System Locks Up - Remove Replace Sticks Of RAM

Feb 15, 2009

I have just purchased an off-lease computer from an online warehouse company. The computer is a Dell Inspiron 530, with integrated graphics and 2gb DDR2 Samsung RAM. Once my computer has been running for about half an hour or so, it will lock up for about 7 seconds, then unlock for a bit, repeating this process. A reset will fix this problem temporarily. In between lockups, I managed to get into the task manager and under the "Performance" tab, every time it locked up, the usage of my first core would skyrocket to 100%, the second core showed no jump in usage. I could not pinpoint the process which is causing this because each time a lockup would occur, under the "Processes" tab, it would read no spikes in CPU usage.
I have removed one of the sticks of RAM to see if it was the culprit. If the lockup occurs again, I will try to replace the stick

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Crazy Pro - System Freezes - Sticks Of RAM

Mar 6, 2010

I got a message about my DIMM configuration being arranged in a way that was not optimal, that it needed to be installed in a parallel way to work the best.
I called the guy who gave it to me and he came to look at it, he removed one of the 3 sticks of RAM, and left. And that fixed NOTHING. So I booted the computer from Last Known Good, I uninstalled SP3, then reinstalled it. And that seemed to fix it. Except now, the computer shows that I'm running SP2, NOT 3, and I can no longer open Internet Explorer. It won't open at all.

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Verifying Memory Sticks System Have ( 1 Or 2) Without Getting Inside Pc?

Sep 15, 2005

on a lap top, where can I tell someone to look and verify how many memory sticks they have ( 1 or 2) without getting inside pc

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Install 2x 1gb Sticks System Wont Boot Fully

Oct 10, 2007

I currently have 2Gb (2x 1Gb sticks) DDR2 800 RAM in my system and saw an offer for the same RAM for 1/3 off the price I'd paid before so I decided to grab it while it was there. However, when I install the extra 2x 1Gb sticks the system won't boot fully and I don't know why. When I took them out and left the original 2x 1Gb sticks in the system works normally. I'm going to switch the sticks around to see if it's faulty RAM or bad RAM slots but it works fine in the BIOS and booting up. As soon as I enter Windows and login it the keyboard LED goes off, the mouse LED stays on and the system freezes. than switching the RAM out to test the slots on the motherboard?

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Log Onto System It Locks Up

Jan 13, 2006

Need some help here. When ever I log onto my system it locks up. I ran Ewido last night and it cleaned 33 items off, Im still having the problem. Its like there is a program conflicting with another or somethiing.

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System Locks Up/Restart Itself

Feb 15, 2005

At random times my win xp pro system either locks up or restarts by itself. It doesn't really matter what software is running. It then comes up with a System has recovered from a serious error message upon restart which invariably looks like this: C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~1LOCALS~ 1TempWER45c3.dir00Mini012605-01.dmp, C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~ 1LOCALS~1TempWER45c3.dir00 sysdata.xml.

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Locks Up - Freezes System Randomly

Mar 24, 2008

Windows will randomly freeze usually after 30 mins - few hours after playing music in iTunes or playing Football Manager 2008 (Other games have caused it as well, just I play the said game more). Sometimes it will freeze for no reason, yesterday it froze twice (Once I was just on MSN and the internet. The other I was splitting a file in winrar)I've thought it was overheating as my fan is quite noisy, but it doesnt restart, just freezes. I've scanned for viruses and found none.

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System Locks Up Freezes Randomly ?

Aug 27, 2009

My PC 'locks up' randomly and nothing will un-freezes it. I have tried everything I know to unfreeze, but nothing. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans are running in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up again. I have not noted any particular program or site that is running, it seems just random. Using Foxfire and Thunderbird (latest Vers).

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Watch Any Type Of Media System Locks Up

Mar 24, 2007

I first thought It might be Norton Internet Security so I uninstalled it, but I am still having problems. What happens is when I try to play a game, video or watch any type of media my system locks up. It has locked up when I was dragging a open window down the screen too. I updated my graphics card drives just in case, but its still happening.

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System Wont Restart Normally - Replace This HDD?

Jun 10, 2005

Friends computer, Windows XP Home. She's been having trouble with it restarting on her a bunch lately, but she was always able to at least get to the Desktop before it rebooted without any error message or countdown (like the 0:60 blaster countdown).When I was finally able to take a look at the computer, it won't even get to the windows loading screen. I'm thinking the HDD is dead or not able to boot from some reason. The drive will not boot. Gives a blue error message after the bios POST. Bios can check the drive and it fails. I tried putting a disc in which I 'thought' was a bootable PartitionMagic disc, but it's not booting to it. So I'll try using a bootable copy of Partition Magic and see what it is before we buy a new drive.

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Replace Existing Operating System

Aug 23, 2005

Lost XP CD during a move and I have purchased a NEW XP. What must I do to replace the existing XP so I can establish a recovery bootable CD and registry my NEW XP CD.

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System Files Are Deleted Replace From The Backup

Dec 6, 2006

If a system file was acidently deleted, etc, can this file be replaced from a backup if I had previously performed a backup of all the windows/system files to another hard drive.This would be done using the xp backup tool that comes with windows.

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Wont Boot - Get The Message Non System Disk, Replace

Nov 16, 2006

I have a Hewlet packard computer here, the mother board is a n1996, th eoperating system is ME. The computer justwill not boot at all., it gets to the ME Logo and th escreene just goes black. I can satrt it in safe mode, but i cannot restore it to an earlier date, no mater which date i choose, i just get the mnessage can not restore. I want to, reformat and install XP home, but the CD ROM does not show in my computer and it does not see the disk when i put it in. Also i tried to boot from a Woindows 98boot disk, and themn i get the message non system disk, replace and press any leter to continue.

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Ram - 512 Sticks - More Memory

Feb 13, 2009

I want to add more memory ram to my lap top. I went to best buy a couple of days ago and the sales person told me that I had to add two 512 sticks of ram into my computer.It is a gateway laptop that I bought in 2003.

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Sound And Video Sticks For Few Seconds

Oct 21, 2007

dear guys my sound sticks for a few seconds when playing music, and watching videos, it sticks for a few secs every few mins. i have downloaded the latest drivers and updates for both sound card and graphic card, its making me crazy,

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Limited Or No Connectivity - Memory Sticks

Oct 31, 2008

My computer say "limited or no connectivity" when I startup my desktop PC. I have reset the cable modem. I have called my cable company and they tried to do a remote reboot of the cable modem. I have uninstalled software I recently installed in case of a conflict with applications. My cable company also walked me through doing ntsh, I think it is, in the run box to try to reset my connection. I have disabled and re-enabled my local area connection. I have run chkdsk and it "found one or more errors on the volume", which it repaired. All this and I still have no internet connection. I'm entering this from a remote terminal so I'll download HijackThis to my memory stick to run a scan. I'm also going to do the Network Diagnostics. If you have any suggestions in the meantime, feel free to suggest.

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List Of Hotfix In Add / Remove Section - Can Remove Safely Without Corrupting System?

Jan 17, 2006

I have a list of Windows XP Hotfix in my ADD/REMOVE section, can I remove these safely without corrupting my system?

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Remove Progrom From System Registry Add/remove List?

Oct 28, 2006

A program wouldn't uninstall properly for some reason. So, after several tries, I finally decided to just delete the directory. How do I remove that program's information from system registry and Control Panel add/remove list?

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Reseting The Monitor Settings: Sticks By Ctrl + Alt+ Delete?

Mar 21, 2005

I went to play a game and then when i got in it was all red (not totally just a tint of red was over my screen) so i ctrl + alt + deled out and now its stuck like this......i donno how to get it back to normal

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Error - Invalid System Disk Replace The Disk, Then Press Play

Aug 19, 2008

My son gets the message "invalid system disk, replace the disk, then press play" , when booting up, he started getting it after inputting a picture from a "smart card" using his built in card reader. There is NO disk in the reader. If you hit any key the computer continues to boot "normal" It isn't a big problem, but a sign of something not being right.

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Clean Install / Invalid System Disk. Replace The Disk

Mar 22, 2006

I recently formatted my drive and am trying to reinstall my WIndows XP Pro.When I put in the CD and the PC starts up I receive a message: "Invalid System Disk. Replace the disk and then press any key"I have already changed my BIOS so that it boots from the CD first. Not sure what the problem is? prior to that error message, it states that I should "press any key to boot from CD"...when I try to push a key nothing happens. I know my keyboard works since I used it to enter the BIOS.

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Invalid System Disk Replace Disk

Mar 14, 2005

A family member of mine has formatted the Hard Drive on their PC and when I they try to load windows XP it comes up with "Invalid System Disk, Replace Disk and Press Any Key"Do I need a boot disk and If I do What sort and where do I get it from.

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Missing F/Wall (ESET) Attempted Recovery PC Sticks In A BIOS Start "loop"

Jul 16, 2008

Running System :~ WinXP SP3 My 1st ( <- Can't count ) post so I d/loaded ESET security suite on 60 day trial without any problems whatsoever. When it came to remove it 48hrs ago I discovered I couldn't re-start my Win F/Wall due to missing ICS (module?), I gave up on that for a while and tried a couple of 3rd party options but got fed up spending more time answering pop up questions (3 in 1 s/ware d/load) so I decided to do a disc recovery.

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2000 Pro - Locks Up After Log-in

Dec 5, 2004

I have an HP Lap top with Windows 2000 Pro on it. When booting up, the computer will go through all its normal start-up procedures. When it comes time for the Username/Password, I put them in, I hear the wave sound for windows loading, and then it freezes! The hour glass cursor remains on the screen and moves, only NOTHING happens from there on.

However,I can get it to boot normally after this by shutting it down.... then going into the Bios Set-up screen.....Change NOTHING & simply exit out of the Bios Set-up......THEN it will start normally and bring up the Desktop! BUT....if I shut it down again, It will freeze right after the Log-in just like before. Im tired of always having to go into the Bios to get this darn thing to work

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 22, 2005

I'm having problems with computer freezing when I multi task. Hitting the ctrl alt delete will bring it back. I have a compaq 64 bit with 512 mb. This only seems to happen when I'm using internet explorer.Could it be a bad ethernet causing lockups?

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 3, 2006

I am experiencing my computer locking up quite frequently.

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Printer Locks Up Computer

Feb 10, 2006

My printer locks upp my entire WinXp pro when telling it to print something out.There's nothing wrong with the printer itself or the cables attached to it, a've checked on another comp. Also tried to reinstall the LPT1 port and the drivers several times without no success. Even checked so that there's no other software that interferes with the printer drivers. and did run a virus check, both in Win and in pure DOS-mode, nothing. Starting to suspect that the LPTport on my Mobo- ASUS P4P800E Deluxe is screwed.The setting in BIOS is set to ECP as default and can't be manipulated.

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Compter Locks Up And Not Responding To Anything

Sep 10, 2005

I built a computer about 6 months ago. It worked fine up to now. I am now having problems with it locking up and not responding to anything. I try to move the mouse and nothing. I try to hit CTRL ALT Delete and still nothing. The only way to get it unfrozen is to do a cold boot. It does this even while I am working with it like in Word or on the Internet. This problem has just started recently. There have been no hardware changes to the system. I have even reinstalled Win 2000 on a fresh partition (I reformatted the same harddrive and put a clean version of 2000 on the drive

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Pro SP2 Machine Locks Up Randomly

Dec 2, 2006

My machine has been locking up randomly for the past couple of weeks. I have tried to pinpoint the problem to one program or another, but it will even lock up at the Windows Login screen when I first boot. When it locks up, the screen flickers on and off about every second, and the mouse responds sporadically. If I have music on, It skips sporadically as well. I am running all of the latest Nvidia Drivers for both my graphics card and MB chipse

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