Thread In Security Telling To Format The System After 2 Years?
May 30, 2005
In a thread in security flrman1 11-Mar-2005, 06:03 PM #54 "If your computer is 3 yrs old and you haven't reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled XP, you're way past due."#56 "Typically with XP, it needs to be done after about 1 1/2 to 2 yrs, but there are a lot of variables there and there are those that do manage to go longer."
It appears I have gotten 3 viruses and am having trouble getting rid of them. The symptoms seem to be a much slower computer. Also, Internet Explorer occassionally opens trying to go to an antispyware website. Also I have a yellow triangle in the bottom corner telling me security alerts and to Download antispyware.The virus names are PSW.X-Vir, Trojan-Spy.Win32@mx, and Networm-i.virus@fp.
I recently had to use system config. to find a problem. I checked normal startup and restarted my computer.Now when I start my computer I get the System Config. Utility Screen telling me I have to set it for normal setup. How do I resolve this problem. I'm using XP Pro.
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting the Windows Setup using the original Set up CD-ROM. Selcect 'r' at the fist screen to start repair.
About two years ago, I lost my sound and have been using my computer with no sound (Yeah.I know, it's pretty crazy..). I can't give a really detailed description of how it happened, as I do not remember. All I remember was that my mouse died along with the sound and I had to get a new mouse. Anyways, when it first happened, I tried almost everything I could think of to get the sound back - nothing worked. I eventually gave up and got used to having no sound and kept putting it away until now.volume settings aren't accesible at all and when I click on an audio file to open it in WMP, it gives me this message: "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly." When I turn my speaks to the loudest volume, all I can hear is a faint static sound. I tried most of the basic things I could to get my sound back;
I shut off the computer and turning it back on couldn't boot up windows. It gave the windows wasn't shut down properly and I tried the normal restart option and it would just give a black screen with a blinking _ and then nothing happens. Tried loading in safe mode but it gets to mup.sys then "Press Esc to cancel SPTD.sys" flashes below and whether I press Esc or let it be, nothing happens after that.
I tried popping in the windows xp disc that came with the laptop, boot from disc, it starts up but then after loading everything, it then says "Windows is starting up" the disc stops spinning then nothing happens. I tried popping in a windows vista disc and it says "Windows is loading files" with a progress bar, when it fills up, I get stuck with a blank black screen the disc stops spinning and then nothing happens.
This is a new install of XP and I keep getting this little "annoyance" telling me I have new programs. I've attached an image of what I"m talking about. HOw can I disable that?
Some how my small brother was trying to cure his pc prbs but in this he installed 2 win xp Now it comes options 2 chose either XP in startup... Pls tell me how do i remove one XP. I dont think i m repeating topic (sorry if i am), bcoz on net ppl suggest to format drive while i cannot format it, just want to remove one, both are working fine, how can i do that ?
I had some problems with my C: drive, and a friend who knew a lot about CPU's helped me a bit, here's what he did. He came over with a restore disk from his CPU, (even though we have different cpus) and it had Norton Ghost on it....when it booted up, it acted like a normal boot disk, and asked if I wanted to restore Windows XP, right along with Formatting my disk, we clicked yes and the Ghost program started. Only, it got done with about 16% of the format, the CD itself looked like crap, with a bunch of scratches on it...nothing really serious, but serious enough to stop the format. I tried cleaning it off the best I could, but to no avail. So thinking that the format failed, we could try something else, but the drive C: was already formatted, and when I tried to start it, this is what it said, "NTLDR is missing, press control+alt+delete to reboot.
I downloaded genuine advantage and it told me that my copy of windows was illegal. I then validated it on the website but windows validation still bugs me on my computer that it is not valid?Is my copy valid or not?And if it is then how can i get rid of the annoying message If it isnt is there anyone i can contact in microsoft to get it working?
Last week I had to use my laptop. When I got to windows it had a message telling me that windows was not Genuine. I did a check and Microsoft said it was not valid. Given the fact that at the time I did not know it was hacked or could have been, I just closed it and began back on my desktop which is my main computer. This also is a wireless network. Tonight I did a reboot and the same thing happened with my desktop. I again went to microsoft and again the told me the key was invalid for this part of the country whatever that means. This desktop was bought at a computer show a couple years ago and has been dam good to me. It is a Dell. I don't know what to do. Someone told me about a keyfinder but I don't want to do anything until someome advises me....
Win XP Home. Just gone over to XP, on Start up a baloon appears, "Direct CD will cause Windows to become unstable. Windows has prevented these drivers from loading. Click here for more details". When clicking it directs me to a Direct CD, Roxio mentioned page which quotes, "A driver is installed that causes stabiblity problems with your system. this driver will be disabled. Please contact the Manufacturer for an update compatible with this version of Windows. I do have a problem saving data to CD/DVD with the Windows supplied facilities and have had NERO installed
I have Vista,I have another drive,but it's currently not available to use.What I want to do is to get a Cruzer Micro 2GB,and format it to have a bootup for Windows XP. Would it permanently damage the flash drive in any way?
I tried to format my windows XP but it gives me the following message "windows did not find any hardisk installed in your pc" it is not the exact words but it is something close to it in other words windows could not find my hardisk
Just formatted my computer, and now i want to install my windows, but when i am installing it, installation does not copy all files. setup canot copy the file: comctl32.dll and after installation i get a message winlogon.exe unable to locate component. and nothing happens after.
Laptop has become heavily virus infected and needs to be formatted. I do not have original operating system disk. It is out of warranty also. It does not boot up always. How can I format it in order to reinstall windows xp.
I did a clean install of Windows 2000 Pro on my Toshiba Tecra 8100 laptop. My hard drive has a capacity of 11gb. After the clean install I only have 4.8gb left on the hard drive. I have followed reformatting instructions and installed again, but get the same result. It is taking forever to test different suggestions, since I have to keep reinstalling. File system is ntfs. A good portion of the gig being used is in Documents and Settings, but I thought that should get wiped out. I don't understand why I am still seeing folders for iPod, Lexar, etc. I have burned 16 hours on this.
I've put this thread in the XP forum as the problem is related to XP. XP is an OEM version and I only have a recovery DVD.I restarted my computer after installing some updates and XP wouldn't load. I tried it in normal mode, last known good configuration and safe mode and none of these worked. I then tried to load the system recovery pre-installed on my computer
i am interested in buying a new laptop.I am not looking for anything fancy, just something that will last and be used primarly for word documents, email, and instant message. any recomendations? also, someone had mentioned that the mac's are converting to windows? is that true? will those be good? would a mac or pc be better for what i want to use it for?
I have a pc And on drive d that is recovery.I copied some files fom net and they they got saved on drive d recovery and when i click on d the page that opens is empty the files are not shown. i get i window that keeps poping telling me that drive d has low disk space when i defragment d tells me what files i have there but where did they go any hidden folders?
I have a valid PID key and when I go to windows updates I get an invalid product key message. But , If i leave it on auto updates , it downloads all the updates for me.?
Recently I found System Restore not working. It would neither restore to an earlier time nor create a new restore point. I tried doing a virus scan using Avast, rebooting, checking that it is (supposed to be) running and safe mode.Disconnecting from the Internet and turning off antivirus and firewall also made no difference. I also turned it off and on again. I noticed that initially it said it was monitoring drives C, D & E but after turning on again it only showed drives C & D. These drives are all partitions on my HD.On checking E I found that it had no file system and was advised to format it. On attempting this I got Format did not complete successfully.I also attempted to Defrag and got Disk Defragmenter could not start.
Can anyone advise me on formating or reformating my hard drive. I am running windows xp pro and have a 20 gb maxtor hard drive. This is formatted as NTFS as one partition. I tried from windows explore and from my computer. I also tried to change to 32 bit partition. Can I do this with fdisk, if so how?
Without going into too much detail. My hard drive has XP O/S on it. All I want to do is to format it. NTFS. So I have a clean hard drive with no operating system on it. How can I do it?
I have windows 2000, it is driving me crazy!! I have tried everything, but it is not responding correctly, and it is extremely slow. It needs to be totally cleared out, but I have never done it before.
Seeing a decrease in performance in my PC after a few months(as expected from wear and tear over time), I have decided to reformat my PC to bring it up to the new PC feel and speed. Before formatting, is there any programs that might give my PC the older performance that it once had? If not any one have any suggestions on methods of keeping performance high as long as possible, as in portioning the hard drive, or keeping my startup programs at a low, Um some one of constant clean program, keeping in mind I mainly do development with 3d max, flash combustion, and gaming.
It has been bugging me; I have a pentium 4 2.4 Ghz running Windows XP Pro and I do a lot of number crunching. If I want to 'multitask' by clicking another program icon or aplet anywhere on my screen, it usually takes about thirty seconds to respond. My other machine is a PIII with 933Mhz and Windows 98SE. I get a second program to come up in under 5 seconds, no matter how busy the CPU. I was told XP was 'truely multitasking' since there was no DOS to overlay, was this all hype? I know that memory and background tasks can affect this, but my real question is this;Is there an Administrative or setup function that tells XP 'How' to manage programs, like Windows 98, (you can set the pc to Server, or Workstation mode (or was it desktop;
We downloaded, by mistake I quickly learned, a online security suite from our ISP. With much help,we did a system restore but since, I can't save my passwords & sign in on my favorite forums etc. I have clicked auto complete in tools, options, content but it still keeps deleting the cookies w/o me doing it? Any words of wisdom or direction would be helpful. Can email me at too.