Taskbar Locks Up When Starting Pc - Get Regular Updates

Dec 13, 2005

When I start my computer Iget only 2 or 3 icons in the taskbar and then nothing else happens. When I put the cursor on start I get the hourglass,and the icons on my desktop dont respond either. Ive gone into the task manager and ended the explorer.exe process and then re started it, and this works sometimes. Ive done system restore with 3 different dates and the problem still comes back. I use McAfee antivirus and get regular updates daily and hevent found any viruses.

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Loaded Updates - No Desktop Icons Or Taskbar

May 23, 2006

I just did a load of windows updates now when I start my machine I have no taskbar or desktop icons.

Explorer.exe does not start automatically but if you go into task manager you can start it (it opens onto 'my documents').

Everything seems to open fine from here - iexplorer can be started and I can get online.

Also when I right click on the desktop I get nothing.

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Disabling Auto Updates - Getting A Red Shield In Taskbar

Dec 18, 2006

I have disabled automatic updates on my Win XP. Now i get a red shield in my taskbar which is a bit annoying.

How do i set it so that red shield is not there (without enabling auto updates again.

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Updates Programs Minimized - Stopping Showing On Taskbar

Apr 2, 2006

I am running XPPRO with all latest updates and recently when I minimized any programs, it stopped showing the program on the taskbar. Now I do not know which programs are running or have to use the CTRL-TAB to switch between programs. I tried to look for setting which would re-enable this but could not find this.

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Automatic Updates Unseen In Add/remove List/ Auto Updates Only Download Security Updates?

Jun 1, 2006

The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.

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Regular Email Pop Up Mean?

Oct 13, 2006

I was just at a site where i wanted to enter a competition, and therefore had to send an email.I clicked on the 'send email' link, i received this message: you need to create an account before proceeding, would you like to create one now?'I clicked on 'yes' and was asked, 'what type of account would you like to create?' the choices being: regular email[pop]IMAP,news,import email opera web email[ i use the opera browser.The only one of those that i understand is the opera choice, so i clicked on that. That took me to my opera email account, i thought,fine.however, there was no sign of the email address that i need to be able to send them a message.now i'm sure you've come across this yourselves, it crops up for me every so often, when it does, it puts me off whatever i was trying to do, and i give up.what should i do? what does regular email[pop] mean?should i click on these other choices?why, when i click opera, am i not given the email address?

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Home Madness / Regular Reinstalls

Aug 23, 2005

in the last month I've had to reinstall xp because my pc would stop booting and give the error message "windows cannot start due to missing or corrupt system file confid.sys." I've done fdisk 4 times before being told I should Format so the last time I had to reinstall I formatted. I have 2 problems righ tnow. First, in my craziness I had xp install twice today and have 2 versions on NTSF so I don't know if I can uninstall as it doesn't allow thru Add/remove Programs...Second problem. I'm told by some techs at work that I must have a virus in my mbr. I used the command fixnbr without really having more of a prayer than knowledge. I run antivurus multiple times a day because of my probs. What prg do I need to find a problem in my MBR? This pc is less than 5 months old and Dell is not very helpful on the phone.

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Reset Page File Back To Regular

Sep 20, 2009

how do i reset my page file back to regular it wont let me do it again it says its too small for the operation

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Created New User Automatically - Regular Administrator

Mar 14, 2008

I have Windows 2000 with the normal administrator id setup as well as one other. I logged in today and noticed I had no background which tipped me off. I tried my email program and it was asked me to set it all up. I then went into mydocuments and it was empty. So if I go into my drive and look at Documents and Setting I normally only had Administrator, AllUsers and my other ID motopsycho. Now I have the following....Administrato Administrator.Chris
Administrator.Chris.000 AllUsers AllUsers.WinNT motopsycho Now if I go into just the regular Administrator I can see all MyDocuments, MyFavorites etc. but I seem to be booting up with the Administrator.Chris.00

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Removing Raid0 Setup - Regular Installation

Oct 5, 2010

Trying to remove my raid0 install and restore windows to a regular installation.
I deleted my array but my boot menu is not picking up either of my hard drives, however they are still showing up in my raid config window.Its been a while since I've done this but I don't recall any hardware alterations being necessary to switch back.Im obviously missing something, can anyone point me in the right direction? as it stands when I try to install xp now it is giving me a blue screen with 7b error

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Unwanted Desktop Image / Regular Background

Mar 28, 2007

I have windows xp. Somehow I inadvertedly put an image from space.com on top of my regular background picture. I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it like restore computer to earlier time...changing background..etc. nothing works. It ruins the beautiful background picture having this smaller picture overlapping it.

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Regular Cpu Spike - Sound Card Drivers

Mar 11, 2010

The CPU usage spikes to 100% regularly according to the windows task manager. It causes sound to shudder. I thought it might be fixed if I updated the sound card drivers, but I made a bit of a mess of it, and there was no sound until I managed to resurrect the previous driver. The computer is quite old, and I have added ram (1.43GB) I've scanned using AVG with no results. I've also defragmented using Smart Defrag.

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Win2K Boot Computer - Not Regular Mode

Feb 27, 2005

Im trying to boot a Win2k computer... It hangs at the Windows 2000 prompt with the blue bar going across the screen... I can boot into safe mode but not regular mode...

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Can't Get Internet Explorer To Go Back To Regular Size

Sep 4, 2005

I had right clicked on the taskbar, then clicked on cascade windows.Now I can not get my internet explorer window to go back to regular size when I click on the internet explorer E (not sortcut) on my desktop (I have to manually resize it).I want to be able to click on it & have it open to max size How can I get it back to normal?

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DVD Video Playback Dark And Grainy Over Regular Screen ?

Oct 19, 2006

I am having problems with video playback on my comp. I have two dvd drives,a LiteOn DVD reader and a new Samsung DVDRW w/Lightscribe.I have had no problems in the past, but now my movies look really poor. I tried the disks in my laptop and they played fine. What is the prob? I've used Windows Media Player, Nero Showtime and PowerDVD and all three had the same playback issues.

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Booting Very Slowly - Regular Checks Anti-spyware/malware

Jan 28, 2008

There is a computer at home which is booting very slowly now. Besides doing the regular checks (anti-spyware/malware, HijackThis, etc.) I want to be able to look at a log (or a log viewer) after boot to know exactly what in the boot process is taking so long, what exactly is being run/loaded and how long it is taking. Is there a way I can see that in Windows? Or any reliable Freeware/Shareware tool?

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Logging Into SAFE Mode - Regular Password Doesn't Accept

Oct 6, 2009

I'm trying to get into Safe Mode so I can do a proper Defrag, but I get the Windows logon prompt...problem is it does not accept my normal Password ( I have no problem logging in Normal mode).... What's up with that, would there be 2 different Passwords?

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MS Word Starting When Starting Computer

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.

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Pro Taskbar With "Group Similar Taskbar Buttons?

Jul 24, 2005

With XP Pro SP2, I enable "Group similar taskbar buttons". I generally have my taskbar stretched 2 to 3 rows even so. Sometimes, when I have a lot of windows open, and the similar taskbar buttons group and stack themselves, so 1 button contains 2 or 3 open tasks, I can't get any action out of the buttons that represent multiple open tasks.

Any of the taskbar buttons that represent a single open task are fine. But any buttons that represent multiple open tasks don't respond. I have to do Alt -
Tab to bring a task to the front, if it's one of the tasks on a button that represents a group. Or I can go to Taskbar Properties, and deselect "Group similar taskbar buttons".

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Truncated Window Designations In Taskbar - Taskbar Grouping On

Jan 21, 2008

I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.

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Taskbar Fails At NOT Group Similar Taskbar Buttons

Sep 23, 2009

I want to see all task bar buttons and not have them grouped. XP Taskbar menu offers check "Group similar taskbar buttons." I leave this unchecked, then Apply, then OK. XP still groups the similar buttons (e.g., Word doc1, Word doc2, etc.) instead of having these ungrouped.

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Log Onto System It Locks Up

Jan 13, 2006

Need some help here. When ever I log onto my system it locks up. I ran Ewido last night and it cleaned 33 items off, Im still having the problem. Its like there is a program conflicting with another or somethiing.

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2000 Pro - Locks Up After Log-in

Dec 5, 2004

I have an HP Lap top with Windows 2000 Pro on it. When booting up, the computer will go through all its normal start-up procedures. When it comes time for the Username/Password, I put them in, I hear the wave sound for windows loading, and then it freezes! The hour glass cursor remains on the screen and moves, only NOTHING happens from there on.

However,I can get it to boot normally after this by shutting it down.... then going into the Bios Set-up screen.....Change NOTHING & simply exit out of the Bios Set-up......THEN it will start normally and bring up the Desktop! BUT....if I shut it down again, It will freeze right after the Log-in just like before. Im tired of always having to go into the Bios to get this darn thing to work

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 22, 2005

I'm having problems with computer freezing when I multi task. Hitting the ctrl alt delete will bring it back. I have a compaq 64 bit with 512 mb. This only seems to happen when I'm using internet explorer.Could it be a bad ethernet causing lockups?

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 3, 2006

I am experiencing my computer locking up quite frequently.

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Control Taskbar Auto Hide / Launch Control Panel Taskbar

Sep 1, 2005

I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".

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Printer Locks Up Computer

Feb 10, 2006

My printer locks upp my entire WinXp pro when telling it to print something out.There's nothing wrong with the printer itself or the cables attached to it, a've checked on another comp. Also tried to reinstall the LPT1 port and the drivers several times without no success. Even checked so that there's no other software that interferes with the printer drivers. and did run a virus check, both in Win and in pure DOS-mode, nothing. Starting to suspect that the LPTport on my Mobo- ASUS P4P800E Deluxe is screwed.The setting in BIOS is set to ECP as default and can't be manipulated.

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Compter Locks Up And Not Responding To Anything

Sep 10, 2005

I built a computer about 6 months ago. It worked fine up to now. I am now having problems with it locking up and not responding to anything. I try to move the mouse and nothing. I try to hit CTRL ALT Delete and still nothing. The only way to get it unfrozen is to do a cold boot. It does this even while I am working with it like in Word or on the Internet. This problem has just started recently. There have been no hardware changes to the system. I have even reinstalled Win 2000 on a fresh partition (I reformatted the same harddrive and put a clean version of 2000 on the drive

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Pro SP2 Machine Locks Up Randomly

Dec 2, 2006

My machine has been locking up randomly for the past couple of weeks. I have tried to pinpoint the problem to one program or another, but it will even lock up at the Windows Login screen when I first boot. When it locks up, the screen flickers on and off about every second, and the mouse responds sporadically. If I have music on, It skips sporadically as well. I am running all of the latest Nvidia Drivers for both my graphics card and MB chipse

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Computer Locks Up When Installing OS

Jul 30, 2007

I just build a new pc and I'm trying to install windows xp, but it locks up at the first screen and the num locks goes off where it asks you if you want to repair, new copy, or exit setup. I did a thorough get of the hard drive and it finds no bad sectors. Any clue as to what might be causing this? Also I tried installing windows 98. I can install most of windows 98, but the computer locks up when trying to load 98. Not sure where to go from here.

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Hangs And Every Thing Just Locks Up

Jul 26, 2005

I have a Dell Latitude C810 laptop running Win Xp every now and then it just locks up. I am unable to use the keyboard or mouse if attached. I then have to power down and restart, There appears to be no pattern to when it hangs/locks up.

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