Start All Programs Create New Shortcuts Icons

Dec 4, 2008

i guess they short cut icons, when you click Start All Programs. Just wounding can you put a new heading in there. Like i got games so i just drag and drop all my games in there and i have Accessories/System tool and i drag all my PC scans and maintenance programs. I want to create a few headings like burning and chat.

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Create Icons/shortcuts For Keyboard Shortcuts?

Sep 8, 2007

I'm looking for a way to create click-able Icons/shortcuts for various keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+..., etc.).
[My mouse is very acessable, but my keyboard is not. I know about various on-screen keyboards; but I would prefer clickable Icons that I could put in my quick launch toolbar, for example.]

Is this possible to do within XP, or with some program I can install

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Start Menu Riddle No Shortcuts Above Line / No All Programs

Jun 7, 2006

The problem is this. On a network. Upgraded from NT to XPsp2. Used old profile desktop admin.When XP startmenu (simple) is used, clicking on the All Programs does not pop up all the rest of the programs (they are there, in the right place). shortcuts in /documents and settings/%userprofile%/Start Menu/programs/
When classic menu is used, no shortcuts appear above the line (shortcuts in Start Menu root -- /documents and settings/%userprofile%/Start Menu)

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Programs Will Not Start Even Though Desktop Icons & Start Menu Appear

Jun 5, 2008

I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?

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Unable To Create Shortcuts On A CD?

Aug 17, 2005

I'm trying to create a series of shortcuts to items for a MultiMedia CD that I'm creating.I try to make it easy for people to use so I create a directory for shortcuts to items on the CD that I want them to access.Then have the autoplay open up that directory so they have access to everything on the CD.How do I create a shortcut that will work on whatever drive that they have assigned on their system.

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Icons In Start/All Programs List

Jun 28, 2005

I would like to put my icons back in the area that is reached via Start/All Programs/ and then associated
with the specific program. How to do it?

I want to remove the icons from my desktop.
I know I can delete those, but how do I get the icons back to the Programs

For example, once I drag the Word icon from Start/All Programs/Microsoft
onto my desktop, the Word icon is gone from the All Programs list. How do I
get it back in that list?

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Create Shortcuts On Desktop On Login

Apr 20, 2009

My company just migrated from Novell to Active Directory. I am new to Windows. I am the local LAN Administrator. I am told to create 2 short cuts as follows: and a mapped shared drive: \some thing my folder and put these two shortcuts on the Human HResource Users' desktop when they login. I am thinking about creating a Human Resource Desktop group so that when someone who is assigned to this group would get the two shortcuts. Since I am new to Windows, I don't know how to do this. Please advice. Much appreciated.

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Easy Way To Create Desktop Shortcuts

Aug 12, 2002

Instead of going into the register, it is simpler to open Windows Explorer, find the .exe file that you want, right-click on it and choose send to desktop.

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Desktop Disappeared / No Icons There Except Shortcuts

May 29, 2007

I went to log in the other day, using normal login and password.upon completing log-in process, I noticed my desktop looked completely different than normal (we normally stash dozens of icons right on desktop for quick access) - there were no icons there except for a couple standard shortcuts..Fearing all was lost, I quickly checked hard drive and saw that all our files were still there and functional (even in the desktop folder), but for some reason the desktop was not loading.Tried to open Outlook Express to check mail and could not access mail files or the internet It seems even though I used my normal login info, I was logged in as a different user and I suspect that's why desktop wasn't loading and I couldn't access email....I checked Documents and Settings - there is a new user folder (appeared out of nowhere as far as I can tell) with syntax of mynormalusername.L600-myfirstname.

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Missing Icons In Start Menu "All Programs"

Jul 21, 2005

Since installing some minor items this week, all of the items previously found under "All Programs" within the Start menu have disappeared. What happened, how do I fix it, and how do I start programs that used to be there but also have no desktop icon?

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Missing Icons / Cannot Get My Desktop To Accept Any Shortcuts

Jan 24, 2006

Was using computer all day yesterday and all was well, but when I stepped away for only a moment I returned to find that ALL my icons are gone and my display picture was reset to blue. I have cleaned the computer to see if I had picked up a virus/worm but all is well or is now. But the problem is.....I cannot get my desktop to accept any shortcuts and it won't allow me to pick a desktop picture. I can access all of my programs/files etc. through my start menu but when I try to create a shortcut it won't. Don't know what to do from here, it seems like it must be just an easy fix but darn if I can figure out what that fix would be.

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Delete Dead Icons - Shortcuts And Menu Items?

Jul 20, 2005

Recently reinstalled Windows. When I did the restore it but back all of my desktop shortcuts and items that were on the Start/Programs menus even though many of them are no longer on the machine. Is there a program that will hunt for those "dead end" shortcuts and menu items & delete them?

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How To Create Own Personal Icons Downloads

Jun 20, 2005

Is there a way that I can create my own personal icons or are there icon downloads ?

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Upgraded - Desktop Icons And Icons For Programs Are Gone

Jan 17, 2006

I just upgraded from 2k to XP. On 2K i could have all my desktop icons and icons for programs i use down on the task bar above open applications. Im sure theres a way to do this on XP so i dont have to go to my desktop or the start menu every time to open a new program.

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Create Bootable CD / Activate Necessary Functions / Contain Necessary Programs / When Resetting Up PC

Jun 22, 2005

Can anybody give me instructions on how to create a good bootable CD that will activate all necessary functions and contain all necessary programs when resetting up a pc. i.e I need a cd that will boot to DOS (command prompt) and give me access to format, fdisk, mouse, and load cd rom drivers etc.Ideally I would like it to work no matter what OS may still be resident on the HD.

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Downloaded A New Shell 4 - Create A Link In The Programs Folder?

Jun 7, 2005

i run xp pro n i downloaded a new shell 4 it n then decided i did not like it, i uninstalled it n now i dont hav a link from my desktop 2 particular sites, i get a message tellin me 2 create a link in the progs folder but i dont kno what 2 do,it seems 2 work for progs but not 4 web sites. i should add that i mean the link from my desktop icons,. but i can access the web pages from my favourites menu

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Start Application Wrong One Starts / Shortcuts

Feb 20, 2005

Like when I go to start an application the wrong one starts, or shortcuts taking you to the wrong file??? This has happened to me a few times in the last couple of days? I got a XP tweak tool from TotalIdea, haven't really tweaked much with it, just a few visual, speed related tweaks. Nothing that cant be done without the 'TweakXP' program, but I was just trying it out??? It seems that this caused the weirdness with the shortcuts???? Another strange thing when I start the Tweaker it tries to start an installer for a antispyware app?? Tries twice, both times I tell it to cancel, then starts up normally. Probably just uninstall, but I thought Id run it through the TSG mill, and see if any others have similar experience? BTW I have run Regmech, Adaware SE, And my System Mech5 cleaners, but prob still there???

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Creating Folders For Start Menu Program Shortcuts

Mar 31, 2005

I would like to organize my program shortcuts into folders in the Start, All Programs menu, but I can't find the main folder where these shortcuts are listed?

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Slow Start Menu Caused By Invalid Shortcuts

Oct 9, 2008

I'll start with a bit of background so everyone doesn't suggest the usual tips for speeding up the start menu.I'm logged in as administrator and running XP and have had problems with the start menu - all programs list being stupidly slow to populate for a while, and no performance issues anywhere else. I've tried all the usual removing shadows, fade and slide; unchecking auto search for network folders and printers; fiddling with the menu order in the registry and checking there are no false entries, etc, etc, but with no joy.I then noticed in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories there are two invalid links to 'Tour Windows XP' and 'Windows Explorer', and whenever I get anywhere near this folder everything slows up, which suggests to me these are the problem (although I could be wrong).

When I try to delete these shortcuts I get 'Cannot delete Tour Windows XP: Data error (cyclic redundancy check)'. The location both shortcuts are pointing to is C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories - so are these just pointing to themselves?I then went on to check C:Documents and SettingsDefault UserStart MenuProgramsAccessories and found both these shortcuts exist there as well, and are valid working shortcuts. Easy I thought, I can just copy these over to replace the invalid shortcuts and everything's fixed - but it asks me if I want to replace the existing file, and then says 'Cannot move Tour Windows XP: A file with the same name already exists. Specify a different name.'So I appear to be stuck with two invalid shortcuts in my menu that drive the processor mad anytime I go near them, and I can't delete, rename or point them at something else.

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Weird Startup Glitch - Shortcuts For Start Up Folder

Dec 22, 2008

I have XP SP3, and have recently discovered that when Restarting the system, after logging on, Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird automatically run. There are no shortcuts for them in the Start Up Folder, and they do not start automatically after a complete shut down/fresh start -- only after a restart. After they're up and running, everything works normal.

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Start Menu Frequently Used Program Shortcuts Not Appearing

Oct 18, 2007

The shortcut icons for frequently used programs that appear in the start menu below the Internet, Email, etc. shortcuts seem to have disappeared. I noticed it when I rebooted after having defragmented system files using PerfectDisk 8. I assumed the list just got cleared, but it seems no matter how many programs I open, no new shortcuts are ever created. The space just remains blank.I'm not sure if this has any bearing, but I'm also running WindowBlinds 6. I've had WindowBlinds for a long long time and have never run across this issue. Also disabling WB doesn't seem to fix anything.I'm sure the solution is something quite simple

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Creating Network Shortcuts / Safely Removing Unused Shortcuts?

Aug 7, 2006

How do I create network shortcuts in My Network Places? There are several computers on my network and on them, specific specific drives and specific folders that I use frequently. I'd like them to show up on all the computers, but I don't know how to create them? A second, related question, can I safely delete shortcuts that appear there that I don't use?

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Start Programs Dont Open - Freezes Up - Programs Unstable

Jun 5, 2005

I was checking my daughters pc for some usual maintenance. The start programs on list suddenly dont open, computer freezes up, did the error-checking but I cannot seem to get some vital prgrams to open up. I am running a couple of recent worm tools from Symantec and so far, nothing. Could this be a hardware problem or can someone tell me something I am missing?

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Programs Not Listed In Start Menu Or Add/Remove Programs

Oct 6, 2008

I reinstalled Windows XP. For some reason, all of my old programs show up in Windows Explorer, but not in the Start Menu or in Control Panel/Add Remove Programs. Is there a way to fix this?

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Create A Backup Disk Before Start Using Computer?

Mar 14, 2010

i just had my satellite fixed and i want to create a disk to backup everything that i have on my has only the things that came with the computer on it."fresh installation" and i need to know what kind of disk, and how do i know exactly what to back-up? never backed up anything i use a dvd disk? and if i use a regular cd-r will it fit everything on one disk ?

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Get Rid Of The Orange In Start-all Programs- When You Installed New Programs

Feb 5, 2005

I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it

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Desktop Shortcuts On My Desktop Will Not Open Any Programs

Oct 9, 2007

When my computer was turned on this morning the desktop shortcuts on my desktop will not open any programs. Non shortcuts such as my computer or outlook express open normally. I have recreated all shortcuts and the new shortcuts still won't open. I have tried the obvious of restarting the computer and I have run my antivirus programs (symantec,spy bot and adaware) w/o anything being found. Can any one give me any ideas of what may fix this issue?

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Moved Start Up Programs From C To D And Now System Doesn't Start

Jan 12, 2007

I admit it...I moved my startup folder from C drive to D and now I am dead in the water. The computer is a Sony PCV RS420 with Windows XP Home Edition with all the updates. When I start the comp. I get "SONY" on the screen and thats it. Unresponsive to all F commands.

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All Shortcuts Are Blank Pages - Shortcuts Are Down But The Exe's Can Still Run

Nov 7, 2006

my windows is acting like it has no registry i can't access system restore, reg edit, etc. or and has icons only on the shortcuts which are defult like computer network bin etc. The files eg word doc or a pdf can been seen with the appropriate program. I can work programs like normal as i am using firefox, IE ain't working but i can acces computer which is IE . This has happened once before but i can't understand why i had karpersky and adware updated both times but didn't stop it. b4 it happened alot quicker but this time it took its time.

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How To Get Programs & Icons Back

Jun 22, 2009

When I start my PC the only thing that appears is the wallpaper and the mouse arrow which does move but no right click. I've tried SafeMode and get only the words Safe Mode in four corners so I can't do a system restore. I've tried restoring to last known good configuration but I get the wallpaper again.The only thing I can think of doing is a full restoration but I have 300 itunes on my hardrive which are paid for.
If anyone has an idea how to get my programs & icons back, I'll try anything.

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Not Responding - Programs Or Icons

Jul 12, 2005

I have 4 sign in's including the administrator, when I log in under the administrator, no programs or icons respond, including My Computer. Under the other log in's, they do respond but I do not have access to make changes or to see my data to back it up. I managed to install Norton Antivirus from DOS and cleaned up a few viruses but programs will still not respond. Should I reinstall XP, would I loose my data ? Also I can not find my XP disk but do have the package with the key, can you download another version and input the key?

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