Winlogon.exe Error On Win2k

Jul 26, 2008

I get a winlogon.exe error when i boot my computer, it appears at the login window. and if i hit 'ok' or 'cancel' the computer gets rebooted. I've checked other posts as well as the post at 'simple pc help', but couldn't do anything. I also tryed to use the win2k intall cd to repair the installation but it didn't work.

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Win2K Pro Error

Dec 6, 2008

I have Win98 running on an old PC and now wish to remove it and install win2k Pro with my CD. I have saved the 4 boot disks and the makeboot exe.disk using 5 floppy disks. What are the steps I should use to install this OS. I have 256MB ram installed. As usual,

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Blue Screen With Error Windows 2000 Winlogon.exe Error?

Sep 22, 2008

After around 10-15 min after logging in a program error box opens up saying winlogon.exe fatal error then it switches to a blue screen saying fatal error c0000021a error. I have windows 2000 proffessional and a HP compaq nc6120 laptop.

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Sp2 Start Up Error Box Prompt Up Shown Winlogon. Exe Error

Jul 9, 2005

When A windows XP SP2 start up , a error box prompt up show winlogon.exe error, I have capture the debug log , can you let me know how to solve out this problems. Also I have enclosed Hjask this log for your ref, I hope you advice how to solve out this problems.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2
Scan saved at 12:42:17 AM, on 7/9/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Boop Up Pc : WinLogon.exe ERROR

Apr 17, 2006

When I boot up my pc. I get a "WinLogon.exe" ERROR. I did a search on it and I read that one should only be concerened. if that file is located anywhere else other than in your C:WINDOWSsystem32. So i did a Search on the pc, and it was the only location it found.
One other weird thing.I was running a 'Ad-aware SE Personal' scan, and immediately it detects" Modules Identified "and then that "WinLogon.exe" ERROR appears...and then (I guess its called my 'theme') changes to something totally different, then the pc

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Winlogon.exe Application Error

Dec 8, 2004

Im getting this message when trying to restart windows XP. i get it even when i try to enter into safe mode. If I click on either option it restarts the machine. I cant even get access to the safe mode of windows

"Application error: Winlogon.exe. Click ok to close or cancel to debug."

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Error - Cannot Find Winlogon.exe

Jan 11, 2005

I'm experiencing some problems with a PC running Windows XP. Recently went through several steps to remove spyware & viruses from the PC. Following error on startup:

Windows cannot find c:windowsinetmwinlogon.exe

The other problem I'm seeing is that I have no desktop icons, and when I try to create a file or shortcut on the desktop, nothing happens. I can right-click/new, but it doesn't appear.

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Keeps Restarting / WinLogon.exe Error

Feb 18, 2008

My computer keeps restarting and i keep getting the winlogon.exe error.

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Error With Winlogon.exe / Mosty Trojans

Apr 28, 2006

My computer has been catching a lot of viruses, mosty trojans, and I just got McAfee re-subribed but everytime I start my computer it gets to just before the logon screen and an error occurs. It says "The Instruction at "0x100096b0" referenced memory at 0x01568000". The memory could not be read." It gives me two choices either to press ok or cancel. Either way the computer screen turns black and a minute later it appears at another black screen telling me that something failed and to shut down the computer. I have tried opening up in safe mode and running McAfee, AVG, Spyware Doctor, and Registry Mechanic.

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Winlogon.exe - Application Error SAS Windows

Sep 7, 2006

I get one option "OK" i click on that, and I automatically re-boot. I'm returning this error when I boot:

SAS window winlogon.exe application error

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Winlogon.exe No Disk Error When Boots Up

Jan 13, 2008

Everytime my PC boots up I'm getting a Winlogo.exe No disk error; cancelling it 4 times I then get to Windows

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Winlogon.exe Application Error On Startup

Feb 18, 2008

I get the following error evry time my Windows XP Media Center PC boots

winlogon.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x0101050c" referenced memory at "0x117e4000". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program Click CANCEL to debug the program When I click either the system reboots and I'm stuck here. I cannot get it to boot in safe mode but I can boot to a DOS prompt in the Microsoft Windows Recovery console.

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Startup Error 2ldsrch.dll Winlogon.exe

May 25, 2004

FONT=Tahoma SIZE=3 COLOR=Red I have lately been having this problem that when i boot up and log onto the internet i get a weird error. it says Quote: "winlogon.exe - Aplication error.The instruction at "0x10017ef4" refrenced memory at "0x013cc000". The memory could not be "read"

click on ok to terminate the program
click cnacel to debug"

So like if i click on either of those Windows totaly crashes and goes into the blue screen. So if i dont click it after 2 minuts another message pops up

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System Startup: Winlogon.exe Application Error?

Aug 21, 2005

i cannot go past starting windows screen after that it gives me a message: winlogon.exe application error instruction a "0x00dafcf0" reference memory at "0x00dafcf0" memory could not be written.then it turns to blue screen:Stop:c000021a (fatal error)windows logon process system process terminate unexpectedley with status of 0xc0000005 system has been shut down at the time this happened i was downloading panda anti-virus and did not delete my anti-virus program and had also downloaded a2hijack program that was running at the time

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Winlogon.exe Application Error / Can't Close My Windws Properly

Jun 19, 2010

So,basically the event goes: Startup>Popup saying the above>If click Okay or Cancel,Comp restart. Annnd,I can't close my windws properly.

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Winlogon.exe Error ID 1002 / Trial Version Of HDDLife Pro

Aug 13, 2006

I've worked for 2 days on this problem off and on and found no working solution yet. To make it short and sweet, if I right-click on any folders or on the hard drive icons in My Computer explorer.exe freezes. I have a program called HDDLife Pro (trial version) that says my hard disks are at 53% and 85%. The program measures the current tempurature and how much life is left on your hard disks. There are no tale-tell signs of a failing disk either.

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Cannot Delete File: File System Error(1148), WIN2K

Apr 16, 2005

I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.

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Black Screen - No Boot Option Work After Error: "WINLOGON.EXE - Bad Image"

Sep 24, 2004

After browsing through many of the threads here I have decided to post my own as I am unable to come to any conclusions. MSI, Pentium 4 1.9GHz, 2x60 GB HD (Maxtor ???), 2x256MD DDR-266, It won't boot at all - none of the F8 boot options work, which I have tried several times after recieving the following error

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Winlogon.exe Application Error? / Instruction At "0x50171aa8"

Aug 22, 2007

Win XP Pro logon is extremely slow and hangs at the black logo screen. After loggin on to safe mode and restarting I got the following message: winlogo.exe Application Error
The instruction at "0x50171aa8" referenced memory at "0x50041240." The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of "0x000009c." I was finally able to logon to windows and have downloaded Hijack This and have run a scan.

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Should I Downgrade From Xp Pro To Win2k?

Aug 13, 2007

After trying VPC with Win2k I noticed everything is a lot faster and responsive, only start up is slower when compared to XP Pro. Should I downgrade to Win2K, This is unbelievable even though I was running in VPC Adobe Photoshop CS2 was running faster in the Virtual PC then it would on my XP

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Reinstalled Win2k / Cannot Go On Internet

Mar 5, 2005

i reinstalled win2k but i cannot go on the internet. it seems that the network conections are gone. im not quite sure of the problein but i know that there is something wrong because when i try to turn on microsoft word it has an error "works task launcher cannot install the neccessary files to your computer's hard drive. there may be problems with your computer's hard drive. you can try reinstalling works cannot complete the task. try restarting windows or reinstalling Works".can someone diagnose the problem there something that i can run to find out the problem?

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Can't Log In To Win2k Pro Because Of Wrong Domain Name

Jan 6, 2006

I have a peer to peer workgroup lan at home; and all the pc's are in win2k pro; well, i was trying to setup win2k pro on a new pc for my niece; i use tuneup utilities and in the options screen for automatic logon, it shows the computerid as the domain name; thinking that i m not in a domain, i changed the value to workgroup and now windows cant let me log back in, even in safe mode; how can i get to a screen where i can change the domain name to what it should be? the login screen only shows username and password fields.

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Cd Rom Missing After Upgrading From Win2k

Aug 9, 2005

After upgraded my pc from 2000 to XP/SP2, both my cdrom and dvd burner are disappeared. No question mark in control panel/device manager. Tried the method posted on microsoft support artical No.320553 by deleting 2 keys in regeistry, it does not help. MB is old asus a7v133 with VIA chipset, it do find cdrom/dvd in POST.

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Install Win2k From Installation Cd

Mar 24, 2007

Trying to install WIN2K on an old machine. I cannot get it boot from the installation cd. It goes through the BIOS routine then hangs at a C: prompt.

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Incomplete Boot-up In WIN2K Pro

Feb 20, 2008

Boot-up ceases prior to desktop display. Attempted to reinstall windows, but ended up with 2nd WIN2K boot option, which works fine as basic O/S.Ran CHKDISK on C: drive. After initially correcting multiple errors, drive is now OK. I have original WIN2K Pro install disk, but not all drivers for peripherals- help me repair original install.

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Clearing A Password Cache In Win2K?

Jul 19, 2005

How do I clear the password cache in Win2K?

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Win2k On Compaq Presario S6500nx

Mar 8, 2006

My company has 3 compaq presario s6500nx that came loaded with XP Home and all the compaq crapware. We are migrating the machines from home to 2000, because they are too cheap to upgrade to xp Pro. I am having a difficult time location 2k drivers for this machine. I go to HP/Compaq and the only drivers they have available are for XP, does anyone have any experience with a 2k migration on these machines?

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Laptop With Dual Boot - Win2K

Oct 1, 2005

I have inadvertently setup my laptop with both Win2000 and WinXP. The intent was to set it up (clean install)with XP. I thought that now that I have both OS's on the same partition, I could still do a new install by booting to the XP CD. I go into BIOS, make sure the CD is the first device, save, and reboot the machine. It wants me to pick an OS. It does not want to (seemingly) do an install. How can I fix this. If I must reformat the drive, fine. Please point me in the right direction to get a single OS(XP Pro) on board my machine.

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Setting Up/ Running As A Limited-User (win2k)?

Mar 3, 2005

I'm trying to set up a functional limited-user account (windows 2000 pro) that runs painlessly. I know it's a pain setting them up, or I am just really struggling.If there are any usefull guides anyone could provide a like to, or solutions,I am faily knowlagable with computers, but setting up functionable limited-user accounts is over my head. My goal is to run NOT as admin anymore.

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WIN2K System Hangs When Tring To Run .exe Files

Jan 11, 2008

I did a big no no I know. I changed a key in the registery without backing up. I am now unable to run .exe files. For example I am tring to install drivers for a USB PCI 2.0 card. I entered in the disk and double click on .exe file and get error> Cannot find the file d:usb2.0 cardviavia6202setup.exe. Make sure the path and the filename are correct and that all required libraries are available. This error is consistant when I try and run any .exe file. 2nd example start>run>iexplore.exe get error cannot find file iexplore.exe. Make sure..... and the rest of the error message. This started when I was tring to manually remove a virus. I followed the directions from this website. see step 6 Delete the current value data, and then type: "%1" %* quote-percent-one-quote-space-percent-asterisk.

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Win2K Boot Computer - Not Regular Mode

Feb 27, 2005

Im trying to boot a Win2k computer... It hangs at the Windows 2000 prompt with the blue bar going across the screen... I can boot into safe mode but not regular mode...

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