Using Recovery Discs - Diiferent Discs

Feb 20, 2007

i have an acer desktop and i would like to re-install my xp . I was given two discs with my system with the first being titled " system cd " and the second labeled " recovery cd " The system cd is tagged as disc 1 and the other as disc 2 . Am i correct in saying i install the first , then the second for a complete re-installation of XP ?

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What Kind Of Discs Needed To Make System Recovery Discs?

Oct 24, 2006

I'm getting very nervous that I haven't made these impt system recovery discs.I bought 10 CDs at the time I bought PC and was assured they were the right type.When I got ready to create the discs, my PC said I would need 18 CDs.I backed out at that point so don't know if the ones I have are the right kind.I'm going out this week to buy some more, but still have doubts I'm getting the right kind.My HP guide says I need: CD-R.What I have is: SONY CD-R AUDIO (compact disc digital audio recordable.

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Reinstall Using Recovery Discs

Sep 19, 2006

I want to reinstall XP with the recovery discs I made the first week after my puchase and that was 3 years ago. I am pretty clear about the procedure and I have already made a backup of my documents, pictures and music on a USB external harddrive. My question is what other info is required and will I need to do a product activation process ? I am also installing Service pack 2 for the first time because mirosoft will not support SP1 users after October 10, 2006. The last question is I have 3 pop-email accounts, yahoo, hotmail, gmail and will all the mail be destroyed or will it still be on the server after the re-install ?

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How To Fully Restore Laptop - Recovery Discs

Jun 25, 2005

Im trying to FULLY restore my Toshiba Satellite laptop. It came with Satellite RECOVERY discs, but I didn't think those were what I was supposed to use to FULLY restore my laptop. Are they? Normally, on the boot up screens on my desktops, you can press f8 or whatever, and reformat like that. I guess thats because their desktops.

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Recovery Discs - Hooking Up And Downloading The Software

Aug 6, 2009

As some of you may know I recently aquired a netbook. One of the first things that popped up above the systray was a notice to create some recovery discs. Well the little thing didn't have a burner so I pressed "Ask me later." It took a while but I finally got around to buying, hooking up and downloading the software.

After burning the first disc I got a pop up to put in the second blank disc. Along with that popup was a warning to create these discs right away, before "Using the computer." A fine time to tell me. I was rooting around in the computer for a week. I just kept clicking "ask me later." There seemed to be no sense of urgency. I completed the second disc but am now wondering if I wasted my time.

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - No Discs Or Driver Information

Aug 24, 2005

Evolution54 Wrote:

> Try installing the driver for the motherboard if you still have it.

> not download from their website.
> my system is OEM so i have no discs or driver information.

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Advent Laptop Recovery Discs, Having Virus On Laptop

Dec 13, 2008

I have a advent 9515 laptop and i have lost my recovery disc can any 1 tell me where to get a copy of it that dose not cost a bomb cause i have a virus on my laptop and need the disc.

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No Back-up Discs To Reload

May 31, 2010

My daughters viao crashed and would not reboot. It has xp home loaded.She had no back-up discs to reload.I loaded ubuntu into the computer. It works and looks great.Now the problem is, when I bring up the computer, it gives me the choice
of ubuntu or windows. When I choose windows it takes me to factory
restore and says part 1 and 2 of restore and it will shut down and restart and finish part 3 and 4. Problem is, it restarts in umbutu, because that is the first choice on the startup menu.

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16 Bit Subsystem - Load Certain Discs On My CD-Rom

Jun 21, 2005

For the past week, when I try to load certain discs on my CD-Rom, I get a 16 bit subsystem error. Usually games that have previously worked fine.

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Computer Not Reading Discs

Sep 3, 2006

Whenever I insert a disc for a game, nothing happens unless I click on the shortcut. This may not sound like much of a problem, but It is if I want to re-install a game. The same thing happens with game demo DVDs. I've tried entering D:setup.exe. into the Run box, as a game instruction manual told me to do, but it comes up with an error message:"D refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to make sure that the disc is properly inserted, or that you are connected to the internet or your network, and then try again. If it still cannot be located, the information might have been moved to a different location."In the manual (which happens to be for Freelancer, but that's not important), it says "type D:setup.exe (where D represents your CD-ROM drive)". I don't know whether D is my cd-rom drive or not, how do I find out? Or can I just click "enable autorun" or something similar somewhere, and will this solve the problem? Also, this may or may not be related, recently, the button on my keyboard which closes the disc tray has stopped working, I now have to manually push the tray in (there's no button on the computer).

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Windows XP Professional Discs (OEM) From Reputable

Nov 19, 2005

I have a second computer in my home which I want to upgrade from Windows Me to Windows XP. I have found Windows XP Professional discs (OEM) from reputable online merchants at a cheaper price than XP Home. I don't know how it can be cheaper. Can I network the two computers with one using XP Home and the other using XP Professional? If I should purchase XP Professional, can I install it also on the computer using XP Home to upgrade it to Professional without any problems

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Lost CD - Discs Subsequently Moved Away

Jul 29, 2005

My aunt is having some problems with her PC, and I'm hoping that I can fix it without a reformat.Mostly because she does not have a recovery disc. Her computer was given to her by a friend, but he kept all the OS discs and has subsequently moved away.We do have her serial number.She's running XP Home. I have an XP Pro CD,but I have a feeling that it's not going to help.Does anyone know of a way to get a replacement installation CD? Or if it's possible to repair Home from a Pro CD?

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Refuse To Record / Recognised Illegal Discs

Dec 4, 2008

I purchased new blank Sony 700 MB CD RW's for a little more capacity. Windows & my Nero 8 both eventually refuse to record to the discs because they are recognizing them as "illegal discs". This error message must result from the size of the disc as I have no problems with 650 MB discs. I was able to record to one of the discs with another computer.This second computer is 64 bit XP VS my 32 bit. The burners are identical, and the Nero 7 used is nearly identical.I then erased the disc (with Nero 7) and tried it in the problem computer same issue.

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DVD Drive Reads All Movies As Blank Discs

Aug 23, 2008

Sorry to start a new thread but my old one will not come up on my computer. I have HP Media and I am running XP. My drive will not read the movies and every disc I put in there reads blank. If I right click on the drive, it shows that there is nothing on the disc twhen in fact there is. I did a restore to an earlier date before the problem as recommended and that did not fix the problem. Also, when I push the button to open the drive door, it opens and closes and doesn't stay open as it should. Everything was fine one day and then the next day for no reason, the drive is malfunctioning. I hope it is something simple and will not require a new drive.

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Extra Discs / Reclaim Or Deactivate The Product Keys

Nov 30, 2009

I was recently cleaning out my office and found 2 old XP Pro edition discs as well as the product keys. I remembered that one is from an old laptop that was stolen a few years ago, and the other is from a old and busted dell that no longer works.

Is there a way to reclaim or deactivate the product keys on the old machines so that I may use these discs on other machines?

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Media Edition Installed - System Restore Without Discs

May 31, 2007

I bought a HP Pavilion a4210n with windows xp media edition installed. I created the discs as told but am not sure I did it right therefore am afraid to use them to do a total system restore. Does F10 work on my computer and do I push anything with it?(like ctrl)

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2000 Boot Discs - Access System - Monitors No Signal

Dec 31, 2006

A friend of mine needs win 2000 Pro boot discs. I don't think this is illegal as a microsoft site says if you have problems to make from a friends. He is the only person I know who has it. Need the discs to access his system. Probably infected. Cant get it to start, shutdown, nothing. Sometimes monitor says no signal. Sometimes works. Checked wires. Put in an old spare video adapter card, starts to work fine but freezes before I can do anything. I do not have a floppy drive so I need to be able to burn them to a CD.

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A Diiferent 16 Bit Subsystem - Temp Is Set To Reboot

Sep 8, 2005

A friend has encountered a different 16 bit subsystem error than the one
commonly mentioned here regarding the unsuitable files.The error mentions not being able to access the temp directory. For the user, it is set to %USERPROFILE%Local Setting emp .. For the system env TEMP is set to %SystemRoot% emp.If I change the system env to c:emp2 I can run 16 bit apps.testing I have been running sysedit or command... When I change the system env TEMP back to %SystemRoot% emp those applications no longer

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Install Diiferent Operating System

Jun 20, 2006

I have both windows 2000 and windows xp on my computer.The windows xp is a recent install and has no programs associated with it.I would like to uninstall or deleat the windows xp without formatting and keep the windows 2000

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Unmountable Volume - Can't Launch Recovery Console Through Recovery Disc?

Sep 5, 2008

Hoping to avoid a full reinstall of Windows XP, I'd like to try some repair procedures. The problem is, when I launch my "Vaio PCV-RS430G" recovery disc it goes straight to Sony's proprietary recovery interface which provides ONLY the preset option to wipe my 'c' drive and reinstall Windows. According to some MS articles I've read, an XP recovery disc should allow me to access the Windows Recovery Console (by typing "R" at the welcome screen). Can anyone suggest how I can bypass the Sony recovery and get to the Windows Recovery Console?

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Dell Recovery CD With A New Build - Use Media Center RECOVERY CD

Dec 15, 2007

I had a Dell with XP Media Center Edition on it and I am going to make a new build. My question is, can I use the XP Media Center RECOVERY CD that came with the dell if I were to have a new CD KEY?

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Recovery Console To Recovery Registry

Nov 27, 2009

Trying to recover my registry from being corrupted. I am in Windows XP Pro recovery console. But when I try At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line: md tmp copy c:windowssystem32 configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak. It says I cannot copy the file. The file cannot be copied.

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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Recovery Console Just Like Compaq Recovery Console For Home?

Jan 11, 2007

My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?

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Compaq Recovery Tools CD /Compaq System Recovery

Aug 18, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3 with everything up to date as far as I know. I have the complete set of my PC's OEM Disks that I've used once when my OS was completely messed up, had Geeks Rescue out and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I know what they are for.What I'm not understanding are the several tools I'm afraid to open listed in my "Start"/"All Programs" I have both "Compaq"/"Compaq Presario PC Tools" with "Compaq Application Recovery"/"Compaq Recovery CD-DVD Creator"/"Compaq Recovery Tools CD"/"Compaq Support Information"/"Compaq System Recovery"/"Remote Assistance"/"Safety and Comfort Guide"

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Create Own Recovery Cd?

Jun 28, 2006

I have just installed Win XP and all the drivers needed for the hardware to work plus a few games etc. Now I wonder if there is a way to make a recovery cd of all this information so I can use that CD/DVD instead of my Win xp CD if I need to reinstall the system again.

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Xp Recovery Went Wrong

Sep 16, 2007

A few days ago I had to do a recovery to restore my laptop to the way it was when it left the factory. When I had finished the recovery and everything was working, the computer started to gradually get slower and slower the longer it was being used for. It eventually gets to the point where everything freezes and all windows or programs show "Not Responding" and it takes ages to close them down. When the computer is restarted, it is fine for a while, then gradually the same thing happens. I noticed the the CPU usage was over 50% while the computer was doing nothing except running. Please someone give me some idea of what's wrong,

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Need Recovery Disk

Mar 6, 2008

I want to reformat my hard drive but my computer of 2 years only came with a recovery disc. Do I have to purchase winxp to install the os? i need to purchase recovery disc where n how i proceed?

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Recovery Cd Creator

Sep 16, 2005

I bought a new pc with xp already installed. It's telling me to make a recovery cd and also to copy the recovery tools to cd. How do I get a recovery tools cd or if it's already installed, where is it?

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