Turns Off Frequently With No Error Message

Jul 27, 2005

I have Windows XP pro on a Dell Inspiron 1150. I've had it for about a year now.My problem is that my computer crashes: it just turns off. At first I thought it was just overheating or I was running too many programs at once, but lately it will happen when I'm only running one program, and I've just restarted it.
It crashed approximately ten times yesterday.The problem first showed up about six months ago, but it would only crash once maybe twice (right after each other) and only about once every two weeks. It's started getting really bad in the past month or so.Now what I think the problem might be is. well. I pull up the task manager (ctrl+alt+del) and there's always at least 45 or 50 processes running. I think this is what's causing the problem but I'm not sure.I talked to my father about it, and he thinks this might be the problem, he mentioned a "boot menu" where I can stop them from automatically running when my computer starts. But I don't know where that is, or if this really is the problem.

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Computer Turns On For 5 Seconds And Turns Off Again Automatically

Aug 9, 2009

My friends computer turns on for 5 seconds and turns off and during that 5 seconds preiod the computer makes a weird noise like beping sound. His computer is Dell and its XP iam affarid i dont have much of his computers specs. If any one can suggest how he could solve it.

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Services.exe Application Error Occurs - Computer Turns Off

Nov 23, 2007

These symptons and problem have started within the past week, without warning: My laptop is now particularly slow, the mouse lags, as does the internet - especially videos and music starts. Also, there is a "service.exe" application error that occurs a split second before the computer turns off, so on the "windows is shutting down" screen. Consequently I'm an unable to read the error code. I presume the services.exe error and the slowing down are related.

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"iexplore.exe- Application Error" Pop-up Comes Out Frequently When I Close IE

Jun 5, 2008

Usually, when I close IE, this pop-up comes up,

iexplore.exe- Application Error
The instruction at "0x2753a7d0" referenced memory at "0x2753a7d0". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program

The "0x2753a7d0" is different sometimes.

How do I fix it? It's been popping up for the past 3 or so months and it's bugging me out.

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Error Message: Exception Process Message C0000013 While Connecting Blackberry?

Aug 12, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP 2 and I get an error message whenever i connect my blackberry curve to the computer. if the usb device is stopped, it will go away, but other than that it won't disappear after clicking cancel. if it helps, I installed the roxio media manager only yesterday, when the error first came up. Its name is Exception Process Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6b

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Web Page Is Unavailable Offline Message - Error Message Switch Off

Apr 11, 2006

Every time I switch on my machine and try to connect to the internet, I get a dialogue box: Web page is unavailable while offline. To view this page, click connect. When I click connect, I can view the page and don't get the error message again until I switch off the machine. Why does this happen?

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Error Message - Error 623 The System Could Not Find The Phone Book Entry For This Connection?

Apr 14, 2005

a message keeps popping up saying the following: Cannot load dialog. Error 623: The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection. All I can do is click the close button and it goes away and nothing else seems to happen, but it pops up again in a few minutes.

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E:\i386\asms Error Message: Error Performing Inpage Operation?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a Dell Inspirion laptop and have formated the HD and removed the partions. Have tried booting from a USB HD and have also tried another burned disk. No change will not install.

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Blue Screen Error/Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER?

Jan 8, 2007

Man, my computer for the last two weeks have been crashing like an emo. I mean, when I play GTA: San Adreas, in 20 minutes, I get a BSOD with a stop error. When I put hardware acceleration to full, in a half an hour, I get a BSOD with a similar error. Believe me, I got three kinds of errors, and some were from different time. I believe the problem either came from the either the PSU, new 512 mb of ram, old 512, CPU, system board, or the graphic card. I'll try to post the error as best as I can. So, is there a solution to this?
Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078) This is one of them, but there another one with KMODE that I can't seem to remember. Also, sometimes, after it tries to recover from a serious error, the computer shuts down during the bootup before I can choose which XP version I can choose.
Also, I hate to say this, but I'm not using a legit windows copy sp1, but I have updated to sp2.

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Error Message Blue Screen With C000021a Fatal System Error Logon Process

Nov 22, 2008

i had XP 2008 virus/spyware, which I think I managed to get rid of with Malwarebytes' Anti Malware and System Mechanic 7. Now I have a new problem. After receiving a recent download from microsoft, upon restarting, I get the blue screen of death with this message; STOP: C000021a (Fatal System Error) The Windows Logon Process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000 0x00000000)

I can't get anywhere into Windows, I've done F2, F8, F12, everything I could think of without risking more damage. I've booted from the system mechanic CD with the Hard Drive recovery, and while it said it found and fixed a problem, it didn't fix this one.

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Startup Error Without Error Message Neither Option Let It Continue/Works Fine In Safe Mode?

Mar 25, 2007

When I'm trying to start up Windows XP Home Edition I receive an error box without an error message, I can just click YES or NO. Neither option let's me continue. When starting up in Safe Mode, everything works fine.

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Sending Email Error Message: No Server Error: 553?

Jan 24, 2009

The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's e-mail address. The sender's e-mail address was 'cih333@suddenlink.net'. Subject 'Batman!', Account: 'pop.suddenlink.net', Server: 'smtp.suddenlink.net', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 Authentication is required to send mail as <cih333@suddenlink.net>', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

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Error Message: Windows Explorer Has Encountered An Error?

Apr 2, 2009

I keep getting this error message when I boot. The entire message says, "windows explorer has encountered an error and needs to close." When I close the box, i lose my desktop, and can't run a bunch of programs, including the "run" option. I am able to run my browsers and get on the web. I did do a system restore, and it worked at first, but then on the next reboot, i got the error message again. Did another system restore, same thing.

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Backup / Getting BSOD Frequently

Aug 25, 2005

I've been getting this blue screen error on my computer somewhat frequently. I forgot how to create a backup of all my files. What do I do to go and create a backup disk? And can the backup be put on a seperate HD or does it have to be on a disk?

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Computer Freezes Very Frequently

Jul 1, 2008

I have a problem with my computer freezing. I am using Windows XP SP3. The freezing occurs kind of randomly, sometimes after being on for a few days, sometimes after windows starts, but when it occurs, I have to push the power button on my computer to shut everything down. There is no error message, everything just stops.

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Laptop Restarts Frequently

Nov 4, 2009

I am facing the disgusting "windows frequently restarts" problem. I am using Compaq Presario X1028US laptop with Intel Pentium Centrino 1.5 GHZ processor, 512 MB RAM and a 160 GB hard disk with Windows XP SP 3 as the OS. I regularly update the anti virus (AVG) and the Windows automatically. The most recent change to the system was to upgrade AVG from 8.5 to 9.0 which was done yesterday. Everything was fine until today morning when the laptop started restarting by itself. I first ignored it and continued to work and it became more and more frequent. I have referred several posts on the internet and have done all the things mentioned below in order but the problem still persists. I am not able to pin point to the cause of the problem. It should be noted that the problem exists only in the normal mode of Windows XP and not in the Safe mode.

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Error Message - Annoying Error

Apr 5, 2005

Computer that has Windows XP and I've started getting these annoying error messages that "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close", the box has a debug button or send error report. What kind of update do, The version of IE is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.

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More Frequently - Blue Screen Crash

Oct 18, 2005

An error that has been on common on my computer for some time now. i have had it a lot more frequently. I have yet to complete a full panda virus scan on my computer except on safe mode. I found a virus and it disinfected it,my computer still crashes quite a lot. I used to have norton installed, but i couldn't finish a scan with that either so i tried to remove as much of it as i could and installed panda.

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Adildr.sys Issue Frequently Hangs Pc?

Aug 18, 2005

Error Message: Re:Service Control managerThe General Purpose USB Driver (adildr.sys) service failed to start due to the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it

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System Freezes Frequently After Reinstalling

Nov 7, 2009

I have just tried to reinstall XP Professional on an Elite computer.
Initially all seemed to be going well I got as far as the desktop and an invitation to take the tour, which I declined and went straight to connect to the internet. At the same time I opened a previously prepared set of instructions for completing the wizard.
I noticed that the instructions would not scroll easily, moving in little jerks, but I carried on. About half way through the wizard the computer froze. Finding nothing on the keyboard or mouse that would work I switched off the power.

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Computer Stalling / Frequently Freezing?

Aug 29, 2005

Well, quite recently this computer's been acting up and going all slugish, frequently freezing up.I'm really not much use when it comes to computers but A friend of mine recommended I get Hijackthis and checked but wont find any problem there

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Computer Frequently Freezes Or Hangs

Jun 1, 2008

Computer frequently "freezes" or "hangs". Every time I click on a link from e. mails, but also when on web sites (mostly craft). I do fragment and clean discs regularly.

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Hangs Frequently Following Heavy Activity

May 29, 2006

Windows Xp on my machine hangs frequently following heavy activity like running a game or simply when running normal programs like media player. I have a dual boot system with 98 on an other drive. The same thing happens there too. I ran a surface scan using Scandisk on 98 to see if there are any bad sectors on the hard drive, but the results turned up no errors. This problem has been recurring for the past few days. I dont know if this is a hardware or software problem, so bear with me if I posted in the wrong section.

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Internet Connection Seems To Disconnect Frequently

May 10, 2005

I am running windows XP and I have a BT Voyager 100 adsl modem.The internet connection seems to disconnect frequently although when i check its status it says it is still connected.The only way to get the connection back is to restart the computer.Also when this happens other programs stop responding and the computer sometimes freezes up.I've run anti-virus and anti-spyware software and they haven't come up with anything.I have quizzed but about but they seem to have run out of ideas.

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Monitor Screen Vibrate Frequently

Dec 9, 2005

Having a problem with my screen. For some reason it is vibrating really bad. Its really hard to look at it.

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IE Hangs Up Frequently - Occurs On Rundll Bar

Sep 25, 2005

i dont know why my IE hangs up frequently, when i used to open a link or try to work on same page for more than 15mins. Error: C:WINDOWSeg_auth_1045.dll occurs on RUNDLL bar.. Pls give me solution to solve this problem.

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Computer Reboots Frequently In All Modes

Mar 27, 2006

My computer reboots every time it reaches the welcome screen. Sometimes it actually gets into windows but not long enough to do anything. I have tried everything except of reformatting or trying to refresh the os as I don’t have my xp disc. I tried safe mode and tried safe mode with networking but same problem. I tried VGA mode people seemed to have thought might be a video thing still reboots. I tried to disable auto restart to see if I could get any type of error message but still reboots.

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Dial Up Modem Frequently Disconnecting

Nov 12, 2005

My system (GenuineIntel Pentium III Processor, RAM 312 MB) has dual boot system with Win ME and Win XP Professional. The dial-up modem (Motorola sm56 Speakerphone, Voice/Data/Fax)works well on Win ME without any disconnections, but it frequently disconnects from the line at will, on Win XP, particularly when there is a slight delay in receiving bytes. I've not found anything in configuration that should lead it to delink.

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Service Pack Error Message "setup Has Encountered An Error And Has To Close"

Dec 5, 2006

When I turn my pc and windows loads up an error message appears saying that windows service pack 2 setup has encountered an error and has to close. However when I close the error message it keeps popping up every 20 seconds or so. When I went to microsofts website that told me that service pack 2 was installed on my pc. I have ran a full viral scan using the latest version of Panda and have also ran Reg-cure to see if the problem was in the registry but the error message still keeps popping up.

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Boot Up / Fan Runs On High Speed Much Too Frequently

Feb 26, 2005

I been dealing with hp support the whole time I've owned it. The problem was/is is that the case fan runs on high speed much too frequently. When it cranks on It slows down the computer and continues to run for about a minute.Then after about 2 min. it turns on again at high speed. When this happens and your surfing the web or working in a program it slows that process down. The fan cranks on even when not in use, if left on. Anyway, hp changed the cpu fan first, did not fix the problem. Then they changed the motherboard, it did not fix it either. They are now sending me a new power supply and cord. I'll see what happens.

I own 2 of these pc's and the other one does not run like this at all. As I was troubleshooting the first one I unplugged the 2nd pc to move it to another outlet. I then went to turn on the pc and it's totally dead! I tried everything. Switched out the powercord but that was not it. There is a light on the back of the pc that comes on when the pc is plugged in. It's blinking. On the other pc it's solid, not blinking. I talked to hp and they are sending a tech to the house with a new motherboard and power supply.

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Blue Screen - Unstable And IE6 Shut Down Frequently

May 27, 2006

Frequently am working and then get the "blue screen" filled with "if this is the first time you've gotten this screen. maybe virus, I don't think I have virus issues since I just repartitioned my whole HD and just loaded up a new copy of Windows XPSP2. Still I get this screen frequently. I also get iE6 wanting to shut down periodically (it says it's sorry........) and that is real frustrating.......plus it struggles with add-ons....maybe I should reinstall IE6.All this coupled with my inability to take up my NAV2004 program makes for a fun day. Compag not that old and as I say new XP.

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