career or even a person, listen up. "Computer scientists have discovered a novel way to bypass the encryption used in programs like Microsoft's BitLocker and Apple's FileVault and then view the contents of supposedly secure files.

In a paper (PDF) published Thursday that could prompt a rethinking of how to protect sensitive data, the researchers describe how they can extract the contents of a computer's memory and discover the secret encryption key used to scramble files. (I tested these claims by giving them a MacBook with FileVault; here's a slideshow.)

"There seems to be no easy remedy for these vulnerabilities," the researchers say. "Simple software changes are likely to be ineffective; hardware changes are possible but will require time and expense; and today's Trusted Computing technologies appear to be of little help because they cannot protect keys that are already in memory. The risk seems highest for laptops, which are often taken out in public in states that are vulnerable to our attacks. These risks imply that disk encryption on laptops may do less good than widely believed.

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Encryption Disabled

Oct 9, 2008

I have just added a new router on my computer. I am still having trouble with a laptop upstairs. On the laptop utility card it says encryption disabled. Is this a problem with my computer or their laptop? If it is what can I do? I just had my system crash and had it fixed at Future Shop. Everything works fine but the upstairs computer.

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Free Encryption Software For X64

Apr 8, 2009

I'm looking for a free and simple encryption program to use on my new machine. I was using Kruptos 2 on my XP machine, but it doesn't work in Vista X64. Is there ANTYHING good our there? I've looked for about an hour and a half without success. I don't want a trial offer.

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How Delete File Encryption Certificate?

Mar 29, 2008

I've been looking at the Manage your file encryption certificates and can not find a way to delete my certificate by simply clicking a delete button I guess user have to do this manually. how exactly do i delete File encryption Certificate?

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Turn Off BitLocker Drive Encryption

Apr 15, 2008

How can I confirm that BitLocker is indeed turned off? Microsoft provides the instructions below, but this is after it has been on. I see no BitLocker options under Control Panel, Scenario 5: Turning off BitLocker Drive Encryption Scenario 5 describes how to turn off BitLocker Drive Encryption and decrypt the volume. The procedure is the same for all BitLocker Drive Encryption configurations on TPM-equipped computers and computers without a compatible TPM. When you turn off BitLocker, you can choose to either disable BitLocker temporarily, or to decrypt the drive. Disabling BitLocker allows TPM changes and operating system upgrades. Decrypting the drive means that the volume will once again be readable, and that all the keys are discarded. Once a volume is decrypted, you must generate new keys by going through the encryption process again.

Before you start You must be logged on as an administrator. The drive must be encrypted. To turn off BitLocker Drive Encryption Click Start, click Control Panel, click Security, and then clickBitLocker Drive Encryption. From the BitLocker Drive Encryption screen, find the volume on which you want BitLocker Drive Encryption turned off, and click Turn Off BitLocker Drive Encryption. From the What level of decryption do you wantdialog box, click either Disable BitLocker Drive Encryption or Decrypt the volume as needed. By completing this procedure, you have decrypted the operating system volume.

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Use BitLocker Drive Encryption Without TPM Chip

Mar 27, 2007

Windows Vista includes a new hard drive encryption feature called BitLocker Drive Encryption. BitLocker can be a very useful security feature for businesses and home users that have sensitive and confidential information stored on their computer.  Unfortunately, BitLocker Drive Encryption by default requires a Trusted Platform Module (TPM Chip) version 1.2 or later installed in your computer. A lot of the computers and laptops on the market do not come with TPM chips installed since they are typically only found in premium model business computers.  If you have Windows Vista Business, Ultimate or Enterprise but do not have a TPM chip, you can still use BitLocker Drive Encryption.

Hidden away in local group policy is a setting that will allow you to turn on the ability to use a USB storage device instead of a TPM key to store the encryption key.  This is a great feature for users that don't have the latest high-end hardware because you can still use hard drive encryption.  However, every time you turn on your computer, the USB storage device that has the encryption key located on it must be plugged in. Without it, your computer will not boot up.  One BitLocker Drive Encryption is setup with a USB storage device, that USB storage device basically becomes the key to your computer.
Follow these steps to turn on the ability to use a USB storage device with BitLocker Drive Encryption on hardware that does not have a TPM device:

Click on the Start Button and key in gpedit.msc and hit Enter....

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Sep 20, 2009

I am getting an alert about opening an rtf attachment from my email. I have
never had a problem like this before. I have always been able to open them
and see the text and pictures. It is also happening when I save the
attachment to a file on my hard drive.
Here is the alert:
This doucment contains code that your Security Settings do not allow, so it
might not display correctly.

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Lost Encryption Keys: How To Recover Files?

Jul 5, 2008

My PC crashed, forcing a reload. I had stored some files in an encrypted folder on a separate partition. Like a bonehead, I didn't save the keys before the crash. Is there anyway I can get to the file contents?

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Windows Mail Encryption And Digital Signature

Feb 6, 2009

When I want to send an email, it tells me that the message won't be encrypted and that it doesn't have a digital signature for my outgoing mail or the recipient of my email. My question is this: how do I get this and is it necessary?

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Recurring Security Alert

Jul 15, 2009

This morning my computer started issuing security alerts notifying me that the firewall was off as was the malware. I turn the firewall on but under the malware section it indicates that it is reporting to the security centre in a format that is no longer supported. It also has a little Not Compatible icon to the right of the malware icon on the left. Once the firewall is turned on and the malware turns from red to yellow when we turn it on the shield in the bottom right of the screen goes yellow for a while but eventually it goes red again and I am again notified that the firewall is off and the malware is off as well.

I know my subscription is still in effect and according to the system it expires 10/03/2010.

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Windows Security Alert

Sep 19, 2008

On starting up my Dell notebook today I got an alert from Windows Security Center that there were multiple issues with my computers security. When I opened the Security Center Alert it was indicating that my firewall was off and also that it could not detect any anti-virus software on the computer. The computer came with McAfee Security Center and when I open that it indicates that I'm totally protected. It of course has a firewall and anti-virus, etc.

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System Alert About Sypware

Mar 23, 2008

i keep getting a system alert about spyware or a trojan but i have norton 360 installed and up to date and it does not find anything i have also run windows defender wich also finds nothing when i click on the popup box it takes me to a website trying to sell me Win SpyKiller this also happens when i try to open internet explorer when it should open my home page it takes me to the same site.

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SVCHOST.EXE AVG Resident Shield Alert

Jan 6, 2010

Two days ago i downloaded a program(Single file abt 100 kb) and executed it. After execution the program's icon simply disappeared from my desktop!

After that I have been getting resident shield pop-ups which tell me about a new file being created in TEMP directory.

eg: FILE NAME: C:windows empcvnp.tmpsvchost.exe
THREAT NAME: Trojan Horse Clicker.AEIO
Detect on open.

PROCESS NAME: C:windowssystem32svchost.exe .

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Why Am I Suddenly Getting The Windows Security Alert

Jun 28, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium/2GB RAM/Core 2 duo I got this security alert today when I booted. When I open Windows Security Center it shows the problem that Windows Defender and Spyware Doctor are both turned off. That's as it should be and as it has always been. I have BitDefender Internet Security 2009 and it shows "No issue affects your

I used an elevated command to check that WMI and it shows as consistent. So
why did this alert suddenly start showing up?

I know I can turn the alerts off, but I'd much rather find out what caused
this problem and fix it.

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ALERT: UPS Delivery Failure VIRUS

Nov 14, 2008

ALERT: UPS Delivery Failure "VIRUS" PLEASE FORWARD! The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure. You will receive an email from UPS Packet Service along with a packet number. NOTE: The word packet is mis-spelled on this line. It will say that they were un-able to deliver a package sent to you on such and such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. This virus has caused millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.

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Security Center Vista Not Alert Icon

Jun 28, 2008

How do I get Vista to stop annoying me about opening programs either at startup or when I open them manually? I've trying opening the security center and telling Vista not to alert me or display tray icon. But when I start up, I still get a publisher-not-verified warning about a program I want to run. And when I try to open it manually (or another app that contains an internal server), Vista (shield.exe) stops and asks me if I want to run it. If I take the checkmark out of "Always warn about this type of program," it's there's the next time anyway. I'd like to disable all this stuff. How do I go about it?

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Access Internet Getting Windows Security Alert

Jul 29, 2009

Using Vista Home Premium and Internet Explorer 7. When on the internet, I'm getting a popup titled "Windows Security Alert." It says my computer is infected with: It wants me to download a remover from I'm running McAfee Total Protection, but when I do a system scan it says all is OK. I did a system restore, but it comes back later.

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Windows Security Alert, Prompts Username And Password

Jul 29, 2009

I have been trying to send some emails to an instructor, but each time the windows security setting pops up and prompts for my username and password... I have given the correct one each time, but it just phases out and pops back up querying again. Who do I talk to regarding finding out what the username password are>?

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Do You Think Windows 7 Is Secure?

Nov 4, 2009

Now the two *neutered* windroids will reply with their usual lies, straw man arguments and insults. I won't mention their names but their initials are Frank and The Nymshifter.

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IE7 Will Not Go On Secure Sites

Aug 31, 2009

Vista comes with 2 versions of IE 32 bit and 64 bit right so why does the 64 bit version have no problem going on secure sites and yet 32 bit version refuses to do so normally it would not bother me but my Itunes is using the 32 bit version to go to the store (ithink) and i can not sign on to the store to get my music and yes before anyone suggests i have enabled SSL and TTL !

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Secure Protection When Logging On

Aug 4, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Edition on my laptop. What can I do to prevent ANYONE besides myself from logging on? I live with an IT person and he has logged on even though I have never given him my password.

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Secure Superowner Above Admin

Feb 5, 2009

I need to get something straight with the underlying security layers or ermisisions of vista (ultimate). I have created a group SUPERUSER in which I have added my admin user account (NOTE, not administrator but another account with Administrative privileges, i.e. is part of group Administrators).

I have only added this one account to the superuser, and NOT the administrator. Now... This is because I wish that the superuser has a folder lets say where not even the other administrators can access! Question is this: Should I add SYSTEM as well as SuperUser (both with full rights) and remove ALL OTHER GROUPS to this folder.........

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Secure File Deletion

Jun 20, 2008

how about a secure file deletion ap (DoD 7 pass etc) that can be run from the right click contextual menus? Vista Home Premium x64.

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Supposed To Secure Modem?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a modem hooked up to a vonage device hooke up to my desktop. I have great security software to. Are you supposed to secure your modem like you would a wireless routr. I just hooked mine up to my computer and ended it there.

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IE Only Connect To Secure Websites

Apr 20, 2009

I am running windows vista with a wireless connection to the internet. I am unable to surf the web, but surprisingly enough I am able to view secure web sites only. Running IE to access the web. I am at quite a loss here. I have tried disabling firewalls and the like and still no internet. What is strange is that the computer shows that I am fully connected to the internet. Signal strength is good.

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Uninstall F-secure Program

Jan 11, 2010

A friend of mine has installed F-secure anti-virus program on his computer and now he wants to change it to other because.. well it pretty much sucks a lot. It slows down incredibly the machine, and it's with good parameters. So he asked me for help. The installation was long time ago so System Restore is not an option. I know a lot of people have big problems trying to uninstall F-secure. That's why I uninstalled it using Your Uninstaller in the most aggressive way of uninstall. When I tried to install the new one - ESET Smart Security, it showed me a message that F-secure is detected and it should be removed first.

I checked in Program Files and saw F-secure folder with 400 MB info in it. It couldn't be deleted so I went to Safe Mode with Command Prompt and managed to delete the folder. The same message "F-Secure detected". I checked and it's in several other places all over the Windows Folder and Program Data folder... Also it's in so many places in the registry. I don't know how to remove it. Every time i try to delete file in the explorer it shows me that I don't have the permission, and if I try to delete something in the registry it shows me error that it cannot be done or something (yes, i had made back up of the registry(

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Cannot Access Secure Sites (https)

Jul 7, 2008

Vista Home Premium cannot access secure sites (https). Further testing shows IE7 Cipher Strength as 0-bits, but needs to be 128 or 256-bits.

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Secure Browsing Over Public Networks

Dec 7, 2009

When using a public Wi-Fi hotspot or any public network the security and privacy of your data is at risk. Most wireless hotspots do not use any type of encryption which means all your traffic is sent in plain text through the air. Anyone with wireless sniffing tools, which are easily to use and find online, can capture all traffic broadcast between your computer and the access point (AP). Any Web sites you visit and anything submitted on a form such as you e-mail address or contact information that is not protected with HTTPS/SSL can easily be harvested. 

The same is true for most public wired networks that you plug your computer into. While it is not as easy, a network administrator can view all traffic that is not protected with HTTPS/SSL and identify exactly what you are doing on the Internet....

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Cannot Connect To Internet Via Wireless Secure Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have 3 computers in home: 1 is connected via Ethernet to DSL and D-Link wireless router, and is running Vista Home Premium. I can connect to Internet fine on 1.

2 is on my wireless network running XP. It connects to Internet just fine.

3 runs Vista Home Premium, but I cannot connect to the Internet. You can see the wireless network with a strong signal, but the connection is Local. If I remove WPA and make the network unsecured, I can connect to the Internet. If I plug in an Ethernet cable in this computer and into a port on the router, I can connect to the Internet. I checked ipconfig and it shows for the wireless network that there is no default gateway, and the user ID does not show like it does when I run ipconfig with the network unsecured.

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Limited On Secure Network Fine On Unsecured

Mar 25, 2009

One new computer using Vista Home. Installed wireless network card and ran software. Found and established connection to wireless network in the office. Then....I setup the network to be secured, connected with a Win XP computer with no problems using the correct key. Did the same process with the Vista computer, found the network, asked for key, entered correct key and have limited connection. Reset everything on network. Switched back to unsecured and hooked right up. Disabled firewall, the only thing running is McAfee Total Protection, no firewalls.

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IE7 In Business: "Could Not Connect To Eh Secure Web Server

Mar 23, 2008

we have Vista 32 bit installed at my office. We use it for software testing with different O/S and browser configuration purposes only. But I am having a problem browsing internet using IE7. That is in my company whenever we launch any browser we go to one of our secure web server there we enter a useid and password then we get connected to internet.But IE7 is not laucnhing this secure web site. I am getting a message"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". However if I
launch Mozilla then It prompts me to enter the userid, password(which is actually the company id , password given to all associates) then it authenticates us then takes us to the itnernet. Now after doing this step at Mozilla browser my IE7 works. that means In IE7 there is soemthing that is blocking us to go this website. Also when I type this url in IE7 by myself I am getting this error "Could not connect to eh secure Web server".

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