Streaming Media Not Working Off Line

Jun 20, 2005

I posted a question on 6/18 regarding my streaming media not working off the intrenet, this person "dev" answered with a list of specific questions which I subsiquently tried to answer. Then dev never came back with anykind of an reply.

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Way To Run Media Player In Single Line Command

Dec 6, 2006

I'm writing a C++ program that plays an mp3 playlist via the command line.Is there a way to run media player in a single line command if you're in a different directory than media player is located? Media player is located in "C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe".Say I was in the directory C:Documents And Settings (or any other directory but the wmplayer one..)Is there a way to run media player in a single command if i'm not in C:Program FilesWindows Media Player? When I try windows yells at me because of the space in "Program Files". Obviously I could change to the directory first, and then type wmplayer.exe, but I want to be able to do it without actually changing to the directory wmplayer.exe is in.

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Media Player / JavaScript In IE Not Working

Aug 24, 2006

My Windows media player is not working. The online video is also not working. It's showing "cannot create directshow player". Also there is problem with my internet explorer. The Javascript is not working IE. The javascript option is enabled in internet options. On Experts advise from forums I tried registering javscript dll but it fails to register. I think due to some related problem with this the the texts typing in Yahoo mesenger is also not visible.

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Media Player Not Working Properly

Mar 23, 2009

I have problem with my videos. They are stored on my external hard drive and when i open the file where they are located windows says it needs to close the program. I never had a problem playing them in wmp before and i have restored my computer to an earlier date with the same results. I also have tried different media players and the only one that seems to play or view any videos is vlc. Most of the videos are avi but there are some mpg4. I'm also not able to burn dvd's.

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Lost Command Line -- Line With Site Addresses WinXP

Dec 28, 2006

Somehow the line that you put web sites -- after the http --has disappeared. I'm sure that there's a simple way to get it back but I'm new to WIN XP.

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Windows Media Player Is Not Working / Drivers Are Not There To Play

Mar 10, 2005

i have one question my media plyer is not working they say the drivers are not there to play where cdan i find the drivers to download and install.

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Start Menu Items Not Working - Media Player

Jul 13, 2005

this is so weird. whenever i try and click a program on my start menuand/or quick launch they don't load. say i click 'windows mediaplayer'. i click it, nothing happens. to get into it i have to rightmouse click 'open'. it's very, very annoying. i need help, please. theonly application that will open the normal way is internet explorer.

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Printer Reads Off-line / Won't Go On-line

Dec 10, 2006

I was printing some music and had to change my settings.After cancelling the printer, I tried to print with new settings,But the printer won't print because it says Off-line.I've tried right clicking the printer icon to put it On-line,But it continues to say off-line.How can i get it back on-line and printing again?

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Take Off The Off Line Message / Put Printer On Line

Jun 3, 2010

My printer says off line and when I open Run Administator there is no option to put it on line. The option is off line which it is already.

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Streaming No Video Only Sound

Mar 10, 2006

When I try to watch streaming video on IE, all i get is sound. No video. I have WMP 10 and I cant seem to get it to work. It does sometimes, but most the time it doesn't.

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No Sound Streaming Video In XPS 200

Sep 15, 2010

i have a windows xps 200 desktop that was purchased in 2005. it had not been connected to the internet for a little over a year and, recently, when i got an internet connection i discovered that i could not get any sound streaming videos using,, or any other video site.i can still get sound using itunes and even in games that use the internet to connect with other players.i have checked my drivers and all of them are functioning properly, have uninstalled my sigmatel audio codec driver and reinstalled it, and have installed all the updates my computer requested in addition to driver updates the windows site recommended for my system. in short, i have done everything i can think of and have spent hours troubles hooting and looking for answers.

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Streaming Video - Get A BSOD

Jul 11, 2010

Ok. So I am streaming video and just doing my usual when suddenly my screen does a quick flicker and the video stops running,I try reloading the page and then I get a BSOD. I was guessing it was a video card issue but everything else runs just fine,my drivers are updated to the newest version all I can do is scratch my head and ponder. Like I said this only happens when I am streaming video. Never had this problem before. Had this box for over a year and this is the first issue I had with it. PC specs.AMD 3500+ 2.2 ghz Nvidia 8400 GS,PCI.1.5 GB of ramSoundmax intergrated sound card Here is my Minidump I got from "Blue Screen View

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Creating Recovery CD For - Automatic Streaming

Nov 5, 2007

As per advice received here, I would like to create a Recovery CD including SP2 and all more recent updates received from Microsoft. However, it appears that you may not be able to do so unless you have an XP Operating System CD. Most computers come without such a creature unfortunately and neither of my systems have them.
Is it possible to create such a Recovery disk using the OS Recovery CD which came with my Compaq/HP laptop?Or else, is it possible to copy just the SP2 plus all other Microsoft downloads without having to manually execute each and every file?

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Video Streaming - Constantly Buffering

Sep 20, 2010

I have a problem viewing videos as the first time in viewing, it is . It's extremely frustrating.

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Streaming Video Choppy Playback, Older CPU To Blame?

Jul 3, 2010

any hulu/Internet/etc. streaming content type videos, even on the lowest hd setting (288p, for ex.) just ends up being choppy, worst in full screen. here are my specs:

amd athlon xp 2600+ cpu
1.0 gig of ram
pny geforce fx5200 256 mb pci graphics card
windows xp home ed. w/sp3
160 gb hd

an older computer with an older processor, and if anything, it's probably the cpu that is preventing me from having normal playback with streaming content. i had a laptop with a core duo processor that worked fine with this type of video, but i fried it so i am stuck with this for now. haven't used this pc in a few years so now i am noticing it's limitations as far as this stuff goes. if anyone has had any luck with an older machine getting relatively normal playback with these streams. i have tried reducing hardware acceleration, drivers are fully updated for graphics card, hard drive is formatted so no viri are causing this, reinstalling flash, changing settings on monitor, and playback is the same.

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Increase Size Of Buffer For Downloading Streaming Movies

Apr 5, 2009

how do i do it without upgrading my broadband subscription bandwidth/speed currently at 256k download? i watch streaming movies from netflix which currently re-buffers about every 15 minutes and takes about 8 minutes to buffer the next segment before resuming movie play.

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Low Memory Bubble Message And It Stopping All Streaming Stuff

Jul 30, 2007

I have a Windows XP Home Edition every time i start the pc it says: Error loading :WindowsSystem32cafcleac.dll which I promptly just ignore. My hard drive is only 5 gigabytes big so it gets full quite fast. I used to be okay with it but now I can't watch any streaming stuff without a low memory bubble message and it stopping all streaming stuff. I fluctuate between 170 to 0 mb of memory space. I tried to run the thing to clean up more space but it just stays stuck on two green bars indefinitely and errors out. I tried to uninstall some software on add/remove programs but there are no "uninstall" buttons on most of my stuff. The best I can do is erase cookies which is annoying at best since it only opens up about 5 mb.

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Video Streaming - JavaScript Turned Off Or Old Version Of Adobe's Flash Player

Dec 4, 2007

having a problem with my computer. when i visit to watch videos, sometimes i get a message that says this: "hello, you either have javascript turned off or an old version of adobe's flash player. get the latest flash player." the video does not play. however, other videos load up just fine. the same thing happens on myspace videos. also, if i go to websites that have flash based games, they work just fine. what could be going on here? i am running windows xp.

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Windows Media Player And Windows Update Not Working

May 22, 2007

i tried to install media player but it said i needed the update rollup 2 so i tried to install that but it failed and no updates are working they all fail. Someone told me to uninstall some updates and reinstall them but i cant find them. any ideas?

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Media Player Does Not Recognize Music And Video As Media Files

Sep 18, 2007

Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.

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Windows Media Player Not Playing Media

Dec 19, 2004

each time i try and error message appears: "gdiplus.dll is missing".what can i do to fix the problem? iv already tried downloading the software from the microsoft website but the same message came up.iv also searched my pc for the gdipus.dll file and loads come up!

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Media Edition 2005 Media Centre

Aug 1, 2008

Since installing SP3 my media centre will not open although the rest of XP runs fine. I get a report 'Strong name validation failed for assembly 'C:Windowsehomeehshell.exe. The file may have been tampered with or it was partially signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.I have the original installation disk from Dell, but it won't recognise the key that came with the pc to re install it. Is there any way I can repair the file in question. I have tried uninstalling sp3, and using the recovery program, but nothing is working to make it work again.

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Automatic Run Media File In Media Player

Jan 23, 2005

I get this every time I try to open a media file even when I click "always use selected program" This just started happening a few days ago after I ran a bunch of registry cleaners.

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Scrolling Pixel By Pixel Rather Than Line By Line

Jan 12, 2009

I have a logitech mouse that has a smooth scrolling wheel no ratcheting. I wonder if it was possible to set up scrolling to scroll pixel by pixel rather than line by line.

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Play Media Center TV Recordings On Computers Without Media Center?

Feb 23, 2009

I was just wondering is it possible to play media center TV recordings on computers without media center? And if so, how?

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Going Off And On Line

Sep 10, 2008

Is there an easy way for me to go off and on line with my Windows XP?

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No Line-in

Sep 15, 2009

I own a Dell M1710 XPS laptop with a SigmaTel High Definition Audio CODEC card that was shipped with Vista Home Premium installed on it. I had this same problem already while Vista was my OS and actually managed to find a work-around to solve the problem;however it caused more. The mini sub-woofer stopped working and there was a noticeable decrease in sound quality. And at times sound stopped emitting altogether.due to complications with Vista, I was forced to reformat my computer.I have noticed a great increase in FPS in all my games and overall snappy-ness navigating through windows. my Line-In option is shown in all sound applications, but it does not work. I wanted to record videos of my games, and it works (Finally!!!) But no sound.

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Command Line For RDC

Aug 11, 2005

Does the "remote desktop client" have a command line option?

I run 2 RDC sessions from my WIN 2000 PC and I would liek to create 2 shortcuts which load the RDP settings with userand passwords.

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Line Under Taskbar

Jan 17, 2007

I didn't make a wise decision. I used a clean up program called ET Remover and it was going to remove something from the registry. But when it tried to, it didn't work saying that it was being used by another program. So I went into the registry and took it out. Dumb.I'm not completely sure if that's why I have this problem, but it seems like a likely candidate. Under my taskbar there is a line which is not supposed to be there. I took a picture of it with my camera because it wouldn't show up in print screen. Made it red so it was easy to see in the picture. It has a shaking like effect. If I open a window of something and move it around I can see it moving in the bottom space. I also have a program called windows blinds, but I dont think that's the problem. It's not the monitor either. I ran a symantec scan, but I really doubt that could be it. I also tried a system restore to no avial.

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Printing On With My Fax When Not On Line?

Aug 28, 2005

How do I keep my printing on with my Fax when I'll not on line..?Will this work without, being on line?

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Dos Command Line

Jan 9, 2009

Just built up a new computer. Installed Windows XP Home SP3. Installed fine but couldn't get online. Found out I needed to install the drivers from the motherboard install disk. It installs the drivers but then it has to reboot to finish. When it reboots it goes to a command line promt to make a raid disk. Problem is that I don't have a floppy disk drive in the computer. (Come on, I didn't think ppl even used em anymore.) If I try to take the CD out and run windows, It gets to the XP load up screen then restarts. Unless I run it in safe mode. My question is this:Is there a command i can use in that prompt to save the Raid Disk info to another drive or port. Like a USB port or External Floppy Drive?

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