Tcpmon.ini Missing - Tcpmon.ini File In My System32 Dir Is Missing

Aug 4, 2005

My printer which I needed to run cleanspl.exe on my system, the tcpmon.ini file in my system32 dir is missing, is there anywhere I can dl this file from as I need my printer back on-line.

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System32 Corrupt Or Missing File

Oct 3, 2005

Last night while watching the news, my computer rebooted all on it's own way over on the other side of the room and now I have the following error message. Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/ntfs.sys. I will boot up if I try several times but even after doing a system restore I get the same message plus sometimes I get Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/pci.sys

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Corrupt Or Missing System32 File

Jul 28, 2005

I have been getting Norton (Corporate, installed by someone else) notificatons for a few weeks about a Trojan (cache.cachekit) and Norton could not get rid of it. Now I cant boot up and it tells me my file(System32/system/config) is missing or corrupt. I was thinking it was my Trojan I couldnt get rid of, what do you think? Also, my OS was installed by someone else so I didnt have my own disk, however I have ordered one and it should come in a week. If it is my elusive Trojan, for one, how do I get rid of it for good, and also, when I get my disk I dont know exactly what to do to fix the computer. I cant bring it up in safemode either. I have never installed a OS, but I have installed other software-on a properly functoning computer that is. Do I absolutely have to wipe my hardrive clean, and if so, how do I do it?

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System32 Folder Disappeared - File Is Missing

Aug 26, 2006

Well, reciently I've discovered that my C:WindowsSystem32 folder is gone. Just gone. And it seems that any time a program tries to open something in that folder, it just pops up and says that the file is missing or whatnot.

1. The files are still there. I can access them through IE by typing in the dir in the address bar.

2. The folder is supposedly "Hidden," but I have it set to view all hidden files and folders.

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Put Password And Freeze - System32 Exe.file Missing

Sep 24, 2009

I turned my laptop on the other day and it took nearly 45 minutes to load and when it got to the windows log on screen it didn't bring up the option to put a password in just froze here not doing anything. Next time I turned it on I got the following message: Windows could not staart because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>system32 toskrul.exe

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Dell Pc Missing System32 File - Won't Boot

Oct 1, 2007

We made the mistake of ordering Dell pcs for work (Never Again & we advise against it!) because they do not include Windows OS disks with the units. They include it on a partition of the HD: (-nice of them). Now one system will not boot up and it is completely out of the question to restore the system to it's original factory setting because of the monetary value of the files that will be lost.

Technically, all it's missing is the WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/... file(s) and on any "normal" pc, popping in the WinXP disc on boot and hitting "r" usually solves that problem. However, F5 and booting the system at its last working condition does not work. Thanks to Microsoft's security features, we cannot use another XP disc to fix this problem. And I will never contact Dell's support line since they've tried to charge us for technical support before they'd give us any help. And this was on a brand new pc that we just purchased. (For some reason did not boot up and they wanted to charge us in order to get it started! - Main reason I will NEVER purchase a computer from Dell ever again.... no CD's is the 2nd reason.) Anyway, the only option we have is to take it in for servicing or place the HD in a second pc.

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System32/config/system.sav File Missing Or Corrupt?

Jul 6, 2008

My problem started when I booted my computer. Windows (XP Home Edition) started with the message that windows/system32/config/system.sav was missing or corrupt. It told me to use the recovery console to solve the problem. I saw with the recovery console that the system.sav file wasn't missing so it had to be corrupt (0 bytes in filesize).

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System32 / Config / System File Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 27, 2008

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: /windows/system32/config/system
It states that I can put in the originial setup CD-ROM and select 'r' to start repair but that doesn't help me. My laptop did not come with a windows cd as I bought it preloaded from BestBuy. So about 4 years ago when my computer was overcome with the Sasser worm, I reformatted and loaded a friend of mine's Win XP Pro cd on my laptop. I still have the CD but when I hit 'r' (Boot partition recovery) it does its little DOS thing and then gives me a Disk I/O Error. I am thinking that maybe it is trying to boot from a floppy drive and not my CD drive and thats why I am getting the I/O error?

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File Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Root System32 Hal.dll

Nov 6, 2009

I am getting the following error and it loops: "file is missing or corrupt windows root system32 hal.dll" When I try and run the windows cd and either wipe or repair the error it tells me that the "the setup did not find hard drive disks" Now I am thinking the hard drive is defective?? Or do I have a virus?

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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Windows Wont Start Missing Windows Root/system32/hal.dll Missing?

May 29, 2008

When I turn on comp. get the mssg: Windows couldn't start following file missing <Windows root>/system32/hal.dll Reinstall copy of file Recovery does not work. Tried to boot from a cd (changed BIOS to cd as 1st boot device) with win xp setup boot disk downloaded from MS site. Get same error mssg.

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Wont Start Missing Or Corrupt File-Not Telling Which File Is Missing?

Dec 2, 2004

I have fixed this problem in the past in repair mode and i want to do the same with this, but, there is no filename at the end of the statement see below Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing windowssystem32configsystem Can this be fixed in repair mode without having to be reformated or reimaged.

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System32 Drivers Tfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 23, 2005

My Hewlett Packard Pavilion ZT3000 notebook was running fine but then Windows wouldn't load and the message, "system32driverstfs.sys is missing or corrupt" came up. I'm using Windows XP.Only two things happened prior to this occurring, the lid got shut a little hard but no damage and I downloaded Servicepack 2.

I ran a HHD self test and it tested ok, all the help screens, etc. come up fine but not Windows.I have an operating disk and a recovery disk but neither seems to help

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System32/hal.dll Missing - Ran Disk Cleanup

Feb 2, 2008

Windows system32/hal.dll missing,today i help sister run some virus scan and clean up her notebook,then i run disk cheanup and it deleted all system files.and i click restart,and i saw this word "Windows system32/hal.dll missing".

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Aug 3, 2005

I've just turned my notebook on this morning and a screen came up "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM" It then tells me that I can fix the problem using the original Setup CD-ROM... The problem is, in the last couple of years that I've had it we've moved twice and are about to move again and I can't find it anywhere! And, I need the computer for work. Is there any way I can do this without the CD?

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 25, 2006

XP pro computer tells me this when i turn it on. Offers to load in safe mode first, then tells me its lost/broken this file, push r to repair. Push r and it restarts. Cant work out how to fix this problem, and not liking the name ntfs in the error at all.

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My Computer Crashed - System32 Is Corrupt Or Missing

Aug 21, 2008

My computer crashed and when i started it back up i got a black screen saying 'system32 is corrupt or missing' or something similar to that, so we reformatted it, now there are problems.It refuses to update. It was reformatted early yesterday, but it hasn't run a single update.i can't go to the Microsoft website and manually download the important updates, because after i hit download i get a 'page cannot be displayed' notice.Internet explorer won't open. not a big deal for me because i use Firefox, but my dad uses IE. when i try to open it i get a 'IE has encountered a problem and needs to close' notice. No page pops up or anything. I've been trying to convince my dad to get a new computer for years, and he always said 'not until this one's completely dead'

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System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted?

Feb 14, 2009

Trying to repair my son's laptop--Dell Inspiron 6000 running XP professional, cannot start-up due to above error message.tried steps outlined in link below from Microsoft, but get "access is denied" at every prompt

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Corrupted Or Missing: System32 Config System?

Sep 28, 2009

I am new at this so I will try and post as much relevant (or possibly no) information in hopes not to waste anyone's time. I receive the following message each time I boot up my Dell Latitude 400 with Windows XP update with SP1 and 2: Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing: windowssystem32configsystem. You can attempt to repair this file starting Windows Setup using the original Setup cd-rom. select "r" at the first screen to start repair.

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Root System32 Ntoskrnl Exe Missing Or Corrupt?

Feb 11, 2010

how can solve this problem please tell me.can i use any free softwere to solve this problem.

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Could Not Start - Missing Or Corrupt System32 / Config

Oct 4, 2009

I was playing Medieval II: Total War and the computer crashes. Then when I try to boot it up I get Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. I've checked BIOS for the boot procedure, and everything seems to be in order. I then go through the regular procedure of putting in the CD to run the repair. I boot from the CD, it loads up fine... but there are no partitions and no option to enter the recovery console (which I've read so many wonderful things about).

So now I'm sort of stuck. There's no options other than install and delete the selected (none) partition. If I hit delete (b/c in anger sometimes I'm an idiot) it tells me it's a system partition and there could be VALUABLE system information like AN OS (I'm fuming at this point). NO... I did not delete it. If I hit install, I get a bunch of bogus about how "Setup cannot install to the selected partition.

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Fixed System32 Missing Error - Set Up New User

Mar 21, 2010

1.I fixed system32 missing error, now xp set up a new user. My old files are there... But I can't log on as my old user name to get back to work. Is there a simple way to restore my old user? Everything appears to be fine.

2. In my hours of attempting to fix the system 32 thing 2 new boot points have been installed. I cant seem to get rid of them. I tried the msconfig thing but there is no way to delete them from there. Please help 20 hours of this crap and counting.

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System Keeps Restarting--System32/Config Missing Or Corrupt?

Sep 12, 2007

So I was working with adobe photoshop and it absolutely refused to exit. I tried ctrl+alt+delete and after about twenty minutes it was still frozen on my screen. So I tried shutting the computer down normally, and it froze on the "Windows is shutting down" screen for like, the fiftieth time. So I had to force it off by holding down the power button. When I turned it back on to continue working, I got a message saying windows/system32/config (or something like that) was missing or corrupt. I pressed "r" since I don't know where my startup disk is and it restarted.

I have Norton GoBack, so I hit the space-bar to allow it to restore to about an hour earlier before I opened photoshop. This wasn't the first time this had happened. I've been getting the same message at every other start up for a couple weeks and this method worked fine every time. It seemed to be okay this time too but then it just RESTARTED for no apparent reason. When it got to the Norton GoBack screen I got a message saying the system had become unstable and needed to start over, and it suggested it was possibly because of a bug in an application or a hardware problem which is also possible.

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Getting Error System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted ?

Nov 27, 2009

I was exiting a game and windows started getting really slow and i could not click on anything so i held my power button on my computer and shut it off. When I started it again it said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem" then it says I can put my original CD in and go to the recovery console. When I did this I got to the first step in a tutorial online where I type "copy c:windowsystem.... etc"

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Root System32 Ntoskrnl Exe Missing Or Corrupt On Dell?

Apr 17, 2010

how to fix dell computer window root system32 ntoskrnl exe missing or corrupt

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Missing System32 On Boot / Back But Not Running Properly

Jan 14, 2006

I had a missing "Windowssystem32configsystem" upon restarting my comp last Saturday. Couldn't boot into safe mode at all. Used HP's recovery console to run chkdsk and it fix errors on the volume. Wouldn't let me run the recovery disks I had to get from HP since they are not given with a new computer. Great I thought.Upon starting now, my antivirus won't run and a lot of Windows programs(Search adn System Restore just a blank page, Media Player, etc) .I can get IE to open up but no active X although it says it is enabled, also my home page doesn't show up at all but it is set to it. Those are some of the things I have found wrong so far as I am sure I have more.

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PC Wont Boot: System32/drivers/ntfs.sys Missing Or Corrupt?

May 16, 2010

I come to boot up the computerwhen booting in normal mode or safe mode I get the message system32/drivers/ntfs.sys is missing or corrupt please insert original windows disk and press 'r' on the first screen. so i put in the disk and it says boot CD but then after a while it just comes up with the same message telling me to insert original disk.I have tried this now with 2 different windows disks, iv changed to boot settings and this still does not work.

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Windows Crashed Wont Open - System32 / Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupt

Nov 9, 2008

Windows xp crashed, wont even open. I get an error: <windows root> / system32/hal.dll is missing or corrupt. I dont have a xp disk, it did not come with the pc when i bought it. Came with xp already on it.

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Missing Or Corrupt: System32 Config System / Unable To Repair?

Jan 4, 2008

When I start up my laptop, the screen immediatly says Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.The deal is I dont have the cd. IF someone could tell me how to get an xp cd (without buying) that'd be great.

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System32 Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Boot?

Jul 18, 2005

I have had my Dell computer for about a month. When I boot up I get a message saying that I can't boot up because <windows root> System32NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. I get the same thing for system32DRIVERS NTFS.SYS.

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