Svchost.exe - Machine Shuts Down Completely

Apr 19, 2007

recently installed trial version of panda av and uninstalled norton systemworks. my machine shuts down completely for no apparent reason at arbitrary times. the system powers off and i must turn the powerstrip on and off and then press the start button on my computer for it to respond.playing a video from Internet online (a golfing parrot, no less) search c: using explorer for "svchost.exe" run spybot s&d w/ latest enhancements av scan checked the event log, and find the error "7000, svchost.exe could not load security center: name, path, etc. might be incorrect." checked task manager and it indicates 3 instances of svchost.exe running. checked c:winntsystem32 using explorer and could not find "svchost.exe" did a search using explorer and it showed "svchost.exe" in c:winntsystem 32 as well as in one of the service pack uninstall folders just before the system shut down

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My Computer Shuts Before Starting Completely

Sep 26, 2010

my computer comes on and appears to be starting up with the windows showing up but then shuts down before starting completely.

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Machine Shuts Down Every Time

Aug 28, 2006

When I try to use the "Free up space on your hard disk" function, my machine shuts down every time.

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Explorer Shuts Down When Searching Updated Machine

Oct 10, 2007

Got a machine on the bench right now (Dell Dimension 3100, XPHE SP2) which shuts down Windows Explorer whenever I try and do a search. I just updated this machine to SP2 and have run SuperAntiSpyware (SAS) and CCleaner on it. There must be a conflict somewhere and I have no idea what files may be conflicting.

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Remotely Accessed Machine's Data Can Be Copied To Local Machine?

Nov 20, 2009

Can I copy the data of remote desktop to my Local machine.

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Formatting MY HD Completely

Mar 8, 2006

My pc is running a bit slow lately, got lots of stuff, too much on it.So I'd like to restore my pc back to factory settings. I have around 110 gig of stuff and I don't want to lose it. So I bought a firewire drive to back it all up on. My plan is, transfer all my data to the external hd. Then formatting my hd completley and rebooting as new, then transferring my needed data abck on to my pc.

I've never formatted before so not to sure how. My main worry is the pc not restarting. I have a start up cd that came with my pc but i have no windows xp cd it came pre installed.

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Run Command Completely Gone

Nov 16, 2006

I was cleaning virus and spyware from a friends computer, and when all was done, the Run command is now missing not only from the Start menu, but also from the Advance Properties to be able to turn it on and off. I noticed in the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellNoRoamMUICache, the key for Run Command was missing, so I created it ("@shell32.dll,-30483"="Run command" REG_SZ)hoping that would solve it, but still it is missing. I re-ran XP SP2, no luck. I installed the free version of Registry Mechanic, but that didn't fix it (though there were things only the full version would fix). I found a reference to this on the site for Prevx1 saying this occurs when McAfee (which was used) only fixes a particular virus half-way, and that Prevx1 would fix it completely. It didn't.

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Cant Receive My Emails Completely

May 5, 2010

I use Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 SP3.

It has been my experience that, out of the dozen or so Junk e-mails that I receive every day in my Outlook Inbox on my computer, there are usually one or two that are actually not Junk at all, and those I have to identify as "Add Sender to Safe Sender's List" and re-route to my Inbox. It is for this reason that it is very important that all my e-mails are downloaded from the server to my computer - including the ones identified by the software as "Junk" - because the software obviously is not perfect.

A few weeks ago I noticed that I was not receiving my usual quantity of about a dozen Junk e-mails per day. I did not think too much about it at the time, because, although some days I did not receive any Junk e-mails at all, other days I might receive one or even two

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Computer Went Completely Blank

Jun 1, 2005

My computer was running alright, no viruses or anything. Then suddenly, we turn it on one day and its stuck at the hp screen. Not booting, just with the hp logo. I restart it, and after 2 tries, and some beeps, it boots. Gettin all scared and worked up, I run a spyware scan and a virus scan. I found a few trogans and deleted them.
To test it, I turned it off and restarted again. Didnt have any problems. After a few hours it began to beep and got extremely slow. I turned it off. Ever since then, all I've been getting is a blank screen. Its as if its not getting power. The mouse and keyboard dont light up and the screen is blank.
If someone could help me out I'd appreciate it. I've searched the forum but the problems similiar to this that i've found involve the pc actually doing something before the blank screen comes up.

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C Drive Is Not Defragging Completely?

Nov 27, 2006

I just finished doing a defrag on c drive everything went fine but i noticed it was not completely defragged.there are still a lot of red patchesin the progress bar,any ideas on what might cause this?

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System Will Not Boot Up Completely.

May 3, 2005

I have had trouble recently with a worm on my windows-2000 server, I spent a few hours getting rid of the little blighter, however I now have a machine that will not boot up completely.
Being paranoid I have my c partition set as Fat32 and dual-boot so I can boot onto the drive under windows-98 and poke about a bit.
What happens is the machine comes up as normal and gets to the "Preparing network connections" - then it just stops there, I've tried safe mode but that's just the same. I've had a look through microsoft's website and checked a couple of manuals to no avail. I get an error message about the application log being full and if this is the first time you've seen it etc etc and also "some services did not start" so things are coming up in the background but I cannot log onto the console.

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Explorer COMPLETELY Missing

Oct 21, 2009

I'm running Win XP, and earlier today, I decided to start using Win 7 theme. I used the replacer, to replace some XP files with Win 7 ones (including explorer.dll) and I did everything as it was supposed to. After the reboot, my explorer was missing (files, folders, menu bar, everything).So, I open the task manager, click on "New Task...", type in "explorer.exe" and it says: "explorer.exe is not a valid Win32 application". Then, I click on "Browse...", go to C/Windows and there are 2 explorer files. explorer.exe and explorer.scf. When i double click on .scf, it also says that "explorer.scf is not a valid Win32 application.I've been googling for hours now, but haven't found an answer to my problems. And I really don't feel like re-installing or repairing my current Windows.

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How To Get Assigned Completely Different IP Addresses?

Aug 26, 2005

i have a unsecured wireless network. (dont ask why, but i have now put a password). my question is, the other compouters that are using the internet via the broadband router, do they use the same IP address as my main computer? or they get assigned completly diff IP addresses, not even related to my home comuter. Does this mean, it is a possiobility that other people have taken advantage of my internet (by going on questionable sites), and it is linked to my IP address?

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Laptop Won't Shutdown Completely

Aug 19, 2009

All of sudden my Dell laptop stopped shutting down, or takes close to 10 minutes to shut down. This happened with no other changes or new software/hardware being installed. It appears to sync with our server fine. I use a docking station, Dell Latitude D830, and take it home with me each day. Sync occurs when I dock in the morning and when I shut down to capture and sync my hard drive and server changes on files I work on at office or home. I shut down and it locks up, I then will hit the main power button and one of two things will happen, it will shut completely down or it will start the Sync process, finish, then go to the blue screen with the Windows Shutting Down message, then stick there

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Volume Control Completely Gone

Nov 22, 2007

So I try to go to my Volume Control and get this message:"There are no active mixer devices available. To install mixer devices, go to Control Panel, click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Add Hardware. This program will now close." When I go to my Sounds And Audio Devices Properties, the tabs labled Volume, Audio, and Voice will not even highlight. The buttons that is, nothing works, they're all disabled or something.I guess I'm just having all kinds of problems with this new Windows installation.

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How To Remove Winamp Completely?

Jul 18, 2005

I uninstalled winamp but when I right click menu bar still has these options:Enqueue in Winamp...Add to Winamp's bookmark...How do I remove them from my menu?

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Screen Will Go Completely White

May 26, 2010

I am having a weird problem with my windows xp laptop,i don't know what could be causing it so i don't know how to fix it. Ok the problem is constant from start up to shutdown and has been occurring now for about 2 weeks.At first i thought it was a virus so i cleaned my computer but it is still occurring.The problem is this, every now and then my screen will go completely white, its just a display thing cause it happened when i was working while listening to music. it can last anywhere to just 1 sec to 5 minutes. Its constant all the way through but it gets worse if i am watching a dvd or playing a game. What is this problem and how can i fix it? i tried system restore but that didn't work.i think it may be the software i installed at the time but i can't find it in the add or remove programs list to uninstall it.

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Cannot Completely Download Service Pack 2

Jun 1, 2006

I am running Windows XP on an E-machines T2385. I had previously loaded the MS Plus! Superpack for XP so that I could utilize Media Player 10 and Movie Maker 2. After several unrelated problems I had to perform a system restore, which was successful. I recently tried to load the Plus! software again and experienced some permissions problems. I was advised by MS to download and use download the Microsoft Installer Clean-up Utility. I was then able to load Disk "1" of the Plus! XP Superpack with no problem. In attempting to load Disk "2" (Digital Media version; w/Media Player 10 and Movie Maker 2 w/ add-ons) I was again prompted to download Movie maker 2 from the internet. Once again it was only available as a download WITH Service Pack 2. I attempted to download SP2, and this time it appeared to proceed smoothly. However, once I got about half way through (as indicated by the status bar) I received the following message pop-up:

"Service Pack 2 Download: Access Denied. OK."

I clicked OK and the following pop-up appeared:

"Service Pack 2 Set-Up Error: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete. Select 'OK' to undo the changes that have been made. OK"

I clicked OK, and a pop-up indicated that various components of the SP2 set-up were being undone, and files erased and deleted. At the conclusion of the removal of SP2 files I received the following pop-up:

"Service Pack 2 Set-up Error: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete. Windows XP has been partially updated and may not work properly."

I was then prompted to restart my computer to put any of the changes into effect.
window indicating that a critical update was available. I'm not certain if the update was simply the latest and greatest or somehow related to the problem at hand... but then when I click on the download option/update referenced it proceeds to a point and then gives me an error message stating that certain files needed to be updated before the download could be successful.

This is becoming frustrating. I would think that downloading SP2 with WXP would be an easy thing to do... but apparently not. Please help! Thanks...

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Converting 64x To 32x Without Completely Re-installing Windows?

Dec 25, 2005

I just assembled a new computer and installed the Windows XP Professional 64x as the operating system. The computer runs perfectly by itself, but as not many programs are yet compatible with XP 64x, I was wondering if there is any possible way to convert from 64x to 32x without completely re-installing windows. Although the 64x Professional is ment for server use, this is in one of my home machines.

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Completely Delete Everything On Hard Drive

Dec 1, 2006

i have a brand new computer from crappy MDG and they have alot of stuff that i cant seem to uninstall or remove and id like to change the opperating system. to be honest i would like to just completely remove xp from the hard drive without having to reformat, i just want a clean hard drive so i can do a completely fresh install of windows xp, is this possible?

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PC Completely Crashes Then Freezes, Have To Hit Restart?

Jan 30, 2007

I have a custom box and an old gateway box. I wanted to transfer all my files from one box to another, so I rammed in the gateway hard drive, copied all files in the root of the drive, and pasted it into a folder on my New desktop. When the file transfer finished, the folder (on the New desktop) disappeared So, I checked the hidden files in explorer.Not there Well, I used the command prompt. Not there either.After a while, I forgot about it, and just recently got a new defrag program (SmartDefrag).

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Ctrl Alt Delete Gives Completely New Screen

Jun 28, 2006

I recently re installed my OS. Before, when i pressed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, it gave me a completely new screen, where I would have choices like log off, change password, etc. However, now i just get the task manager when i press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. I remember seeing an option to change this somewhere, but i cannot recall from my memory.

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Completely Lost Address Bar Off Web Pages

Aug 19, 2005

I have completely lost my Address Bar off my web pages and don't know how to get it back. Has this ever happened to anyone before?

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Screen Was Completely Blank After Recovery

Apr 15, 2010

I recently tried to run a destructive factory recovery on my desktop HP Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, which i have done in the past without a problem. For reasons unknown this time the screen was completely blank when it finished. It is as if im looking at a turned off monitor, no signs of any activity what so ever, just a black blank screen. I do not have any type of recovery disc to this computer at this time , though if i get it back up and running that will be the first thing i do. I really dont know what other information I can give about it. The computer is on , the monitor is on but it looks as if it is off.

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Missing Files Dll Completely Corrupted?

Jul 3, 2008

I think I have a corrupted OS in my hands. My computer worked fine yesterday. This morning I added an extended SATA hard drive. When it booted, Windows XP (Pro SP2) startup seemed unusually slow. After I used the hard drive manufacturer's CD to partition the HD and rebooting, I could not get on any of the limited XP accounts because it required a password when it should not have. I am posting this from Firefox, which with a number of other programs unrelated to Microsoft seem to work for the moment. I think I'm missing system files or they are corrupt. I've recently had a Vundo infection which I did clean up, but now I can't even open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.This would be extremely horrifying had I not had past computer problems of equal horror. I beseech all you benevolent souls reading this to provide some suggestions. Is there anything I could do aside from reinstalling XP?

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Completely Delete AOL Spyware From The System?

Jun 19, 2006

AOL internet connection comes with my DELL computer. I don't use AOL so I uninstall AOL and all relating AOL software. However this AOL spyware keep poping up & scanning.

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Starting Completely With Last Known Good Configuration

Oct 17, 2009

have a hp dv6000z with a new hard drive in it. decided to run the hard drive diagnostics through the bios. after doing so windows would hang at the loading the background screen.did a restart and pressed F8 and selected last known good configuration. computer started up fine. restarted it and let it boot normally and hung at the same place it did before.did this several times and will only start completely when selecting last known good configuration. decided to go a system restore to two days ago when computer was starting up fine and it hung at the same screen. again did last known good configuration and it started up fine.obviously dont want to have to press F8 and select last known good configuration every time I start machine.

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Dump Computer Completely Start Over

Jul 7, 2010

I have an e machine model W3502 and it runs windows xp. I have a major Worm on my desktop computer. Its even to the point my screen is green. I just want to dump the entire thing and start over. I don't have any of the CD's for the computer. I tried a system restore and it didnt work. So i am to the point i just want to get rid of everything and whipe it clean. i can redownload all the drivers from the web site so i am not worried about that part.

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Restored A Computer Not Working Completely

Jan 21, 2008

IBM computer and she used my recovery disc to restore her computer to the factory settings. I have a lenovo so the disc reset the computer but didn't work completely. It will load but it stops at a black screen and says "We're sorry but Windows did not load successfully."

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Completely Lost Microsoft Office S

Dec 12, 2005

A few months ago, after a long night out, I came home and got online.I'm not quite sure what happened, but I woke up, and I had lost all my Office applications. Every single one. Now I'm guessing I deleted it. No, Im not sure why either.My pc is second hand, and did not come with a boot disk. Also, I have litterally no money to sort this problem out.So I'm just wondering, if there is a way I would be able to get it back, for free. I tried restoring it too, but I can't restore it back to the date I lost it. I kinda wish I had sorted this out sooner. Then I could of restored it.

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Completely Removing Internet Explorer

Jun 26, 2007

I've already disabled access to it, and removed it using the add/remove windows components functions, but IE is still used in Windows Update (I'm told) and Hotmail (I've seen), also in pop-ups from adware, but that isn't much of a problem for me because I don't get adware.Anyways, seeing as I have no desire to ever have windows update run on my computer at any point in time, and I would rather hotmail use my default browser (firefox) to open sites, is there any way to further remove IE beyond what I have done?

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