Unable To Selecting SUBfolder Of My Pictures For Slideshow
Jul 12, 2005
How do you do it? It's easy enough to select MY PICTURES for a slideshow, but I only want the photos in a sub-folder. There is no way to point to the sub-folder under Properties or Settings.
I want PC to automatically and continuously show all pictures in a specified folder as a slideshow until interrupted by manual intervention.I also want to be able to leave the PC in a public area with the slideshow running but locked in some way (password protected) so that Joe Public can't do anything other than watch the slideshow, i.e. keyboard and mouse disabled until correct password is entered.
How to set up my screensaver so that it scrolls thru all my pictures in "my pictures" folder. I've done so, but there's quite a delay between pictures, it doesn't seem like it's showing pictures from the whole folder, sometimes the pictures are very small off to one corner, and in-between pictures the screen is blank for a bit and usually has a symbol on it such as a musical note, "exit", a figure running, etc. My friend seems to have hers set up the same way, but it doesn't have these problems. It just scrolls thru her pictures, one after the other, with the pictures taking up the whole screen.
Though i use a laptop their are my private works or profile so i need to know the better folder lock. And how can i hide my file without any sub folder.
There are a couple of websites I go to where I am not able to view the pictures. I am able to view on every other site. I have the popup blocker turned off, I have made sure to allow pictures in tools.
Can not view pictures on this website http://www.joellusion.com/ I am running IE 6.0, on Windows XP have run spyware doctor, registry mechanic, microsoft antispyware. I have turned off firewall and pop-up blocker. I still cannot view his pictures. This is a website my nephew built. Everyone else he has checked with can view them with no problem.
I cant send pictures or click on an adress, when the window pops up it says page cannot be displayed. I got rid of it Before but now it doesnt work again.
I have been having a problem forwarding attachments with Pics. The window comes up note pad with many many lines of junk. I have tried all I know which isn't much to over come this problem. Any assistancs would be appreciated. Also can't recieve some attached pics also.
I save some pictures off the internet and then deleted them. Afterwards, I restored them from my recycle bin and now i am unable to re-delete them. When i try to delete them it comes up with "Error Deleting File or Folder: Cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk" How can i get these files off of my computer?
I do alot of image work so i have alot of images... when i go to save an image in the my pictures folder, it does not show up. so i think, i go into windows explorer to the my pictures folder and only some of them show up.
I have Windows XP Home operating and use Microsoft Office 2000. Under Internet Options I have selected Outlook Express for my email service and this has been working satisfactorily for over 2 years. Recently when choosing to send a photo file as an email attachment, I get directed to Microsoft Outlook which has no "send" option. Two other users on my computer have no problems and automatically get Outlook Express for the same procedure. Why doesn't Outlook Express come up for me?
I want to put the pictures that I saved from the My Pictures folder back to the My Pictures folder. I have set one of them as the new desktop background. (It was before the format).I have typed in "Export Pictures from CD to My Pictures folder" without the quotes and I get a list of links pertaining to CD recording errors and other things like that. I did right click on a picture in Drive E (my CD-RW) just to see what would come up and I noticed that on the Send To menu that these pictures can be sent to the desktop.
I need to know how to save the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD. I am going to format and reinstall XP Home and if I do, I will lose these pictures unless I save them.
I have taken a series of pictures on different days and downloaded them into a folder in My Pictures. I need to put them in a sequence so I right clicked each picture and re-named it as follows: 001jpg, 002jpg and so on for 100 pictures. In view, I selected arrange icons by modified and all the pictures moved to the sequence I wanted. All is well and good until I copied the folder to a CD. All the pictures reverted to their original sequence instead of the sequence I put them in.
How can I copy the folder with the pictures in the sequence I put them in? Whenever I open the picture file to look at that folder, they are always in the sequnce I put them in
I have Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002; Service Pack 2; Pentium 4; 496 MB. I went into my add/remove programs and I have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (and its Hotfix). Now, I am trying to understand what the .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 are for. Which version of the .NET Framework should I have.
I'm running XP Home, SP3, and I have an intermittent problem, which I think may be windows based. From time to time, when I click on an icon on the home screen, all the icons behind it will also show as having been selected (and there will be a screen message saying that it will take a long time to load <number> programs, do you want to proceed?).
needing help on switching users. when i go to start, then log off, and then select switch users nothing happens. it works if i log off but then all of my programs that were running shut down. i cant get it to go to the login screen that comes up when you select switch users.
Whats the difference??? I just want to install an OS on my daughter's system (I'm building). There seems to be big price differences just looking at XP home. I thought I should stay with retail because I have so little expertise and thought the package would be more complete (less for me to be expected to know
I come now with a new problem. I pretended for some time I did not care, but that is now making me pull the hair from my head.I installed something (which I did not pay attention to at that time and I don't remember what it was) and too many other programs after that (programs I constantly use, and therefore I don't want to get rid of). If I roll back my computer to an earlier time to dismiss this problem, I would be uninstalling all those valuable programs I am talking about
When I go to Display Properties//Desktop (tab)// and select a wallpaper there are several copies of the same thing. Is there a way to limit it to only those pics in the Windows//Web//Wallpaper folder?
When I try to select multiple files to move, delete, copy etc. I use the keyboard Ctrl key to accomplish this. Unfortunately half the time or more this also results in a copy of the files being made. I believe the keyboard trick for copying multiple files should be Ctrl + C. Anybody know how to use the Ctrl key to select only without any copy being made.
In explorer I select a long list of files (i.e. 50+ files apx 15MB each) the selection process is fast. But after all the files are selected I want to del them or copy them or whatever... so I right click my mouse to get to the 'right click menu' but at this point there is a LONG pause. This pause can be between 10-20 seconds depending on how many files I have highlighted
Upon start-up, and after selecting a user..usually Christine, my wife [there are 4 users set-up] at the desktop screen I immediately get a pop-up error box that reads WUAUCLT.exe encountered an error and needs to close. It also goes on to read...if you want to send this message to Microsoft click this and then, of course, there is the Don't Send option as well. I usually click the don't send option....10 seconds later the box pops back up...I went to Task Mgr a few times and saw it [wuauclt.exe] running in Processes and was able to stop it from running. However, it is not always in Task Mgr to stop!
how do i pick which web browser opens web links because when i installed sbc yahoo web browser it took over links and now when i click a link it opens up that browser i want it tom open up in internet explorer
For the past month I have been getting the following error message when clicking the control panel button: Registry error - the system cannot find the file specified. I then click ok and I move directly to the control panel.
On an irregular basis, in both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, text is suddenly selected that I don't want selected, sometimes covering the entire web page. I can close and reopen the browser and the behavior stops, sometimes for days, sometimes only for hours.
Error on boot: we apologise for the inconvience but windows did not start successfully a recent hardware or software change might have caused this if your computer stopped responding restarted unexpectally or automatically shut down to protect your files and folders choose your last known good configuration: 1. boot in safe mode 2. boot in safe mode with networking 3. boot in safe mode with command prompt. Any option i choose it goes to boot screen comes up and restarts and the same error as the one above comes up.
my computer was infected with -powered by Zeno' spyware and I was advised to start in safe mode to remove some files. I ticked safemode under boot.ini in msconfig and my computer restarted, but only got as far as the Windows XP loadup page before rebooting itself. I have tried 'last known good configuration' etc, but to no avail... the computer simpl will not get past this point. I decided to reinstall (repair) Windows XP, but unfortunately, I cannot do this because it reaches a screen where it says setup cannot complete under safe mode. I can't turn this safemode off though, because I can't get the computer on to reaccess boot.ini.
An article previously published und Q226476 explains how to change the default where the drive opens and it applies to Windows 98 SE. It says to click START and then FOLDER OPTIONS, then on the FILE TYPES tab, click DRIVE and click EDIT.You can do everything except the last click. There is no EDIT.I would like to have the drive open to explorer rather than open the FIND window.
On my desktop I had partitioned the main Hard Disk into 2 and had XP Pro on one half and Windows 7 on the other.When I used to boot up the PC the windows boot menu came up asking if I wanted to boot to XP or 7.Soon afetr this XP started crashing a lot. So I decided to scrap 7 and I've re-partitioned the Hard Disk into one big lump with only XP remaining.The partition that had 7 on it no longer exists.Why does my PC still start with the windows boot menu when I start it up?It still asks me if I want to boot to windows 7 or an earlier version of windows?Is there a way of stopping this?