Watch Any Type Of Media System Locks Up

Mar 24, 2007

I first thought It might be Norton Internet Security so I uninstalled it, but I am still having problems. What happens is when I try to play a game, video or watch any type of media my system locks up. It has locked up when I was dragging a open window down the screen too. I updated my graphics card drives just in case, but its still happening.

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File Type With VLC Media Player

Dec 14, 2007

I started using VLC Media Player a week or so ago because I was having (have always had) problems with the bloated Windows Media Player. But VLC has an odd problem. When I click on (e.g.) an .avi or .wmv file that came attached to an e-mail, I get an error message saying that "the file does not have a program associated with it to perform the action". But it DOES. I open Folder Options, and there it is. Now, the only action in the file type box is "Play". I notice that the one thing I open with WMP also has an "Open" as an action. I tried entering an Open action, and browsed to the VLC.exe file to put in the path, but it doesn't work.

The odd thing about the situation is that if I SAVE the attachment, then double-click it, it plays perfectly using VLC? Why will it play after I save it, but not when I click it as an e-mail attachment? I suspect it has something to do with having an "Open" action in the file type, but don't know how to enter same and have it work.

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Explorer Doesn`t Show Any Details For Any Media File Type

Jul 15, 2009

I have the following problem: Explorer doesn`t show any details for any media file type like artist or album, when choosing Details view. Additionally, clicking on file properties doesn`t show any info either, nor simple, nor in advanced view.The files are fine, and other software reads the media file info correctly, including WMP 11 and Winamp.

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Can't Access Hard Drive / Invalid Media Type Reading Drive C

Dec 20, 2008

A little over a year ago I purchased a used IBM Thinkpad laptop from ebay for my wife. It came with Windows 2000 Professional installed and everything worked fine. No CDs or floppies came with the computer. A couple of months later, it was stolen by one of her business associates. It eventually was recovered, but the thief had installed Windows XP along with the OS that was already installed. In trying to remove XP and return the machine to its original state, I somehow managed to eventually not be able to use either OS. As it stands now I have no OS and cannot even access my hard drive.When I boot from a floppy then try to change to C: drive, I get the error message: Invalid media type reading drive c: Abort, Retry, Fail?

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Can't Change Computer Type Back To Original Type In Device Manager

Jun 28, 2007

so, a few years back i read a magazine that said to change the type of computer in device manager to standard pc because it made the computer run a little better or now i've got my laptop and i've noticed it getting slower and thought that i would do this... VERY BAD MOVE! i can still boot windows and everything - it meant that i had to let the computer reinstall all of the drivers for my hardware - but i have noticed in the device manager now that there are two instances of 'standard pc', there is also a new section titled 'other devices' with about 15 devices that seem to have no driver for them - some mention 'ISA' so i am guessing that changing to standard pc means that windows thinks my laptop is now a desktop pc with ISA slots? i find that when i put my laptop lid down the thing shuts down, when i press the power button it turns off straight away (doesn't even shut down!). i had had the laptop configured for ages to do nothing when i closed the lid and give me shut down options when i pressed the power button. i look in power options and i can only cinfigure the monitor screen and hard disk power off options - every other option is not available. when i do bring up the shut down options i can no longer choose standby.

i have also realised that i can not turn on my wireless connection - i've tried all sorts to get it to work with no avail! the laptop is an acer ferrari and when i call up the manager app it says that bluetooth and wireless are not present (by the way i can still get the bluetooth button to work - correction - it starts up with the button on but if i turn it off it won't let me turn it on again). the emanager and presentation manager buttons on the laptops casing don't work either (i have to access them via software route).

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Log Onto System It Locks Up

Jan 13, 2006

Need some help here. When ever I log onto my system it locks up. I ran Ewido last night and it cleaned 33 items off, Im still having the problem. Its like there is a program conflicting with another or somethiing.

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System Locks Up/Restart Itself

Feb 15, 2005

At random times my win xp pro system either locks up or restarts by itself. It doesn't really matter what software is running. It then comes up with a System has recovered from a serious error message upon restart which invariably looks like this: C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~1LOCALS~ 1TempWER45c3.dir00Mini012605-01.dmp, C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~ 1LOCALS~1TempWER45c3.dir00 sysdata.xml.

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Locks Up - Freezes System Randomly

Mar 24, 2008

Windows will randomly freeze usually after 30 mins - few hours after playing music in iTunes or playing Football Manager 2008 (Other games have caused it as well, just I play the said game more). Sometimes it will freeze for no reason, yesterday it froze twice (Once I was just on MSN and the internet. The other I was splitting a file in winrar)I've thought it was overheating as my fan is quite noisy, but it doesnt restart, just freezes. I've scanned for viruses and found none.

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System Locks Up Freezes Randomly ?

Aug 27, 2009

My PC 'locks up' randomly and nothing will un-freezes it. I have tried everything I know to unfreeze, but nothing. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans are running in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up again. I have not noted any particular program or site that is running, it seems just random. Using Foxfire and Thunderbird (latest Vers).

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System Locks Up - Remove Replace Sticks Of RAM

Feb 15, 2009

I have just purchased an off-lease computer from an online warehouse company. The computer is a Dell Inspiron 530, with integrated graphics and 2gb DDR2 Samsung RAM. Once my computer has been running for about half an hour or so, it will lock up for about 7 seconds, then unlock for a bit, repeating this process. A reset will fix this problem temporarily. In between lockups, I managed to get into the task manager and under the "Performance" tab, every time it locked up, the usage of my first core would skyrocket to 100%, the second core showed no jump in usage. I could not pinpoint the process which is causing this because each time a lockup would occur, under the "Processes" tab, it would read no spikes in CPU usage.
I have removed one of the sticks of RAM to see if it was the culprit. If the lockup occurs again, I will try to replace the stick

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Can't Watch Video

Jan 17, 2008

When I click on the video I want to watch, the page will load, but the video will not play. If I hit the play button, it still won't work. I'm using the latest version of Windows Media Player, and my friends can get the video to work so there must be something wrong on my end.

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Display - ATI Card To Watch Tv

Sep 20, 2009

When I turned my computer on this morning it looked like this:

and I have no idea how to fix it. I checked the display settings but everything is how it's supposed to be. And I don't think it's a video card problem; I have a ATI card to watch tv and the tv works just fine.

Any idea what could be causing this and how to fix it?

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Hulu To Watch A Video Will Not Load

Sep 16, 2010

everytime i go to hulu to watch a video, it will not load. sometimes it will load a commercial, but the video will not load. Internet still works fine, but streaming videos will not work. i have reset pc and unplugged internet. i have ran easy cleaner for registry clean. still not getting hulu to work.

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Unable To Watch Some IPlayer Programs

Oct 19, 2010

I recently disabled Flash after reading how to on one of the threads,I wanted to stop all the banners and ads, which were hassling with my browsing speed.All seemed well, but now I can't always get some online games to load, and I am also unable to watch some iPlayer programs, noticeably 4OD. I just get a Loading page.Any chance of an idiots guide run through to put my puter back to how it was please,default I guess?I have unpicked the kill that I found, somewhere.Other than that, I'm stumped.

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Dual Tuners In MCE 2005: Watch One Channel While Recording Another?

Aug 31, 2006

My new rig recently had a Hauppage WinTV PVR-150MCE analogue TV Tuner attached. Following advice from this forum I was told that I could add any other TV Tuner in addition to what I currently had - it was impossible to add another identical PCI tuner because I am out of slots in my motherboard. So I got the Hauppage WinTV Nova-T DVB USB2.0 Stick - it fits in the USB port, provides me with DVB TV and doesnt have an excess unwanted remote control as I already have an MCE remote that came with the PVR-150MCE.

Now in MCE 2005 I cannot seem to record one channel while watching another. It keeps coming up with the message "Media Center is currently recording X do you want to stop recording and change channel?" - I want to change channel and KEEP recording going, why not do what I bloody well want and look for the other second tuner!!!) Why oh why doesn't Media Center use both the TV Tuners to its full potential?? I thought Media Center 2005 could utilize both tuners so I could watch one channel while recording another regardless of what type of tuner they are.

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The Type Of The File System Is NTFS. Enter Current Volume Lable For Drive C:

Aug 22, 2007

I got a computer from my boss that had a bad motherboard and processor, i put a new in it and now im trying to format the hd but it has xp on it and has a password, my boss forgot what it was so im trying to format it from dos i wrote "format c:" and it says

"The type of the file system is NTFS. Enter current volume lable for drive C:

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Format Wont Run:getting Message "The Type Of The File System Is NTFS"?

Aug 14, 2005

Ive been trying to reformat my computer but everytime i try i get this message: The type of the file system is NTFS.Format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Format may run if this volume is dismounted first.ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID.Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N)

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Jul 20, 2005


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Media Player Does Not Recognize Music And Video As Media Files

Sep 18, 2007

Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.

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No System Sounds Or Flash Media Sound

Apr 8, 2007

I've been unable to get any of the system sounds (the startup and shut down chords, the classic Windows "ding", and soforth) to, well, sound (either when the should normally occur, or via the Control Panel). They will still play via Media Player, as will any other audio file. In addition, I'm not getting any sound on Flash media of any type.

I've tried a few solutions to this problem suggested on other forums:
* Uninstalling and reinstalling my sound card driver.
* Using a program called K-Lite to try and fix problems with the system sound.
* Trying a number of the registry edits at Kelly's Korner. ( )
* Resetting the QuickTime options for the music synthesiser from QuickTime's own to the "General MIDI"
* Repairing and reinstalling Windows.

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Media Center 2005 System Requirements?

Mar 22, 2006

can anyone point me in the direction of the system requirements of MCE 2005? I've been looking for ages and i can't seem to find them.

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No Operating System - Media Edition 2005

Feb 9, 2009

media edition 2005. have turned on lap top after a few months and am getting a message saying no operating system.

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System Crash While Playing Windows Media Player

Nov 21, 2006

I havent had a problem in a while. Then all of a sudden while listening to music with the Windows Media Player the system stopped responding and the music kept playing for a few seconds and then the system shut down.

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Media Edition Installed - System Restore Without Discs

May 31, 2007

I bought a HP Pavilion a4210n with windows xp media edition installed. I created the discs as told but am not sure I did it right therefore am afraid to use them to do a total system restore. Does F10 work on my computer and do I push anything with it?(like ctrl)

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Media Center 2010 - Good Opertaing System

Nov 11, 2009

im just asking for your opinion, comments and etc have you ever tried the new XP OS entitled: Windows XP media center 2010?? coz im planning to buy it soon.. i would like to hear your comments if its a good OS.. )

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Deleted Media Player / Wont Come Back With System Restore

Jul 22, 2005

accidently removed media player now cant get it back it is at a restore point but will not restore

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Media Center Automatic Reboot - System Stops Responding

Jun 24, 2006

Well I have had a Windows Media Center PC since the start of last year. I had some problems with the hard drive having a bad sector so had it changed. Now, this has happened 3 times. The first time I just downloaded a game and started it, the computer stopped responding and well I couldn't do anything but to press the restart button.I did this and then started the computer again and it got to the WinXP loading screen then rebooted, this carried on happening no matter which config (safe mode, last knwon... etc) I picked.
PS I also heard there is a patch to solve this.. but couldn't find it..

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Windows Media Player Not Playing Media

Dec 19, 2004

each time i try and error message appears: "gdiplus.dll is missing".what can i do to fix the problem? iv already tried downloading the software from the microsoft website but the same message came up.iv also searched my pc for the gdipus.dll file and loads come up!

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Media Edition 2005 Media Centre

Aug 1, 2008

Since installing SP3 my media centre will not open although the rest of XP runs fine. I get a report 'Strong name validation failed for assembly 'C:Windowsehomeehshell.exe. The file may have been tampered with or it was partially signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.I have the original installation disk from Dell, but it won't recognise the key that came with the pc to re install it. Is there any way I can repair the file in question. I have tried uninstalling sp3, and using the recovery program, but nothing is working to make it work again.

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Automatic Run Media File In Media Player

Jan 23, 2005

I get this every time I try to open a media file even when I click "always use selected program" This just started happening a few days ago after I ran a bunch of registry cleaners.

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