Task Bar Disappeared

Sep 5, 2007

so my task bar has disappeared and i have no idea why. everything else on the computer seems to be running fine except for this annoying issue.actually i tried to do a system restore to the last time i remember it working but the computer couldn't do it.

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Task Bar And Desktop Disappeared

Sep 13, 2005

My task bar and desktop disappeared

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Task Bar And Icons Disappeared

May 23, 2007

My Taskbar including Start, IE,OE,Desktop etc. disappeared. I can get it back temporarily by hitting the Windows button, but that's a pain. I used to get it by simply rolling cursor to the bottom and it would appear, but that quit working.

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Window Task Bar Disappeared

Oct 6, 2006

My window task bar disappeared! (You know when you minimize and it goes to a box?-- that disappeared) When I minimize my stuff it hides somewhere and I can't fid out where. Do you guys know where to click to at least see where it goes to?

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Start Button/Task Bar Disappeared?

Mar 19, 2005

My Task Bar/Start Button disappeared. I'm running on XP

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Start Up Menu And Task Bar - Disappeared

Nov 18, 2007

I started up my PC yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes!I have looked all over the net and cannot find anything like this. Here is the description:The PC loads windows, but instead of going to my desktop screen... I get to an open windows explorer window (open to my desktop list) - my start up menu and taskbar are GONE.Everything else works.... my programs, my files, my user config.everything, I went into control panel and clicked on taskbar... nada... nothing happens checked anti virus.. nada.I have another physical disk (d with windows and when I swithc it to be the boot up disk, I get windows like usual, but none of my user configuration.... and the programs from the original disk do not load.

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Used Theme Replacer Now Task Bar Disappeared?

Aug 12, 2008

i used a replacer from windows to change my theme but something went wrong. i have NO theme at all. i cant do ANYTHING i got no task bar cant open programs. all i have is command prompt a ALT CTRL DLT. plkease help me. is there anyway i can save my comp. all my work and info for my job is on it. i can go without the info but i NEED the computer working.

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Explorer Acting Weird - Disappeared From The Task Bar

Jan 3, 2007

I opened windows explorer and I think it was taking up so much memory that it froze-I had to wait a while for it to work properly,and then it was really slow(even for my slow pc,I had windows live messenger and itunes' windows open and they just disappeared from the taskbar,and I had to right click on their icons in the right corner(is that the notification area-I forgot),and when they reappeared on the taskbar I had to right click on them,and they would only open when I clicked maximize. It took me a while to open some things in windows explorer too

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Icons, Start Button & Task Bar Have Disappeared?

Sep 24, 2006

recently I loaded up my computer, logged inunder my user profile (I'm running Windows XP SP2), Everything looked normal until the system completed loading and my wallpaper icons vanished (Wallpaper stays), My start button & Task manager bar vanished as well(including the clock).I logged out of my profile, and was able to use the profile I had set up for my mom for about a day... but then her profile did the same thing. I tried my daughter's profile and everything is gone.When I looked in my listing of what applications are running, I've noticed that my explorer.exe is gone.

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Task Bar Disappeared / Not Visible At The Bottom Of The Page

May 23, 2006

I just booted up, got onto the internet, was reading some email and noticed that everything at the bottom of the screen, ie. the start button, certain program startup icons and the taskbar, have disappeared. I was going to attach a HijackThis scan, but don't know how since the log page saved is not visible at the bottom of the page.

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Task Manager Top Menu Options Have Disappeared

Apr 21, 2006

all my top menu options for task manager are gone disappeared.i cant access the file, options, view, windows, help and the ones below that apps, processes & performance.

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Open And Close Control Panel / Some Of Icon On Task Bar Disappeared

May 17, 2005

Can anyone explain to me why that every time i open and close my control panel,some of my icon on the task bar disappeared.

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RUN Command Has Disappeared / Can't Edit The Registry / Can't Access Task Manager

May 17, 2007

I logged on to my system today and all of sudden.I am no longer the administrator of my computer...the RUN command has dissappeared, I can't edit the registry, and I can't access the task manager.I've come across some other solutions to fix my the registry and task manager but I can't fix those until I can access the 'RUN command' to execute these other methods.

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Run Option Got Disappeared From My Start Menu / Task Manager Wont Work?

May 21, 2007

the run option got disappeared from my start menu....also task manager is not working....cant even open regedit.exe from windows folder.

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Task Manager Acting Weird - Shows The Running Task Window

Nov 1, 2008

when I click on task manager it only shows the running task window. it used to have a list of all startup stuff and a thing where I could look at a graph of cpu usage, but those are not there anymore

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Task Scheduler Asks For Password / Get Task Scheduler To Run The Task?

Jun 3, 2006

Using Windows XP Sp2.

I am trying to create a task using Task Scheduler, and it asks me to "set account information". I am given three boxes. One of them, marked Run as has "COMPUTERJesse" already filled in. The other two are marked Password and Confirm Password. This is odd, because I am running under an Admin account (yes, generally not smart, but I'm smarter than the average bear when it comes to computers, so I feel confident I'm not going to mess it up with downloading viruses and such

I clicked OK to get out of the "Set Account Information" box, and in the entry for my task, the Status is listed as "Could not Start", Last Result is "0x0", and Creator is "Jesse". how can I get Task Scheduler to run the task and most of all, obey my authori-tah?

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Task Manager And Task Bar Not Responding

Feb 27, 2006

I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?

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Task Manager - End Task Queries

Oct 16, 2007

You know how after you end a program using End Task in Task Manager, it asks you if you want to tell Microsoft about the problem? I was able on my other XP system to change an option somewhere so it doesn't ask me that any more. I just can't remember how I did it.

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Task Manager Refused To End Task

Sep 1, 2005

At times, I have this problem.When I tries to "End Task" of some program, Windows Task manager refused.The same will happen to Process Viewer that comes with Norton SystemWorks

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My Ram Disappeared

Feb 24, 2005

This computer started with 256 ram last year now it has like 192 wtf happened... can i get it back or what..?

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SP2 Has Disappeared

Jul 16, 2005

I have just upgraded my M/b, CPU & RAM. Went through the (painful) procedure of re-activation (how many digits ). Had to do a repair install to get XP to boot. While booting I noticed that the 'chasing lights' on the Windows flash screen had reverted back to green instead of blue, which indicates that I no longer have SP2 installed. Visited MS Update. Was told SP2 was already installed. However, I have no icon for Security Centre either.

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Drives Disappeared

Jul 1, 2008

My D & E drive totally disappeared i am so confused where did they go and most impotantly how do i get it back

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CD-RW And DVD-ROM Has Disappeared Into Computer

Feb 12, 2004

I'm having a kind of Windows bugs My Burner and my DVD player drive has disappeared into My Computer and they don't come back after I restart.

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USB Controllers Disappeared.

Dec 25, 2006

I'm using an IBM NetVista, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz and one night, powers went out. And when I turned my PC on, USB ports aren't working. To my surprise, at the device manager, USB section was gone. It was undetected, or w/e.

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Windowssystem 32 Disappeared In OS

May 2, 2006

For some reason Windowssystem 32 in windows XP Pro. has disappeared. And we cant find it anywhere in th OS.

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Both CD Drives Disappeared

Mar 4, 2005

All of a sudden my CD drive and my new DVD burner are gone. They are still there but it is as if they were unplugged from my PC but they were not unplugged. I did some Windows Updates recently. Tried System Restore and it did not work. When I go into "My Computer" the 2 drives are just gone.

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D Drive Has Disappeared

Mar 8, 2005

This started happening yesterday....my D drive keeps disappearing. Dell Latitude Laptop
Win 2000 Pro, I go to the My Computer Icon...and it is gone? Anyone know where it might be hiding?

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Sound Has Disappeared

Apr 28, 2008

fro no known reason my sound has disappeared. I am running Dell, xp home dimension 3000 machine. I have gone to the control panel, opened sound and audio devices. The boxes are all gray on the sound tab so unable to access anything.

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Everything Disappeared On Desktop

Sep 28, 2008

I was using the internet when suddenly the window closed and everything disappeared from my desktop (task bar, start button, desktop icons..everything leaving just the background). Didn't get any error messages or warnings either. I tried clicking on the desktop but got no response so I pressed ctrl, alt, delete, to restart. But when it restarted I got an empty desktop again and it wasn't until the 4th time restarting when everything was there again. I then opened internet explorer and it wouldn't respond. On the fifth time restarting, everything was fine but half an hour later I got the empty desktop again and had to restart 5 times again. Is this a virus? How to I get rid of this problem since it was running fine before this.

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My Pictures Have Disappeared

Feb 22, 2008

for some reason my pictures have changed to quicktime but when i try to open them get a message i do not have the right importer. what has happened. on my desktop i have a photo from my pictures but when i try to use the screensaver it says there are not any photos in my pictures help.

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