There Are 2 Icons Appeared In My Desktop - Cannot Delete
Jul 6, 2007
there are 2 icons appeared in my desktop when I tried to delete them, they will be deleted but then appeared back again in my desktop. When I'm using the internet the content of that icon will just be automatically opened in different tab without clicking it and just pops multiple times after being closed. How can I remove these 2 icons. The name of the 2 icons are the same in Tagalog, it says 10 sampung utos ng manginginom and then when it opens up on the very top where the blue thing is, it says Destrukto & in the address or information bar it says C:\WINDOWSsystem32destrukto.html.
Several unwanted desktop icons appeared recently (I think they come via Search2000 when IE is used). They won't right-click for deletion, nor will they allow themselves to be drop-dragged to the recycle bin. They don't appear in the desktop icon list when using the desktop cleanup feature.
some of the icons on my Windows XP desktop suddenly have little colored symbols on them? For example, some of my Word icons on the desktop now have a green checkmark; one has a red exclamation point. A PDF icon also has a green checkmark. This just now it relative to an automatic update?
I have a couple of undesirable icons that magically appear on my desktop even after running adware and spybot numerous times and deleting, deleting, there any way I can get them to go away
I don't know why this is happening but it's driving me crazy trying to solve it. Every time I try and delete an Icon from the desktop I get an access denied response. I am logged on as administrator. Any Ideas.I think this all started when I put a password on my account and then later got rid of the password.
A friend of mine recently purchased a pc-cant remember the make i can easy find out tho-it worked fine for a week or so then apparently out of the blue a thin vertical line has appeared down his desktop-funny thing is it only appears on his desktop-if he is browsing the web he cant see it
For some reason, an Microsoft Outlook icon has appeared on my Desktop.I don't want it there because I don't use it. (I use Outlook Express 6.0). But I hesitate to delete it as it doesn't appear to be a shortcut, but the program itself.How can I move this to where it belongs, i.e. somewhere in Program Files?
I was about to change the wallpaper on my desktop and noticed that there were dozens of photos that have appeared in the select list that I never selected before. These are spread over many folders, so I thought I would do a browse from the menu, to find out where they were as I have used search to find them unsuccessfully
i have searched everywhere to do this , no site seemed to know how to get rid of it so i am helping the troubled with this problem, well not really a problem but an is a piece of cake. first right click on the desktop, go to arrange icons by ,uncheck lock web items to desktop(bang it's done).
After a malware infection (Inet2 and SpySherriff - which took over my desktop) I cleaned up some files, directories and registry-entries. Now, after the cleaning activity as explained by techguys, everything seems going well. All programs do start without problems (through the start-menu or the quick-start taskbar), but there is a small drawback: my desktop screen shows only my wallpaper, there are no icons. The right-mouse click on the desktop also doesn't work (although the desktopsettings are accessible through the control panel). I use WinXP pro. what is wrong and how do I get the icons back on the screen?
I just upgraded from 2k to XP. On 2K i could have all my desktop icons and icons for programs i use down on the task bar above open applications. Im sure theres a way to do this on XP so i dont have to go to my desktop or the start menu every time to open a new program.
I remember few days ago.. my kaspersky identified some system file as a trojan.. so it probably a misunderstanding when i was installing system mechanic. it got deleted.. and i have this automatic option to delete them after they are put in backup in kaspersky. now whenever i open my pc, my desktop and taskbar and start menu,etc goes away after a few seconds! Now i rely on the task manager..
There are no icons or taskbar on my desktop, On any account that I log in on. Cannot access task manager or start menu. How do I recover my desktop? This is a dell desktop pc, windows xp
Turned on other computer this morning. The desktop wallpaper showed. There were no icons or taskbar. I right click on the desktop and nothing happens. I can do a ctrl+alt+del and access the task manager but have no idea on how to restore my desktop. When I startup in safe mode all I get is a black screen.
I turned my computer on and 7 new icons appeared on my desktop (they don't appear to be shortcuts) advertising Poker, Card Games, Printer Cartridges, Casino Online, Bingo, Website Hosting. It won?t allow me to delete, drag, right click, or search for them. I have also done a search in DOS under my username/desktop with no luck, I tried the desktop cleanup again they were not listed, I have scanned with Norton Ad-aware and spybot search and destroy, but still they remain. The icons could not be found in my C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktop even with show hidden on.
The icons do not appear in safe mode, and since I have no idea where they are on my computer as I cannot search for them, I could not remove them in safe mode. The icons just link to web sites, so they are not on add-remove progs either. I'm running Windows XP Pro. **UPDATE** 2 IEXPLORE.EXE were found open in processess, when I tried to end one of them, all the icons vanished for a second then popped back up and IEXPLORE.EXE remained in processes, I use firefox not IE !!.. I have no idea what this means, maybe someone will know what to do now?
Custom desktop, two 250 GB HD, Intel2 duo @ 2.33 GHz, XP. I bought this computer just last week so I am in total immersed in learning 10 hours a day. (Also have a new laptop running Vista - I must be a masochist). I'll be bombarding you with questions in the weeks ahead. How do I remove unwanted icons from systray?
1) The HP printer icon is useless. There is no option to remove it from systray in properties.
2) The green icon is a "Safely remove device" service that refers to an earlier mistake I made installing my printer. I have no idea how to get rid of it.
I'm willing and capable of doing Registry hacks if necessary.
Recently reinstalled Windows. When I did the restore it but back all of my desktop shortcuts and items that were on the Start/Programs menus even though many of them are no longer on the machine. Is there a program that will hunt for those "dead end" shortcuts and menu items & delete them?
When I turn my computer on it goes through all neccessary procedures but when my desktop shows up it freezes there. I can move my mouse around but no icons.
In WinXP,Explorer I have 4-5 instances of My Documents and subfolders.I posted about this several days ago and someone said I could safely delete all instances that were shortcuts.How do I tell which folders are shortcuts?On the desktop the icons look different.I can tell no difference in Explorer.
Ok, Im DESPRATE for help right now, and im going to explain my whole situation which is grim I have a SONY VAIO 2.53 GHZ P4 Processor, 512 RAM, Windows XP pro (not so valid edition) 2 year old Comp. And I have 2 hard drives both 200GB, C: (windows and programs) D: video editing files...
I have a project to turn in TOMORROW... I could get in Big trouble and Fail a class if i dont get this done TONIGHT
Last Night I noticed when I was editing that some of my avi exports were all distorted and fragmented... So i figured "I havent EVER ran defrag (stupid me) on this hard drive maybe I should defrag it" So I looked into a defrag program called "diskeeper" I defragged C: (windows drive) and attempted to defrag D:.... I came to my comp and discovered an error that just said failure with the drive or something... After that I could not access (D I restarted, diskcheck did not work, and I dont want to do system restore... I posted on another websites forum and someone said I probably went over the 137GB limit... I think when I went over the 137GB limit, it possibly overflowed over some kind of boot files or something that lets windows read the disk i dont know (not that techincal with computers)So i looked into that, and I have an ATA card... and Windows NO service pack XP pro... Ive heard things about having a 48 bit bios or something... And after installing WINDOWS XP SP1... I try to get on my computer and i load windows
On my HP laptop, I can not move any of the desktop icons. They snap back to original position when released. "Auto Arrange" is not checked. I have tried with "Align to Grid" both on and off. "Lock Web Items on Desktop" is not checked.
When i was on the net i clicked save web page as to see what would happen. Now all my icons on my desktop look like they are highlighted when they are not.
I wanted to change icons on my desktop. so i was looking for the function, went into folder options, then to file types tab, I clicked on file folders, then on advanced. Didn't select anything, clicked ok. After that every time I click on a folder it would open in acdsee. So I went back there, couldn't find a setting to readjust it, then added a new command to open folders in explorer. Now each folder I click on opens in a new window.
All of my desktop has disappeared and i can only use my computer by pressing ctrl alt delete . i have had this problem for nearly a week now and i have no idea how this happened.
This happened to one of my co-workers yesterday. He was cleaning his keyboard off and he must have hit some kind of key combination, because all his desktop icons disappeared except for the My Computer and Recycle Bin ones. I guess he had a bunch on there that he needed, but couldn't find them. They weren't in the Recycle Bin and a file search didn't turn any of them up.
I thought I was typing a word doc one day.Only to glance up long enough to see that I wasn't typing in the right spot and all of a sudden after hitting return the icons bilnked and disapeared? This did happen on a XP machine.