Delete Dead Icons - Shortcuts And Menu Items?

Jul 20, 2005

Recently reinstalled Windows. When I did the restore it but back all of my desktop shortcuts and items that were on the Start/Programs menus even though many of them are no longer on the machine. Is there a program that will hunt for those "dead end" shortcuts and menu items & delete them?

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Delete Menu Items ...

Oct 26, 2006

in opening jpeg files on "open with.." i would like to delete many of the to do?

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Can't Delete Items From The Start Menu

Dec 12, 2005

When I right-click, and choose "Remove from this list", nothing happens.

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Lost Start Menu Items - Icons For Music

Oct 15, 2007

I lost the My Music and My Pictures icons on the start menu. I moved My Documents and was prompted to move the current items. I said (stupidly) yes. I noticed I had 2 music and picture folders in My Documents. I deleted the Folders that had been moved when I reloacated. When I went back to the start menu, My Music and My Pictures were gone. I looked in properties, and the two items were selected. I went to the registry and the entries for music and pictures were gone in UserShellFolders and ShellFolders. I recreated the entries. After all of this, there are still no icons for Music and Pictures on the start menu.

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Delete Items From Right Click Save Image As Menu

Nov 29, 2004

Have Win2K/ do I delete unwanted menu items from the Right Click "Save Image As" menu? The number of items causes the menu box to be either top justified or bottom justified, depending on where the cursor is located when the right click button is used. I am therefore having to move the cursor all over the screen to chase the desired "save Image" command. Also, with IE6, several menu items have been added (over IE5)....but, I am NEVER going to "email picture", "print picture", nor "go to my pictures" from this menu box. I could delete 7 of these pesky items, if I knew how, thus making this a much more user friendly menu box.

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Create Icons/shortcuts For Keyboard Shortcuts?

Sep 8, 2007

I'm looking for a way to create click-able Icons/shortcuts for various keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+..., etc.).
[My mouse is very acessable, but my keyboard is not. I know about various on-screen keyboards; but I would prefer clickable Icons that I could put in my quick launch toolbar, for example.]

Is this possible to do within XP, or with some program I can install

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Start Menu Items - Remove Items Frim List

Dec 25, 2004

Seems like every time I open some application it puts a link on the start menu, I realize I can delete this by right clicking it and choosing "remove this item from the list". How do I prevent it from being put there in the first place?

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Restore Items On Start Menu - Deleted Items

Feb 15, 2009

I deleted a few items from Start Menu>Programs that I would like to restore. These items are (1) set program access and defaults (2) windows catalog and (3) windows update. I don't know where the .exe files are for me to copy back into the start menu folder or if there is a easier way to restore them.

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Add Items To Start Menu - Toolbox Items

Sep 19, 2005

Does anyone know how to add items to the section of the start menu with all the "MY" folders? I want to add my games and toolbox. I don't want them 'pinned to the start menu' because they will open in a window and I want them in a list, like in the advanced start menu controls. I read somewhere how to do this, but I don't remember where.

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Desktop Disappeared / No Icons There Except Shortcuts

May 29, 2007

I went to log in the other day, using normal login and password.upon completing log-in process, I noticed my desktop looked completely different than normal (we normally stash dozens of icons right on desktop for quick access) - there were no icons there except for a couple standard shortcuts..Fearing all was lost, I quickly checked hard drive and saw that all our files were still there and functional (even in the desktop folder), but for some reason the desktop was not loading.Tried to open Outlook Express to check mail and could not access mail files or the internet It seems even though I used my normal login info, I was logged in as a different user and I suspect that's why desktop wasn't loading and I couldn't access email....I checked Documents and Settings - there is a new user folder (appeared out of nowhere as far as I can tell) with syntax of mynormalusername.L600-myfirstname.

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Creating Folders For Start Menu Program Shortcuts

Mar 31, 2005

I would like to organize my program shortcuts into folders in the Start, All Programs menu, but I can't find the main folder where these shortcuts are listed?

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Slow Start Menu Caused By Invalid Shortcuts

Oct 9, 2008

I'll start with a bit of background so everyone doesn't suggest the usual tips for speeding up the start menu.I'm logged in as administrator and running XP and have had problems with the start menu - all programs list being stupidly slow to populate for a while, and no performance issues anywhere else. I've tried all the usual removing shadows, fade and slide; unchecking auto search for network folders and printers; fiddling with the menu order in the registry and checking there are no false entries, etc, etc, but with no joy.I then noticed in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories there are two invalid links to 'Tour Windows XP' and 'Windows Explorer', and whenever I get anywhere near this folder everything slows up, which suggests to me these are the problem (although I could be wrong).

When I try to delete these shortcuts I get 'Cannot delete Tour Windows XP: Data error (cyclic redundancy check)'. The location both shortcuts are pointing to is C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories - so are these just pointing to themselves?I then went on to check C:Documents and SettingsDefault UserStart MenuProgramsAccessories and found both these shortcuts exist there as well, and are valid working shortcuts. Easy I thought, I can just copy these over to replace the invalid shortcuts and everything's fixed - but it asks me if I want to replace the existing file, and then says 'Cannot move Tour Windows XP: A file with the same name already exists. Specify a different name.'So I appear to be stuck with two invalid shortcuts in my menu that drive the processor mad anytime I go near them, and I can't delete, rename or point them at something else.

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Start Menu Riddle No Shortcuts Above Line / No All Programs

Jun 7, 2006

The problem is this. On a network. Upgraded from NT to XPsp2. Used old profile desktop admin.When XP startmenu (simple) is used, clicking on the All Programs does not pop up all the rest of the programs (they are there, in the right place). shortcuts in /documents and settings/%userprofile%/Start Menu/programs/
When classic menu is used, no shortcuts appear above the line (shortcuts in Start Menu root -- /documents and settings/%userprofile%/Start Menu)

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Start Menu Frequently Used Program Shortcuts Not Appearing

Oct 18, 2007

The shortcut icons for frequently used programs that appear in the start menu below the Internet, Email, etc. shortcuts seem to have disappeared. I noticed it when I rebooted after having defragmented system files using PerfectDisk 8. I assumed the list just got cleared, but it seems no matter how many programs I open, no new shortcuts are ever created. The space just remains blank.I'm not sure if this has any bearing, but I'm also running WindowBlinds 6. I've had WindowBlinds for a long long time and have never run across this issue. Also disabling WB doesn't seem to fix anything.I'm sure the solution is something quite simple

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Missing Icons / Cannot Get My Desktop To Accept Any Shortcuts

Jan 24, 2006

Was using computer all day yesterday and all was well, but when I stepped away for only a moment I returned to find that ALL my icons are gone and my display picture was reset to blue. I have cleaned the computer to see if I had picked up a virus/worm but all is well or is now. But the problem is.....I cannot get my desktop to accept any shortcuts and it won't allow me to pick a desktop picture. I can access all of my programs/files etc. through my start menu but when I try to create a shortcut it won't. Don't know what to do from here, it seems like it must be just an easy fix but darn if I can figure out what that fix would be.

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Start All Programs Create New Shortcuts Icons

Dec 4, 2008

i guess they short cut icons, when you click Start All Programs. Just wounding can you put a new heading in there. Like i got games so i just drag and drop all my games in there and i have Accessories/System tool and i drag all my PC scans and maintenance programs. I want to create a few headings like burning and chat.

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Slow Right-click Menu Appearance For All Folders And Folder-shortcuts

Mar 22, 2008

Today I had uninstalled several unused programs with the Add-Remove utility of Windows XP.Then I also unchecked a few services in the 'msconfig' (System Configuration Utility) and rebooted.Now, when I right-click on any folder or folder short-cut, the menu shows up only after waiting a full 3 minutes. The mouse cursor turns into the 'busy' indication and the system freezes during that time. The same scenario happens when I try to delete any folder (or folder-shortcut) using the 'Del' key on the keyboard. There is no such issue for any of the files.I would like to know what exactly is causing this problem and how it can be resolved. My PC is working fine now otherwise, and seems much faster than it was yesterday.

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Old Items In Context Menu

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file within the desktop or just Windows Explorer in general I have a few things in the context menu that I have uninstalled but stay in the menu. I've already cleaned the registry with RegCleaner and RegSeeker but the items still remain in my context menu. How do I get rid of these things?

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Submitted Pictures Under Explorer - Delete Shortcuts

Oct 31, 2006

Not to sure whats going on and I donot know how to correct this, but all of my documents in Explorer show up under Music-DVD-Media Programs as well as under C:/Documents & Settings/Jeanine Rediger/My Documents.I am submitting a picture of the screens under Explorer, It looks like to me that the Music-DVD-Media Program is a shortcut to My Documents, thats not right is it?
Sorry, I just don't know alot about computers, I think what I have to do is delete the shortcut

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Removing Items From Right Click Menu

Dec 22, 2004

there is a way of removing some of the right click context menu with the help of TweakUI.

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Start Menu Hides Most Of The Items

Oct 9, 2007

My start menu insists on collapsing itself, hiding all but about 2 or 3 items. It's really annoying; I have to click on the arrow to expand the menu to get to most of my programs. There's plenty of room to display all of the items on the screen, and it doesn't even to seem to choose to keep items I use frequently visible. Does anyone know how to stop this and force it to not hide anything?

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Remove The Highlights Around My Menu Bar Items?

May 8, 2008

Can anyone please tell me how to remove the highlights around my menu bar items.Only some menu bars look this way.

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Remove Two Items From Start Menu

Nov 25, 2007

I had added a couple of free standing applications and I cannot remove them no matter what I try. I cannot even rename them. I have tried changing the application location and then clicking on the Start Menu item so that I get an error message. The message asks whether I want to remove the item from the Start Menu and I click yes but that too does not work. I am tired of looking through the registry and cannot find anything relevant.

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Moving Context Menu Items

Oct 24, 2006

I got a little problem of trying to rename a newly created file as hit the delete button always as the rename and delete menu items are right next to each other. Any easy way to move context menu items as i found a little progy called shellex view from nirsoft a while back that lets me easily add or remove context menu items.

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Create Send To Menu Items

Oct 26, 2004

Open Explorer and type the following into the address bar:X:Documents and Settings user name SendTo (Where X: is your System Drive letter and "username" is your Username)Add a shortcut to the file or program of your choice.

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Cannot Delete Items

Sep 14, 2005

i have some folders that i want to delete from my computer. when i go to delete them it gives me this error "Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." i dont know what program is using the folder. is there anyway to find out what is using it??

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Removing Items From Desktop Right-Click Menu

Dec 19, 2004

Since I have installed a few new drivers/Software I have been having trouble with my desktop right click menu, the apps I've installed have added 3 new items on this menu and they take ages to load, even though they are not really that necessary and can be accessed without right clicking. I have taken a screen-shot and wondered if there is any way of removing the 3 marked items from my right click menu.

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Consolidation Space Of Start Menu Items

May 23, 2005

I've got a ton of start menu items. So many that as new programs are added now, they don't even show up. Where are they? Is there some way to make folders and move similar items together to consolidate space and make things easier to find?

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Items Safely Removed From Start Menu Go

Oct 9, 2009

can I safely remove items from start menu

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Cannot Access Start Menu Items - Folders

Jan 6, 2008

You see, my problem is that whenever i try to open a folder, or go to my computer or control panel my entire desktop blanks out leaving only the wallpaper and returns to the desktop with no open folder (by blanked out i mean the tool bar and icons disappear) i have no clue were to put this thread in, so im assuming it could be an operating system problem, the only way i can access folders is by using the run prompt thing, but even then i cant use the Control panel or anything, i tried Control.exe but no luck,

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Add Seperators To Pinned Start Menu Items

Aug 10, 2003

In XP, I like to disable including recent items on my start menu, and instead pinning all my most-used programs. But I have alot, and it can get confusing rather quickly, but I found a way to include seperators to organize my data on the start menu.The first thing to do is create a new shortcut on the desktop. Select any file for the target, and under the name of the shortcut, use the trick to add a blank space for the filename (ALT+0160 on the keypad -- making sure NUMLOCK is on). Then click finish.

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