Completely Delete AOL Spyware From The System?

Jun 19, 2006

AOL internet connection comes with my DELL computer. I don't use AOL so I uninstall AOL and all relating AOL software. However this AOL spyware keep poping up & scanning.

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Completely Delete Everything On Hard Drive

Dec 1, 2006

i have a brand new computer from crappy MDG and they have alot of stuff that i cant seem to uninstall or remove and id like to change the opperating system. to be honest i would like to just completely remove xp from the hard drive without having to reformat, i just want a clean hard drive so i can do a completely fresh install of windows xp, is this possible?

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Ctrl Alt Delete Gives Completely New Screen

Jun 28, 2006

I recently re installed my OS. Before, when i pressed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, it gave me a completely new screen, where I would have choices like log off, change password, etc. However, now i just get the task manager when i press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. I remember seeing an option to change this somewhere, but i cannot recall from my memory.

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How Can You Completely Delete Live OneCare Service?

Dec 28, 2008

I have been unable to completely delet Windows Live OneCare Service in Windows XP. I have gone through the control panel to delete the program but it never completes. Is there a way to completely delete the program

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Completely Delete Microsoft Office Excel 2003 From Pc

Jul 12, 2007

For some reason i get an error when downloading a game and people say that deleting Microsoft Office Excel 2003 worked for them. So i went to delete it in the Add/Remove programs but i couldn't find it. Can anyone help me delete this. I want to completely remove it from my PC.

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How To Delete Spyware

Oct 7, 2005

i wasnt sure what this file is. Could someone tell me if its ok to Delete these through spyware doctor? the is an adware I think but the common files/swf studio seem legit and the aol accdef.exe seems legit but spyware doctor says its bad.

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Unable To Delete Spyware And Possible Virus

Dec 31, 2004

I have attached my log from AdAware showing the files that I can't delete.Also, here is my HiJack Log. Computer is acting weird, the taskbar will not hold it's settings (keeps turning off the quick launch) and occasionally the screen will just show the background, not files and I have to restart the computer.

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Virus/Spyware - Cant Delete - Alters Wallpaper

Jun 18, 2005

Recently got a piece of spyware called SpySHeriff. The program installed on my PC claiming to be a spyware fix program (i did not allow the install) i could not remove the program for a while but after looking through help topics on the net i found a registry to delete and fix the problem. Another thing that happened was that my wallapaper changed to this message : SYSTEM STOPPED system has been stopped due to serius malfunction. Spyware activity has been detected. It is recommended you use a spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer until all spyware has been removed.

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System Will Not Boot Up Completely.

May 3, 2005

I have had trouble recently with a worm on my windows-2000 server, I spent a few hours getting rid of the little blighter, however I now have a machine that will not boot up completely.
Being paranoid I have my c partition set as Fat32 and dual-boot so I can boot onto the drive under windows-98 and poke about a bit.
What happens is the machine comes up as normal and gets to the "Preparing network connections" - then it just stops there, I've tried safe mode but that's just the same. I've had a look through microsoft's website and checked a couple of manuals to no avail. I get an error message about the application log being full and if this is the first time you've seen it etc etc and also "some services did not start" so things are coming up in the background but I cannot log onto the console.

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5 To 10 Minutes Starting System - Pc Completely Shut Off

Apr 13, 2006

I havent a clue what the problem can be. I went downstairs for 5-10 minutes after recently starting up my pc came back to the pc completely shut off. It seems to do it either sporadically when im away from it or using it for long periods of time. I recently installed a brand new power supply Ultra 400 watts ATX power supply. It seems to be getting worse with time. Im currently running disk defragmenter hoping this issue can be resolved soon. I have a bad feeling it may be my motherboard

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Full System Scan - AVG Spyware

May 18, 2007

I just performed a full system scan on my computer using AVG Spyware. The process (doing nothing else and having no other programs running) took 35 minutes and scanned 245,000 + "objects". My question is simple, and may leave me looking foolish, but I have to it "normal" for a computer used by only 2 people for only 3 months to have that many "objects"?

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About Spyware - Reinstalled Operating System

Aug 18, 2007

i reinsatlled windows 2000 an i need to know whats the best freeware for to remove spyware malware

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System Is Infected By Spyware/Adware

Aug 31, 2005

I had a message that my PC is infected by Spyware/adware this morning and it took me to to install something to disinfect my PC. is it OK to use this or should I use something else?

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Spyware Removal - Spyware Prevention, SpywareBlaster

Sep 6, 2003

There are two excellent spyware removal apps available and they are both FREE so there is no reason to not use them regularly. The two best apps there are for removing spyware are SpyBot Search & Destroy and Ad Aware. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU USE BOTH OF THESE APPS SINCE ONE FINDS WHAT THE OTHER MISSES AND VICE VERSA, YOU ARE NOT SAFE USING JUST ONE OF THEM. There is one other app that I HIGHLY recommend is for spyware prevention, SpywareBlaster. This app sets certain registry entries that prevent spyware from ever installing, it DOES NOT run in the background using any resources, you just set it and forget it. Once you have installed these three MUST HAVE apps you then need to update them and keep them up to date. I would recommend checking for updates weekly, it’s just like your antivirus app, you need to stay protected from the latest spyware out there. To update SpyBot just open the app from your start menu (use the advanced mode option) and select “search for updates” it will then show you what updates are available for download, always install all the updates. Another feature that SpyBot has is called “Immunize”, you will see an icon for it. Select the icon and under “Permanent Internet Explorer Immunity” select “Immunize” this works in the same way as SpywareBlaster in blocking new spyware. It also gives you the option of locking your hosts file against hijackers, I highly recommend using this option as well. To update Ad Aware just open it and select “Check for updates now”. For SpywareBlaster it is mostly the same, open it up and select “Check for updates” once you update this you then must select “select all” and then “Protect against checked items” so that the updates you just did take effect. Anything these apps find is spyware and should be removed, if you choose not to remove what is found then you have no one to blame if your pc crashes due to spyware or your privacy is invaded (including these companies stealing your credit card number and identity

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Internet Spyware / Get Warning Message About Spyware

Jan 14, 2006

I'm experienceing problems running the internet. Each time I try connecting tho the Net, despite changing the default homepage which has been changed to c:secure32.html I get a warning message about spyware I have also run Spybot Search and Destroy and the Lavasoft Ad-ware and removed all of the critical objects.

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Pc Infected - Anti-spyware-Spyware Doctor

Oct 2, 2006

My PC is infected with some bad stuff and I'm not sure what to do. So far I have tried to run Spybot S&D, Registry mechanic, ewido anti-spyware, Spyware Doctor and SpywareBlaster all of these programs seize when carrying out a scan and I have no option but to close the pc down with the power button. I am pretty much at a loss as what to do next and was hoping one of you kind souls could help me. I am running xp.

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System Extreamly Slow Since A Spyware Infection

Nov 18, 2007

My Dell Latitude Laptop 400Mhz 128MB ram 100GB HD has been really slow ever sence a spyware infection (witch has been cleaned). Windows 2000 takes 2 minutes just to get pass Preparing Network Connections on startup and once windows is started it can take a long time to start up programs.

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Unable To Uninstall Spyware Programs From The System?

Jul 8, 2008

I am having terrible time getting rid of things on my computer.I have windows XP home, and have the following spyware and virus protection programs: Avira Antivir Personal, Comodo Firewall Pro, Spybot Search & Destroy The first time I ran them they picked a up a little here and there. But its very obvious the spyware is still there.

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No Virus Or Spyware - Still Operating System Getting Slow

Nov 4, 2008

what do you do if you run say: kaspersky internet security pro 2009 and it doesnt find spyware or a virus...but the machine is still running slow.its got 1GB ram,dual core is this right?1 run a defrag 2 run a windows repair

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System Running Very Slow: Installed Spyware Removers?

Jan 30, 2007

System running very slow. Have run spyware removers, etc. Windows XP, running AVG Antivirus and ZoneLabs Firewall.

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Adware & Spyware Alert Message In System Tray?

Mar 27, 2007

I recently started getting an icon that flashes in my system tray warning me about adware and spyware activity going on in my system. I emmediately purchased NORTON INTERNET SECURITY to help solve the problem. After installing and scanning the whole system and removing whatever threats norton thought there was, the icon still remains. It still flashes in my system tray.

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Found No Spyware Or Infection But System Running Slow?

Nov 12, 2008

computer is running Very Very slowly. I have reformated and done a spyware and virus scan.MIcrosoft Windows XP Home and a Broadband connection

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Spyware Turning Off The Computer While Running System Scan?

Jul 21, 2009

When I run a scan with Super antispyware on windows xp my system tuns off. I hear some beeps before it dies. The system runs fine if I don't run the scan. I ran the scan in safe mode and the same thing happened.

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Keep Clean Operating System For Viruses/Malware/Spyware

Jun 12, 2006

I currently run PC-Cillin anti virus, and have Ad-Aware SE, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and SpywareBlaster to help keep my PC clean. I would like some suggestions on other programs that you might recommend, or if these would suffice to keep my PC clear of viruses, malware, and spyware.I would also like to know if anyone has any information about Registry Mechanic. Specifically if it is worth while in any way, as it was recommended to my by a friend.

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Spyware Anti Virus Showed Up No Viruses - System Still Slow

Aug 1, 2008

I tried to start it up and it takes forever to load. It takes a couple of minutes to open any of the icons on the desktop too (Mozilla, Word). I tried to clean up as best I could. I ran some spyware programs and antivirus and nothing too much showed up -- no viruses. It takes so long to run these programs that I go off and do other stuff and come back hours later and the scans are still running! Is there anything that you can recommend to get the laptop running as it should?

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ActiveX Virus/spyware Infecting System And Keyboard Wont Work?

May 13, 2008

I was about to download the ActiveX to make some video stream work online, but turned out it's a big virus. Now, whenever I want to open any folder, I get this > My NOD32 is not telling me I have a virus, and Spybot is deleting spywares, but this is still in my laptop. I have a Windows XP by the way. Also, about two or three days ago, something really weird has been happening to my keyboard.

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System Restore - Malware Problems - Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner Spyware Blaster

Jul 8, 2006

A friend of mine has been having malware problems, and I want to shut down system restore and run Ewido in safe mode. My question is, when I shut down system restore, and then turn it back on when I'm done, does it kill all restore points? Will that be a problem? Can't I just create a new one if needed? And last, won't new ones be created automatically over time? I've never done this,so I would like to be sure before I do.I probably need to stay away from this before I make a bad situation worse. She does have Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner,and Spyware Blaster. The problem is, she doesn't update or run them.I updated everything she had and ran them and everything is much better, but still a little bit slow. I thought maybe running Ewido in safe mode might get some that might be hiding in system restore. Would like to know if this is safe to do Thanks......Maggie

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The "Spyware Infection" Background: Causes System Crash?

Mar 4, 2006

Got that lame "Spyware Infection" background, and y'know, I'm one of those people who won't really fix anything unless it causes a system crash or something drastic like that. But, since nowadays I'm lookin to change that (me? keep a maintenance sched? I think heck just froze over...), I'm gonna try and see if I can get it all fixed up.

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Formatting MY HD Completely

Mar 8, 2006

My pc is running a bit slow lately, got lots of stuff, too much on it.So I'd like to restore my pc back to factory settings. I have around 110 gig of stuff and I don't want to lose it. So I bought a firewire drive to back it all up on. My plan is, transfer all my data to the external hd. Then formatting my hd completley and rebooting as new, then transferring my needed data abck on to my pc.

I've never formatted before so not to sure how. My main worry is the pc not restarting. I have a start up cd that came with my pc but i have no windows xp cd it came pre installed.

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Run Command Completely Gone

Nov 16, 2006

I was cleaning virus and spyware from a friends computer, and when all was done, the Run command is now missing not only from the Start menu, but also from the Advance Properties to be able to turn it on and off. I noticed in the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellNoRoamMUICache, the key for Run Command was missing, so I created it ("@shell32.dll,-30483"="Run command" REG_SZ)hoping that would solve it, but still it is missing. I re-ran XP SP2, no luck. I installed the free version of Registry Mechanic, but that didn't fix it (though there were things only the full version would fix). I found a reference to this on the site for Prevx1 saying this occurs when McAfee (which was used) only fixes a particular virus half-way, and that Prevx1 would fix it completely. It didn't.

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Cant Receive My Emails Completely

May 5, 2010

I use Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 SP3.

It has been my experience that, out of the dozen or so Junk e-mails that I receive every day in my Outlook Inbox on my computer, there are usually one or two that are actually not Junk at all, and those I have to identify as "Add Sender to Safe Sender's List" and re-route to my Inbox. It is for this reason that it is very important that all my e-mails are downloaded from the server to my computer - including the ones identified by the software as "Junk" - because the software obviously is not perfect.

A few weeks ago I noticed that I was not receiving my usual quantity of about a dozen Junk e-mails per day. I did not think too much about it at the time, because, although some days I did not receive any Junk e-mails at all, other days I might receive one or even two

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